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The triterpenoid hydrocarbons of some West Australian shales have been examined by GC-MS. In addition to the common 17α(H),21β(H)-hopanes, 17β(H),21β(H)-hopanes and 17β(H),21α(H)-moretanes, 28,30-bisnorhopane, 25,28,30-trisnorhopane and 25-norhopanes were identified in the organic extracts. In contrast, pyrolysates of the solvent-extracted sediments contained only the common hopane and moretane series, indicating that 28,30-bisnorhopane, 25,28,30-trisnorhopane and 25-norhopanes are not bonded to kerogen, but rather are present in the sediments as free hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
The estimation of velocity models is still crucial in seismic reflection imaging as it controls the quality of the depth‐migrated image, which is the basis of geological interpretation. Among the numerous existing methods for velocity determination, tomographic methods are very attractive for their efficiency and ability to retrieve heterogeneities of the medium. We present three tomographic methods in order to estimate heterogeneous velocity models from 2D prestack PP reflection data: a traveltime tomography in the time‐migrated domain, a traveltime and slope tomography in the non‐migrated time domain, and a slope tomography in the depth‐migrated domain. The first method (traveltime tomography in the time domain) is based on continuous picked events, whereas the two slope tomographic methods, one in the time domain and the other in the depth domain, are based on locally coherent events, with no assumptions about reflector geometry or the unknown velocity field. The purpose of this paper is not to describe in detail the theoretical basis and implementation of the methods, but to apply and compare their output using the same marine real data set. Based on the estimated velocity models, the migrated images and the common‐image gathers from the three processing routes, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the methods are discussed. Finally, similarities are indicated and potential alternative approaches are proposed.  相似文献   
Eclogites, blueschists and greenschists are found in close proximity to one another along a 1‐km coastal section where the Cyclades Blueschist Unit (CBU) is exposed on SE Syros, Greece. Here, we show that the eclogites and blueschists experienced the same metamorphic history: prograde lawsonite blueschist facies metamorphism at 1.2–1.9 GPa and 410–530°C followed, at 43–38 Ma, by peak blueschist/eclogite facies metamorphism at 1.5–2.1 GPa and 520–580°C. We explain co‐existence of eclogites and blueschists by compositional variation probably reflecting original compositional layering. It is also shown that the greenschists record retrogression at 0.34 ± 0.21 GPa and = 456 ± 68°C. This was spatially associated with a shear zone on a scales of 10–100‐m and veins on a scale of 1–10‐cm. Greenschist facies metamorphism ended at (or shortly after) 27 Ma. We thus infer a period of metamorphic quiescence after eclogite/blueschist facies metamorphism and before greenschist facies retrogression which lasted up to 11–16 million years. We suggest that this reflects an absence of metamorphic fluid flow at that time and conclude that greenschist facies retrogression only occurred when and where metamorphic fluids were present. From a tectonic perspective, our findings are consistent with studies showing that the CBU is (a) a high‐P nappe stack consisting of belts in which high‐P metamorphism and exhumation occurred at different times and (b) affected by greenschist facies metamorphism during the Oligocene, prior to the onset of regional tectonic extension.  相似文献   
The processing of a small-scale, very high resolution (VHR) shallow marine 3D data volume is described. The data were acquired over a small clay diapir, on the river Schelde, in 1990. Using an array of 12 dual-channel microstreamers towed from a catamaran, a network of 1 m × 1 m bins could be produced over an area of 50 m × 180 m (< 100 m penetration). Positioning was performed with an auto-tracking laser ranging system, assuring an absolute accuracy of a few decimetres.
Preliminary processing steps included tidal correction and multiple removal. An important step concerned the application of 3D prestack Kirchhoff depth migration. Indeed this processing allows easy handling of the exact positions of both source and receivers as the latter were not set out on a conventional regular grid due to navigation difficulties. Because of the restricted data volume and the more-or-less stratified medium, a 1D velocity model could be used. This allowed a considerable simplification of the migration algorithm, based on summation. Traveltimes were calculated only once, using a 2D time grid with 0.1 m intervals.
