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The Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit(northwest of Varzeghan, East-Azarbaidjan Province, NW Iran) is a product of the alteration of Eocene andesitic rocks. Based on mineralogical examinations, kaolinite, quartz, smectite, pyrophyllite, muscovite-illite, alunite, calcite, diaspore, goethite and hematite are the most abundant mineral phases in this deposit. The geochemical indicators, such as Y/Ho and Zr/Hf, indicate the non-CHARAC(non-Charge-radius control) behavior of these pairs, which are likely to be due to the occurrence of the tetrad effect phenomenon in this deposit. Simultaneous concave and convex shapes in the chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns are a remarkable feature of the kaolin samples. Bivariate diagrams of the size of the third tetrad effect(T_3) versus geochemical parameters such as Y/Ho, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios display two distinct populations for the kaolin samples. The first population is characterized by high T_3 values(>0.13), which are near or on the fault zone. The second population is characterized by low T_3 values(<0.13), and are farther from the fault zone. The obtained results from the geochemical data have furnished compelling evidence that fluidrock interaction, overprint of hypogene processes by supergene ones, and structural control, are key controlling factors for the occurrence of tetrad effects in REE distribution patterns in the Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit.  相似文献   
This study suggests a novel approach to the retrieval of soil surface parameters using a single-acquisition single-configuration synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) system. Soil surface parameters such as soil moisture and surface roughness are key elements for many environmental studies, including Earth surface water cycles, energy exchange, agriculture, and geology. Remote sensing techniques, especially SAR data, are commonly used to retrieve such soil surface parameters over large areas. Several backscattering models have been proposed for soil surface parameters retrieval from SAR data. However, commonly, these backscattering models require multi configuration SAR data, including multi-polarization, multi-frequency, and multi-incidence angle. Here we propose a methodology that employs single-acquisition single-configuration SAR data for the retrieval of soil surface parameters. The originality is to use single-acquisition single-configuration SAR data to retrieve the soil surface parameters using an optimization approach by the genetic algorithm (GA); we have used the modified Dubois model (MDM) in HH polarization as the backscattering model. Three HH polarization and C band data sets from Quebec (Radarsat-1), Ontario (SIR-C), and Oklahoma (AIRSAR) were analyzed. The retrieved values of soil moisture and soil surface roughness were then compared to ground truth measurements with corresponding parameters. We employed diverse criteria, including the mean absolute error (MAE), the root mean square error (RMSE), the coefficient of performance (CP), and the correlation coefficient to investigate the performance of the proposed methodology. This analysis suggests the capability of the GA for the retrieval of soil surface parameters. Based on our findings, this method presents a viable alternative approach to the retrieval of soil surface parameters when only single-acquisition single-configuration SAR data is available.  相似文献   
New metamorphic petrology and geochronology from the Loe Sar dome in the Swat region of northern Pakistan place refined constraints on the pressure, temperature and timing of metamorphism and deformation in that part of the Himalayan orogen. Thermodynamic modelling and monazite petrochronology indicate that metamorphism in the area followed a prograde evolution from ~525 ± 25 ℃and 6 士 0.5 kbar to ~610 ± 25 ℃ and 9 士 0.5 kbar, between ca. 39 Ma and 28 Ma. Partitioning of heavy rare earth elements between garnet rims and 30-28 Ma monazite are interpreted to indicate coeval crystallization at peak conditions. Microtextural relationships indicate that garnet rim growth post-dated the development of the main foliation in the area. The regional foliation is folded about large-scale N-S trending fold axes and overprinting E-W trending folds to form km-scale domal culminations. The textural relationships observed indicate that final dome development must be younger than the 30-28 Ma monazite that grew with garnet rims post-regional foliation development, but pre-doming-related deformation. This new timing constraint helps resolve discrepancy between previous interpretations,which have alternately suggested that N-S trending regional folds must be either pre-or post-early Oligocene. Finally, when combined with existing hornblende and white mica cooling ages, these new data indicate that the study area was exhumed rapidly following peak metamorphism.  相似文献   
