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The formation of the continental crust (CC) is one of the most important processes in the evolution of the silicate Earth. Exactly how the CC formed is the subject of ongoing debate that focuses on its subchondritic Nb/Ta ratio. Nb and Ta are “geochemical identical twins,” so they usually do not fractionate from each other. Here, we show that rutile grains from hydrous rutile-bearing eclogitic layers recovered from drillcores in the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh pressure terrain have highly variable Nb/Ta values (ranging from 5.4 to 29.1, with an average of 9.8 ± 0.6), indicating major fractionation of Nb and Ta most likely occurred during blueschist to amphibole-eclogite transformation in the absence of rutile. It is suggested that the released fluids with subchondritic Nb/Ta were transported to, and retained by, hydrous rutile-bearing eclogite in colder regions, resulting in suprachondritic Nb/Ta ratios for drier eclogite in hotter regions. Further dehydration of hydrous rutile-bearing eclogites cannot transfer the fractionated Nb/Ta values to the CC due to the low solubility of Nb and Ta in fluids in the presence of rutile, while dehydration-melting results in a major component of the CC, the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) component, which is responsible for the low Nb/Ta of the CC. Consequently, residual eclogites have variable but overall suprachondritic Nb/Ta.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
MARSHA ALIBRANDI, GIS in the Classroom: Using Geographic Information Systems in Social Studies and Environmental Science
JO WOOD, Java Programming for Spatial Sciences  相似文献   
We have developed a new database named GeoReM ( http://georem.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de ) for reference materials and isotopic standards of geochemical and mineralogical interest. Reference samples include rock powders originating from the USGS, GSJ, GIT-IWG, synthetic and natural reference glasses originating from NIST, USGS, MPI-DING, as well as mineral (e.g., 91500 zircon), isotopic (e.g., La Jolla, E&A, NIST SRM 981), river water and seawater reference materials. GeoReM is a relational database, which strongly follows the concept of the three EARTHCHEM databases. It contains published analytical and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios), important metadata about the analytical values, such as uncertainty, uncertainty type, method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included. Three different ways of interrogating the database are possible: (1) sample names or material types, (2) chemical criteria and (3) bibliography. Some typical applications are described. GeoReM currently (October 2005) contains more than 750 geological reference materials, 6000 individual sets of results and references to 650 publications.  相似文献   
The Rhodope Massif in southern Bulgaria and northern Greece hosts a range of Pb–Zn–Ag, Cu–Mo and Au–Ag deposits in high-grade metamorphic, continental sedimentary and igneous rocks. Following a protracted thrusting history as part of the Alpine–Himalayan collision, major late orogenic extension led to the formation of metamorphic core complexes, block faulting, sedimentary basin formation, acid to basic magmatism and hydrothermal activity within a relatively short period of time during the Early Tertiary. Large vein and carbonate replacement Pb–Zn deposits hosted by high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Central Rhodopean Dome (e.g., the Madan ore field) are spatially associated with low-angle detachment faults as well as local silicic dyke swarms and/or ignimbrites. Ore formation is essentially synchronous with post-extensional dome uplift and magmatism, which has a dominant crustal magma component according to Pb and Sr isotope data. Intermediate- and high-sulphidation Pb–Zn–Ag–Au deposits and minor porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization in the Eastern Rhodopes are predominantly hosted by veins in shoshonitic to high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of closely similar age. Base-metal-poor, high-grade gold deposits of low sulphidation character occurring in continental sedimentary rocks of synextensional basins (e.g., Ada Tepe) show a close spatial and temporal relation to detachment faulting prior and during metamorphic core complex formation. Their formation predates local magmatism but may involve fluids from deep mantle magmas.The change in geochemical signatures of Palaeogene magmatic rocks, from predominantly silicic types in the Central Rhodopes to strongly fractionated shoshonitic (Bulgaria) to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline (Greece) magmas in the Eastern Rhodopes, coincides with the enrichment in Cu and Au relative to Pb and Zn of the associated ore deposits. This trend also correlates with a decrease in the radiogenic Pb and Sr isotope components of the magmatic rocks from west to east, reflecting a reduced crustal contamination of mantle magmas, which in turn correlates with a decreasing crustal thickness that can be observed today. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of the related hydrothermal systems show a concomitant increase of magmatic relative to meteoric fluids, from the Pb–Zn–Ag deposits of the Central Rhodopes to the magmatic rock-hosted polymetallic gold deposits of the Eastern Rhodopes.  相似文献   
