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Interactions between pairs of numerically dominant species collected at inlet and creek shorezone and channel habitats within a high salinity estuary in northeastern South Carolina were examined using two-way contingency tables and binomial tests. Of the significant species interactions, over 71% were positive and these primarily occurred within shorezone habitats. The strongest positive interactions were between young-of-the-year spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) juveniles in both shorezone habitats, and between striped killifish (Fundulus majalis), white mullet (Mugil curema), and striped anchovies (Anchoa hepsetus) in the inlet shorezone habitat. One of the most positive species associations in channel habitats was between the bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) and the Atlantic brief squid (Lolliguncula brevis). These positive relationships between species may be explained by one species enhancing the habitat for another, both species responding to similar environmental conditions, cooperative social interactions such as mixed schooling, or the attraction of predators to prey. Negative interactions were found between schools of Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) and striped killifish in the inlet shorezone and between schools of Atlantic silversides and bay anchovies in the creek shorezone. Schools of Atlantic silversides may either displace or compete with other common shorezone species. Positive and negative interactions suggest that relationships between some species pairs did not occur randomly within certain habitats and may have contributed to the organization of the estuarine nekton community. Differences in the strengths and direction of interactions of certain species pairs among habitats and seasons were probably related to the differences in the physical characteristics of those habitats and/or changes in the relative abundance of dominant species and life stages over time.  相似文献   
 The Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, erupting since 18 July 1995, intensified its degassing in early 1996 with the continuing growth of the lava dome inside the summit crater. During this period of increased activity, between 11 and 18 March 1996, we measured gases and particles within the visible plume to determine whether at that time it posed a health risk to the population of Plymouth, the capital town, which is 5 km southwest (downwind) and was then still occupied. Gravimetric measurements were made of total suspended particles (TSP) and particles having an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10). Measurements were made of sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrochloric acid (HCl), hydrofluoric acid (HF), nitric acid (HNO3), acetic acid (CH3COOH), formic acid (HCOOH), and particulate sulphate (SO4 2–), chloride (Cl), nitrate (NO3 ), fluoride (F), methanesulphonate (CH3SO3 ), acetate (CH3COO), formate (HCOO), ammonium (NH4 +), sodium (Na+) and acidity (H+). Trace metals having human health implications [chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), tin (Sn), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb)] were also determined. Mean concentrations of HCl, SO2 and HF obtained in the town of Plymouth were 14.0, 5.9 and 0.8 ppbv, respectively. Corresponding concentrations in the mixed plume on the crater edge were 533, 168 and 22 ppbv. There were no direct emissions of HNO3, although nitrate was detected in coarse particles at the source. Higher concentrations of CH3COOH and HCOOH were measured close to the crater. Mean TSP and PM10 were 64 and 15 μg m–3 in Plymouth, and 455 and 47 μg m–3 on the upper volcano slope. Aerosols were highly acidic at the source but rapidly neutralised during transport. Trace metals were enriched in the aerosol relative to crater surface material. The concentrations of the acid gases, sulphur dioxide in particular, and particles were found to be too small to pose a health hazard at the time of these measurements, when relatively modest volcanic activity was occurring. Received: 9 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 August 1999  相似文献   
The Hernemäki and Sydänmaa granitoid plutons in southern Finland lie within the Svecokarelian metagreywackes, with an approximate age of 1.9 Ga. The Hernemäki porphyritic granite was emplaced and deformed early in the regional D2 deformation, and acquired a rectilinear foliation. The Sydänmaa pluton has a mainly concentric foliation, and its intrusion spanned D2. It was probably emplaced as a ballooning pluton. The magmas of the two plutons were possibly derived from a similar source, but evolved independently. Both plutons show plagioclasebiotite-hornblende fractionation. The Sydänmaa pluton is reversely zoned, with a granodiorite rim and a diorite core.Crystal-residual liquid segregation in a deep magma chamber produced a normal geochemical stratification. This fractionated magma was drained from the top down, and injected into a higher, final chamber. Hence, the granodiorite was emplaced before the diorite. There is a component of normal zonation, which suggests that early hornblende crystals were incorporated in the most fractionated granodiorite.
Zusammenfassung Die Hernemäki- und Sydänmaa-Granite in Südfinnland liegen innerhalb der svecokarelischen Metagrauwacken und haben ein ungefähres Alter von 1,9 Ga. Der porphyrische Hernemäki-Granit intrudierte frühzeitig während der regionalen D, Deformation. Er wurde zur gleichen Zeit deformiert, woraus eine geradlinige Schieferung resultierte. Der Sydänmaa-Granit, dessen Intrusoin die D,-Phase überdauerte, zeigt dagegen eine überwiegend konzentrische Schieferung. Sehr wahrscheinlich stieg er als ballonförmiger Granit auf.Die Magmen der zwei Plutone entstammen eventuell derselben Quelle, entwickelten sich aber unabhängig voneinander. Beide zeigen Plagioklas-Biotit-Hornblende Fraktionierung. Der Sydänmaa-Granit ist umgekehrt zoniert, er hat einen Granodiorit-Rand und einen Diorit-Kern. Residuale Flüssigkeitsdifferenzierung in einer tiefgelegenen Magmenkammer erzeugte eine normale geochemische Abfolge. Dieses fraktionierte Magma floß vom Top des Plutons nach unten ab und wurde in eine höher gelegene Kammer injiziert. Also intrudierte der Granodiorit vor dem Diorit. Es existiert eine Komponente normaler Zonierung, was für eine Aufnahme früh gebildeter Hornblendekristalle in den am stärksten fraktionierten Granodiorit spricht.

