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The amplitudes of digitization and processing noise in strong motion digital and analog accelerographs are discussed and compared with those for hand and automatic digitization. By finding the period bands for which the signal-to-noise ratio in recorded accelerograms is greater than one, the values for the pass-band cutoff periods for data processing are presented. The Empirical scalings for amplitudes in terms of: (1) earthquake magnitude and epicentral distance and, (2) Modified Mercalli Intensity at the recording site have been employed.  相似文献   
Summary The variances, or squared standard errors, of estimates of tidal harmonic constants from analyses of a month or a year of tide-gauge data are analysed in terms of spectral properties of their noise continuum, modelled as exponential cuspsE 1 superimposed on a smoothly monotonic non-tidal spectrumE 0. Taking 5 representative stations, each with 19 years of data,E 0 is evaluated from the inter-species noise levels, andE 1 from the ratio of the variances from monthly and yearly analyses. It is shown that the cusps surrounding the diurnal tides are dominated byE 0, whereas the more important semi-diurnal and higher species cusps are fitted by an exponential form forE 1 with bandwidth of a few cycles per year. The variance ratios (monthly: yearly analyses) for diurnal harmonics are somewhat greater than the value expected for white noise, partly because of residual tidal lines in the monthly analyses which cannot be related to the major constituents. The corresponding ratios for semi-diurnal and higher species harmonics are less than the white noise value, on account of the cusps. The standard errors of yearly estimates of the larger tidal constituents may be predicted as proportional to their mean amplitude, as a very rough guide, in the approximate ratio of 11 mm/m.Zusammenfassung Die Varianzen — oder Quadrate der Standardabweichungen — der Abschätzungen von harmonischen Gezeitenkonstanten aus Analysen monatlicher bzw. jährlicher Pegelbeobachtungsreihen werden nach den spektralen Eigenschaften ihres Rauschens analysiert. Dieses wird durch exponentielle SpitzenE 1, die einem glatten monotonen NichtgezeitenspektrumE 0 überlagert sind, dargestellt. Anhand 19 jähriger Beobachtungsreihen von 5 repräsentativen Stationen wirdE 0 aus dem Hintergrundrauschen ermittelt undE 1 aus dem Verhältnis der Varianzen aus monatlichen und jährlichen Analysen. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Spitzen im Bereich der eintägigen Tiden vonE 0 beherrscht werden, die wichtigeren Spitzen der halbtägigen Tiden und der Tiden höherer Ordnung werden dagegen durch einen exponentiellen Ausdruck fürE 1 mit einer Bandbreite von einigen Perioden pro Jahr angenähert. Die Verhältnisse der Varianzen (aus monatlichen zu jährlichen Analysen) für eintägige Harmonische sind etwas größer als der Wert, den man für weißes Rauschen erwarten würde, zum Teil deshalb, weil bei monatlichen Analysen nicht alle Tiden den Hauptkomponenten zugeordnet werden können. Die entsprechenden Verhältnisse für halbtägige und höhere Harmonische sind wegen der Spitzen kleiner als der Wert für weißes Rauschen. Die Standardabweichungen der jährlichen Abschätzungen größerer Gezeitenkomponenten können grob als proportional zu ihrer mittleren Amplitude geschätzt werden mit einem Verhältnis von etwa 11 mm/m.
Varianzen harmonischer Gezeitenkonstanten

Les variances des constantes harmoniques de marée
Résumé Les variances, ou carrés des écarts types, des estimations de constantes harmoniques de marée provenant d'analyses portant sur un mois ou une année de données marégraphiques sont analysées en terme de propriétés spectrales de leur continuum de bruit, modélisé comme des pics exponentielsE 1 superposés à un spectre ne provenant pas de la marée sensiblement monotoneE 0. Si l'on prend 5 stations représentatives, chacune comportant 19 années d'observations,E 0 est évalué par les niveaux de bruit inter-espèces, etE 1 par le rapport des variances provenant des analyses mensuelles et annuelles. On montre que les pics entourant les marées de type diurne sont dominés parE 0, alors que les pics plus importants de type semidiurne et d'espèces supérieures sont bien approximés par une forme exponentielle pourE 1 avec une largeur de bande de quelques cycles par an. Les rapports de variance (analyses mensuelles/annuelles) des harmoniques diurnes sont un peu plus grands que la valeur attendue pour le bruit blanc, partiellement à cause des composantes de marée résiduelles dans les analyses mensuelles qui ne peuvent pas être rattachées aux composantes majeures. En raison des pics, les rapports correspondants pour les harmoniques des espèces supérieures et semi-diurnes sont inférieures à la valeur du bruit blanc. Les écarts types des valeurs estimées annuelles des composantes principales de marée peuvent être définis grossièrement comme proportionnels à leur amplitude moyenne, en admettant un rapport de proportionnalité approximatif de 11 mm/m.
