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A rock avalanche deposit was investigated in order to understand the chronological evolution of geological hazards and to evaluate the interaction of the triggering geodynamic processes in the valley Val Viola, Italian Alps. The deposit is situated west of the Alpe Dosdé, in a permafrost area with deep-seated gravitational deformations (DSGD) along a tectonic line. Based on its geomorphologic context, the rock avalanche was first interpreted as a result of slope stress release without exact timing. This hypothesis was tested by measuring the 10Be exposure date of quartz from one boulder from the rock avalanche. The age of 7430±460 years places the event in the early Holocene. The timing of the last deglaciation was constrained using the inner late glacial moraine of a moraine doublet in the valley Alpe Dosdé situated at an altitude between 2140 and 2120 m a.s.l. west of the rock avalanche. The 10Be concentrations of quartz yield minimum exposure ages of 11,480±670 and 10,850±820 years. Different proposals for potential triggering factors of the rock avalanche include (a) melting of the local valley glacier and slope stress release in the Val Viola, likely to play a minor role as trigger, because of the time delay between the deglaciation and the rock avalanche event. More likely are (b) enhanced crustal seismicity induced by post-glacial regional isostatic glacial rebound coupled with tectonic stress or/and (c) climate conditions with higher temperatures around 7430±460 years, resulting in an upwards movement of the permafrost limit and destabilization of the rock walls.  相似文献   
The assessment of the risks associated with contamination by elevated levels of pollutants is a major issue in most parts of the world. The risk arises from the presence of a pollutant and from the uncertainty associated with estimating its concentration, extent and trajectory. The uncertainty in the assessment comes from the difficulty of measuring the pollutant concentration values accurately at any given location and the impossibility of measuring it at all locations within a study zone. Estimations tend to give smoothed versions of reality, with the smoothing effect being inversely proportional to the amount of data. If risk is a measure of the probability of pollutant concentrations exceeding specified thresholds, then the variability is the key feature in risk assessment and risk analysis. For this reason, geostatistical simulations provide an appropriate way of quantifying risk by simulating possible “realities” and determining how many of these realities exceed the contamination thresholds, and, finally, provides a means of visualizing risk and the geological causes of risk. This study concerns multivariate simulations of organic and inorganic pollutants measured in terrain samples to assess the uncertainty for the risk analysis of a contaminated site, an industrial site in northern Italy that has to be remediated. The main geostatistical tools are used to model the local uncertainty of pollutant concentrations, which prevail at any unsampled site, in particular by means of stochastic simulation. These models of uncertainty have been used in the decision-making processes to identify the areas targeted for remediation.  相似文献   
The impact of a railway tunnel on groundwater and surface waters in the Northern Apennines (Italy) was demonstrated and characterised by multi-tracer tests and hydrological observations. The 15-km-long Firenzuola tunnel crosses turbidite marls and sandstones previously not considered as aquifers. During the drilling, water inrushes occurred at fracture zones, and the tunnel still continues to drain the aquifer. The water table dropped below the level of the valleys, and gaining streams transformed into losing streams or ran completely dry, as did many springs, causing severe damage to the aquatic fauna and other elements of the ecosystem. Two multi-tracer tests, each using uranine and sulforhodamine G, were carried out in two impacted catchments in order to confirm and quantify the stream–aquifer–tunnel interrelations. The results proved connection between losing streams and numerous water inlets in the tunnel, with maximum linear distances of 1.4 km and velocities up to 135 m/d. Several of the demonstrated flowpaths pass under previous groundwater divides (mountain ridges), proving that the tunnel has completely modified the regional flow system. Water balance estimations demonstrate that the observed water losses cannot be explained by climate change but can largely be attributed to the tunnel drainage.  相似文献   
Based on the structural analysis of the ‘Internal’ Units cropping out in the Cilento area (southern Italy), this article provides new geodynamic constraints on the Miocene tectonic evolution of the southern Apennine accretionary wedge. The studied sedimentary successions, forming part of the tectonically superposed Nord-Calabrese (in the hanging-wall) and Parasicilide Units, are characterized by three superposed fold sets. The analysis of the attitudes of the main structures allowed us to unravel the shortening directions experienced by the accretionary wedge in the Miocene time. The reconstructed deformation sequence, characterized by initial NW-SE shortening and subsequently by west-east and NE-SW shortening, is related to the inclusion of the studied successions into the accretionary wedge and to their subsequent tectonic emplacement on top of outer domains of the foreland plate. Accretionary wedge overthickening and uplift, probably associated with footwall imbrication involving carbonate units of the foreland plate, was followed by wedge thinning, which also enhanced the creation of accommodation space in wedge-top basin depocentres.  相似文献   