Geo-ontology Tools: The Missing Link   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous authors have presented ontology building tools that have all been developed as part of academic projects and that are usually adaptations of more generic tools for geo-spatial applications. While we trust that these tools do their job for the special purpose they have been built, the GIScience user community is still a long way away from off-the-shelf ontology builders that can be used by GIS project managers. In this article, we present a comparative study of ontology building tools described in some twenty peer-reviewed GIScience journal articles. We analyze them from the perspective of two application domains, crime analysis and transportation/land use. For the latter, we developed a database schema, which is substantially different from the three main templates commonly used. The crime analysis application uses a rule base for an agent-based model that had no precursor. In both cases, the currently available set of tools cannot replace manual coding of ontologies for use with ESRI-based application software. Based on these experiences, we outline a requirements list of what the tools described in the first part of the article are missing to make them practical from an applications perspective. The result is an R&D agenda for this important aspect of GIScience.  相似文献   
Mangrove wetland ecosystems in Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Sundarbans is one of the productive mangrove wetland ecosystems in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh. The delta is undergoing rapid ecological changes due to human activity. In the present study, surface water salinity data from 13 rivers of the Sundarbans were collected in order to investigate the saline water intrusion in the mangrove wetlands. Results demonstrate that saline water has penetrated the upstream area as river water salinity has increased significantly in 1976 compared to the year 1968. The soil and river water salinity data also shows that it has crossed the water salinity threshold line in most parts of the Sundarbans wetlands. These observations are due to the construction of Farakka Barrage in 1975, which reduced the water discharge of the Ganges River from 3700 m3/s in 1962 to 364 m3/s in 2006. The shortage of freshwater discharge to the deltaic area is trailing active ecosystems function, especially in the dry season in the south western region in Bangladesh. The objective of this study is to understand and analyze the present degraded mangrove wetland ecosystems and their negative impacts. The findings of this study would contribute to the formulation of the mangrove wetland ecosystems management plan in the Ganges delta of Bangladesh.  相似文献   
Geochronological and geochemical analyses were carried out in order to identify the pre-Variscan basement of the Tauern Window (eastern Alps). Maficultramafic rocks from the central part of the Tauern window have been studied by REE-analysis and U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic analyses on whole rock, zircons, garnets and sphene. U-Pb and Sm—Nd zircon dating define both magmatic Pan-African and Cambro-Ordovician events from 650 Ma to 486 Ma within the Alpine fold belt. This indicates a time span of 150 Ma for magmatic activities in the Tauern Window of the eastern Alps. The ages of 657 Ma (U-Pb zircon) and 644 (Sm—Nd zireon) obtained from an amphibolite are the oldest dates of the Eastern Alps; they may be related to the Pan-African orogeny, and imply an early cycle of magmatic intrusion before major activity started at around 500 Ma. Sm-Nd whole rock analyses of the Precambrian rocks do not define an isochron, reflecting heterogenities within the mantle source. The initial Nd values (+1.2 to +4.7) are very low, implying an enrichment of the magma source. The second main phase of magmatic activity (539 486 Ma) is characterized by the emplacement of mafic/ultramafic rock sequences. As no ophiolitic relies are observed in these domains, the Early Paleozoic magmatism was likely associated with extensional tectonics. Obtained ages of 301±3 and 314+4/-3 Ma point to a Variscan metamorphism. The first combined U-Pb zircon/Sm—Nd zircon data for an amphibolite from the Basal Amphibolite Formation (BAF) favoured the Sm-Nd zircon isochron age as a magmatic age, whereas the low initial Nd value point to an enriched magma source as well as to heterogenities within the magma source. The obtained ages suggest that parts of the pre-Variscan basement within the Alpine fold belt were formed during the Pan-Africa cycle. The detection of Pre-Variscan ages within the Alpine basement must reffect a complex history involving significant pre-Variscan activity.  相似文献   
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