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An Irish commercial fishery for orange roughy began in the Northeast Atlantic in 2001 with the assistance of government grants. The fishery began as an open access, non-quota fishery. The rapid boom and bust of many deep water fisheries was experienced. Landings peaked in 2002 and then dropped significantly the following year. Many vessels were forced out of the fishery due to high costs and rapidly declining stocks. By 2005 the fishery was largely closed. Applying a bioeconomic analysis, this paper shows why the fishery no longer exists and discusses both the external and opportunity costs of the fishery. A bioeconomic model is applied to the available data to assess the open access effort and harvest with and without government grant aid. The results suggest that in the absence of subsidies, deep water trawling would not have been viable. In addition to the financial costs such as high fuel consumption, there are also externalities associated with deep water trawling. Orange roughy is closely associated with deep water ecosystems such as seamounts and cold water corals. This paper examines the costs of damage to cold water corals. These costs include the loss of fish habitats and lost future use and preservation values.  相似文献   
Western Uganda is a key region for understanding the development of the western branch of the East African rift system and its interaction with pre-existing cratonic lithosphere. It is also the site of the topographically anomalous Rwenzori Mountains, which attain altitudes of >5000 m within the rift. New structural and geochronological data indicate that western Uganda south and east of the Rwenzori Mountains consists of a WSW to ENE trending fold and thrust belt emplaced by thick-skinned tectonics that thrust several slices of Proterozoic and Archaean units onto the craton from the south. The presence of Archaean units within the thrust stack is supported by new Laser-ICP-MS U–Pb age determinations (2637–2584 Ma) on zircons from the Rwenzori foothills. Repetition of the Paleoproterozoic units is confirmed by mapping the internal stratigraphy where a basal quartzite can be used as marker layer, and discrete thrust units show distinct metamorphic grades. The thrust belt is partially unconformably covered by a Neoproterozoic nappe correlated with the Kibaran orogenic belt. Even though conglomerates mark the bottom of the Kibaran unit, intensive brittle fault zones and pseudotachylites disprove an autochthonous position. The composition of volcanics in the Toro-Ankole field of western Uganda can be explained by the persistence of a cratonic lithosphere root beneath the northwardly thrusted Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic rocks of westernmost Uganda. Volcanic geochemistry indicates thinning of the lithosphere from >140 km beneath Toro-Ankole to ca. 80 km beneath the Virunga volcanic field about 150 km to the south. We conclude that the western branch of the East African rift system was initiated in an area of thinner lithosphere with Palaeoproterozoic cover in the Virunga area and has propagated northwards where it now abuts against thick cratonic lithosphere covered by a thrust belt consisting of gneisses, metasediments and metavolcanics of Neoarchaean to Proterozoic age.  相似文献   
Late Archean (2.57 Ga) diamond-bearing eclogite xenoliths from Udachnaya, Siberia, exhibit geochemical characteristics including variation in oxygen isotope values, and correlations of δ18O with major elements and radiogenic isotopes which can be explained by an origin as subducted oceanic crust. Trace element analyses of constituent garnet and clinopyroxene by Laser-ICPMS are used to reconstruct whole-rock trace element compositions, which indicate that the eclogites have very low high field strength element (HFSE) concentrations and Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios most similar to modern island arcs or ultradepleted mantle. Although hydrothermal alteration on the Archean sea floor had enough geochemical effect to allow the recognition of its effects in the eclogites and thus diagnose them as former oceanic crust, it was not severe enough to erase many other geochemical features of the original igneous rocks, particularly the relatively immobile HFSEs. Correlations of the trace element patterns with oxygen isotopes show that some, generally Mg-richer, eclogites originated as lavas, whereas others have lower δ18O and higher Sr and Eu contents indicating an origin as plagioclase-bearing intrusive rocks formed in magma chambers within the ocean crust. Major and trace element correlations demonstrate that the eclogites are residues after partial melting during the subduction process, and that their present compositions were enriched in MgO by this process. The original lava compositions were picritic, but not komatiitic, whereas the intrusives had lower, basaltic MgO contents. The HFSE signature of the eclogites may indicate that ocean floor basalts of the time were relatively close to island arcs and recycled material, which would be consistent with a larger number of smaller oceanic plates. Their composition appears to indicate that komatiitic ocean crust compositions were restricted to the early Archean which is not known to be represented among the eclogite xenolith population.  相似文献   