On 22 September 2002, 1 month before the beginning of the flank eruption on the NE Rift, an M-3.7 earthquake struck the northeastern part of Mt. Etna, on the westernmost part of the Pernicana fault. In order to investigate the ground deformation pattern associated with this event, a multi-disciplinary approach is presented here. Just after the earthquake, specific GPS surveys were carried out on two small sub-networks, aimed at monitoring the eastern part of the Pernicana fault, and some baselines belonging to the northeastern EDM monitoring network of Mt. Etna were measured. The leveling route on the northeastern flank of the volcano was also surveyed. Furthermore, an investigation using SAR interferometry was performed and also the continuous tilt data recorded at a high precision sensor close to the epicenter were analyzed to constrain the coseismic deformation. The results of the geodetic surveys show a ground deformation pattern that affects the entire northeastern flank of the volcano, clearly shaped by the Pernicana fault, but too strong and wide to be related only to an M-3.7 earthquake. Leveling and DInSAR data highlight a local strong subsidence, up to 7 cm, close to the Pernicana fault. Significant displacements, up to 2 cm, were also detected on the upper part of the NE Rift and in the summit craters area, while the displacements decrease at lower altitude, suggesting that the dislocation did not continue further eastward. Three-dimensional GPS data inversions have been attempted in order to model the ground deformation source and its relationship with the volcano plumbing system. The model has also been constrained by vertical displacements measured by the leveling survey and by the deformation map obtained by SAR interferometry.  相似文献   
The role of suspended particulate matter (SPM) as an important carrier of mercury (Hg) dispersed into the Gulf of Trieste and in the adjacent Grado lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea) was studied during a high Isonzo River inflow and the resulting river plume formation. Despite the fact that extreme flood events are rare during the year, they account for most of the PHg influx (37-112 ngL(-1)) into the Gulf of Trieste. When the river plume is diverted to the SW under the influence of an E-NE wind, the tidal flux acts as a "transport belt" carrying the PHg, mostly inorganic, into the Grado lagoon. A preliminary estimation indicates that the amount of PHg entrapped in the lagoon basin following a tidal semi-cycle accounts for 1.4 kg/12h, which corresponds to about 49% of the total Hg carried by the tidal flow. These findings should be considered in future remediation strategies in the lagoon environment.  相似文献   
The Anatolian peninsula is a key location to study the central portion of the Neotethys Ocean(s)and to understand how its western and eastern branches were connected.One of the lesser known branches of the Mesozoic ocean(s)is preserved in the northern ophiolite suture zone exposed in Turkey,namely,the Intra-Pontide suture zone.It is located between the Sakarya terrane and the Eurasian margin(i.e.,Istanbul-Zonguldak terrane)and consists of several metamorphic and non-metamorphic units containing ophiolites produced in supra-subduction settings from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous.Ophiolites preserved in the metamorphic units recorded pervasive deformations and peak metamorphic conditions ranging from blueschist to eclogite facies.In the nonmetamorphic units,the complete oceanic crust sequence is preserved in tectonic units or as olistoliths in sedimentary melanges.Geochemical,structural,metamorphic and geochronological investigations performed on ophiolite-bearing units allowed the formulation of a new geodynamic model of the entire"life"of the IntraPontide oceanic basin(s).The reconstruction starts with the opening of the Intra-Pontide oceanic basins during the Late Triassic between the Sakarya and Istanbul-Zonguldak continental microplates and ends with its closure caused by two different subductions events that occurred during the upper Early Jurassic and Middle Jurassic.The continental collision between the Sakarya continental microplate and the Eurasian margin developed from the upper Early Cretaceous to the Palaeocene.The presented reconstruction is an alternative model to explain the complex and articulate geodynamic evolution that characterizes the southern margin of Eurasia during the Mesozoic era.  相似文献   
The crystal chemistry and the elastic behavior under isothermal conditions up to 9 GPa of a natural, and extremely rare, 3T-phlogopite from Traversella (Valchiusella, Turin, Western Alps) [(K0.99Na0.05Ba0.01)(Mg2.60Al0.20Fe 0.21 2+ )[Si2.71Al1.29O10](OH)2, space group P3112, with a = 5.3167(4), c = 30.440(2) Å, and V = 745.16(9) ų] have been investigated by electron microprobe analysis in wavelength dispersion mode, single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 100 K, and in situ high-pressure synchrotron radiation powder diffraction (at room temperature) with a diamond anvil cell. The single-crystal refinement confirms the general structure features expected for trioctahedral micas, with the inter-layer site partially occupied by potassium and sodium, iron almost homogeneously distributed over the three independent octahedral sites, and the average bond distances of the two unique tetrahedra suggesting a disordered Si/Al-distribution (i.e., 〈T1-O〉 ~ 1.658 and 〈T2-O〉 ~ 1.656 Å). The location of the H-site confirms the orientation of the O–H vector nearly perpendicular to (0001). The refinement converged with R 1(F) = 0.0382, 846 unique reflections with F O > 4σ(F O) and 61 refined parameters, and not significant residuals in the final difference-Fourier map of the electron density (+0.77/?0.37 e ?3). The high-pressure experiments showed no phase transition within the pressure range investigated. The PV data were fitted with a Murnaghan (M-EoS) and a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (BM-EoS), yielding: (1) M-EoS, V 0 = 747.0(3) Å3, K T0 = 44.5(24) GPa, and K′ = 8.0(9); (2) BM-EoS, V 0 = 747.0(3) Å3, K T0 = 42.8(29) GPa, and K′ = 9.9(17). A comparison between the elastic behavior in response to pressure observed in 1M- and 3T-phlogopite is made.  相似文献   
