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A semi-analytical time integration method is proposed for the numerical simulation of transient groundwater flow in unconfined aquifers by the nonlinear Boussinesq equation. The method is based on the analytical solution of the system of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. While it is unconditionally stable and more accurate than the finite difference methods, the computational cost is much more expensive than (can be more than 10 times) that of the finite difference methods for a single time step. However, by partitioning the nonlinear parameters into linear and nonlinear parts, the costly computation can be performed only once. With larger and less variable time step sizes, the total computational cost can be significantly reduced. Three examples are included to illustrate the advantages and limitations of the proposed method.  相似文献   
Land use/land cover change is a global phenomenon which reflects natural resources degradation and/or utilization. Remote sensing and GIS have been widely used to monitor such changes at watershed level. The present study evaluates the LU/LC change during 1989 - 2001 in a semi-arid watershed of central India. Geocoded satellite data of 1989 and 2001 on 1:50,000 scale, were visually interpreted to prepare thematic maps which were later digitized using ArcGIS softwares. The analysis shows that vast tracts of cultivated land have become uncultivated and at some places even converted to wasteland. However, the land under dense forest and open forest has decreased due to expansion of built-up land and other anthropogenic activities. Increase in area of uncultivated land, wasteland and decrease in cultivated land and open scrub is also supported by rainfall analysis, which shows a declining trend and a fall of 186.93 mm in average annual rainfall for 1986-2003 period. The change detection map prepared using land use/land cover of 1989 and 2001 as inputs shows that out of the total geographical area of the watershed, 25.78% of the watershed area has seen a change from one land use category to another, however rest 74.22% has remained unchanged.  相似文献   
There is growing recognition in the human dimensions research community that climate change impact studies must take into account the effects of other ongoing global changes. Yet there has been no systematic methodology to study climate change vulnerability in the context of multiple stressors. Using the example of Indian agriculture, this paper presents a methodology for investigating regional vulnerability to climate change in combination with other global stressors. This method, which relies on both vulnerability mapping and local-level case studies, may be used to assess differential vulnerability for any particular sector within a nation or region, and it can serve as a basis for targeting policy interventions.  相似文献   
Bio-concentration of elements such as Mo, As, Se, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb was analyzed in spring onion (Allium fistulosum L.) in three different locations of central Punjab, Pakistan. At location GW, relatively low level of hazardous elements was found in spring onion, suggesting that groundwater is a safe source of water for irrigating food crops. The pH of soil at wastewater irrigation was found less acidic (pH 7.4) than the other sites. The range of concentration in the different samples of spring onion was as follows: 6.15–8.16 mg kg?1 for Mo, 2.77–4.28 mg kg?1 for As, 0.395–0.705 mg kg?1 for Se, 36.73–48.17 mg kg?1 for Fe, 10.58–16.26 mg kg?1 for Cu, 28.87–39.79 mg kg?1 for Zn, 6.66–8.75 mg kg?1 for Ni and 4.33–6.09 mg kg?1 for Pb, respectively. High bio-concentration of Zn (15.37) from soil to spring onion was found at canal water irrigated location. The estimated daily intake of metal for spring onion was less, but the health risk index was higher than 1 for Mo, As, Cu, Pb and Ni, respectively. This was due to higher proportion of spring onion in diet, which consequently increased the health risk index for metals. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid growing vegetables in untreated urban and rural wastewater containing elevated amounts of metals.  相似文献   
Karst aquifers are highly productive groundwater systems often associated with conduit flow. These systems can be highly vulnerable to contamination, resulting in a high potential for contaminant exposure to humans and ecosystems. This work develops statistical models to spatially characterize flow and transport patterns in karstified limestone and determines the effect of aquifer flow rates on these patterns. A laboratory‐scale Geo‐HydroBed model is used to simulate flow and transport processes in a karstic limestone unit. The model consists of stainless steel tanks containing a karstified limestone block collected from a karst aquifer formation in northern Puerto Rico. Experimental work involves making a series of flow and tracer injections, while monitoring hydraulic and tracer response spatially and temporally. Statistical mixed models (SMMs) are applied to hydraulic data to determine likely pathways of preferential flow in the limestone units. The models indicate a highly heterogeneous system with dominant, flow‐dependent preferential flow regions. Results indicate that regions of preferential flow tend to expand at higher groundwater flow rates, suggesting a greater volume of the system being flushed by flowing water at higher rates. Spatial and temporal distribution of tracer concentrations indicates the presence of conduit‐like and diffuse flow transport in the system, supporting the notion of both combined transport mechanisms in the limestone unit. The temporal response of tracer concentrations at different locations in the model coincide with, and confirms the preferential flow distribution generated with the SMMs used in the study.  相似文献   
We model the dynamics of Magellanic Stream with the ram-pressure scenario in the logarithmic and power-law galactic halo models and construct numerically the past orbital history of Magellanic Clouds and Magellanic Stream. The parameters of models include the asymptotic rotation velocity of spiral arms, halo flattening, core radius and rising or falling parameter of rotation curve. We obtain the best-fit parameters of galactic models through the maximum likelihood analysis, comparing the high resolution radial velocity data of HI in Magellanic Stream with that of theoretical models. The initial condition of the Magellanic Clouds is taken from the six different values reported in the literature. We find that oblate and nearly spherical shape halos provide a better fit to the observation than the prolate halos. This conclusion is almost independent of choosing the initial conditions and is valid for both logarithmic and power-law models.  相似文献   