The green city is being elevated to the status of a self-evident good in the theory and practice of urban sustainability. A large literature documents the linked environmental, economic and well-being benefits associated with vegetating urban systems to maximise the ecosystem function. Contemporary urban greening seeks to challenge attempts to expel nature from the city in a quest for order and control. However, by imagining nature as a new mode of urban purification, much effort in the name of the green city inverts and reproduces dualistic understandings of natural and built space. In response, we disrupt the normative dialectics of purity and dirt that sustain this dualism to expose the untidy but fertile ground of the green city. We draw together Ash Amin’s four registers of the Good City – relatedness, rights, repair and re-enchantment – with the artworks of the Australian visual ecologist Aviva Reed. Our work seeks to enrich the practice of more-than-human urbanism through ‘dirt thinking’ by imagining the transformative possibilities in, of and for the dirty green city.  相似文献   
Fe-rich dunite xenoliths within the Kimberley kimberlites compriseolivine neoblasts with minor elongated, parallel-oriented ilmenite,and rarely olivine porphyroclasts and spinel. Compared withtypical mantle peridotites, olivines in the Fe-rich duniteshave lower forsterite (Fo87–89) and NiO contents (1300–2800ppm), which precludes a restitic origin for the dunites. Chrome-richspinels are remnants of a metasomatic reaction that producedilmenite and phlogopite. Trace element compositions differ betweenporphyroclastic and neoblastic olivine, the latter having higherTi, V, Cr and Ni and lower Zn, Zr and Nb contents, documentingtheir different origins. The dunites have high 187Os/ 188Osratios (0·11–0·15) that result in youngmodel ages for most samples, whereas three samples show isotopicmixtures between Phanerozoic neoblasts and ancient porphyroclasticmaterial. Most Fe-rich dunite xenoliths are interpreted to berecrystallized cumulates related to fractional crystallizationof Jurassic Karoo flood basalt magmatism, whereas the porphyroclastsare interpreted to be remnants from a much earlier (probablyArchaean Ventersdorp) magmatic episode. The calculated parentalmagma for the most primitive olivine neoblasts in the Fe-richdunites is similar to low-Ti Karoo basalts. Modelling the crystalfractionation of the inferred parental magma with pMELTS yieldselement fractionation trends that mirror the element variationof primitive low-Ti Karoo basalts. KEY WORDS: dunite xenoliths; fractional crystallization; Karoo; large igneous province; pMELTS; Re–Os; trace elements  相似文献   
The ridge-and-swale topography on the continental shelf south of Fire Island, New York, is characterized by northeast-trending linear shoals that are shore attached and shore oblique on the inner shelf and isolated and shore parallel on the middle shelf. High-resolution seismic reflection profiles show that the ridges and swales occur independent of, and are not controlled by, the presence of internal structures (for example, filled tidal inlet channels, paleobarrier strata) or underlying structure (for example, high-relief Cretaceous unconformity). Grab samples of surficial sediments on the shelf south of Fire Island average 98 % sand. Locally, benthic fauna increase silt and clay content through fecal pellet production or increase the content of gravel-size material by contribution of their fragmented shell remains. Surficial sand on the ridges is unimodal at 0.33 mm (medium sand, about 50 mesh), and surficial sand in troughs is bimodal at 0.33 mm and 0.15 mm (fine sand, about 100 mesh). In addition to seismic studies, 26 vibracores were recovered from the continental shelf in state and federal waters from south of Rockaway and Long Beaches, Long Island, New York. Stratigraphic and sedimentological data gleaned from these cores were used to outline the geologic framework in the study area. A variety of sedimentary features were noted in the cores, including burrow-mottled sections of sand in a finer silty-sand, rhythmic lamination of sand and silty-sand that reflect cyclic changes in sediment transport, layers of shell hash and shells that probably represent tempestites, and changes from dark color to light color in the sediments that probably represent changes in the oxidation reduction conditions in the area with time. The stratigraphic units identified are an upper, generally oxidized,nearshore facies, an underlying fine-to medium-sand and silty-clay unit considered to be an estuarine facies, and a lower, coarse-grained, deeply oxidized, cross-laminated preHolocene unit. Grain-size analysis shows that medium-to fine-grained sand makes up most (68-99 %) of the surficial sediments. Gravel exists in trace amounts up to 19 %. Silt ranges between 3 % and 42 %, and clay ranges from 1 % to 10 %.  相似文献   
