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The Neoproterozoic Ribeira belt is subdivided in two domains with contrasting tectonic characteristics. The northern domain is dominated by shallowly dipping foliations and orogen-normal thrust tectonics. The southern domain is characterized by a 1000-km-long network of anastomosing transcurrent shear zones parallel to the belt. This contrast is interpreted as reflecting continent–continent convergence that is almost orthogonal to the margins in the northern domain and significantly oblique in the southern domain. The central, transitional, domain of the Ribeira belt displays the northern termination of the transcurrent shear zone network: the Além Paraíba–Pádua shear zone system (APPSS). The 250-km-long Além Paraíba–Pádua system involves granulites facies mylonites deformed through transpression.A detailed study of the microstructure and lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of the rock-forming minerals in these granulite mylonites allow a better understanding of deformation mechanisms active at high temperature in the crust. Plagioclase crystals are plastically deformed; they display curved twins and cleavages, mechanical twins, and evidence of dynamic recrystallization. LPO of plagioclase is consistent with activation of the (010) [100] and (010) [001] slip systems. LPO of orthopyroxene and amphibole indicates that these minerals have been deformed through dislocation creep with the activation of the (100) [001] slip system. Quartz in granulite mylonite displays evidence of extensive growth through grain boundary migration. The LPO of quartz is therefore the result of a static transformation of an initial, syn-kinematic LPO, and cannot be straightforwardly interpreted in terms of deformation mechanisms active during mylonitization.  相似文献   
The tholeiitic doleritic magmatism (ophites) in the Aspe valley of the Pyrenees has been dated on the Triassic–Jurassic boundary (199±2 Ma) by the UPb method on zircon (SHRIMP). Emplacement of the ophites was probably synchronous with that of the earliest ‘Infraliassic’ Ségalas tuffs. The ophites are thus related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) whose emplacement linked with the fracturing of Pangea, preceded the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. To cite this article: P. Rossi et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
40Ar/39Ar dating on muscovites, performed on leucogranitic intrusions of Charroux–Civray plutonic complex, points out the existence of two peraluminous magmatic activities, whose equivalents are known in the Limousin: (1) garnet-bearing leucogranitic veins at ca. 340 Ma; (2) a specialised leucogranite associated with W ± Sn deposits at ca 310 Ma. However, available 40Ar/39Ar data do not allow us to provide further data concerning the age and the geometry at depth of a large leucogranitic body identified by geophysics. To cite this article: P. Alexandre et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1141–1148.  相似文献   
In order to reconstruct the past variations of the Southeast Asian monsoon intensity and estimate the sedimentary system reactivity to climatic changes in Southeast Asia over the last 450 kyr, mineralogical and sedimentological analyses have been performed on the terrigenous fraction of the South China Sea sediment. End-member modelling coupled with grain size data discriminates three end-members that determine the nature and intensity of the main sediment transport vectors. Low sea-level stands are characterized by sediment reworking that allows transportation of a coarse end-member (20–40 μm) to the deep-basin. By contrast, the other end-members (4–6 μm; 9–13 μm) are controlled by the shoreline position (sea level) and/or by changes of the rivers capacity transport (monsoon). Finally, aeolian input to the northern margin of the South China Sea can be considered negligible compared to the massive fluvial input and the reworking of the sediments.  相似文献   
Determining the riverine carbon fluxes to oceans is critical for an improved understanding of C budgets and biogeochemical cycles (C, O) over a broad range of spatial and time scales. Among the particulate organic carbon (POC) involved in these fluxes, those yielded by sedimentary rocks (petrogenic POC: pPOC) remain somewhat uncertain as to their source on continental surfaces. Based on time series from long‐term observatories, we refine the POC and sediments flux of the Rhône River, one of the major tributaries to the Mediterranean Sea. Radiocarbon measurements on a set of riverine samples and forward modelling were used to (i) determine a modelled pPOC content and pPOC/POC ratio for each sample set, (ii) assess pPOC flux delivered to the NW Mediterranean Sea, and (iii) estimate the badlands contribution from the Durance catchment to both the pPOC and to sediment discharges. The weighted pPOC flux contributes up to 26% of the POC flux (145 Gg yr‐1) discharged into the Mediterranean Sea, whereas the weighted pPOC content reaches 0.31 wt%. Despite their low contributive surface area (0.2%), badlands provide, respectively, 12, 3.5 and 14% of the pPOC, POC and sediment fluxes to the Rhône River. Consequently, such rocks can be considered as a major source of pPOC and sediments for the NW Mediterranean Sea and potentially for oceans. We suggest that river‐dominated ocean margins, such as the Rhône River, with badlands in their catchment could export a significant amount of pPOC to the oceans. