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We present high angular resolution spectra taken along the jets from L1551 IRS 5 and DG Tau obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The position-velocity diagrams of the [Fe II] λ 1.644 μmemission line revealed remarkably similar characteristics for the two sources, showing two distinct velocity components separated from each other in both velocity and space with the entire emission range blueshifted with respect to the stellar velocity. The high velocity component (HVC) has a velocity of –200 ––300 km s-1 with a narrow line width, while the low velocity component (LVC) is around –100 km s-1 exhibitinig a broad line width. The HVC is located farther away from the origin and is more extended than the LVC. Our results suggest that the HVC is a well-collimated jet originating from the region close to the star, while the LVC is a widely-opened wind accelerated in the region near the inner edge of the accretion disk.  相似文献   
Abstract— We present instrumental observations of the Tagish Lake fireball and interpret the observed characteristics in the context of two different models of ablation. From these models we estimate the pre‐atmospheric mass of the Tagish Lake meteoroid to be ?56 tonnes and its porosity to be between 37 and 58%, with the lowest part of this range most probable. These models further suggest that some 1300 kg of gram‐sized or larger Tagish Lake material survived ablation to reach the Earth's surface, representing an ablation loss of 97% for the fireball. Satellite recordings of the Tagish Lake fireball indicate that 1.1 times 1012 J of optical energy were emitted by the fireball during the last 4 s of its flight. The fraction of the total kinetic energy converted to light in the satellite pass band is found to be 16%. Infrasonic observations of the airwave associated with the fireball establish a total energy for the event of 1.66 ± 0.70 kT TNT equivalent energy. The fraction of this total energy converted to acoustic signal energy is found to be between 0.10 and 0.23%. Examination of the seismic recordings of the airwave from Tagish Lake have established that the acoustic energy near the sub‐terminal point is converted to seismic body waves in the upper‐most portion of the Earth's crust. The acoustic energy to seismic energy coupling efficiency is found to be near 10?6 for the Tagish Lake fireball. The resulting energy estimate is near 1.7 kT, corresponding to a meteoroid 4 m in diameter. The seismic record indicates extensive, nearly continuous fragmentation of the body over the height intervals from 50 to 32 km. Seismic and infrasound energy estimates are in close agreement with the pre‐atmospheric mass of 56 tonnes established from the modeling. The observed flight characteristics of the Tagish Lake fireball indicate that the bulk compressive strength of the pre‐atmospheric Tagish Lake meteoroid was near 0.25 MPa, while the material compressive strength (most appropriate to the recovered meteorites) was closer to 0.7 MPa. These are much lower than values found for fireballs of ordinary chondritic composition. The behavior of the Tagish Lake fireball suggests that it represents the lowest end of the strength spectrum of carbonaceous chondrites or the high end of cometary meteoroids. The bulk density and porosity results for the Tagish Lake meteoroid suggest that the low bulk densities measured for some small primitive bodies in the solar system may reflect physical structure dominated by microporosity rather than macroporosity and rubble‐pile assemblages.  相似文献   
Spectra of Jupiter recorded in the 1900- to 2300-cm?1 range at the IRTF in Hawaii, July 1982, provide tentative evidence for variability of the Jovian atmosphere between zones and belts. It is concluded from analysis of the ν1and ν3 bands of PH3 that there is a possible enhancement of the PH3/H2 ratio in the belts when compared to the zones. There is an apparent reduction of the PH3 abundance between the IRIS Voyager 1 determinations and these spectra, implying temporal or spatial variability of PH3 on Jupiter. Interpretation of this variability in the troposphere could involve both dynamical and thermochemical processes.  相似文献   
Soil water, stream water, groundwater and rain water were sampled through a storm event in a moorland catchment. Samples were analysed for major ions and deuterium. Chloride and deuterium are used as tracers to enable separation of the stream runoff hydrograph into three components: rain, soil and groundwater. The results indicate that rain water arrives in the stream quickly during the event and contributes a significant volume to the runoff peak. The chemical signal in the rain water is, however, significantly damped, apparently due to mixing with soil water held in the catchment before the event. This is further modified before reaching the stream, apparently through mixing with a deeper groundwater component. Interpretation of tracer, chemistry and hydrological data to present an integrated picture of catchment hydrochemical response is difficult due to problems in the chemical and conceptual definition of the flow components.  相似文献   
We present new visible and near-infrared spectroscopic measurements for 252 near-Earth (NEO) and Mars-crossing (MC) objects observed from 1994 through 2002 as a complement to the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (SMASS, http://smass.mit.edu/). Combined with previously published SMASS results, we have an internally consistent data set of more than 400 of these objects for investigating trends related to size, orbits, and dynamical history. These data also provide the basis for producing a bias-corrected estimate for the total NEO population (Stuart and Binzel, 2004, Icarus 170, 295-311). We find 25 of the 26 Bus (1999, PhD thesis) taxonomic types are represented, with nearly 90% of the objects falling within the broad S-, Q-, X-, and C-complexes. Rare A- and E-types are more common in the MC than NEO population (about 5% compared to <1%) and may be direct evidence of slow diffusion into MC orbits from the Flora and Hungaria regions, respectively. A possible family of MC objects (C-types) may reside at the edge of the 5:2 jovian resonance. Distinct signatures are revealed for the relative contributions of different taxonomic types to the NEO population through different source regions. E-types show an origin signature from the inner belt, C-types from the mid to