This work is the first detailed study of carbon phases in the ureilite Almahata Sitta (sample #7). We present microRaman data for diamond and graphite in Almahata Sitta, seven unbrecciated ureilites, and two brecciated ureilites. Diamond in Almahata Sitta was found to be distinct from that in unbrecciated and brecciated ureilites, although diamond in unbrecciated and brecciated ureilites is indistinguishable. Almahata Sitta diamond shows a peak center range of 1318.5–1330.2 cm?1 and a full width at half maximum (FWHM) range of 6.6–17.4 cm?1, representing a shock pressure of at least 60 kbar. The actual peak shock pressure may be higher than this due to postshock annealing, if shock synthesis is the source of ureilite diamonds. Diamond in unbrecciated and brecciated ureilites have peak center wave numbers closer to terrestrial kimberlite diamond, but show a wider range of FWHM than Almahata Sitta. The larger peak shift observed in Almahata Sitta may indicate the presence of lonsdaleite. Alternatively, the lower values in brecciated ureilites may be evidence of an annealing step either following the initial diamond‐generating shock or as a consequence of heating during reconsolidation of the breccia. Graphite in Almahata Sitta shows a G‐band peak center range of 1569.1–1577.1 cm?1 and a G‐band FWHM range of 24.3–41.6 cm?1 representing a formation temperature of 990 ± 120 °C. Amorphous carbon was also found. We examine the different theories for diamond formation in ureilites, such as chemical vapor deposition and shock origin from graphite, and explore explanations for the differences between Almahata Sitta and other ureilites.  相似文献   
New experimental amphibole/melt partition coefficients from a variety of geologically relevant amphibole (pargasite, kaersutite, and K-richterite) and melt compositions obtained under conditions of interest to upper-mantle studies are combined with the results of X-ray single-crystal structure refinement. The ideal cation radii (r0), calculated using the lattice-site elastic-strain model of Blundy and Wood (1994) under the hypothesis of complete REE (rare earth elements) ordering at [8]M4, mostly differ significantly from those obtained from both the structure refinement and the ionic radius of [8]Ca2+. Heavier REE may also strongly deviate from the parabolic trends defined by the other REE. On the basis of the crystal-chemical knowledge of major-element site-preference in amphibole and the occurrence of two sites with different co-ordination within the M4 cavity (M4 for Ca and Na, M4′ for Fe2+ and Mg), we propose a new model for REE incorporation. LREE order at the [8]M4 site, whereas HREE prefer the M4′ site with lower co-ordination in amphiboles with a significant cummingtonite component, and may also enter the M2 octahedron, at least in richterite. This more complex model is consistent with the observed Amph/LD, and drops the usual assumption that REE behave as a homogeneous group and order at the M4 site. The availability of multiple crystal-chemical mechanisms for REE3+ incorporation explains why measured and estimated Amph/LDHREE may differ by up to one order of magnitude. When REE enter two different sites within the same cavity, a fit performed on the basis of a single curve may appear correct, but the values obtained for r0 are biased towards those of the dominant site, and the Young's modulus is underestimated. When REE are incorporated in multiple sites in different cavities, the observed pattern cannot be reduced to a single curve, and the partition coefficients of heavy REE would be strongly underestimated by a single-site fit. The simplistic assumption that REE occupy a single site within the amphibole structure can thus substantially bias predictive models based on the elastic-strain theory. Our combined approach allows linkage between fine-scale site preference and the macroscopic properties of minerals and provides more reliable predictive models for mineral/melt partitioning. After the possible site-assignments have been identified, the shape of the Onuma curves constructed from accurately determined Amph/LDREE now allows the active mechanisms for REE incorporation in amphiboles to be recognised even where site populations are not available. The REE preference for polyhedra with smaller size and lower co-ordination than those occupied by Ca invalidates the general idea that Ca acts as a “carrier” for REE. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 11 June 1999  相似文献   
. The effect of crystal anisotropy on wetting angles of equilibrium silicate melts on crystal faces of spinel, diopside, enstatite and olivine has been determined experimentally by the sessile melt drop technique. The anisotropy, ÃgSL{\rm \~A}\gamma _{{\rm SL}} , of solid-liquid interfacial energies (%SL(max)-%SL(min)) can be related to the wetting angles, N, by ÃgSL μ | cosy(max)  - cosy(min) | = Pw( [(A)\tilde]gSL ){\rm \~A}\gamma _{{\rm SL}} \propto \left| {\cos \psi (\max )\; - \cos \psi (\min )} \right| = Pw_{\left( {{\rm \tilde A}\gamma _{{\rm SL}} } \right)} . Normalising to the smallest wetting angle gives values of Pw for diopside=0.0728, olivine=0.0574, orthopyroxene=0.0152, and spinel=0.0075. Crystal anisotropy influences grain-scale morphology of small-degree partial melts, permeability and the melt connectivity threshold, JC. Results show that, at sufficient melt fractions, diopside should increase permeability in a peridotitic matrix, whereas enstatite should lower it. Despite its low anisotropy, spinel contributes positively to permeability and JC because of its high surface energies. These results suggest that harzburgitic mineral matrices typical of the subcratonic mantle should impede the movement of low-degree partial melts, whereas melts should flow more easily through spinel lherzolites.  相似文献   
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