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Current glacier ablation models have difficulty simulating the high-melt transition zone between clean and debris-covered ice. In this zone, thin debris cover is thought to increase ablation compared to clean ice, but often this cover is patchy rather than continuous. There is a need to understand ablation and debris dynamics in this transition zone to improve the accuracy of ablation models and the predictions of future debris cover extent. To quantify the ablation of partially debris-covered ice (or ‘dirty ice’), a high-resolution, spatially continuous ablation map was created from repeat unmanned aerial systems surveys, corrected for glacier flow in a novel way using on-glacier ablation stakes. Surprisingly, ablation is similar (range ~ 5 mm w.e. per day) across a wide range of percentage debris covers (~ 30–80%) due to the opposing effects of a positive correlation between percentage debris cover and clast size, countered by a negative correlation with albedo. Once debris cover becomes continuous, ablation is significantly reduced (by 61.6% compared to a partial debris cover), and there is some evidence that the cleanest ice (<~ 15% debris cover) has a lower ablation than dirty ice (by 3.7%). High-resolution feature tracking of clast movement revealed a strong modal clast velocity where debris was continuous, indicating that debris moves by creep down moraine slopes, in turn promoting debris cover growth at the slope toe. However, not all slope margins gain debris due to the removal of clasts by supraglacial streams. Clast velocities in the dirty ice area were twice as fast as clasts within the continuously debris-covered area, as clasts moved by sliding off their boulder tables. These new quantitative insights into the interplay between debris cover characteristics and ablation can be used to improve the treatment of dirty ice in ablation models, in turn improving estimates of glacial meltwater production. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
Sedimentological, faunal, and archaeological investigations at the Sunshine Locality, Long Valley, Nevada reveal a history of human adaptation and environmental change at the last glacial–interglacial transition in North America's north-central Great Basin. The locality contains a suite of lacustrine, alluvial, and eolian deposits associated with fluvially reworked faunal remains and Paleoindian artifacts. Radiocarbon-dated stratigraphy indicates a history of receding pluvial lake levels followed by alluvial downcutting and subsequent valley filling with marsh-like conditions at the end of the Pleistocene. A period of alluvial deposition and shallow water tables (9,800 to 11,000 14C yr B.P.) correlates to the Younger Dryas. Subsequent drier conditions and reduced surface runoff mark the early Holocene; sand dunes replace wetlands by 8,000 14C yr B.P. The stratigraphy at Sunshine is similar to sites located 400 km south and supports regional climatic synchroneity in the central and southern Great Basin during the terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene. Given regional climate change and recurrent geomorphic settings comparable to Sunshine, we believe that there is a high potential for buried Paleoindian features in primary association with extinct fauna elsewhere in the region yet to be discovered due to limited stratigraphic exposure and consequent low visibility.  相似文献   
The principle of subsurface iron removal for drinking water supply is that aerated water is periodically injected into the aquifer through a tube well. On its way into the aquifer, the injected O2-rich water oxidizes adsorbed Fe2+, creating a subsurface oxidation zone. When groundwater abstraction is resumed, the soluble Fe2+ is adsorbed and water with reduced Fe concentrations is abstracted for multiple volumes of the injection water. In this article, Fe accumulation deposits in the aquifer near subsurface treatment wells were identified and characterized to assess the sustainability of subsurface iron removal regarding clogging of the aquifer and the potential co-accumulation of other groundwater constituents, such as As. Chemical extraction of soil samples, with Acid-Oxalate and HNO3, showed that Fe had accumulated at specific depths near subsurface iron removal wells after 12 years of operation. Whether it was due to preferred flow paths or geochemical mineralogy conditions; subsurface iron removal clearly favoured certain soil layers. The total Fe content increased between 11.5 and 390.8 mmol/kg ds in the affected soil layers, and the accumulated Fe was found to be 56-100% crystalline. These results suggest that precipitated amorphous Fe hydroxides have transformed to Fe hydroxides of higher crystallinity. These crystalline, compact Fe hydroxides have not noticeably clogged the investigated well and/or aquifer between 1996 and 2008. The subsurface iron removal wells even need less frequent rehabilitation, as drawdown increases more slowly than in normal production wells. Other groundwater constituents, such as Mn, As and Sr were found to co-accumulate with Fe. Acid extraction and ESEM-EDX showed that Ca occurred together with Fe and by X-ray Powder Diffraction it was identified as calcite.  相似文献   
We review the methodologies used to quantify climate feedbacks in coupled models. The method of radiative kernels is outlined and used to illustrate the dependence of lapse rate, water vapor, surface albedo, and cloud feedbacks on (1) the length of the time average used to define two projected climate states and (2) the time separation between the two climate states. Except for the shortwave component of water vapor feedback, all feedback processes exhibit significant high-frequency variations and intermodel variability of feedback strengths for sub-decadal time averages. It is also found that the uncertainty of lapse rate, water vapor, and cloud feedback decreases with the increase in the time separation. The results suggest that one can substantially reduce the uncertainty of cloud and other feedbacks with the accumulation of accurate, long-term records of satellite observations; however, several decades may be required.  相似文献   
