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Magnetorotational instability in a rotating liquid metal annulus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the magnetorotational instability (MRI) has been widely accepted as a powerful accretion mechanism in magnetized accretion discs, it has not been realized in the laboratory. The possibility of studying MRI in a rotating liquid metal annulus (Couette flow) is explored by local and global stability analysis. Stability diagrams are drawn in dimensionless parameters, and also in terms of the angular velocities at the inner and outer cylinders. It is shown that MRI can be triggered in a moderately rapidly rotating table-top apparatus, using easy-to-handle metals such as gallium. Practical issues of this proposed experiment are discussed.  相似文献   
On the basis of observations using Cs‐corrected STEM, we identified three types of surface modification probably formed by space weathering on the surfaces of Itokawa particles. They are (1) redeposition rims (2–3 nm), (2) composite rims (30–60 nm), and (3) composite vesicular rims (60–80 nm). These rims are characterized by a combination of three zones. Zone I occupies the outermost part of the surface modification, which contains elements that are not included in the unchanged substrate minerals, suggesting that this zone is composed of sputter deposits and/or impact vapor deposits originating from the surrounding minerals. Redeposition rims are composed only of Zone I and directly attaches to the unchanged minerals (Zone III). Zone I of composite and composite vesicular rims often contains nanophase (Fe,Mg)S. The composite rims and the composite vesicular rims have a two‐layered structure: a combination of Zone I and Zone II, below which Zone III exists. Zone II is the partially amorphized zone. Zone II of ferromagnesian silicates contains abundant nanophase Fe. Radiation‐induced segregation and in situ reduction are the most plausible mechanisms to form nanophase Fe in Zone II. Their lattice fringes indicate that they contain metallic iron, which probably causes the reddening of the reflectance spectra of Itokawa. Zone II of the composite vesicular rims contains vesicles. The vesicles in Zone II were probably formed by segregation of solar wind He implanted in this zone. The textures strongly suggest that solar wind irradiation damage and implantation are the major causes of surface modification and space weathering on Itokawa.  相似文献   
The orthorhombic-hexagonal phase transition of K2SO4 has been investigated by measurements of the temperature dependencies of the specific heat, expansion, and X-ray intensity of superstructure reflections, correlated with the structural point of view. The values of the net enthalpy and entropy changes are ΔH=4.28 KJ/mol and ΔS=4.98 J/mol·K at the phase transition temperature (587°C), respectively. The thermal expansion along the c axis shows strong anisotropic character above about 300°C and exhibits a very large discontinuous increase at 587°C, whereas those along the a and b axes increase linearly and exhibit small discontinuous decreases at 587°C. The X-ray intensity of superstructure reflections in the low-temperature form gradually decrease with increasing temperature, and come to extinction at 587°C, exhibiting a discontinuity. The observed entropy change and pressure dependence of the phase transition temperature were explained successfully by the use of results of the structural analysis and measured physical properties. The temperature dependencies of the spontaneous strain, X-ray intensity of superstructure reflection, and birefringence were consistently described by introducing a transition parameter on the basis of an instability at the M point in the Brillouin zone of the hexagonal phase.  相似文献   
Experiments on salimity tolerance of embryos and larvae of the southern bay scallopArgopecten irradians concentricus Say under controlled temperature of 28°C showed that although the eggs were fertilized and cleaved at salinity 18.1–37.4, they could further develop into normal D-shaped larvae only at salinity 23.4–36.1, while the trochophore larvae could develop into normal D—shaped larvae at salinity 22.1–39.9. For 72 hours, the larvae could tolerate salinity of 18.4–43.9, the salinity favoring growth was 19.8–42.4; the suitable range was 21–36, and the optimum at about 28. They metamorphosed at salinity 18.9–43.5, optimally at 24–32. Contribution No. 3301 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research was supported by the National Climbing Project B(PDB6-3-2).  相似文献   
Abstract— In this edition of the Meteoritical Bulletin, 1443 approved meteorite names with their relevant data are reported, one from a specific location within Africa, 211 from Northwest Africa, 5 from KOREAMET, 598 from the Chinese Antarctic Expedition, 23 from the Americas, 151 from Asia, three from Australia, two from Europe, two from NOVA, and 447 from ANSMET that were not reported in the Meteoritical Bulletin no. 87. Also reported are 4 falls from the Americas. Some highlights of approved meteorites are 10 lunar (including NWA 5000, an 11.528 kg sample), 3 Martian, 4 irons (one from Indonesia), 2 ureilites, 5 mesosiderites, 1 pallasite, 6 brachinites, 3 CV3s, 4 CO3s, 8 CMs, 12 CK3s, and many more. Finally, the Committee on Nomenclature of the Meteoritical Society announces two new names series in North America.  相似文献   
