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This research reconstructed the Late Quaternary salinity history of the Pearl River estuary, China, from diatom records of four sedimentary cores. The reconstruction was produced through the application of a diatom–salinity transfer function developed based on 77 modern surface sediment samples collected across the estuary from shallow marine environment to deltaic distributaries. The statistical analysis indicates that the majority of sediment samples from the cores has good modern analogues, thus the reconstructions are reliable. The reconstructed salinity history shows the older estuarine sequence formed during the last interglacial was deposited under similar salinity conditions to the younger estuarine sequence, which was formed during the present interglacial. Further analysis into the younger estuarine sequence reveals the interplays between sea level, monsoon‐driven freshwater discharge, and deltaic shoreline movement, key factors that have influenced water salinity in the estuary. In particular, a core from the delta plain shows the effects of sea‐level change and deltaic progradation, while cores from the mouth region of the estuary reveal changes of monsoon‐driven freshwater discharge. This study demonstrates the advantages of quantitative salinity reconstructions to improve the quality of reconstruction and allow direct comparison with other quantitative records and the instrumentally observed values of salinity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The perspective of European National Mapping Agencies (NMA) on the role of citizen sensing in map production was explored. The NMAs varied greatly in their engagement with the community generating volunteered geographic information (VGI) and in their future plans. From an assessment of NMA standard practices, it was evident that much VGI was acquired with a positional accuracy that, while less than that typically acquired by NMAs, actually exceeded the requirements of the nominal data capture scale used by most NMAs. Opportunities for VGI use in map revision and updating were evident, especially for agencies that use a continuous rather than cyclical updating policy. Some NMAs had also developed systems to engage with citizen sensors and examples are discussed. Only rarely was VGI used to collect data on features beyond the standard set used by the NMAs. The potential role of citizen sensing and so its current scale of use by NMAs is limited by a series of concerns, notably relating to issues of data quality, the nature and motivation of the contributors, legal issues, the sustainability of data source, and employment fears of NMA staff. Possible priorities for future research and development are identified to help ensure that the potential of VGI in mapping is realized.  相似文献   
Measurements of temporal variations in soil detachability under different land uses are badly needed to develop new algorithms or evaluate the existing ones for temporal adjustment of soil detachability in continuous soil erosion models. Few studies have been conducted in the Loess Plateau to quantify temporal variations in detachment rate of runoff under different land uses. The objectives of this study were to investigate the temporal variations of soil detachment rate under different land uses and to further identify the potential factors causing the change in detachment rate in the Loess Plateau. Undisturbed soil samples were collected in the fields of arable land (millet, soybean, corn, and potato), grassland, shrub land, wasteland, and woodland and tested in a laboratory flume under a constant hydraulic condition. The measurements started in mid‐April and ended in early October, 2006. The results showed that soil detachment rate of each land use fluctuated considerably over time. Distinctive temporal variation in detachment rate was found throughout the summer growing season of measurement in each land use. The maximum detachment rates of different land uses varied from 0·019 to 0·490 kg m–2 s–1 and the minimum detachment rates ranged from 0·004 to 0·092 kg m–2 s–1. Statistical analysis using a paired‐samples t‐test indicated that variations in soil detachment rate differed significantly at the 0·05 level between land uses in most cases. The major factors responsible for the temporal variation of soil detachment were tillage operations (such as planting, ploughing, weeding, harvesting), soil consolidation, and root growth. The influence of tillage operations on soil detachment depended on the degree of soil disturbance caused by the operations. The consolidation of the topsoil over time after tillage was reflected by increases in soil bulk density and soil cohesion. As soil bulk density and cohesion increased, detachment rate decreased. The impact of root density was inconclusive in this study. Further studies are needed to quantify the effects of root density on temporal variations of soil detachment. This work provides useful information for developing temporal adjustments to soil detachment rate in continuous soil erosion models in the Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Indirect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions produced by nitrogen (N) leaching into surface water and groundwater bodies are poorly understood in comparison to direct N2O emissions from soils. In this study, dissolved N2O concentrations were measured weekly in both lowland headwater streams and subsurface agricultural field drain discharges over a 2‐year period (2013–2015) in an intensive arable catchment, Norfolk, UK. All field drain and stream water samples were found to have dissolved N2O concentrations higher than the water–air equilibrium concentration, illustrating that all sites were acting as a net source of N2O emissions to the atmosphere. Soil texture was found to significantly influence field drain N2O dynamics, with mean concentrations from drains in clay loam soils (5.3 μg N L?1) being greater than drains in sandy loam soils (4.0 μg N L?1). Soil texture also impacted upon the relationships between field drain N2O concentrations and other water