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Ostreopsis ovata is an epiphytic potentially toxic dinoflagellate. It has a world-wide distribution, normally associated with other epiphytic or benthic dinoflagellates. In tropical seas O. ovata is often associated with the genera Gambierdiscus, Coolia and Prorocentrum, causing cinguatera fish poisoning. Recently, Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Tyrrhenian and southern Adriatic Sea have been related to human health problems, such as breathing and skin irritation. Here we report the first record of Ostreopsis cfr. ovata in the Northern Adriatic Sea. O. cfr. ovata was isolated from macroalgae in two areas, the Gulf of Trieste (Italy) and close to Rovinj (Croatia). The microalga was identified by scanning electron microscopy and by fluorescence light microscopy. Size range and thecal pore structure were similar to those described for O. cfr. ovata in previous studies. Ostreopsis cfr. ovata was present on all the macroalgae collected, particularly browns and reds. The microalgal association on macroalgae was mostly composed of Ostreopsis sp., Coolia monotis and Coscinodiscus sp.  相似文献   
恒山中段新太古代高压麻粒岩区的构造特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
恒山中段高压麻粒岩区是华北克拉通新太古代高压麻粒岩最好的露头区之一,北部为强烈重熔的灰色片麻岩区,构造样式以穹窿、近水平韧性剪切带为主,中部以近东西向的右旋走滑剪切带与南部变形变质程度相对较低的岩石单元相接,后者主要的岩石类型为均匀的英云闪长质片麻岩和变质辉绿岩墙。高压麻粒岩以透镜体形式出现在北部。本文通过对恒山高压麻粒岩区构造特征和构造样式的分析,认为高压麻粒岩区主要经历了4期构造变形:①高压麻粒岩透镜体里的逆冲型韧性剪切变形和走滑剪切变形;②向南或南西的伸展变形;③右行走滑剪切;④向东或南东伸展变形。对恒山地区的高压麻粒岩的出露起决定作用的是两次伸展构造运动。  相似文献   
Considering present attempts to develop a gradiometer with an accuracy between 10−3 E and 10−4 E, two applications for such a device have been studied: (a) mapping the gravitational field of the Earth, and (b) estimating the geocentric distance of a satellite carrying the instrument. Given a certain power spectrum for the signal and 10−4 E (rms) of white measurement noise, the results of an error analysis indicate that a six-month mission in polar orbit at a height of 200 km, with samples taken every three seconds, should provide data for estimating the spherical harmonic potential coefficients up to degree and order 300 with less than 50% error, and improve the coefficients through degree 30 by up to four orders of magnitude compared to existing models. A simulation study based on numerical orbit integrations suggests that a simple adjustment of the initial conditions based on gradiometer data could produce orbits where the geocentric distance is accurate to 10 cm or better, provided the orbits are 2000 km high and some improvement in the gravity field up to degree 30 is first achieved. In this sense, the gravity-mapping capability of the gradiometer complements its use in orbit refinement. This idea can be of use in determining orbits for satellite altimetry. Furthermore, by tracking the gradiometer-carrying spacecraft when it passes nearly above a terrestrial station, the geocentric distance of this station can also be estimated to about one decimeter accuracy. This principle could be used in combination with VLBI and other modern methods to set up a world-wide 3-D network of high accuracy.  相似文献   
Reported ancient bottom current deposits in deep marine settings are scarce and most of them remain contentious. This study describes sedimentological, ichnological and petrographical characteristics of a drill core that covers ca 10 Myr of Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy at Hold with Hope, north-east Greenland. The core is divided into four facies associations, which are interpreted to reflect deposition from bottom currents, turbidity flows and hemipelagic settling in slope and/or near slope environments. The evidence for bottom current influence is three-fold. Firstly, pervasive indications of winnowing such as marine bioclast-rich lags and outsized clasts on ‘mud on mud’ contacts are suggestive of low-sediment concentration flows capable of transporting up to pebble-sized clasts. Common Mn–Fe–Mg rich carbonate matrix cements and various types of hiatal chemogenic lag deposits showing glauconite, apatite and carbonate clasts also point to condensation, prolonged exposure at the sediment–water interface and recurrent phases of sea-floor erosion. Secondly, such deposits can show indicators for tidal processes such as double mud-drapes, tangential bottom sets in dune-scale cross-bedding and cyclic rhythmites. Thirdly, inverse to normal grading at various scales is common in fully marine, commonly seafloor-derived sediments. Ichnological data indicate considerable taxonomic variability in the bottom current deposits, but recurrent fabrics are characteristically dominated by morphologically simple burrows such as Thalassinoides and Planolites, with secondary PhycosiphonNereites, Zoophycos and/or Chondrites. In general, opportunistic taxa are common whereas mature composite ichnofabrics are rare. The omission surfaces are locally burrowed with stiffground to firmground trace fossil suites. The results contribute to establishing sedimentological, ichnological and mineralogical criteria for recognition of bottom current deposits as well as to the understanding of the Late Cretaceous palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Arctic region.  相似文献   