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Despite recognizing the importance of hydrological function of wetlands, basin-scale wetlands services have rarely been investigated. The PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL modelling platform was used to quantitatively assess the impact of wetlands on quickflow and baseflow with paired simulation scenarios in Duobukuli River Basin, namely with wetlands and without wetlands.Simulation results showed that wetlands exert significant impact on basin hydrological processes by decreasing streamflow and altering streamflow regime(magnitude, frequency, duration and time of flow events). The intensity(significant or not) of wetlands influences on quickflow had daily, monthly and annual variation. Wetlands significantly attenuated quickflow during flood season while slightly support daily, monthly and annual baseflow. The average quickflow attenuation and baseflow support of wetlands were 5.89% and 0.83%, respectively. Although the intensity and effect(mitigation or augment) of wetlands on streamflow temporally varied at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual scales, wetland overall mitigated quickflow and augment baseflow in Duobukuli River Basin. Our results could provide insights for future decision-making for rehabilitation and conservation of wetlands as well as integrated basin water resources management.  相似文献   
Resazurin(RZ)is a weakly fl uorescent blue dye and can be reduced irreversibly to highly fl uorescent pink resorufi n(RF)that is reduced reversibly to colorless dihydroresorufi n(hRF)by photodeoxygenation,chemical reaction and reductive organic compounds produced through cell metabolism.Because of the reliable and sensitive fl uorescence-color change and noninvasive features,RZ has been used widely as a redox indicator in cell viability/proliferation assays for bacteria,yeast,and mammalian cells.However,RZ is used rarely for physiological characterization of marine microorganisms.Here,we developed a custom-made irradiation and absorption-analysis device to assess the reducing capacity and physiologic status of marine bacterial cultures.We measured the absorption spectra of RZ,RF,and hRF in the presence of the reducing compound Na 2 S and under visible-light irradiation.After establishing appropriate parameters,we monitored the color changes of RZ and its reduced derivatives to evaluate the coherence between reducing capacity,bioluminescence and growth of the deep-sea bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum strain ANT-2200 under various conditions.Emission of bioluminescence is an oxidation process dependent upon cellular reducing capacity.Growth and bioluminescence of ANT-2200 cell cultures were impeded progressively with increasing concentrations of RZ,which suggested competition for reducing molecules between RZ at high concentration with reductive metabolism.Therefore,caution should be applied upon direct addition of RZ to growth media to monitor redox reactions in cell cultures.Analyses of the instantaneous reduction velocity of RZ in ANT-2200 cell cultures showed a detrimental eff ect of high hydrostatic pressure and high coherence between the reducing capacity and bioluminescence of cultures.These data clearly demonstrate the potential of using RZ to characterize the microbial metabolism and physiology of marine bacteria.  相似文献   
A high heat-flow (∼900 mW m−2) has been observed over a volcanic structure at the Ocean-Continent Transition in the Eastern Gulf of Aden (Oman margin). The anomaly is superposed to a progressive increase of heat-flow across the margin and can be interpreted either by (1) heat refraction, (2) fluid discharge or (3) cooling magma. The two first explanations cannot be ruled out definitely by modelling analysis, but require unlikely thermal conductivity or permeability values. The third one implies that the latest activity of the volcano was about 100 000 years old and therefore continued c. 18 Ma after the break-up of Africa and Arabia. This potential mechanism is consistent with other lines of evidence of post-rifting activity in the Gulf of Aden and could invalidate the conventional assumption that rifted-margins become passive after the break-up of continents.  相似文献   
In situ U–Th–Pb geochronology on monazite using Electron Probe Micro Analyser has been performed on migmatite in the southern French Variscan Massif Central in order to decipher its complex history. After the Early Visean (340 Ma) nappe stacking, the Cévennes area experienced a regional migmatization already dated 330–325 Ma in northern Cévennes. In these rocks two monazite populations are recognized on the basis of petrology texture and geochemistry. The oldest monazite generation that appears as inclusion in K-feldspar is dated at 331 ± 4 Ma. This age complies with that of the crustal melting experienced by the Cévennes metamorphic series. The youngest monazite generation is interstitial and gives an age of 320 ± 5 Ma. A hydrothermal origin, coeval with the peraluminous magmatism that predates the formation of the Late Carboniferous Velay Dome is proposed as a working hypothesis to account for the formation of this second monazite generation.  相似文献   
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