Résumé Les plutons granitoïdes de Hernemäki et Sydänmaa (Finlande méridionale) sont inclus dans les métagrauwackes svecocaréliennes, avec un âge approximatif de 1,9 Ga. Lors du début de la déformation régionale D2, le granite prophyrique de Hernemäki s'est mis en place et a été déformé, acquérant ainsi une structure linéaire. Le pluton de Sydänmaa, dont l'intrusion a dépassé la phase D2, possède une schistosité essentiellement concentrique. Il a été probablement mis en place par »ballooning«. Il est possible que les magmas des deux plutons dérivent d'une source similaire, mais ils ont évolué de manière indépendante. Les deux plutons montrent un fractionnement par cristallisation du plagioclase, de la biotite et de la hornblende. Celui de Sydänmaa présente une zonation inverse: bordure granodioritique et coeur dioritique. La séparation des cristaux et du liquide résiduel dans une chambre magmatique profonde a engendré une stratification géochimique normale. La partie supérieure de cet ensemble fractionné a ensuite été injectée dans une chambre définitive plus élevée, suivie des parties plus profondes: de la sorte, la granodiorite s'est mise en place avant la diorite. Il existe une composante de zonation normale, qui laisse supposer que de la hornblende, cristallisée lors des premiers stades, a été incorporée à la fraction granodioritique ultime.

Hernemki Sydnmaa ; 1,9 Ga. Hernemaki , D2, , . Sydnmaa, D2, . . - , , . - . Sydnmaa , , - . . . , , — . , .
As climate change may modify the hydrological cycle significantly, understanding the impact on river flow is important because it affects long‐term water resources planning. Here, we describe a high‐resolution British assessment of changes in river flows in the 2050s under 11 different realisations of HadRM3. In winter, river flows may either increase or decrease, with a wide range of possible decreases in summer flow. These results should encourage adaptation that copes with a broad range of future hydrological conditions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The various fluctuation spectra associated with the magnetic induction field and its spatial derivatives generated by a canonical model of oceanic internal waves are calculated. The calculations are based upon the well-known canonical distribution from statistical mechanics. While in a general ease it is necessary to consider the details of the strong nonlinear interactions between linear internal waves, it is shown that the spectra of the above-surface magnetic fields are independent of such details. The predictions of the canonical model are compared to those of the Garrett-Munk (GM) model. The two models are found to yield significantly different results. An experiment to test the two models is suggested.  相似文献   
The highly deformed c. 3800 Ma Isua supracrustal belt is a fragment of a more extensive Early Archaean sedimentary and volcanic succession intruded by and tectonically intercalated with tonalitic and granitic Amftsoq gneisses in the period 3800-3600 Ma. The supracrustal rocks recrystallised under amphibolite facies conditions between 3800 and 3600 Ma, in the Late Archaean and locally at c. 1800 Ma. Layered sequences of rock of sedimentary and probable volcanic origin form over 50% of the belt. Bodies of high MgAl basic rocks and ultramafic rocks were intruded into the layered sequences prior to isoclinal folding and intrusion of Amitsoq gneisses. The layered rocks which are < 1 km thick are divided into two sequences, that are in faulted contact with each other. The way-up of these sequences has been determined from facing-directions of locally-preserved graded layering in felsic metasediments at several localities. The overall upwards change in sedimentary succession is interpreted as showing change from dominantly basic to dominantly felsic volcanism which provided the major clastic component of the sediments. Clastic sedimentation took place against a background of chemical sedimentation, shown by interlayers of banded iron formation, metachert and calc-silicate rocks throughout the sequences. The felsic rocks locally preserve graded bedding and possible conglomerate structures, indicating deposition from turbidite flows and possibly as debris flows. Nodules in the felsic rocks contain structures interpreted as fiammé. There is an irregular enrichment in K2O/Na2O in many of the felsic rocks at constant SiO2 and Al2O3 content, interpreted as owing to alteration of original andesitic to dacitic volcanic rocks. Banded iron formations locally contain conglomeratic structures suggesting sedimentary reworking, possibly under shallow water conditions. Lithological and geochemical characters of the clastic components of the supracrustal sequences are consistent with derivation from felsic and basic volcanic rocks and do not require a continental source.  相似文献   
Helium, neon, and argon isotopic compositions were measured in two flows of the Columbia River flood basalt. The Imnaha Basalt has a 3He/4He ratio of 11.4 times atmospheric and 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios characteristic of a plume component. The measured 3He/4He is a lower limit, due to possible preferential 3He loss and/or addition of radiogenic 4He. A Wanapum Basalt flow, erupted approximately 2 Ma later in the waning stages of volcanism, has more MORB-like noble gases. The He, Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of these lavas suggest that the Columbia River basalts were derived from the Yellowstone plume head which contained both ‘high-helium’ plume material and entrained depleted mantle. As the eruptions progressed the plume component in the melting region was gradually diluted or replaced.  相似文献   
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