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The Eisden–Meeswijk region in Belgium has been affected by mining subsidence due to the deep coal mining activities. Groundwater levels in the alluvial plain of the Meuse River are maintained below the ground surface by drainage installations and municipal well fields. A correlation between the water level in the Meuse River and the variation in nitrate and sulphate concentrations in the aquifer has been observed. A transient groundwater model is developed for the period May 1998–May 2002 and advective transport simulations have been carried out using this model. During dry periods, the major groundwater flow is directed towards the Meuse River, thereby feeding the river. During wet periods, however, groundwater flows in the opposite direction. Due to these variations in groundwater flow direction and to the extraction of groundwater, zones of higher solute concentration exist of which the position and extension vary both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   
PAH were determined in surface waters from the Rhone delta in winter and summer 1987. Both particulate and dissolved phases were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Concentrations of major unsubstituted compounds associated with particles varied from a few to 20 ng l−1, or from 0.42 to 6.0 μg g−1. The seasonal variations reflected higher inputs in winter resulting from the presence of highly PAH-enriched particles. Tetra- and penta-cyclic PAH with MW 202 and 252 predominated, which reflected a significant origin from pyrolytic processes. A rapid decrease of the level of higher MW PAH was observed seawards in both seasons. Study of the tricyclic compounds and their alkylated homologues demonstrated a mainly fossil origin in winter, whereas in summer a high heterogeneity of particles was observed. PAH in the dissolved phase were found at concentrations up to 31 and 50 ng l−1 in summer and winter, respectively. These levels were much higher than those encountered in the corresponding particulate phases. PAH with MW 178 and 202 predominated, and the alkylated homologues of the tricyclic compounds showed a major fossil orgin in winter and a mixed origin in summer. In winter dissolved PAH were transported through the delta into the marine environment without significant losses.  相似文献   
Understanding the thermal regime of rivers is a key issue for predicting ecosystem change in the context of global warming. However, water temperature is not only influenced by air temperature. To better highlight relative contribution of factors controlling water temperature, we used satellite thermal infrared (TIR) images from Landsat ETM+ to investigate longitudinal and temporal variations in thermal patterns of the French Rh?ne River. Because satellite TIR remote sensing is limited to large rivers, we used an automated water extraction technique to remove pixels contaminated by terrestrial surfaces. We calculated water surface temperatures of the 500?km long reach for 83 dates between 1999 and 2009. The average accuracy and uncertainty of our data, ±1.1 and ±0.4°C for reaches with more than 3?pixels across and ±1.4 and ±0.5°C for reaches with one to 3?pixels across, are comparable to other satellite TIR studies of rivers. Our results confirmed previous studies on the thermal impacts of tributaries and nuclear power plants on the Rh?ne, providing an understanding of their seasonal pattern and their longitudinal impact. We showed temperature differences of 0?C2°C within the largest hydroelectric bypass facilities between the bypass section and the canal, with Montélimar and Caderousse showing the most pronounced differences. Discussion points concern the potential impacts of tributaries and nuclear power plants on the spatio-temporal thermal patterns, as well as the factors responsible for thermal differences in the bypass facilities: length and minimum flow of the bypass section, and tributaries coming into this reach.  相似文献   
The lack of temporal resolution and accurate chronology of Southern Ocean marine cores has hampered comparison of glacial millennial-scale oscillations between the Southern Ocean, Antarctic ice and other records from both hemispheres. In this study, glacial climate variability is investigated over the last 50 ka using a multi-proxy approach. A precise chrono-stratigraphy was developed on the high-sedimentation rate core MD94-103 (Indian Southern Ocean, 45°35′S 86°31′E, 3560 m water depth) by geomagnetic synchronization between the later core and NAPIS75, and 14C dates. High-resolution time-series of δ18O in planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) estimated from the alkenone UK37 index and foraminifera assemblages have been generated. Temporal evolution of the two temperature proxy records is notably different during the last glacial period. While foraminifera data indicate a consistent cooling towards the last glacial maximum, anomalous warm glacial alkenone temperatures suggest a strong advection of warm “detrital” alkenones by surface waters of the Agulhas current. Superimposed to this general trend, during Heinrich events, foraminiferal SSTs point to warmer surface waters, while concurrent alkenone SSTs exhibit apparent coolings probably caused by enhanced local alkenone production. By analogy to modern observations, possible influence of ENSO-like conditions on the subantarctic Southern Ocean SSTs is discussed.  相似文献   
The annual hydrological regime of the Nakambe River shows substantial changes during the period 1955–1998 with a shift occurring around 1970. From 1970 to the mid-1990s, despite a reduction in rainfall and an increase in the number of dams in the basin, average runoff and maximum daily discharges increased. This paper reviews the hydrological behaviour of the Nakambe River from 1955 to 1998 and examines the potential role of land use change on soil water holding capacity (WHC) in producing the counter-intuitive change in runoff observed after 1970. We compare the results of two monthly hydrological models using different rainfall, potential evapotranspiration and WHC data sets. Model simulations with soil WHC values modified over time based upon historical maps of land use, are compared against simulations with a constant value for WHC. The extent of natural vegetation declined from 43 to 13% of the total basin area between 1965 and 1995, whilst the cultivated areas increased from 53 to 76% and the area of bare soil nearly tripled from 4 to 11%. The total reduction in WHC is estimated to range from 33 to 62% depending on the method used, either considering that the WHC values given by the FAO stand for the environmental situation in 1965 or before. There is a marked improvement in river flow simulation using the time-varying values of soil WHC. The paper ends with a discussion of the role of other factors such as surface runoff processes and groundwater trends in explaining the hydrological behaviour of the Nakambe River.  相似文献   