The concentrations of the radionuclides, 10Be, 230Th and 232Th have been measured in four gravity cores from the Pacific and one piston core from the Indian Ocean. Three of the Pacific Ocean cores were studied for the presence of magnetic reversals. Accumulation rates based on the nuclear and magnetic methods fall in the range of 1–6 mm/103 yr and except in one case, are in fair agreement with each other. This result leads to the conclusion that the constants used in the 10Be-dating equation are approximately correct (within + 30 per cent) and the usefulness of the cosmic ray produced nuclei 10Be for dating Pliocene and recent sediments seems to be established, considering the underlying assumptions in the Be10-dating method.  相似文献   
The role of forests is being actively considered under the agenda of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus) aimed at reducing emissions related to changes in forest cover and forest quality. Forests in general have undergone negative changes in the past in the form of deforestation and degradation, while in some countries positive changes are reported in the form of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stock. The present study in the Kashmir Himalayan forests is an effort to assess historical forest cover changes that took place from 1980 to 2009 and to predict the same for 2030 on the basis of past trend using geospatial modeling approach. Landsat data (Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+)) was used for the years 1980, 1990 and (2001, 2009) respectively and change detection analysis between the dates was performed. The maps generated were validated through ground truthing. The study area (3375.62 km2) from 1980-2009 has uffered deforestation and forest degradation of about 126 km2 and 139.02 km2 respectively which can be claimed under negative options of REDD+, while as the area that experienced no change (1514 km2) can be claimed under conservation. A small area (23.31 km2) observed as positive change can be claimed under positive options. The projected estimates of forest cover for 2030 showed increased deforestation and forest degradation on the basis of trend analysis using Cellular Automata (CA) Markov modeling. Despite the fact that country as a whole has registered a net positive change in the past few decades, but there are regions like Kashmir region of western Himalaya which have constantly undergoing deforestation as well as degradation in the past few decades.  相似文献   
Geochemical, mineralogical, and micromorphological characteristics of soils and their relevant parent rocks including loess, ignimbrite, sandstone and limestone were investigated to identify the soil-parent material uniformity and the weathering degree of soils in Golestan Province, northern Iran. Highly developed Calcixerolls and moderately developed Haploxerepts were formed on loess and limestone, respectively. In contrast, the soils formed on ignimbrite and sandstone were non-developed Entisols. Illite was the dominant clay mineral found in ignimbrite and sandstone in both the A horizon and parent material. In loess derived soils however, smectite was dominant especially in the Bt horizon compared to its parent material indicating partly to its pedogenic formation. In limestone, illite and vermiculite were dominant both in the A and C horizons. Ti/Zr ratio proved that the studied soils were closely related to their underlying parent materials geochemically. Chemical index of alteration (CIA), micromorphological index of soil development (MISECA), smectite/illite+chlorite ratio and magnetic susceptibility were applied to investigate the degree of soil development. Results showed that the most and the least developed soils were those formed on loess deposits and limestone, respectively. Application of the different geochemical and pedogenetic approaches was proved to be useful in identifying the relevance of soils to their underlying parent materials and also their degree of development.  相似文献   
A photogeologic study of Jebel Abu Nahl in the Bayouda Desert reveals that it is a Late Precambrian ring-complex, larger and more intricate than the three ring-complexes already known from the Northern Sudan. Like the latter, the Abu Nahl complex must have formed as a result of near-surface volcanic activities whereby extrusion of mainly acid lavas and tuffusites and the emplacement of high-level granites were accompanied by repeated subsidence of surface or near-surface blocks along arcuate ring-faults.  相似文献   

In this research, the Bayesian quantile regression model is applied to investigate the teleconnections between large oceanic–atmospheric indices and drought standardized precipitation index (SPI) in Iran. The 12-month SPI time series from 138 synoptic stations for 1952–2014 were selected as the drought index. Three oceanic–atmospheric indices, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the Multivariate El Niño/Southern Oscillation Index (MEI), were selected as covariates. The results show that NAO has the weakest impact on drought in different quantiles and different regions in Iran. La Niña conditions amplified droughts through all SPI quantiles in western, Caspian Sea coastal regions and southern regions. The positive phase of MEI significantly modulates low SPI quantiles (i.e. drought conditions) throughout the Zagros region, Caspian Sea coastal regions and southern regions. The study shows that the effect of large oceanic–atmospheric indices have heterogeneous impacts on extreme dry and wet conditions.  相似文献   
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