Interactions of copper, organic acids, and sulfate in goethite suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sorption of copper and sulfate onto goethite (-FeOOH) in aqueous solution is examined in Cu---SO4 binary-sorbate systems and in Cu-SO4-organic acid (either phthalic acid or chelidamic acid) ternary-sorbate systems. Compared to single-sorbate systems, sorption of Cu onto goethite was enhanced at low pH values in the presence of sulfate. Sorption data for Cu and SO4 in Cu---SO4 binary-sorbate systems were described with the Generalized Two Layer Model by proposing formation of a Cu---SO4 ternary surface complex. Addition of sulfate to a Cu-phthalic acid binary sorbate system had little effect on Cu sorption. However, addition of sulfate to Cu-chelidamic acid binary-sorbate systems resulted in significant reduction of Cu sorption at low pH values, primarily due to competition for surface sites between sulfate and Cu-chelidamic acid ternary surface complexes. While organic acids such as humic substances can potentially influence sorption of metal ions, results from this study suggest that the extent of such influence may be strongly dependent on the presence of other sorbing anions, such as sulfate. Sorption of Cu and SO4 in Cu---SO4-organic acid ternary-sorbate systems was predicted reasonably well, based on surface reactions and equilibrium constants derived from fitting of sorption data from single- and binary-sorbate systems. These modeling results provide a validation of the extrapolation of sorption from simple systems to multicomponent systems through surface complexation modeling.  相似文献   
In bench blast design, not only the technical and economical aspects, such as block size, uniformity and cost, but also the elimination of environmental problems resulting from ground vibration and air blast should be taken into consideration. Prediction of ground vibration components is of great importance when responding to and avoiding environmentally-related complaints. This paper presents the results of ground vibration measurements carried out in a celestite open-pit mine during blast optimisation studies. The particle velocity components (longitudinal, transversal, vertical and peak) and the airblast measurement results were evaluated considering the scaled distance relationship. The statistical analysis of 47 data sets yielded an empirical relationship between peak particle velocity and scaled distance. This approach which is suggested for the present site gives the 50% line and the upper bound 95% prediction limit with reasonable correlation.  相似文献   
Fluorite mineralization occurs along fractures and cracks of Middle Eocene and Pliocene limestones and marls in the north and northeast of the Pohrenk region (Qicekdagi, Kirsehir). Tb/Ca - Tb/La and Y/Ho ratios were obtained from REE contents of fluorites which have revealed that mineralization is of hydrothermal type. Negative Ce anomalies and positive Eu anomalies reflect that hydrothermal solutions once had high oxygen fugacity. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that homogenization temperatures of mineralization varied between 90℃ and 200℃, and hydrothermal solutions are composed of NaCl + KCl + MgCl2 + H2O. In addition, salinity measurements show that hydrothermal solutions were mixed with meteoric or rock formation water. Geologic setting, REE geochemistry and fluid inclusion studies suggest that mineralization was deposited from a solution generated by mixing of magmatic and meteoric water under epithermal conditions.  相似文献   
An association of adakite, magnesian andesite (MA), and Nb-enriched basalt (NEB) volcanic flows, which erupted within ‘normal’ intra-oceanic arc tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts, has recently been documented in ∼2.7 Ga Wawa greenstone belts. Large, positive initial ?Nd values (+1.95 to +2.45) of the adakites signify that their basaltic precursors, with a short crustal residence, were derived from a long-term depleted mantle source. It is likely that the adakites represent the melts of subducted late Archean oceanic crust. Initial ?Nd values in the MA (+0.14 to +1.68), Nb-enriched basalts and andesites (NEBA) (+1.11 to +2.05), and ‘normal’ intra-oceanic arc tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites (+1.44 to +2.44) overlap with, but extend to lower values than, the adakites. Large, tightly clustered ?Nd values of the adakites, together with Th/Ce and Ce/Yb systematics of the arc basalts that rule out sediment melting, place the enriched source in the sub-arc mantle. Accordingly, isotopic data for the MA, NEBA, and ‘normal’ arc basalts can be explained by melting of an isotopically heterogeneous sub-arc mantle that had been variably enriched by recycling of continental material into the shallow mantle in late Archean subduction zones up to 200 Ma prior to the 2.7 Ga arc. If the late Archean Wawa adakites, MA, and basalts were generated by similar geodynamic processes as their counterparts in Cenozoic arcs, involving subduction of young and/or hot ocean lithosphere, then it is likely that late Archean oceanic crust, and arc crust, were also created and destroyed by modern plate tectonic-like geodynamic processes. This study suggests that crustal recycling through subduction zone processes played an important role for the generation of heterogeneity in the Archean upper mantle. In addition, the results of this study indicate that the Nd-isotope compositions of Archean arc- and plume-derived volcanic rocks are not very distinct, whereas Phanerozoic plumes and intra-oceanic arcs tend to have different Nd-isotopic compositions.  相似文献   
Four SPOT images, one panchromatic and three multispectral, were studied to evaluate their usefulness for hydrological mapping in an arid environment. Simple visual methods of interpretation were used to plot the drainage network independently from each test image. The results were compared with the drainage network shown on the topographic map of the area. Results show that with the panchromatic image, over 90 per cent of the map content could be discerned, identified, and plotted. The accuracy of plotting the drainage system from the multispectral images seems to depend on the season in which data had been acquired. However, in all cases, the success rate is not less than 70 per cent. Comparison with Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery showed that SPOT system is superior in hydrological mapping.  相似文献   
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