A field survey was conducted on two intensive shrimp farms using similar technical practices: one (DF) historically affected by a vibriosis, the other (HC) in which the pathogen has been observed although no mortality event has occurred. Because historical data suggest that eutrophication process may directly or indirectly play a role in the disease outbreak, we focussed our research on its dynamics. A higher variability of the phytoplanktonic compartment linked to an imbalance in the molar N:P ratio was observed in farm DF compared to farm HC, implying a modification on the linkage between the bacteria and phytoplankton compartments at DF. The beginning of the mortality outbreak at DF followed a shift from pico- to nanophytoplankton. The organic matter mineralization process at the water-sediment interface may explain the disturbance observed in the water column during eutrophication. The consequences of this disturbance on shrimps’ health status and pathogen ecology are discussed.  相似文献   
At the beginning of the drought in the Sahel in the 1970s and 1980s, rainfall decreased markedly, but runoff coefficients and in some cases, absolute runoff increased. This situation was due to the conversion of the land cover from natural vegetation with a low annual runoff coefficient, to cropland and bare soils, whose runoff coefficients are higher. Unless they are adapted, hydrological conceptual models, such as GR2M, are unable to reproduce this increase in runoff. Despite the varying environmental and climatic conditions of the West African Sahel, we show that it is possible to increase the performance of the GR2M model simulations by elaborating a time‐varying soil water holding capacity and to incorporate this value in the annual maximum amount of water to be stored in reservoir A of the model. We looked for interactions between climate, rural society, and the environment. These interactions drive land‐cover changes in the Sahel, which in turn drive the distribution of rainfall between infiltration, evaporation, and runoff and hence the water resources, which are vital in this region. We elaborated several time series of key indicators linked to these interactions. We then integrated these changes in the runoff conditions of the GR2M model through the maximum value of the reservoir capacity. We calculated annual values of water holding capacity using the annual values of four classes of land cover, natural vegetation, cultivated area, bare soil, and surface water. We then used the hydrological model with and without this time‐varying soil value of A and compared the performances of the model under the two scenarios. Whatever the calibration period used, the Nash–Sutcliffe index was always greater in the case of the time‐varying A time series.  相似文献   
Despite recognizing the importance of hydrological function of wetlands, basin-scale wetlands services have rarely been investigated. The PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL modelling platform was used to quantitatively assess the impact of wetlands on quickflow and baseflow with paired simulation scenarios in Duobukuli River Basin, namely with wetlands and without wetlands.Simulation results showed that wetlands exert significant impact on basin hydrological processes by decreasing streamflow and altering streamflow regime(magnitude, frequency, duration and time of flow events). The intensity(significant or not) of wetlands influences on quickflow had daily, monthly and annual variation. Wetlands significantly attenuated quickflow during flood season while slightly support daily, monthly and annual baseflow. The average quickflow attenuation and baseflow support of wetlands were 5.89% and 0.83%, respectively. Although the intensity and effect(mitigation or augment) of wetlands on streamflow temporally varied at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual scales, wetland overall mitigated quickflow and augment baseflow in Duobukuli River Basin. Our results could provide insights for future decision-making for rehabilitation and conservation of wetlands as well as integrated basin water resources management.  相似文献   
El Hammam is the only fluorite mine in Morocco (production 100,000 t/year). The fluorite mineralization is in an array of fluorite–calcite veins and is characterized by unusually high REE content in carbonate minerals (1,400 ppm in calcite; up to 2,000 ppm in siderite) and in fluorite (about 600 ppm). Since the 1960s, the genesis of the deposit has been attributed to a mesothermal hydrothermal event connected with late-Variscan granitic intrusions. Precise 40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal K-feldspar yields an age of formation of the El Hammam deposit at 205 ± 1 Ma. Its genesis is therefore associated in time and space with the development of the Triassic–Jurassic basins and the associated anorogenic continental flood basalts of the Moroccan Mesetian Middle Atlas. The source of the hydrothermal mineralization (magmatic and/or metamorphic) is discussed.  相似文献   

The statistics and mechanical studies of the spatial variability of rainfall do not seem to be entirely satisfactory for brief events, such as the showers generating gullying. Thus, indirect indications of vegetation may be useful. Botanical continuums do reflect some climatic changes that may be linked to the distribution of these events. As an example, the analyses of some floristic transects, located at the transition of Mediterranean and oceanic, and Mediterranean and arid climates are presented. Conducted in parallel with the dynamic interpretation of climatic fields, these analyses have, for instance, allowed to state more precisely the spatial extension of several features of rains such as their cumulated values and their regime. The floristic ‘signal’ mainly concerns the climatic variations of the cumulated value of rainfall, but, in a subtler way, vegetation may signal the variations of regime. These features are linked with the strength of showers, and, as a consequence with the erosive capacity of rainfall. Dynamic phytoclimatology is then liable to give an aid to the spatialization of external geodynamic studies. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
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