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Geomorphology may be an important predictor of vegetation pattern in systems where suceptibility to disturbance is unevenly distributed across the landscape. Salt marsh communities exhibit spatial pattern in vegetation at a variety of spatial scales. In coastal Georgia, the low marsh is a virtual monoculture ofSpartina alterniflora interspersed with patches of species that are more typical of the high marsh. These localized disturbances are most likely created by wrack mats, mats of dead vegetation which can compact and smother underlying vegetation creating bare patches for colonization by high marsh species. We investigated the spatial pattern of disturbed patches along a 2 km section of Dean Creek, a tidal creek at the southwestern end of Sapelo Island, Georgia, U.S. We used a discriminant model to explore the relationship between tidal creek morphology (e.g., the presence of drainage channels and creek bends) and the spatial distribution of disturbed patches. The model predicted vegetation pattern along the creek with relatively high accuracy (>70%). Areas where water movement is slowed or multidirectional (e.g., along creek bends and near drainage channels) were most susceptible to disturbance. Our findings suggest an important functional linkage between geomorphology and vegetation pattern in salt marsh communities.  相似文献   
The Random Forests (RF) algorithm is a machine learning method that has recently been demonstrated as a viable technique for data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity, and thus, it is instructive to further examine its usefulness in this particular field. A case study was carried out using data from Catanduanes Island (Philippines) to investigate further (a) if RF modeling can be used for data-driven modeling of mineral prospectivity in areas with few (i.e., <20) mineral occurrences and (b) if RF modeling can handle predictor variables with missing values. We found that RF modeling outperforms evidential belief (EB) modeling of prospectivity for hydrothermal Au–Cu deposits in Catanduanes Island, where 17 hydrothermal Au–Cu prospects are known to exist. Moreover, just like EB modeling, RF modeling allows analysis of the spatial relationships between known prospects and individual layers of predictor data. Furthermore, RF modeling can handle missing values in predictor data through an RF-based imputation technique whereas in EB modeling, missing values are simply represented by maximum uncertainty. Therefore, the RF algorithm is a potentially useful method for data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity in regions with few (i.e., <20) occurrences of mineral deposits of the type sought. However, further testing of the method in other regions with few mineral occurrences is warranted to fully determine its usefulness in data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity.  相似文献   
A recent study demonstrated that 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) may have an adverse effect on the reproduction in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma), but the molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the protein expression profiles of male and female gonads of O. melastigma exposed to dietary BDE-47 at two dosages (0.65 and 1.30 μg/g/day, respectively) for 21 days. Extracted proteins were labeled with iTRAQ and analyzed on a MALDI TOF/TOF analyzer, as results, 133 and 144 unique proteins were identified in testis and ovary, respective, and they exerted dose- and sex-dependent expression patterns. In testis, among the 42 differentially expressed proteins; down-regulation of histone variants and parvalbumins implicated BDE-47 may disrupt the spermatogenesis and induce sterility in fishes. In ovary, 38 proteins were differentially expressed; the elevation of vitellogenins and apolipoprotein A–I expression indicated BDE-47 acts as an estrogen-mimicking compound and led to reproductive impairment in O. melastigma.  相似文献   
Infrared spectra from the Spitzer Space Telescope ( SSC ) of many debris discs are well fit with a single blackbody temperature which suggest clearings within the disc. We assume that clearings are caused by orbital instability in multiple planet systems with similar configurations to our own. These planets remove dust-generating planetesimal belts as well as dust generated by the outer disc that is scattered or drifts into the clearing. From numerical integrations, we estimate a minimum planet spacing required for orbital instability (and so planetesimal and dust removal) as a function of system age and planet mass. We estimate that a 108 yr old debris disc with a dust disc edge at a radius of 50 au hosted by an A star must contain approximately five Neptune mass planets between the clearing radius and the iceline in order to remove all primordial objects within it. We infer that known debris disc systems contain at least a fifth of a Jupiter mass in massive planets. The number of planets and spacing required is insensitive to the assumed planet mass. However, an order of magnitude higher total mass in planets could reside in these systems if the planets are more massive.  相似文献   
The WFD has introduced an international commitment to assess the ecological status of transitional waters (TWs), within which fish communities are a key biological monitoring component. The Transitional Fish Classification Index (TFCI) outlined in this paper uses 10 ecological measures to analyse fish populations caught from various ecological niches using a variety of gear types within the Thames estuary. These reach and method-specific communities are then compared to a reference population created from a 'healthy' population from TWs of a similar type. The results indicate a progressive downstream increase the quality of fish communities, consistent with previous work; variation between methods can be accounted for by gear selectivity. Overall, the TFCI is an effective communication tool for converting ecological information into an easily understood format for managers, policy makers and the general public.  相似文献   
