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We derived the velocity and attenuation of a generalized Stoneley wave being a symmetric trapped mode of a layer filled with a Newtonian fluid and embedded into either a poroelastic or a purely elastic rock. The dispersion relation corresponding to a linearized Navier–Stokes equation in a fracture coupling to either Biot or elasticity equations in the rock via proper boundary conditions was rigorously derived. A cubic equation for wavenumber was found that provides a rather precise analytical approximation of the full dispersion relation, in the frequency range of 10?3 Hz to 103 Hz and for layer width of less than 10 cm and fluid viscosity below 0.1 Pa· s [100 cP]. We compared our results to earlier results addressing viscous fluid in either porous rocks with a rigid matrix or in a purely elastic rock, and our formulae are found to better match the numerical solution, especially regarding attenuation. The computed attenuation was used to demonstrate detectability of fracture tip reflections at wellbore, for a range of fracture lengths and apertures, pulse frequencies, and fluid viscosity.  相似文献   
The article dwells on the problems associated with the development of oil and gas Arctic region of Russia. It also suggests possibilities of their solution based on sociological studies conducted by the authors of representative samples in 2005, 2010 and 2015. Stressing the role and significance of sociological research in the general problem of the circumpolar regions by scientific study, the authors show the need for a sociological diagnosis in the context of different social groups. By doing so, characteristics of social problems inherent to the arctic region and requirements for scientific support of possible technologies is identified.  相似文献   
We investigate the origin and evolution of fossil groups in a concordance ΛCDM cosmological simulation. We consider haloes with masses between  1 × 1013  and  5 × 1013  h −1 M  , and study the physical mechanisms that lead to the formation of the large gap in magnitude between the brightest and the second most bright group member, which is typical for these fossil systems. Fossil groups are found to have high dark matter concentrations, which we can relate to their early formation time. The large magnitude gaps arise after the groups have built up half of their final mass, due to merging of massive group members. We show that the existence of fossil systems is primarily driven by the relatively early infall of massive satellites, and that we do not find a strong environmental dependence for these systems. In addition, we find tentative evidence for fossil group satellites falling in on orbits with typically lower angular momentum, which might lead to a more efficient merger on to the host. We find a population of groups at higher redshifts that go through a 'fossil phase': a stage where they show a large magnitude gap, which is terminated by renewed infall from their environment.  相似文献   
Lithospheric stress in Mongolia has been studied using mechanisms of 84 M_(LH)≥ 4 earthquakes that occurred in the 20 th century and instrumental seismic moments of 17,375 M_(LH)≥2.5 events recorded between 1970 and 2000.The M_(LH)≥ 3.5 earthquakes mostly have strike-slip mechanisms in southern and central Mongolia,with frequent reverse-slip motions in the west and normal slip in the north,especially,in the area of Lake Hovsgol.The principal stresses are,respectively,S_HS_vS_h in the center and in the south;high horizontal compression with S_HS_hS_v in the west;and a heterogeneous stress pattern with S_vS_HS_h in the north.According to seismic moments of M_(LH)=2.5 events,oblique slip generally predominates over the territory,at S_v≈S_HS_h,while frequent strike slip motions in the west record high horizontal compression(S_HS_vS_h).Earthquake mechanisms show the principal horizontal compression S_H to be directed W-E in the east,NE-SW in the central and Gobi-Altay regions,and approximately N-S in the west of Mongolia.The patterns of principal lithospheric stresses in the territory of Mongolia have undergone three events of dramatic change for a few recent decades,and these events were synchronous with three similar events in the Baikal rift system(BRS):in the latest 1960 s,latest 1970 s to earliest 1980 s,and in the latest 1980 s to earliest 1990 s.The seismicity of Mongolia has been controlled by superposition of variable stresses associated with rifting activity pulses in the neighbor BRS on the background of quasi-stationary super-regional compression.  相似文献   
The development of the failure process in complex macrosystems using large rock samples subjected to biaxial compression has been studied by means of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and acoustic emission (AE). In order to increase the stage of macrofailure development, a special procedure of rock loading was used to reveal regularities of nucleation and evolution of electromagnetic and acoustic structures. The synchronised measurements of EMR and AE allowed the control of the stress–strain state in the rocks and the structural developments of fracturing. Non-homogeneous distribution of the rock spatial crystalline structure subject to load leads to a mosaic distribution of EMR and AE characteristics. As a result, the crack scale effect may be observed in the EMR and AE structure behaviours. The EMR and AE following the failure at different levels behave differently according to the difference in the scale and type of cracks. Intense high-frequency EMR pulses were recorded during the initial stage of microcrack generation occurring prior to major failure of material. This was not the case for AE. The nucleation and development of the macroscopic progressive failure evolution caused an alternation in energetic and frequencial properties of electromagnetic and acoustic events. It has been detected that the tensile cracks were more efficient than shear cracks in