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The largest ophiolite on Earth, in western Turkey, is a key place to study obduction and early subduction dynamics. Ophiolite remnants derived from the same Neotethyan branch (preserved as a result of long‐lived Late Cretaceous continental subduction and later obduction) are underlain by hundred‐metre‐thick extensive metamorphic soles. These soles formed synchronously, at c. 93 Ma, and were welded to the base of the ophiolite, thereby dating the start of intra‐oceanic subduction. This contribution focuses on the structure, petrology and pressure–temperature evolution of the soles and other subduction‐derived units. Peak pressure–temperature conditions were estimated at 10.5 ± 2 kbar and 800 ± 50 °C for the sole by means of pseudosection calculations using Theriak/Domino and at 12 kbar and 425 °C for the unique, enigmatic blueschist facies overprint of the sole. This study provides clues to the mechanisms of sole underplating during early subduction, later cooling, and the nature of the western Turkey ophiolite.  相似文献   
The western U.S. is experiencing shifts in recharge due to climate change, and it is currently unclear how hydrologic shifts will impact geochemical weathering and stream concentration–discharge (CQ) patterns. Hydrologists often use CQ analyses to assess feedbacks between stream discharge and geochemistry, given abundant stream discharge and chemistry data. Chemostasis is commonly observed, indicating that geochemical controls, rather than changes in discharge, are shaping stream CQ patterns. However, few CQ studies investigate how geochemical reactions evolve along groundwater flowpaths before groundwater contributes to streamflow, resulting in potential omission of important CQ controls such as coupled mineral dissolution and clay precipitation and subsequent cation exchange. Here, we use field observations—including groundwater age, stream discharge, and stream and groundwater chemistry—to analyse CQ relations in the Manitou Experimental Forest in the Colorado Front Range, USA, a site where chemostasis is observed. We combine field data with laboratory analyses of whole rock and clay x-ray diffraction and soil cation-extraction experiments to investigate the role that clays play in influencing stream chemistry. We use Geochemist's Workbench to identify geochemical reactions driving stream chemistry and subsequently suggest how climate change will impact stream CQ trends. We show that as groundwater age increases, CQ slope and stream solute response are not impacted. Instead, primary mineral dissolution and subsequent clay precipitation drive strong chemostasis for silica and aluminium and enable cation exchange that buffers calcium and magnesium concentrations, leading to weak chemostatic behaviour for divalent cations. The influence of clays on stream CQ highlights the importance of delineating geochemical controls along flowpaths, as upgradient mineral dissolution and clay precipitation enable downgradient cation exchange. Our results suggest that geochemical reactions will not be impacted by future decreasing flows, and thus where chemostasis currently exists, it will continue to persist despite changes in recharge.  相似文献   
Upwelling coastal systems can be used to understand how dissolved oxygen and biological productivity control the accumulation of redox-sensitive metals in marine sediments. The aluminium (Al), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), vanadium (V), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total sulfur (TS) contents in surficial sediment collected from different water depths (30, 70, and 120?m) in three northern Chilean bays influenced by coastal upwelling and oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) were measured. Principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis, and Spearman?s rank correlation were used to identify the mechanisms responsible for the redox-sensitive metal accumulation. The content of redox-sensitive metals and organic components in sediment increased with increasing water column depth, whereas lithogenic metals decreased. In the Mejillones del Sur and Caldera bays, the enrichment factors of the redox-sensitive metals showed enrichment for all metals with depth. The Cd and V enrichments are mainly the product of biogenic flow to the seabed, and the Mo and Ni enrichments are due to preservation under low subsurface oxygen conditions. Sulfate reduction is not an important mechanism in the accumulation of redox-sensitive metals in the sediment of the three bays. The PCA showed that the behaviors of the redox-sensitive metals and organic components reflect differences in the effects of the OMZ in sediment along the coast of northern Chile, with a more intense OMZ in Mejillones del Sur bay and weaker OMZs in Caldera and Inglesa bays. However, the high degree of enrichment in redox-sensitive metals in Caldera Bay can be attributed to the intense activity of the mining industry near the bay, a situation that produces geochemical behavior similar to that observed in Mejillones del Sur Bay.  相似文献   
Studying the large-scale relationships between climate and agriculture raises two different issues: the impact of climate on crops, and the potential feedbacks to climate from croplands. A relevant and consistent framework to address this twofold issue is to extend existing Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, which can be coupled to climate models, in order to explicitly account for croplands. Here we present the first results of such a strategy applied to tropical croplands over West Africa. We introduce into the terrestrial biosphere model ORCHIDEE (IPSL) adequate processes and parameterisations taken from the crop model SARRAH (CIRAD), which is calibrated for millet over this region. The resulting model, ORCH-mil, realistically simulates the growth and yield of millet when tested on an experimental station in Senegal. The model is then applied over West Africa using a 36-year climate reanalysis dataset. First the model is tested in terms of yield simulation, against national millet yields from the FAO database. The ability of the model to reproduce the spatial and temporal variability of millet yields is assessed. Then, the effects on land surface fluxes of explicitly accounting for croplands are examined: significant differences between ORCH-mil and ORCHIDEE appear, through changes in sensible and latent heat fluxes, surface albedo, and water resources. These differences encompass a potential impact on the monsoon system, mainly during the retreat of monsoon rains.  相似文献   