Environmental factors that influence annual variability and spatial differences (within and between estuaries) in eelgrass meadows (Zostera marine L.) were examined within Willapa Bay, Washington, and Coos Bay, Oregon, over a period of 4 years (1998–2001). A suite of eelgrass metrics were recorded annually at field sites that spanned the estuarine gradient from the marine-dominated to mesohaline region of each estuary. Plant density (shoots m?2) of eelgrass was positively correlated with summer estuarine salinity and inversely correlated with water temperature gradients in the estuaries. Eelgrass density, biomass, and the incidence of flowering plants all increased substantially in Willapa Bay, and less so in Coos Bay, over the duration of the study. Warmer winters and cooler summers associated with the transition from El Niño to La Niña ocean conditions during the study period corresponded with this increase in eelgrass abundance and flowering. Large-scale changes in climate and nearshore ocean conditions may exert a strong regional influence on eelgrass abundance that can vary annually by as much as 700% in Willapa Bay. Lower levels of annual variability observed in Coos Bay may be due to the stronger and more direct influence of the nearshore Pacific Ocean on the Coos Bay study sites. The results suggest profound effects of climate variation on the abundance and flowering of eelgrass in Pacific Northwest coastal estuaries.  相似文献   
Abstract– Fragments of magnesian anorthositic granulite are found in the lunar highlands meteorites Allan Hills (ALH) A81005 and Dhofar (Dho) 309. Five analyzed clasts of meteoritic magnesian anorthositic granulite have Mg′ [molar Mg/(Mg + Fe)] = 81–87; FeO ≈ 5% wt; Al2O3 ≈ 22% wt; rare earth elements abundances ≈ 0.5–2 × CI (except Eu ≈ 10 × CI); and low Ni and Co in a non‐chondritic ratio. The clasts have nearly identical chemical compositions, even though their host meteorites formed at different places on the Moon. These magnesian anorthositic granulites are distinct from other highlands materials in their unique combination of mineral proportions, Mg′, REE abundances and patterns, Ti/Sm ratio, and Sc/Sm ratio. Their Mg′ is too high for a close relationship to ferroan anorthosites, or to have formed as flotation cumulates from the lunar magma ocean. Compositions of these magnesian anorthositic granulites cannot be modeled as mixtures of, or fractionates from, known lunar rocks. However, compositions of lunar highlands meteorites can be represented as mixtures of magnesian anorthositic granulite, ferroan anorthosite, mare basalt, and KREEP. Meteoritic magnesian anorthositic granulite is a good candidate for the magnesian highlands component inferred from Apollo highland impactites: magnesian, feldspathic, and REE‐poor. Bulk compositions of meteorite magnesian anorthositic granulites are comparable to those inferred for parts of the lunar farside (the Feldspathic Highlands Terrane): ~4.5 wt% FeO; ~28 wt% Al2O3; and Th <1 ppm. Thus, magnesian anorthositic granulite may be a widespread and abundant component of the lunar highlands.  相似文献   
Data obtained from Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isotopic measurements of lunar highlands’ samples are renormalized to common standard values and then used to define ages with a common isochron regression algorithm. The reliability of these ages is evaluated using five criteria that include whether: (1) the ages are defined by multiple isotopic systems, (2) the data demonstrate limited scatter outside uncertainty, (3) initial isotopic compositions are consistent with the petrogenesis of the samples, (4) the ages are defined by an isotopic system that is resistant to disturbance by impact metamorphism, and (5) the rare‐earth element abundances determined by isotope dilution of bulk of mineral fractions match those measured by in situ analyses. From this analysis, it is apparent that the oldest highlands’ rock ages are some of the least reliable, and that there is little support for crustal ages older than approximately 4.40 Ga. A model age for ur‐KREEP formation calculated using the most reliable Mg‐suite Sm‐Nd isotopic systematics, in conjunction with Sm‐Nd analyses of KREEP basalts, is 4389 ± 45 Ma. This age is a good match to the Lu‐Hf model age of 4353 ± 37 Ma determined using a subset of this sample suite, the average model age of 4353 ± 25 Ma determined on mare basalts with the 146Sm‐142Nd isotopic system, with a peak in Pb‐Pb ages observed in lunar zircons of approximately 4340 ± 20 Ma, and the oldest terrestrial zircon age of 4374 ± 6 Ma. The preponderance of ages between 4.34 and 4.37 Ga reflect either primordial solidification of a lunar magma ocean or a widespread secondary magmatic event on the lunar nearside. The first scenario is not consistent with the oldest ages reported for lunar zircons, whereas the second scenario does not account for concordance between ages of crustal rocks and mantle reservoirs.  相似文献   
Advances in earthquake data acquisition and processing techniques have allowed for improved quantification of source parameters for local Australian earthquakes. Until recently, only hypocentral locations and local magnitudes (ML) had been determined routinely, with little attention given to the inversion of additional source parameters. The present study uses these new source data (e.g. seismic moment, stress drop, source dimensions) to further extend our understanding of seismicity and the continental stress regime of the Australian landmass and its peripheral regions.