This migration method proved very efficient, greatly improving the seismic image, and involved only limited CPU time on a small computer (Sparc 10 workstation). It clearly demonstrates that advanced seismic processing can form a valuable and economically feasible tool for VHR shallow subsurface 3D seismics, as long as the velocity field is not too complex. This method should therefore no longer be restricted to large computers and hydrocarbon exploration, but should also become a routine for VHR 3D shallow seismic work.  相似文献   
U-Pb isotopic analyses using TIMS and Laser Ablation-Multi Collector-ICP-MS were carried out on columbite-tantalite minerals from three suites of rare-element (Li, Cs, Ta) pegmatites in the Superior Province of Canada. Conventional TIMS analyses of these columbite-tantalite crystals produce scattered data and reverse discordance even after HF leaching of the grains prior to dissolution, possibly reflecting the incomplete removal of the open-system metamict segments during sample preparation. LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses of unleached, primary columbite free from inclusions and alteration give consistent and precise (<0.5%) Pb-Pb ages, demonstrating the utility of this approach. However, normal and reverse discordance is also observed in U-Pb data from LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses. This discordance represents either U-Pb mobilisation during recent weathering, sample preparation and/or an analytical artefact originating from variable elemental fractionation between U and Pb during ablation and ionisation that itself may have its origin in the contrasting metamictization of the dated columbite and the monazite standard used. Best age estimates of columbite from pegmatites in the Superior Province are; 2670±5 Ma for the Pakeagama Lake pegmatite, 2644±7 Ma for the Separation Rapids group, and 2665±8 Ma for the Mavis Lake group. The ages broadly show that the rare-element pegmatites are temporally synchronous with adjacent peraluminous granites.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   
In the Ayacucho basin of central Perú the regional Quechua II contractional deformation is bracketed by 40Ar/39Ar isotopic age determinations to a maximum duration of about 300,000 years, and probably less than 150,000 years, centered on 8.7 Ma. The strongly deformed Huanta Formation beneath the Quechua II angular unconformity was deposited during a period of extension that began before 9.05 ± 0.05 Ma. Deposition of a thick succession of alluvial fan deposits interbedded with flows of basaltic andesite in the Tingrayoc Member continued up to about 8.76 ± 0.05 Ma with the later part of the sedimentary record reflected by lacustrine deposits of the Mayocc Member. The upper limit on contractional deformation is constrained by an age of 8.64 ± 0.05 Ma on a unit of tuff near the base of the Puchcas volcanics, which in places was deposited upon near-vertical beds of the Huanta Formation. The Ayacucho Formation was deposited, locally unconformably, upon the Puchcas volcanics beginning slightly before 7.65 ± 0.10 Ma.Extended periods of neutral to tensional stress interrupted by rapid well-developed pulses of contractional deformation demonstrate the episodic behavior of Andean orogeny in Perú. The very short duration for the Quechua II event implies that driving forces for episodic deformation may be related to coupling along the orogen boundaries and strain accumulation and release mechanisms in the continental crust instead of much longer-term variations in the configuration of converging plates.  相似文献   
Shallow calcrete aquifers in the central north of the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia are the host to numerous secondary carnotite U deposits. Sampling and analysis of approximately 1400 shallow aquifer groundwaters were conducted to test if U mineralisation of this type may be found using a >5 km sample spacing. Results show this can be achieved. All the economic deposits and most of the minor deposits and occurrences are associated with groundwater that has carnotite (KUO2VO4) approaching or exceeding saturated conditions. Soluble U concentrations alone identified the largest deposit (Yeelirrie) and several smaller deposits, but this parameter was not as successful as the mineral saturation indices. Palaeodrainage distribution and thickness of cover combined with surface drainage and catchment boundaries provided background information of U primary sources and for areas with the highest exploration potential for channel and playa U deposits. Granites in the SE of the study area are less prospective with regard to secondary U deposits. Groundwater geochemistry in conjunction with palaeodrainage mapping may greatly improve exploration through cover where radiometric geophysics is not effective. The study of regional, shallow groundwater for U shows multiple benefits for mineral exploration, the economy and potable water quality.  相似文献   
Successfully delineating management zones that differ in crop productivity is an important component of site-specific management. We compared the effectiveness of the digitally scanned color aerial infrared photographs and digital Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for delineating within-field zones. The zones delineated using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from TM data explained 34% of field yield variance compared with 9% for that from digitally scanned color aerial infrared photograph data. The zones from NDVI using Landsat TM were better able to capture spatial differences in plant growth and relatively stable soil attribute of surface soil organic carbon.  相似文献   
Topics Anguilla     
Remediation of a legacy tin-tailings site in northeast Tasmania, Australia was carried out by statutory authorities. This study evaluated the fate of As and other deleterious trace metals Cd, Cu, Fe and Zn (among others) following the application of lime and fertiliser. Arsenic concentrations in the tailings ranged from 86 mg/kg to 0.26 wt%. Surface application of lime resulted in a 100-fold reduction in dissolved As concentrations in on-site surface waters; from an average of 196 µg/L prior to lime addition, to between 2.0 and 7.4 µg/L post-amendment. The concentration of other deleterious elements, however, varied between dry and wet cycles. The concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn in surface waters were high and similar to pre-remediation levels during dry conditions (0.4, 13.5 and 6.1 mg/L, respectively), and only below freshwater ecosystem protection values during wet conditions. Bioaccumulation of Cd was observed in the naturally occurring coloniser, Juncus pallidus, with 4–5 times more Cd in the above-ground biomass relative to the tailings. Ferric arsenate (scorodite) was the dominant source of As identified in the tailings mineralogy. Hydrous ferric oxides and Fe-bearing cassiterite were also identified as hosting As. The pH increase in the surface lime-amended tailings was inferred to result in precipitation of observed hydrous ferric oxides, hematite and goethite, providing high-surface area for adsorption of arsenate onto positively charged surfaces. Jarosite was observed in both the surface lime-amended and subsurface non-amended tailings and suggests a continued supply of acidity to the pore waters despite the application of lime. Leaching experiments showed that As was more mobile in the lime-dosed tailings than in subsurface non-amended tailings, likely owing to desorption in alkaline pH conditions. By contrast, the mobility of Cd, Cu and Zn in the surface lime-amended tailings was reduced by at least two orders of magnitude compared with subsurface non-amended tailings. Evaluation of the applied rehabilitation strategy highlights the limits of a single chemical remediation approach to a polymetallic (including metalloids) waste with complex mineralogy and large seasonal fluctuations. Rehabilitation of metalliferous mine sites requires a complete understanding of all environmentally significant elements and their pathways into local receptors.  相似文献   
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