outer belt, and P-types from the outer belt. S- and Q-types have effectively identical main-belt source region profiles, as would be expected if they have related origins. A lack of V-types among Mars-crossers suggests entry into NEO space via rapid transport through the ν6 and 3:1 resonances from low eccentricity main-belt orbits, consistent with a Vesta origin. D-types show the strongest signature from Jupiter family comets (JFC), with a strong JFC component also seen among the X-types. A distinct taxonomic difference is found with respect to the jovian Tisserand parameter T, where C-, D-, and X-type (most likely low albedo P-class) objects predominate for T?3. These objects, which may be extinct comets, comprise 4% of our observed sample, but their low albedos makes this magnitude limited fraction under-representative of the true value. With our taxonomy statistics providing a strong component to the diameter limited bias correction analysis of Stuart (2003, PhD thesis), we estimate 10-18% of the NEO population above any given diameter may be extinct comets, taking into account asteroids scattered into T<3 orbits and comets scattered into T>3 orbits. In terms of possible space weathering effects, we see a size-dependent transition from ordinary chondrite-like (Q-type) objects to S-type asteroids over the size range of 0.1 to 5 km, where the transition is effectively complete at 5 km. A match between the average surface age of 5 km asteroids and the rate of space weathering could constrain models for both processes. However, space weathering may proceed at a very rapid rate compared with collisional timescales. In this case, the presence or absence of a regolith may be the determining factor for whether or not an object appears “space weathered.” Thus 0.1 to 5 km appears to be a critical size range for understanding the processes, timescales, and conditions under which a regolith conducive to space weathering is generated, retained, and refreshed.  相似文献   
The general theory described in an earlier paper is used to investigate the long-term behavior of the eccentricity and argument of the perigee for Earth satellites which have nearly circular orbits and orbital inclinations in the neighbourhood of the critical value 63°.4. Taking into account the effect of all the zonal harmonics, it is shown that there are just twoTypes of behaviour possible, compared with the six described in the earlier general theory and the four found by Aoki (1963).  相似文献   
Abstract— Chondrule D8n in LL3.0 Semarkona is a porphyritic olivine (PO) chondrule, 1300 times 1900 μm in size, with a complicated thermal history. The oldest recognizable portion of D8n is a moderately high‐FeO, PO chondrule that is modeled as having become enmeshed in a dust ball containing a small, intact, low‐FeO porphyritic chondrule and fine‐grained material consisting of forsterite, kamacite, troilite, and possibly reduced C. The final chondrule melting event may have been a heat pulse that preferentially melted the low‐FeO material and produced a low‐FeO, opaque‐rich, exterior region, 45–140 μm in thickness, around the original chondrule. At one end of the exterior region, a kamacite‐ and troilite‐rich lump 960 μm in length formed. During the final melting event, the coarse, moderately ferroan olivine phenocrysts within the original chondrule appear to have been partly resorbed (These relict phenocrysts have the highest concentrations of FeO, MnO, and Cr2O3—7.5, 0.20, and 0.61 wt%, respectively—in D8n.). Narrow olivine overgrowths crystallized around the phenocrysts following final chondrule melting; their compositions seem to reflect mixing between melt derived from the exterior region and the resorbed margins of the phenocrysts. During the melting event, FeO in the relict phenocrysts was reduced, producing numerous small blebs of Ni‐poor metallic Fe along preexisting curvilinear fractures. The reduced olivine flanking the trails of metal blebs has lower FeO than the phenocrysts but virtually identical MnO and Cr2O3 contents. Subsequent parent‐body aqueous alteration in the exterior region of the chondrule formed pentlandite and abundant magnetite.  相似文献   
Abstract— The degree of isotopic spatial heterogeneity in the solar nebula has long been a puzzle, with different isotopic systems implying either large‐scale initial spatial homogeneity (e.g., 26Al chronometry) or a significant amount of preserved heterogeneity (e.g., ratios of the three stable oxygen isotopes, 16O, 17O, and 18O). We show here that in a marginally gravitationally unstable (MGU) solar nebula, the efficiency of large‐scale mixing and transport is sufficient to spatially homogenize an initially highly spatially heterogeneous nebula to dispersions of ?10% about the mean value of 26Al/27Al on time scales of thousands of years. A similar dispersion would be expected for 17O/16O and 18O/16O ratios produced by ultraviolet photolysis of self‐shielded molecular CO gas at the surface of the outer solar nebula. In addition to preserving a chronological interpretation of initial 26Al/27Al ratios and the self‐shielding explanation for the oxygen isotope ratios, these solar nebula models offer a self‐consistent environment for achieving large‐scale mixing and transport of thermally annealed dust grains, shock‐wave processing of chondrules and refractory inclusions, and giant planet formation.  相似文献   
The Innisfree meteorite was the third fall for which accurate orbital data were secured from a camera network. Nine fragments were found within three months of the fall with a total mass of 4.58 kg. The ellipse of fall is unusually small because of the steep path in the atmosphere. The photograph from the Vegreville station reveals six trails below 26 km and these are correlated with the six main fragments, all with masses in excess of 300 g. A photometric study indicates that Innisfree had a peak absolute magnitude Mpan = ?12.1 at a height of 36 km. The recovered meteorites provide known masses for the late stages of the photographic trails which, combined with dynamical data, allow luminous efficiencies to be derived with unusual confidence. Late in the flight where shock wave effects dominate ablation, luminous efficiencies vary from 3 × 10?5 to 5 × 10?2 for velocities between 3 and 10 km s?1 and masses from 0.3 to 2.0 kg. The mean luminous efficiency for the entire flight is estimated between 4 × 10?2 and 8 × 10?2.  相似文献   
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