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— Starting with fundamental-mode Rayleigh-wave attenuation coefficient values (R) predicted by previously determined frequency-independent models of shear-wave Q (Q), we have obtained frequency-dependent Q models that explain measured values of R as well as of Lg coda Q and its frequency dependence at 1 Hz (Qo and , respectively) for China and some adjacent regions. The process combines trial-and-error selection of a model for the depth distribution of the frequency dependence parameter () for Q with a formal inversion for the depth distribution of Q at 1 Hz. Fifteen of the derived models have depth distributions of that are constant, or nearly constant, between the surface and a depth of 30 km. distributions that vary with depth in the upper 30 km are necessary to explain the remaining seven models. values for the depth-independent models vary between 0.4 and 0.7 everywhere except in the western portion of the Tibetan Plateau where they range between about 0.1 and 0.3 for three paths. These low values lie in a region where QLg and crustal Q are very low and suggest that they should also be low for high-frequency propagation. The models in which varies with depth all show a decrease in that value ranging between 0.55 and 0.8 in the upper 15 km of the crust and (with two exceptions where =0.0) between 0.3 and 0.55 in the depth range 15–30 km. The distribution of values between 0.6 and 0.8 (the higher part of the range) in the upper crust indicates that high-frequency waves will propagate most efficiently, relative to low-frequency waves, in a band that includes, and strikes north-northeastward from the path between event 212/97 and KMI to the path between event 180/95 and station HIA in the north.Acknowledgement. We thank Lianli Cong for providing his code for plotting crustal Q models and Robert Herrmann for writing the mode summation code for computing Lg synthetics used in this study. Our work benefited from helpful discussions with Jack Xie at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. This research was sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Contract No. DTRA-01-00-C-0213.  相似文献   
Fast population growth and rapid industrialization, on one hand, and lack of sewerage network and poor living condition, on the other, have led to the deterioration of surface and ground water quality in the city of Addis Ababa. The urban wastewater is discharged largely into streams that drain the city. Only less than 3% join the wastewater treatment facilities. Due to sporadic rainfall that causes shortage in groundwater recharge, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) experiment was tested on soil column collected from Akaki Well Field which is located in the southern part of the city using water from the Big Akaki River that crosses the same well field and effluent from Kaliti Wastewater Treatment Plant. Water quality analysis for 17 different parameters was done for both the inflow and outflow water samples and soils were tested for electrical conductivity and cation exchange capacity. The results indicate improved water quality as a result of higher attenuation/filtration capacity of the vadose zone in the well field due to the presence of vertisols. The main geochemical processes that have acted in the soil column could be cation exchange, dissolution, precipitation, oxidation, nitrification, die off etc. that are responsible for the effectiveness of vadose zone for MAR.  相似文献   
We have measured group delays of the spectral components of high-frequency P-waves along two portions of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) in Turkey and in a region of southern Germany. Assuming that the observed dispersion is associated with attenuation in the crust and that it can be described by a continuous relaxation model, we obtained Q and the high-frequency relaxation times for those waves for each of the three regions. Individual P-wave Q values exhibit large scatter, but mean values in the NAFZ increase from about 25 to 60 over the distance range 5–90 km. Mean Q values are somewhat higher in the eastern portion of the NAFZ than in the western portion for measurements made at distances between 10 and 30 km. P-wave Q values in Germany range between about 50 and 300 over the hypocentral distance range 20–130 km. In that region we separated the effects of Q for basement rock (2–10 km depth) from that of the overlying sediment (0–2 km depth) using a least-squares method. Q varies between 100 and 500 in the upper 8–10 km of basement, with mean values for most of the distance range being about 250. Q in the overlying sediments ranges between 6 and 10. Because of large scatter in the Q determinations we investigated possible effects that variations of the source-time function of the earthquakes and truncation of the waveform may have on Q determinations. All of our studies indicate that measurement errors are relatively large and suggest that useful application of the method requires many observations, and that the method will be most useful in regions where the number of oscillations following the initial P pulse is minimized. Even though there is large scatter in our Q determinations, the mean values that we obtained in Turkey are consistent with those found in earlier studies. Our conclusions that Q is significantly higher in the basement rock of Germany than in the basement rock of Turkey and that Q is lower in western Turkey than in eastern Turkey are also consistent with results of Q studies using Lg coda.  相似文献   
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