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Using analytic signal method, interpretation of pole-pole secondary electric potentials due to 2D conductive/resistive prisms is presented. The estimated parameters are the location, lateral extent or width and depth to top surface of the prism. Forward modelling is attempted by 2D-Finite Difference method. The proposed stabilised analytic signal algorithm (RES2AS) uses Tikhonov’s regularization scheme and FFT routines. The algorithm is tested on three theoretical examples and field data from the campus of Roorkee University. The stability of RES2AS is also tested on synthetic error prone secondary pole-pole potential data.  相似文献   
龙王嘴边坡系坡高达70 m、坡角达70 °的高陡岩质边坡。分析了宜-秭公路石峡段龙王嘴高边坡变形的地质条件,在定量评价龙王嘴高边坡稳定性的基础上,进行了该高边坡的施工图加固设计。根据其特点将350 m长的坡段分为A,B,C三个区,分别采取预应力锚索与锚杆加固、挂网喷射混凝土支护和喷射混凝土支护等措施,实践证明,工程治理效果良好。  相似文献   
The compatibility of vanadium (V) during mantle melting is a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2): at high fO2’s, V becomes more incompatible. The prospects and limitations of using the V content of peridotites as a proxy for paleo-fO2 at the time of melt extraction were investigated here by assessing the uncertainties in V measurements and the sensitivity of V as a function of degree of melt extracted and fO2. V-MgO and V-Al2O3 systematics were found to be sensitive to fO2 variations, but consideration of the uncertainties in measurements and model parameters indicates that V is sensitive only to relative fO2 differences greater than ∼2 log units. Post-Archean oceanic mantle peridotites, as represented by abyssal peridotites and obducted massif peridotites, have V-MgO and -Al2O3 systematics that can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting between FMQ − 3 and FMQ − 1. This is consistent with fO2’s of the mantle source for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) as determined by the Fe3+ activity of peridotitic minerals and basaltic glasses. Some arc-related peridotites have slightly lower V for a given degree of melting than oceanic mantle peridotites, and can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting at fO2’s as high as FMQ. However, the majority of arc-related peridotites have V-MgO systematics overlapping that of oceanic mantle peridotites, suggesting that although some arc mantle may melt under slightly oxidizing conditions, most arc mantle does not. The fact that thermobarometrically determined fO2’s in arc peridotites and lavas can be significantly higher than that inferred from V systematics, suggests that V retains a record of the fO2 during partial melting, whereas the activity of Fe3+ in arc peridotitic minerals and lavas reflect subsequent metasomatic overprints and magmatic differentiation/emplacement processes, respectively.Peridotites associated with middle to late Archean cratonic mantle are characterized by highly variable V-MgO systematics. Tanzanian cratonic peridotites have V systematics indistinguishable from post-Archean oceanic mantle and can be modeled by 3 GPa partial melting at ∼FMQ − 3. In contrast, many South African and Siberian cratonic peridotites have much lower V contents for a given degree of melting, suggesting at first glance that partial melting occurred at high fO2’s. More likely, however, their unusually low V contents for a given degree of melting may be artifacts of excess orthopyroxene, a feature that pervades many South African and Siberian peridotites but not the Tanzanian peridotites. This is indicated by the fact that the V contents of South African and Siberian peridotites are correlated with increases in SiO2 content, generating data arrays that cannot be modeled by partial melting but can instead be generated by the addition of orthopyroxene through processes unrelated to primary melt depletion. Correction for orthopyroxene addition suggests that the South African and Siberian peridotites have V-MgO systematics similar to those of Tanzanian peridotites. Thus, if the Tanzanian peridotites represent the original partial melting residues, and if the South African and Siberian peridotites have been modified by orthopyroxene addition, then there is no indication that Archean cratonic mantle formed under fO2’s significantly greater than that of modern oceanic mantle. Instead, the fO2’s inferred from the V systematics in these three cratonic peridotite suites are within range of modern oceanic mantle. This also suggests that the transition from a highly reducing mantle in equilibrium with a metallic core to the present oxidized state must have occurred by late Archean times.  相似文献   
