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Studies in the past have tried to reproduce the mechanical behaviour of granular materials by proposing constitutive relations based on a common assumption that model parameters and parameters describing the properties, including gradation of individual grains are inevitably linked. However successful these models have proved to be, they cannot account for the changes in granular assembly behaviour if the grains start to break during mechanical loading. This paper proposes to analyse the relation between grading change and the mechanical behaviour of granular assembly. A way to model the influence of grain breakage is to use a critical state‐based model. The influence of the amount of grain breakage during loading, depending on the individual grain strength and size distribution, can be introduced into constitutive relations by means of a new parameter that controls the evolution of critical state with changes in grain size distribution. Experimental data from a calcareous sand, a quartz sand, and a rockfill material were compared with numerical results and good‐quality simulations were obtained. The main consequences of grain breakage are increased compressibility and a gradual dilatancy disappearance in the granular material. The critical state concept is also enriched by considering its overall relation to the evolution of the granular material. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Six microfacies are defined on quantitative petrographic data in a carbonate/clastic sequence from the subsurface, oil producing Mauddud Formation of early Middle Cretaceous age. These are, in descending order of importance and abundance: (1) biomicritic wackestone-packstone, (2) argillaceous mudstone, (3) micritic mudstone, (4) glauconitic sandstone, (5)Orhitolina pelsparitic grainstone, and (6) argillaceous dolomite.Sedimentation took place during a marine transgression onto a very shallow, intertidal, restricted marine shelf lagoons. Facies variations appear to be related to depth and energy changes and proximity to areas of clastic deposition. These changes may have been controlled by slight tectonic events in the hinterland and changes in the rate of basin subsidence.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage quantitativer petrographischer Daten werden sechs Mikrofazies in einer karbonat/klastischen Folge aus der unter der ErdoberflÄche liegenden, ölliefernden Mauddud-Formation der frühen Mittelkreide definiert. In absteigender Reihenfolge der Bedeutung und HÄufigkeit sind dieses: (1) biomikritischer wackestone-packstone, (2) toniger Schlickstein, (3) unkritischer Schlickstein, (4) glaukonitischer Sandstein, (5) Orbitolina-führender pelsparitischer Grainstone und (6) toniger Dolomit.Die Sedimentation erfolgte wÄhrend einer marinen Transgression auf sehr flache, intertidale Lagunen eines begrenzten marinen Schelfs. Die Fazies-Variationen scheinen mit den Wechseln in Wassertiefe und Energie sowie der mit NÄhe von Gebieten mit klastischer Sedimentation zusammenzuhÄngen.Diese Wechsel könnten durch kleinere tektonische Ereignisse im Hinterland und durch VerÄnderungen der Absenkungsrate des Beckens ausgelöst worden sein.

Résumé Des données pétrographiques quantitatives permettent de définir six microfacies dans une série clasto-carbonatée d'âge crétacé inférieur du sous-sol de la région pé trolifère de Mauddud. Ce sont par ordre décroissant d'importance et d'abondance: (1) des wacstones-pacstone biomicritiques; (2) des argilites; (3) des argilites micritiques; (4) des grès glauconitiques; (5) des grainstone pelsparitiques à orbitolines; (6) des dolomies argileuses.La sédimentation se produisit au cours d'une transgression marine dans des lagunes très plates, intercotidales, d'une plate-forme continentale de faible étendue. Les variations de facies semblent Être dues à des changements de profondeur et d'énergie, ainsi qu'à la proximité de régions à sédimentation clastique.Ces changements pourraient résulter de légers mouvements tectoniques dans l'arrière-pays et de variations dans le degré de subsidence du bassin de sédimentation.

- Mauddud, ( ). : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) , 6) . , . , , , . , .