River flow is a complex dynamic system of hydraulic and sediment transport. Bed load transport have a dynamic nature in gravel bed rivers and because of the complexity of the phenomenon include uncertainties in predictions. In the present paper, two methods based on the Artificial neural networks (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) are developed by using 360 data points. Totally, 21 different combination of input parameters are used for predicting bed load transport in gravel bed rivers. In order to acquire reliable data subsets of training and testing, subset selection of maximum dissimilarity (SSMD) method, rather than classical trial and error method, is used in finding randomly manipulation of these subsets. Furthermore, uncertainty analysis of ANN and ANFIS models are determined using Monte Carlo simulation. Two uncertainty indices of d factor and 95% prediction uncertainty and uncertainty bounds in comparison with observed values show that these models have relatively large uncertainties in bed load predictions and using of them in practical problems requires considerable effort on training and developing processes. Results indicated that ANFIS and ANN are suitable models for predicting bed load transport; but there are many uncertainties in determination of bed load transport by ANFIS and ANN, especially for high sediment loads. Based on the predictions and confidence intervals, the superiority of ANFIS to those of ANN is proved.  相似文献   
Land and water resources development plans are generally adopted at watershed level. Delineation of watersheds and their prioritization within large river basins requires host of terrain parameters to be studied and analysed. Chopan watershed in Central India has been studied for sub-watershed delineation and prioritization based on drainage morphometry, land use/land cover and sediment yield index analysis using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The watershed was demarcated into five sub-watersheds on the basis of drainage flow directions, contour value, slope, elevation. Geocoded satellite data of 1989 and 2001 on 1:50 000 scale were visually interpreted to prepare land use/land cover and drainage maps which were later digitized using Arcview/ArcGIS. Linear and shape aspects of the sub-watersheds were computed and used for prioritization. The results show widespread variation in drainage characteristics, land cover changes and sediment yield rates across sub-watersheds. On the basis of morphometric, land use/land cover change and sediment yield index, sub-watersheds were grouped into low, medium and high priority. A correlation of results show that SW1 and SW5 are common sub-watersheds falling under high and low priority based on morphometric, land use change analysis and SYI. The priority list of sub-watersheds will be crucial for decision making and implementation of land and water resource conservation projects.  相似文献   
Methods that combine frequency and time domain techniques offer an attractive alternative for solving Soil–Structure-interaction problems where the structure exhibits non-linear behaviour. In the hybrid-frequency-time-domain procedure a reference linear system is solved in the frequency domain and the difference between the actual restoring forces and those in the linear model are treated as pseudo-forces. In the solution scheme explored in this paper, designated as the hybrid-time-frequency-domain (HTFD) procedure, the equations of motion are solved in the time domain with due consideration for non-linearities and with the unbounded medium represented by frequency-independent springs and dampers. The frequency dependency of the impedance coefficients is introduced by means of pseudo-forces evaluated in the frequency domain at the end of each iteration. A criterion of stability for the HTFD approach is derived analytically and its validity is sustained numerically. As is often the case, the criterion takes the form of a limit of unity on the spectral radius of an appropriately defined matrix. Inspection of the terms in this matrix shows that convergence can be guaranteed by suitable selection of the reference impedance. The CPU times required to obtain converged solutions with the HTFD are found, in a number of numerical simulations, to be up to one order of magnitude less than those required by the alternative hybrid-frequency-time-domain approach. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
‘Green Revolution’ was adopted as National Agricultural Policy by the Government of India to meet the requirements for food grain self-sufficiency. Improved seeds, fertilizers and irrigation were provided as science and technology (S&T) inputs to the soil resource base of the country. Land use changes in order to increase the area of land under cultivation have resulted in sectoral imbalances. The introduction of irrigation, fertilizers and new seed varieties using the district as a unit of agricultural input and management, without consideration of moisture and pedogenetic requirements at the micro-level, have resulted in ecological imbalances and environmental degradation in some parts of the district. Intensive irrigation has resulted in water mining in some blocks, and over a period of years the upper aquifer has been lost and in parts of the Aligarh district water-logging and salinity development has taken place.This paper presents the concept of spatial information systems for sustainable agriculture to eliminate the overdose effect of S&T inputs in a land system such as the fragile ecosystem at the semi-arid border in India.The present study has attempted to integrate the natural resource endowments of lithology, soil, ground-water and geomorphology into terrain mapping units (TMUs). The geological, geomorphological and soil maps were generated using remotely sensed data. For ground-water, well logging was carried out and secondary data regarding depth to water-table were collated. The spatial modelling for depth to water-table was carried out using SURFER software. The files on geology, geomorphology, soil and depth to water-table were digitized and integrated to generate an illuminated model characterized by areas of homogeneity in terms of geology, geomorphology, soil and ground-water conditions to map the TMUs. Intergraph's Modular GIS Environment (MGE) software was used to integrate the multiple data base.For sustainable agriculture the natural boundaries represented by TMUs will be more appropriate as spatial units for the application of agricultural inputs and management practices for the land system, rather than villages, blocks and districts which have cultural boundaries. The methodology proposed will be useful for all ecosystems in semi-arid and arid regions.  相似文献   
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