In its evolution through geologic time, the oceanic plankton has reflected many changes in the physical environment while both causing and being affected by evolutionary change in the associated biota. Temporal variations in the vertical and latitudinal habitat partitioning also affected geochemical balances in the oceans and accumulation rates of biogenic sediments, and perhaps the atmospheric oxygen pressure. Advantages of the oceanic plankton habitat that led to its occupation by a varied sequence of organisms include its extensive geographic area, the possibility for rapid dispersal by currents, the availability of resources (ranging from light, carbon dioxide, and dissolved nutrients for the autotrophic organisms to the various lower trophic levels required by the heterotrophs), and the better oxygenation of the upper water layers.Convergent morphology of the plankton represents adaptations for suspension in the water column, for movement within this water mass to increase nutrient uptake, and for protection against grazing or predation. Necessary attributes for cosmopolitan species include eurythermy and euryhalinity. The patchiness of plankton diversity results from small-scale variations in water masses, the low level of interorganism contact or competition, and the possibility of rapid exploitation of favorable conditions by species present in the local area.Parallel evolution, radiation, and extinction of the various components of the oceanic plankton are similar in pattern to an ecologic succession — early evolution and conditions following major periods of extinction being homologous with the physically controlled or immature modern ecosystem associated with high stress levels and characterized by high net but low gross productivity, low diversity but great intraspecific variability, and small biomass. Evolutionary radiation is associated with more stable physical conditions and, like the seral progression, of an ecosystem, results in high diversity but less intraspecific variability. Increased biological interaction leads to higher gross but lower net productivity, hence more efficient energy and resource utilization. The drop in gross oceanic productivity at times of major extinction is associated with low diversity and decreased rate of accumulation of biogenic ooze, hence the apparent worldwide disconformities, as at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, even in the deep sea.  相似文献   
Summary Using the values of vertical velocities computed byJensen (1960) and the values of the meridional component of the wind for the months of January and April 1958, the covariances of both quantities were evaluated at different levels at various latitudes. These covariances are tabulated and the terms associated with transient eddies are compared to the standing eddy terms, the relative magnitudes of both contributions being finally investigated.
Résumé En employant les valeurs du mouvement vertical calculées parJensen (1960) et les valeurs des composantes méridionales des vents pour les mois de Janvier et Avril 1958, les covariances des deux quantités ont été evaluées aux différents niveaux dans différentes latitudes. Ces covariances sont tabulées et les valeurs associées aux perturbations transientes et stationnaires sont comparées afin de donner un aperçu sur l'importance relative des deux procès.
Melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts from a single clast of pumice near the base of the plinian pumice fall of the Bishop Tuff were studied to test ideas concerning separation of melt and crystals in silicic magmas. Ten analyzed inclusions from the pumice clast are of high silica rhyolite composition with very low contents of the highly compatible elements Ba, Sr, and Eu, consistent with extensive fractionation. The concentrations of U, La, Ce, Mg, and Ca of these ten melt inclusions vary considerably as determined by ion microprobe. Petrologic considerations indicate that uranium is an incompatible element with a maximum bulk partition coefficient D of about 0.2 and that the evolution of the uranium content of the melt was controlled by crystallization of the magma. A minimum of 33 wt% perfect fractional crystallization is required to explain the observed range in uranium. However, only 17 wt% crystals occurred in the pumice clast. The greater calculated fraction of crystals requires significant separation of crystals and melt before the eruption of the plinian pumice fall in spite of the fact that crystal mixing (settling, etc.) did not occur in the Bishop magma.  相似文献   
本文采用新疆测震台网数字波形记录,利用CAP和P、S波初动和振幅比方法计算2018年9月4日伽师5.5级地震序列中MS≥2.5地震的震源机制解,结合地震烈度等震线和双差重定位后的地震序列空间展布等特征分析了此次地震的发震构造,反演了震源处应力场。结果表明,伽师5.5级地震呈NE向的节面I为发震断层面,属于左旋走滑断层,震源深度为9km,发震构造可能为浅部超基底断裂;地震序列中有21次为走滑型,4次为正断型,说明绝大多数序列的破裂方式与主震相近,表明余震应力场主要受主震震源应力场控制;P轴方位在NNE向有明显的优势分布且倾伏角较小,T轴方位在NWW向有明显的优势分布且倾伏角较小,说明震源处主要以NNE向水平挤压和NWW向水平拉张作用为主;此次伽师5.5级地震序列表现的浅部应力场与已有研究得出的震源区深部应力场基本一致,应力形因子R的最优解为0.17,说明震源处近NE向中间主应力σ2有一定挤压成分。  相似文献   
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