capacity of EMR generation. The analysis of self potentials allowed reaching the maximum of registered anomalous variations in the stage of microcracking interaction. This stage showed an increase in the EMR activity, which implies the nucleation of microcracks in various regions of rock interfaces. The gradual accumulation of these defects led to weakening some parts of the rock along with a disintegration of electric anomalies, increase of AE and a significant fluctuation in the rate of EMR. When crack concentration attains its critical value, which results in the formation of dangerous macroscopic failure of higher level, AE shows an intense activity as well as an EMR lower frequency. The hierarchical development of rock failure using the ratio of the average crack size and the mean distance between cracks as a statistical concentration criterion is used to control the boundary of the transition from small dispersed cracks accumulation to gradual crack merger and the formation of the main macrofailure. These results could be transferred into larger scale levels to forecast dynamic events in the earth crust.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance sounding applied to aquifer characterization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) is distinguished from other geophysical tools used for ground water investigation by the fact that it measures a magnetic resonance signal generated directly from subsurface water molecules. An alternating current pulse energizes a wire loop on the ground surface and the MRS signal is generated; subsurface water is indicated, with a high degree of reliability, by nonzero amplitude readings. Measurements with varied pulse magnitudes then reveal the depth and thickness of water saturated layers. The hydraulic conductivity of aquifers can also be estimated using boreholes for calibration. MRS can be used for both predicting the yield of water supply wells and for interpolation between boreholes, thereby reducing the number of holes required for hydrogeological modeling. An example of the practical application of MRS combined with two-dimensional electrical imaging, in the Kerbernez and Kerien catchments area of France, demonstrates the efficiency of the technique.  相似文献   
With the objective of investigating the windwind collision phenomenon and supporting contemporaneous X-ray observations, we have organized a large-scale, coordinated optical monitoring campaign of the massive, highly eccentric O9 III+B1 III binary Iota Orionis. Successfully separating the spectra of the components, we refine the orbital elements and confirm the rapid apsidal motion in the system. We also see strong interaction between the components during periastron passage and detect phase-locked variability in the spectrum of the secondary star. However, we find no unambiguous signs of the bow shock crashing on the surface of the secondary, despite the predictions of hydrodynamic simulations. Combining all available photometric data, we find rapid, phase-locked variations and model them numerically, thus restricting the orbital inclination to 50° i 70°.  相似文献   
The 8-10 May 1997 eruption of Bezymianny volcano began with extrusion of a crystallized plug from the vent in the upper part of the dome. Progressive gravitational collapses of the plug caused decompression of highly crystalline magma in the upper conduit, leading at 13:12 local time on 9 May to a powerful, vertical Vulcanian explosion. The dense pyroclastic mixture collapsed in boil-over style to generate a pyroclastic surge which was focused toward the southeast by the steep-walled, 1956 horseshoe-shaped crater. This surge, with a temperature <200 °C, covered an elliptical area >30 km2 with deposits as much as 30 cm thick and extending 7 km from the vent. The surge deposits comprised massive to vaguely laminated, gravelly sand (Md -1.2 to 3.7J sorting 1.2 to 3J) of poorly vesiculated andesite (mean density 1.82 g cm-3; vesicularity 30 vol%; SiO2 content ~58.0 wt%). The deposits, with a volume of 5-15᎒6 m3, became finer grained and better sorted with distance; the maximal diameter of juvenile clasts decreased from 46 to 4 cm. The transport and deposition of the surge over a snowy landscape generated extensive lahars which traveled >30 km. Immediately following the surge, semi-vesiculated block-and-ash flows were emplaced as far as 4.7 km from the vent. Over time the juvenile lava in clasts of these flows became progressively less crystallized, apparently more silicic (59.0 to 59.9 wt% SiO2) and more vesiculated (density 1.64 to 1.12 g cm-3; vesicularity 37 to 57 vol%). At this stage the eruption showed transitional behavior, with mass divided between collapsing fountain and buoyant column. The youngest pumice-and-ash flows were accompanied by a sustained sub-Plinian eruption column ~14 km high, from which platy fallout clasts were deposited (~59.7% SiO2; density 1.09 g cm-3; vesicularity 58 vol%). The explosive activity lasted about 37 min and produced a total of ~0.026 km3 dense rock equivalent of magma, with an average discharge of ~1.2᎒4 m3 s-1. A lava flow ~200 m long terminated the eruption. The evolutionary succession of different eruptive styles during the explosive eruption was caused by vertical gradients in crystallization and volatile content of the conduit magma, which produced significant changes in the properties of the erupting mixture.  相似文献   
Summary. A technique is suggested for the non-linearized inversion of subsets of free oscillation periods which are short enough that their asymptotic properties may be exploited. The general background of the method for monotonic and non-monotonic velocity distributions are described and applications to torsional and spheroidal free oscillation data are suggested. The advantages of joint analysis of travel times and free oscillation periods as a single data stream for non-linearized inversion are discussed.  相似文献   
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