Earthquake activity within Australia is typically low, and the proportion of small to large events (i.e. the b value) is also low. It is observed that average stress drops for southeastern Australian earthquakes appear to increase with seismic moment to relatively high levels, up to approximately 10 MPa for ML 5.0 earthquakes. This is thought to be indicative of high compressive crustal stress, coupled with strong rocks and fault asperities. Furthermore, the data indicates that shallow focus earthquakes (shallower than 6 km) appear to produce lower than average stress drops than deeper earthquakes (between 6 and 20 km) with similar moment.

Recurrence estimates were obtained for a discrete seismogenic zone in southeastern Australia. Decreasing b values with increasing focal depth for this zone indicate that larger earthquakes (with high stress drops) tend to occur deeper in the crust. This may offer an explanation for the apparent increase of stress drop with hypocentral depth. Consequently, earthquake hazard estimates that assume a uniform Gutenburg–Richter distribution with depth (i.e. constant b value) may be too conservative and therefore slightly overestimate seismic hazard for surface sites in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is now widely used in diverse disciplines to estimate model parameters and update model states by integrating observed data. The EnKF is known to perform optimally only for multi-Gaussian distributed states and parameters. A new approach, the normal-score EnKF (NS-EnKF), has been recently proposed to handle complex aquifers with non-Gaussian distributed parameters. In this work, we aim at investigating the capacity of the NS-EnKF to identify patterns in the spatial distribution of the model parameters (hydraulic conductivities) by assimilating dynamic observations in the absence of direct measurements of the parameters themselves. In some situations, hydraulic conductivity measurements (hard data) may not be available, which requires the estimation of conductivities from indirect observations, such as piezometric heads. We show how the NS-EnKF is capable of retrieving the bimodal nature of a synthetic aquifer solely from piezometric head data. By comparison with a more standard implementation of the EnKF, the NS-EnKF gives better results with regard to histogram preservation, uncertainty assessment, and transport predictions.  相似文献   
The lunar meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 032 is a low-Ti basalt that has incompatible-element abundances and Th/Sm ratios characteristic of the involvement of late stage magma ocean crystallization products (urKREEP) in its petrogenesis. This sample is very fine-grained and contains terrestrial weather products. A progressive leaching procedure was therefore developed and applied to magnetic separates and whole rock fractions to obtain Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages. Although many of the leachates, as well as the unleached mineral and whole rock fractions contain terrestrial alteration products, selected residue fractions yield concordant Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages. Rubidium-Sr isotopic analyses yield an age of 2947 ± 16 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.700057 ± 17. These characteristics indicate NWA 032 is derived from a source region with an 87Rb/86Sr ratio of 0.044 ± 0.001. This value is higher than all but those determined for KREEP basalts, and suggests that NWA 032 is derived from a source region that has higher incompatible-element abundances than other low-Ti basalts. Samarium-neodymium isotopic analysis yield a concordant age of 2931 ± 92 Ma and an initial εNd of +9.71 ± 0.74 corresponding to a source region with 147Sm/144Nd ratio of 0.246 ± 0.004. The initial Nd isotopic composition stands in contrast to the initial Sr isotopic composition by requiring NWA 032 to be derived from a source with lower incompatible-element abundances than most low-Ti basalts. The source of NWA 032 is therefore unlike those of other lunar basalts.Modeling of magma ocean cumulate formation demonstrates that unlike other low-Ti basalt source regions the NWA 032 source is a mixture of olivine, pigeonite, and clinopyroxene bearing cumulates and only a small amount of urKREEP. Furthermore, unlike other mare basalt sources, the NWA 032 source does not contain appreciable quantities of plagioclase. Partial melting models demonstrate that the incompatible-element characteristics of the NWA 032 result from formation by smaller degrees of partial melting than other mare basalts. Thus, the incompatible-element geochemical signature that is observed in NWA 032 appears to reflect the combined effects of generation from an unusual plagioclase-free incompatible-element-depleted source region by very small degrees of partial melting. This study demonstrates that both the presence of urKREEP in the source region and small degrees of partial melting generate magmas with similar, but not identical, incompatible-element characteristics. In addition, it underscores the fact that there is significantly more geochemical diversity on the Moon than is represented by samples collected by the American and Soviet lunar missions.  相似文献   
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