Geochemical and mineralogical studies were conducted on the 12-m-thick weathering profile of the Kata Beach granite in Phuket, Thailand, in order to reveal the transport and adsorption of rare earth elements (REE) related to the ion-adsorption type mineralization. The parent rock is ilmenite-series biotite granite with transitional characteristics from I type to S type, abundant in REE (592 ppm). REE are contained dominantly in fluorocarbonate as well as in allanite, titanite, apatite, and zircon. The chondrite-normalized REE pattern of the parent granite indicates enrichment of LREE relative to HREE and no significant Ce anomaly. The upper part of the weathering profile from the surface to 4.5 m depth is mostly characterized by positive Ce anomaly, showing lower REE contents ranging from 174 to 548 ppm and lower percentages of adsorbed REE from 34% to 68% compared with the parent granite. In contrast, the lower part of the profile from 4.5 to 12 m depth is characterized by negative Ce anomaly, showing higher REE contents ranging from 578 to 1,084 ppm and higher percentages from 53% to 85%. The negative Ce anomaly and enrichment of REE in the lower part of the profile suggest that acidic soil water in an oxidizing condition in the upper part mostly immobilized Ce4+ as CeO2 and transported REE3+ downward to the lower part of the profile. The transported REE3+ were adsorbed onto weathering products or distributed to secondary minerals such as rhabdophane. The immobilization of REE results from the increase of pH due to the contact with higher pH groundwater. Since the majority of REE in the weathered granite are present in the ion-adsorption fraction with negative Ce anomaly, the percentages of adsorbed REE are positively correlated with the whole-rock negative Ce anomaly. The result of this study suggests that the ion-adsorption type REE mineralization is identified by the occurrence of easily soluble REE fluorocarbonate and whole-rock negative Ce anomaly of weathered granite. Although fractionation of REE in weathered granite is controlled by the occurrence of REE-bearing minerals and adsorption by weathering products, the ion-adsorption fraction tends to be enriched in LREE relative to weathered granite.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of normal grain growth in pure single phase systems is modeled with the Monte Carlo technique and a series of simulations are performed in 2- and 3-dimensions. The results are compared with natural and experimental monomineralic rock samples. In these simulations various lattice models with different anisotropic features in grain boundary energy are examined in order to check the universality of the simulation results. The obtained microstructure varies with the artificial parameter T in each lattice model, where T means scaled temperature and controls thermal fluctuation on grain boundary motion. As T (thermal fluctuation) increases, the boundary energy anisotropy characterizing each lattice model becomes less important for the evolution of the microstructure. As a result the difference in the grain size distribution among the lattice models, which is significantly large for low T , is reduced with increasing T . The distribution independent of both the lattice model and the dimension is obtained at sufficiently high T and is very close to the normal distribution when carrying out the weighting procedure with a weight of the square of each grain radius. A comparison of the planar grain size distribution of the natural and experimental rock samples with the 3-D simulation results reveals that the simulations reproduce very well the distributions observed in the real rock samples. Although various factors such as the presence of secondary minerals and a fluid phase, which are not included in the simulation modeling, are generally considered to influence the real grain growth behavior, the good agreement of the distribution indicates that the overall grain growth behavior in real rocks may still be described by the simplified model used in the present simulations. Thus the grain size distribution obtained from the present simulations is possessed of the universal form characterizing real normal grain growth of which the driving force is essentially grain boundary energy reduction through grain boundary migration. Received: 7 January 1997 / Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   
Late Permian foraminifers were found from six localities belonging to the Doi Chiang Dao Limestone, which is considered as having a Paleo-Tethyan seamount-capping carbonates origin, distributed in the Inthanon Zone of Northern Thailand. Among them, three age-diagnostic assemblages are recognized. They are represented by the occurrences of Codonofusiella kwangsiana, Palaeofusulina cf. minima, and P. prisca, and are referable to the Wuchiapingian, early Changhsingian, and late Changhsingian, respectively. In particular, the discovery of an assemblage characterized by advanced Palaeofusulina (P. prisca) is significant because it clearly indicates that the deposition of the Doi Chiang Dao Limestone had continued until the very end of the Permian. These three Late Permian assemblages can be compared with those recently reported from the Shifodong Formation of Pa-leo-Tethyan mid-oceanic carbonates in the Changning-Menglian Belt of West Yunnan, Southwest China.  相似文献   
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