Since the 1960s, there has been an increasing interest in the understanding of the hydraulic flow inside a hard rock mass, since water inflow into deep tunnels constitute a hazard, in addition to being an important factor in controlling the advancement of excavation. The characterisation of fluid flow through hard rock masses is still one of the most challenging problems faced by geologists and engineers. A rock mass is characterised by networks of discrete and ubiquitous discontinuities that strongly affect its hydraulic properties, but detailed knowledge of the discontinuity properties allows for the evaluation of the hydraulic flow in the rock mass affected by the excavation of a tunnel. A geostructural field survey is fundamental in order to correctly define the discontinuity types, settings and networks. Numerous approaches have been proposed to estimate the water inflow based on empirical relations supported by field experience and case studies, as well as analytical solutions. Often, however, these approaches are not easily applicable in standard practice and in complex scenarios. The most appropriate approach to characterising the hydraulic flow of the rock mass and to predicting in the most effective way the expected water inflow during the excavation of a tunnel is based on a detailed geological model and geostructural analysis as described in this paper.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Balfour Formation has a pronounced lithological variation that is characterized by alternating sandstone- and mudstone-dominated members. The sandstone-dominated Oudeberg and Barberskrans Members are composed of lithofacies that range from intraformational conglomerates to fine-grained sediments, whereas the mudstone-dominated members (Daggaboersnek, Elandsberg, and Palingkloof) are dominated by the facies Fm and Fl. Petrography, geochemistry, and a paleocurrent analysis indicated that the source rock of the Balfour Formation was to south east and the rocks had a transitional/dissected magmatic arc signature. The sandstones-rich members were deposited by seasonal and ephemeral high-energy, low-sinuous streams, and the fine-grained-rich members were formed by ephemeral meandering streams. The paleoclimates have been equated to present temperate climates; they were semiarid becoming arid towards the top of the Balfour Formation. This has been determined by reconstructing the paleolatitude of the Karoo Basin, geochemistry, paleontology, sedimentary structures, and other rock properties, like color.  相似文献   
Here we present a crustal folding or buckling mechanism to explain the rootless 3–5 km high Alborz Mountains in northern Iran as well as  10 km of Late Miocene to recent subsidence in the south Caspian basin and  3–6 km of subsidence in the central Iranian basin in the context of the middle Miocene to recent Arabia–Eurasia collision. A key element of the mechanism is the presence of lateral and vertical lithospheric strength contrasts between the north Iranian continental and south Caspian oceanic crusts: when compression from the collision is applied across the region, the strong south Caspian oceanic crust, buried under > 10 km of premiddle Miocene sediment, interacts with the bottom of the mechanically strong continental upper crust of northern Iran, resulting in upward buckling of the continental crust and downward buckling of the oceanic crust. We test this mechanism using a finite-element numerical model with a Maxwell rheology and obtain results that are consistent with the geological and geophysical observations. The observations compiled here and the model results demonstrate the potential for using this region as a natural laboratory for studying the early stages of continent–oceanic collision, including processes like basin inversion, fault localization and, potentially, subduction initiation.  相似文献   
This paper presents isotopic, bulk geochemical and biomarker data measured on organic matter accumulated in a narrow extensional basin developed at the oceanward margin of the huge Triassic carbonate platform in the Alps–Appenines domain. The integration of isotope signatures, organic petrographical and biomarker evidence together with the composition of kerogen pyrolysates suggests immature organic matter predominantly of algal origin with a minor, but not negligible, higher plant derived and moderate bacterial contribution for the entire sequence. The mineral sources are dominated by platform-derived subtidal Dachstein limestone with a minor palaeosol input and a moderate contribution of autochtonous quartz. Nevertheless, parallel variations observed in the mineral content, as well as in the amount and the quality of the organic matter reflect variations in the palaeoenvironment. The increased humidity, existing in the period of the accumulation of the upper section of the sequence, led to the restriction of dolomitization. A slightly greater higher plant derived contribution, in this section, is evidenced by the composition of bitumen and the results on GC and GC/MS analyses on the non-aromatic hydrocarbon fraction of bitumen. Moreover, the climate-induced weathering enchanced the primary productivity and resulted in a pronounced increase in the TOC content. The average estimated value of the planktonic productivity is about three times higher for the calcite-rich sequence than the dolomite-rich one, being 44.2 and 15.3 tCorg/m2/Ma, respectively. The low to moderate planktonic productivity shows that anoxic conditions, observed for the entire succession, are a consequence of the stagnant water stratification rather than high planktonic productivity. Depth trends in the data measured on kerogens (HI, OI, δ13Corg values, composition of pyrolysate) together with the δ18O excursions and Δδ13C values appear to be controlled by sea-level fluctuations. Consistent with the high abundance of alkyltiophenes in kerogen pyrolysates, the high Sorg/C ratios (ranging between 0.05 and 0.10) suggest the importance of natural sulfurization in the formation of the sulfur-rich type-II-S kerogen occurring in all of the samples.  相似文献   
A significant new development in the study of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) has been the recent discovery by INTEGRAL and RXTE of flat, hard X-ray components in three AXPs. These non-thermal spectral components differ dramatically from the steeper quasi-power-law tails seen in the classic X-ray band in these sources. A prime candidate mechanism for generating this new component is resonant, magnetic Compton upscattering. This process is very efficient in the strong magnetic fields present in AXPs. Here an introductory exploration of an inner magnetospheric model for upscattering of surface thermal X-rays in AXPs is offered, preparing the way for an investigation of whether such resonant upscattering can explain the 20–150 keV spectra seen by INTEGRAL. Characteristically flat emission spectra produced by non-thermal electrons injected in the emission region are computed using collision integrals. A relativistic QED scattering cross section is employed so that Klein–Nishina reductions are influential in determining the photon spectra and fluxes. Spectral results depend strongly on the magnetospheric locale of the scattering and the observer’s orientation, which couple directly to the angular distributions of photons sampled.  相似文献   
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