High-resolution 230Th/234U ages and δ18O and δ13C compositions of speleothems in Ma’ale Efrayim Cave located to the east of the central mountain ridge of Israel enable us to examine the nature of the rain shadow aridity during glacial and interglacial intervals. Speleothem growth occurred during marine glacial isotopic periods, with no growth during the two last marine isotope interglacial intervals and during the peak of the Last Glacial Maximum. This contrasts with speleothem growth in caves located on the western flank of the central mountain ridge, in the Eastern Mediterranean semiarid climatic zone, which continued throughout the last 240,000 yr. Thus, during glacial periods water reached both sides of the central mountain ridge. A comparison of the present-day rain and cave water isotopic compositions and amounts at the Ma’ale Efrayim Cave site with those on the western flank shows that evaporation and higher temperatures on the eastern flank are major influences on isotopic composition and the lack of rainfall. The δ18O and δ13C profiles of the speleothems deposited between 67,000 and 25,000 yr B.P. match the general trends of the isotopic profiles of Soreq Cave speleothems, suggesting a similar source (eastern Mediterranean Sea) and similar climatic conditions. Thus, during glacial periods the desert boundary effectively migrated further south or east from its present-day location on the eastern flank, whereas interglacial periods appear to have been similar to the present, with the desert boundary at the same position. The decrease in overall temperature and a consequent reduction in the evaporation to precipitation ratios on the eastern flank are viewed as the major factors controlling the decay of the rain shadow effect during glacial periods.  相似文献   
不同的波在空间的质点运动轨迹和极化方向是不同的,利用三分量或二分量记录,在特定的以t0为中心,长为N△t的滑动时窗中计算出描述波的质点运动轨迹和极化方向的特征参数。利用这些参数可以设计出合适的极化滤波函数,保留那些满足特定要求的质点运动,而衰减那些不满足设计要求的质点运动,利用某些算子可以把弹性波分解成P波和SV波,而且衰减面波;利用另外一些算子可以把P波和SV波衰减而使面波增强。这些算子甚至可以在嗓音和信号具有相同频率的情况下,成功地提高信嗓比。  相似文献   
地震丛集的分形新方法—物理分形   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴如山  陈凌 《中国地震》1997,13(2):106-113
地震时间丛集的传统分形分析方法把地震事件看作是时间轴上无质量的数学点。这些方法得到的结果主要反映了大量小地震的活动特征。本文发展了一个新的物理分形分析的筛子方法,采用一系列震级筛子来研究不同震级地震的分布特征。对华北和南加洲的研究结果表明,同一地区地震目录中不同震级范围的子集合具有近似相等的分维数,华北D=0.3,南加洲D=0.4。  相似文献   
A family of wall models is proposed that exhibits moresatisfactory performance than previousmodels for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of the turbulentboundary layer over a rough surface.The time and horizontally averaged statistics such asmean vertical profiles of windvelocity, Reynolds stress, turbulent intensities, turbulentkinetic energy and alsospectra are compared with wind-tunnel experimental data.The purpose of the present study is to obtain simulatedturbulent flows that are comparable with wind-tunnelmeasurements for use as the wind environment for thenumerical prediction by LES of source dispersion in theneutral atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   
We consider the response of a deep unconfined horizontal aquifer to steady, annual, and monthly recharge. A groundwater divide and a zero head reservoir constrain the aquifer, so that sinusoidal monthly and aperiodic annual recharge fluctuations create transient specific discharge near the reservoir and an unsteady water table elevation inland. One existing and two new long-term data sets from the Plymouth-Carver Aquifer in southeastern Massachusetts calibrate and confirm hydraulic properties in a set of analytical models. [Geohydrology and simulated groundwater flow, 1992] data and a new power law for tritiugenic helium to tritium ratios calibrate the steady recharge that drives the classical parabolic model of steady hydraulics [Applied Hydrogeology, 2001]. Observed water table and gradient fluctuations calibrate the transient recharge models. In the latter regard, monitoring wells within 1 km of Buttermilk Bay exhibit appreciable specific discharge and reduced water table fluctuations. We apply [Trans Am Geophys Union 32(1951)238] periodic model to the monthly hydraulics and a recharge convolution integral [J Hydrol 126(1991)315] to annual flow. An infiltration fraction of 0.79 and a consumptive use coefficient of 1.08×10−8 m/s °C relate recharge to precipitation and daylight weighted temperature across all three time scales. Errors associated with this recharge relation decrease with increasing time scale.  相似文献   
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