The hygroscopic properties of mixed aerosol particles are crucial for the application of remote sensing products of aerosol optical parameters in the study of air quality and climate at multiple scales. In this study, the authors investigated aerosol optical properties as a function of relative humidity (RH) for two representative metropolises: Beijing and Hong Kong. In addition to the RH data, mass concentrations of PM 10 (particulate matter up to 10 μm in diameter) and aerosol scattering extinction coefficient (σ ext ) data were used. The relationship between the mass scattering extinction efficiency (MEE, defined as σ ext /PM 10 ) and RH can be expressed by regression functions as f = 1.52x + 0.29 (r2 = 0.77), f = 1.42x + 1.53 (r2 = 0.58), f = 1.19x + 0.65 (r2 = 0.59), and f = 1.58x + 1.30 (r2 = 0.61) for spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively, in Beijing. Here, f represents MEE, x represents 1/(1 RH), and the coefficients of determination are pre- sented in parentheses. Conversely, in Hong Kong, the corresponding functions are f = 1.98x 1.40 (r2 = 0.55), f = 1.32x 0.36 (r2 = 0.26), f = 1.87x 0.65 (r2 = 0.64), and f = 2.39x 1.47 (r2 = 0.72), respectively. The MEE values for Hong Kong at high RHs (RH 70%) are higher than those for Beijing, except in summer; this suggests that aerosols in Hong Kong are more hygroscopic than those in Beijing for the other three seasons, but the aerosol hygroscopicity is similarly high in summer over both cities. This study describes the effects of moisture on aerosol scattering extinction coefficients and provides a potential method of studying atmospheric visibility and groundlevel air quality using some of the optical remote sensing products of satellites.  相似文献   
We present geologic evidence suggesting that after the development of Mars' cryolithosphere, the formation of aquifers in southwestern Chryse Planitia and their subsequent disruption led to extensive regional resurfacing during the Late Hesperian, and perhaps even during the Amazonian. In our model, these aquifers formed preferentially along thrust faults associated with wrinkle ridges, as well as along fault systems peripheral to impact craters. The characteristics of degraded wrinkle ridges and impact craters in southwestern Chryse Planitia indicate a profound role of subsurface volatiles and especially liquid water in the upper crust (the upper one hundred to a few thousands of meters). Like lunar wrinkle ridges, the martian ones are presumed to mark the surface extensions of thrust faults, but in our study area the wrinkle ridges are heavily modified. Wrinkle ridges and nearby plains have locally undergone collapse, and in other areas they are associated with domical intrusions we interpret as mud volcanoes and mud diapirs. In at least one instance, a sinuous valley emanates from a modified wrinkle ridge, further indicating hydrological influences on these thrust-fault-controlled features. A key must be the formation of volatile-rich crust. Primary crustal formation and differentiation incorporated juvenile volatiles into the global crust, but the crustal record here was then strongly modified by the giant Chryse impact. The decipherable rock record here begins with the Chryse impact and continues with the resulting basin's erosion and infilling, which includes outflow channel activity. We propose that in Simud Vallis surface flow dissection into the base of the cryolithosphere-produced zones where water infiltrated and migrated along SW-dipping strata deformed by the Chryse impact, thereby forming an extensive aquifer in southwestern Chryse Planitia. In this region, compressive stresses produced by the rise of Tharsis led to the formation of wrinkle ridges. Zones of high fracture density within the highly strained planes of the thrust faults underlying the wrinkle ridges formed regions of high permeability; thus, groundwater likely flowed and gathered along these tectonic structures to form zones of elevated permeability. Volatile depletion and migration within the upper crustal materials, predominantly along fault systems, led to structurally controlled episodic resurfacing in southwestern Chryse Planitia. The erosional modification of impact craters in this region is linked to these processes. This erosion is scale independent over a range of crater diameters from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers. According to our model, pressurized water and sediment intruded and locally extruded and caused crustal subsidence and other degradational activity across this region. The modification of craters across this wide range of sizes, according to our model, implies that there was intensive mobilization of liquid water in the upper crust ranging from about one hundred to several thousand meters deep.  相似文献   
This study presents a detailed analysis of the seismic records of a strong explosion that occurred on 21 September 2001 at a chemical complex located south of Toulouse, France, and provoked important damages. The explosion, which is equivalent to a 3.4 magnitude earthquake, has been recorded at most of the stations of the National Seismological Network, as well as at a station under test at the ‘Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées’, 4.2 km away from the epicentre. The main seismic phases are interpreted using the known crustal structures, and a modelling with synthetic seismograms is performed. To cite this article: A. Souriau et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 155–161.  相似文献   
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