The aim of this research is evaluation of land suitability for urban land‐use planning. Four factors and fourteen criteria were selected for suitability analysis and land‐use planning. Factors and criteria were defined based on literature survey, experts’ opinions, local contexts and availability of data. GIS‐based Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used as a Multi‐criteria Decision Making model. The study was conducted on a selected area of Dhaka city, which is one of the fastest growing mega‐cities of the world. The research result shows that highly suitable area (13%) should be used for urban residential zone; moderately suitable area (35%) should be designated as mixed use zone; low suitable area (42%) should be reserved for agricultural use and open spaces; and not suitable area (10%) should be protected from any types of activities except agriculture. The research approached an urban land‐use planning at a regional scale.  相似文献   
Water level forecasting using recorded time series can provide a local modelling capability to facilitate local proactive management practices. To this end, hourly sea water level time series are investigated. The records collected at the Hillarys Boat Harbour, Western Australia, are investigated over the period of 2000 and 2002. Two modelling techniques are employed: low-dimensional dynamic model, known as the deterministic chaos theory, and genetic programming, GP. The phase space, which describes the evolution of the behaviour of a nonlinear system in time, was reconstructed using the delay-embedding theorem suggested by Takens. The presence of chaotic signals in the data was identified by the phase space reconstruction and correlation dimension methods, and also the predictability into the future was calculated by the largest Lyapunov exponent to be 437 h or 18 days into the future. The intercomparison of results of the local prediction and GP models shows that for this site-specific dataset, the local prediction model has a slight edge over GP. However, rather than recommending one technique over another, the paper promotes a pluralistic modelling culture, whereby different techniques should be tested to gain a specific insight from each of the models. This would enable a consensus to be drawn from a set of results rather than ignoring the individual insights provided by each model.  相似文献   
Accelerograms recorded near active faults have some important characteristics that make them different from those recorded in far-fault regions. High-frequency components in acceleration records and long-period velocity pulses are among notable specifications of such ground motions. In this paper, a moving average filtering with appropriate cut-off frequency has been used to decompose the near-fault ground motions into two components having different frequency contents: first, Pulse-Type Record (PTR) that possesses long-period pulses; second, the relatively high-frequency BackGround Record (BGR), which does not include large velocity pulses. Comparing the results with those extracted through wavelet analysis shows that moving average filter is an appropriate and efficient tool for near-fault records decomposition. The method is applied to decompose a suite of 91 selected near-fault records and the elastic response of structures is examined through their response to the decomposed parts. The results emphasizes that in contrast with ordinary far-fault earthquake records, response spectra of near-fault ground motions typically have two distinct local peaks, which are representatives of the high- and low-frequency components, i.e., BGR and PTR, respectively. Moreover, a threshold period is identified below which the response of structures is dominated by BGR while PTR controls the response of structures with periods longer than this period.  相似文献   
Concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements such as Cr, Ga, Ni, Zn, Mo, Cu, Pb, Yb, Y, Nb, Ti, Sr, Ba, Mn, Sc, Co, V, Zr, Fe, Al, W, Se, Bi, Sb, As, Cd in recent mollusk shells and factors affecting their distribution and deposits collected from various depths in the southern and southwestern parts of the Marmara Sea are investigated. The distribution of the elements in the shells is categorized into four groups. Of these, concentrations of 12 elements (As, Bi, Cd, Co, Ga, Mo, Nb, Sb, Se, Sc, W and Yb) are below zero [(0.053-0.79)×10^-6]; concentrations of seven elements (Cr, Ni, Pb, V, Y, Zr and Cu) are (1.0-6.0)×10^-6; concentrations of four elements (Ti, Mn, Ba and Zn) are 10- 20×10^-6; and concentrations of five elements (Si, Al, Fe, Mg and Sr) are (47.44-268.11)×10^-6. The taxonomic characteristics of the 29 elements were studied separately in mollusk shells such as Chamalea gallina (Linn6), Pitar rudis (Poli), Nassarius reticulatus (Linn6), Venerupis senescens (Coocconi), Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck), Mytilaster lineatus (Gemelin in Linne) and Chlamys glabra. It was found that, in mollusk taxonomy, the elements have unique values. In other words, element concentrations in various mollusk shells depend mainly on the taxonomic characteristics of mollusks. In various bionomic environments different element distributions of the same species are attributed to the different geochemical characters of the each environment. Data obtained in this study indicate that the organisms are the most active and deterministic factors of the environment.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Rock physics has proven its credibility for the quantitative seismic interpretation of reservoir and reservoir characterization. In this study, we implemented K-means...  相似文献   
Abstract. The production of the hymenosomatid crab Elamenopsis kempi was calculated for a period of 18 months from a subtidal area of the Garmat-Ali river, southern Iraq. The highest average individual somatic energy was attained in spring. Maximum population biomass and production were attained by the summer cohort and the minimum values were exhibited by the overwintering cohort. The fluctuations of the average population biomass were followed throughout the sampling period. Average total annual population production was 13.2 g DW · m-2· a-1 and the P/B ratio was 5.9. These values were compared with those of the most common crustaceans in the region.  相似文献   
There is an emerging requirement for processing global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals indoor where the signal is very weak and subjected to spatial fading. Typically, longer coherent integration intervals provide the additional processing gain required for the detection and processing of such weak signals. However, the arbitrary physical motion of the handset imputed by the user limits the effectiveness of longer coherent integration intervals due to the spatial decorrelation of the multipath-faded GNSS signal. In this paper, limits of coherent integration due to spatial decorrelation are derived and corroborated with experimental verification. A general result is that the processing gain resulting from direct coherent integration saturates after the antenna has moved through a certain distance, which for typical indoor propagation, is about half a carrier wavelength. However, a refined Doppler search coupled with a prolonged coherent integration interval extends this limit, which is effectively a manifestation of selective diversity.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Landslides can cause extensive damage, particularly those triggered by earthquakes. The current study used back propagation of an artificial neural network (ANN) to conduct risk...  相似文献   
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