Average steady source flow in heterogeneous porous formations is modelled by regarding the hydraulic conductivity K(x) as a stationary random space function (RSF). As a consequence, the flow variables become RSFs as well, and we are interested into calculating their moments. This problem has been intensively studied in the case of a Neumann type boundary condition at the source. However, there are many applications (such as well-type flows) for which the required boundary condition is that of Dirichlet. In order to fulfill such a requirement the strength of the source must be proportional to K(x), and therefore the source itself results a RSF. To solve flows driven by sources whose strength is spatially variable, we have used a perturbation procedure similar to that developed by Indelman and Abramovich (Water Resour Res 30:3385–3393, 1994) to analyze flows generated by sources of deterministic strength. Due to the linearity of the mathematical problem, we have focused on the explicit derivation of the mean head distribution G d (x) generated by a unit pulse. Such a distribution represents the fundamental solution to the average flow equations, and it is termed as mean Green function. The function G d (x) is derived here at the second order of approximation in the variance σ2 of the fluctuation (where K A is the mean value of K(x)), for arbitrary correlation function ρ(x), and any dimensionality d of the flow domain. We represent G d (x) as product between the homogeneous Green function G d (0)(x) valid in a domain with constant K A , and a distortion term Ψ d (x) = 1 + σ2ψ d (x) which modifies G d (0)(x) to account for the medium heterogeneity. In the case of isotropic formations ψ d (x) is expressed via one quadrature. This quadrature can be analytically calculated after adopting specific (e.g.. exponential and Gaussian) shape for ρ(x). These general results are subsequently used to investigate flow toward a partially-penetrating well in a semi-infinite domain. Indeed, we construct a σ2-order approximation to the mean as well as variance of the head by replacing the well with a singular segment. It is shown how the well-length combined with the medium heterogeneity affects the head distribution. We have introduced the concept of equivalent conductivity K eq(r,z). The main result is the relationship where the characteristic function ψ(w)(r,z) adjusts the homogeneous conductivity K A to account for the impact of the heterogeneity. In this way, a procedure can be developed to identify the aquifer hydraulic properties by means of field-scale head measurements. Finally, in the case of a fully penetrating well we have expressed the equivalent conductivity in analytical form, and we have shown that (being the effective conductivity for mean uniform flow), in agreement with the numerical simulations of Firmani et al. (Water Resour Res 42:W03422, 2006).  相似文献   
In geophysical inverse problems, the posterior model can be analytically assessed only in case of linear forward operators, Gaussian, Gaussian mixture, or generalized Gaussian prior models, continuous model properties, and Gaussian-distributed noise contaminating the observed data. For this reason, one of the major challenges of seismic inversion is to derive reliable uncertainty appraisals in cases of complex prior models, non-linear forward operators and mixed discrete-continuous model parameters. We present two amplitude versus angle inversion strategies for the joint estimation of elastic properties and litho-fluid facies from pre-stack seismic data in case of non-parametric mixture prior distributions and non-linear forward modellings. The first strategy is a two-dimensional target-oriented inversion that inverts the amplitude versus angle responses of the target reflections by adopting the single-interface full Zoeppritz equations. The second is an interval-oriented approach that inverts the pre-stack seismic responses along a given time interval using a one-dimensional convolutional forward modelling still based on the Zoeppritz equations. In both approaches, the model vector includes the facies sequence and the elastic properties of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and density. The distribution of the elastic properties at each common-mid-point location (for the target-oriented approach) or at each time-sample position (for the time-interval approach) is assumed to be multimodal with as many modes as the number of litho-fluid facies considered. In this context, an analytical expression of the posterior model is no more available. For this reason, we adopt a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to numerically evaluate the posterior uncertainties. With the aim of speeding up the convergence of the probabilistic sampling, we adopt a specific recipe that includes multiple chains, a parallel tempering strategy, a delayed rejection updating scheme and hybridizes the standard Metropolis–Hasting algorithm with the more advanced differential evolution Markov chain method. For the lack of available field seismic data, we validate the two implemented algorithms by inverting synthetic seismic data derived on the basis of realistic subsurface models and actual well log data. The two approaches are also benchmarked against two analytical inversion approaches that assume Gaussian-mixture-distributed elastic parameters. The final predictions and the convergence analysis of the two implemented methods proved that our approaches retrieve reliable estimations and accurate uncertainties quantifications with a reasonable computational effort.  相似文献   
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