quality parameters (pH, flow rate, and nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) concentrations), highlighting possible differences in N2O production mechanisms in different soil types. Catchment antecedent moisture conditions influenced the storm event mobilisation of N2O in both field drains and streams, with the greatest concentration increases recorded during precipitation events preceded by prolonged wet conditions. N2O concentrations also varied seasonally, with the lowest mean concentrations typically occurring during the summer months (JJA). Nitrogen fertiliser application rates and different soil inversion regimes were found to have no effect on dissolved N2O concentrations, whereas higher N2O concentrations recorded in field drains under a winter cover crop compared to fallow fields revealed cover crops are an ineffective greenhouse gas emission mitigation strategy. Overall, this study highlights the complex interactions governing the dynamics of dissolved N2O concentrations in field drains and headwater streams in a lowland intensive agricultural catchment.  相似文献   
Exceptional rainfall events cause significant losses of soil, although few studies have addressed the validation of model predictions at field scale during severe erosive episodes. In this study, we evaluate the predictive ability of the enhanced Soil Erosion and Redistribution Tool (SERT‐2014) model for mapping and quantifying soil erosion during the exceptional rainfall event (~235 mm) that affected the Central Spanish Pyrenees in October 2012. The capacity of the simulation model is evaluated in a fallow cereal field (1.9 ha) at a high spatial scale (1 × 1 m). Validation was performed with field‐quantified rates of soil loss in the rills and ephemeral gullies and also with a detailed map of soil redistribution. The SERT‐2014 model was run for the six rainfall sub‐events that made up the exceptional event, simulating the different hydrological responses of soils with maximum runoff depths ranging between 40 and 1017 mm. Predicted average and maximum soil erosion was 11 and 117 Mg ha?1 event?1, respectively. Total soil loss and sediment yield to the La Reina gully amounted to 16.3 and 9.0 Mg event?1. These rates are in agreement with field estimations of soil loss of 20.0 Mg event?1. Most soil loss (86%) occurred during the first sub‐event. Although soil accumulation was overestimated in the first sub‐event because of the large amount of detached soil, the enhanced SERT‐2014 model successfully predicted the different spatial patterns and values of soil redistribution for each sub‐event. Further research should focus on stream transport capacity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The fair and effective governance of freshwater is an increasingly prominent issue in New Zealand. Emerging from a complex of cultural, economic and biophysical narratives, freshwater geographies are multiple, varied and increasingly acknowledged as worthy of interdisciplinary scrutiny. In this commentary, we reflect on a series of generative spaces that we – as group of postgraduate geographers (plus supporting staff) – created to engage with the multiplicity of freshwater meanings both within and beyond the academy. Through this evolving epistemic‐political project, we significantly reframed our own understandings about what freshwater ‘is’ and how it ought to be governed. By pursuing a deeper understanding of how the world gets made, we expand our ability to know and make it differently.  相似文献   
Phase equilibria modelling, laser‐ablation split‐stream (LASS)‐ICP‐MS petrochronology and garnet trace‐element geochemistry are integrated to constrain the P–T–t history of the footwall of the Priest River metamorphic core complex, northern Idaho. Metapelitic, migmatitic gneisses of the Hauser Lake Gneiss contain the peak assemblage garnet + sillimanite + biotite ± muscovite + plagioclase + K‐feldspar ± rutile ± ilmenite + quartz. Interpreted P–T paths predict maximum pressures and peak metamorphic temperatures of ~9.6–10.3 kbar and ~785–790 °C. Monazite and xenotime 208Pb/232Th dates from porphyroblast inclusions indicate that metamorphism occurred at c. 74–54 Ma. Dates from HREE‐depleted monazite formed during prograde growth constrain peak metamorphism at c. 64 Ma near the centre of the complex, while dates from HREE‐enriched monazite constrain the timing of garnet breakdown during near‐isothermal decompression at c. 60–57 Ma. Near‐isothermal decompression to ~5.0–4.4 kbar was followed by cooling and further decompression. The youngest, HREE‐enriched monazite records leucosome crystallization at mid‐crustal levels c. 54–44 Ma. The northernmost sample records regional metamorphism during the emplacement of the Selkirk igneous complex (c. 94–81 Ma), Cretaceous–Tertiary metamorphism and limited Eocene exhumation. Similarities between the Priest River complex and other complexes of the northern North American Cordillera suggest shared regional metamorphic and exhumation histories; however, in contrast to complexes to the north, the Priest River contains less partial melt and no evidence for diapiric exhumation. Improved constraints on metamorphism, deformation, anatexis and exhumation provide greater insight into the initiation and evolution of metamorphic core complexes in the northern Cordillera, and in similar tectonic settings elsewhere.  相似文献   
Both, observational and theoretical results support the close connection between bars and box/peanut‐shaped bulges in spiral galaxies. However, for the sub‐class of thick box/peanut‐shaped bulges, an environmental process instead of an internal mechanism is suggested to account for the prominence of the box/peanut component. In this paper a multiwavelength study of the morphology and the kinematics of a sample of thick box/peanut‐shaped bulges is presented. The results suggest a scenario in which interaction events play a significant role in the history of thick box/peanut‐shaped bulge galaxies. Most likely these sources have experienced a mass infall. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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