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Mapping can act as a preliminary tool for the protection of natural areas and for land-use management, as it uses an easily transmissible international language which cannot be misunderstood. Geoheritage mapping can provide great opportunities for the transfer of geosciences information to the large public and policy makers. Recently, the geotourism map appears as a basic tool for the protection and promotion of this geoheritage and as a means to activate and mediate the geotourism image of the region. Aït Bou Oulli Valley is located in Moroccan Central High-Atlas, precisely within the M’Goun geopark. It is characterized by a rich geodiversity with respect to other areas of Central High-Atlas Mountains. It harbors a wide-range of geological and geomorphological heritage, and an exceptional landscape of high Mountains. The valley attracts a number of tourists whose number is skyrocketing on a yearly basis, but their number remains limited due to the absence of promotion and mediation tools of its geoheritage and to the absence of the cartographic documentation. This study aims, hence to elaborate a new geotourism map of Aït Bou Oulli Valley using digital mapping tools and fieldwork. The map shows geosites and high mountain landscapes and offers an overview of the valley’s geoheritage. This map is supported by tourism-related infrastructure, which will provide useful information for tourists. It also highlights the valley geodiversity with a view to promoting its geotourism through the establishment of three new geo-hiking trails.  相似文献   
The Tafilalt is one of a number of generally unexplored sub‐basins in the eastern Anti‐Atlas of Morocco, all of which probably underwent a similar tectono‐stratigraphic evolution during the Palaeozoic Era. Analysis of over 1000 km of 2‐D seismic reflection profiles, with the interpretation of ten regional seismic sections and five isopach and isobath maps, suggests a multi‐phase deformation history for the Palaeozoic‐aged Tafilalt sub‐basins. Extensional phases were probably initiated in the Cambrian, followed by uniform thermal subsidence up to at least the end of the Silurian. Major extension and subsidence did not begin prior to Middle/Upper Devonian times. Extensional movements on the major faults bounding the basin to the north and to the south took place in synchronisation with Upper Devonian sedimentation, which provides the thickest part of the sedimentary sequence in the basin. The onset of the compressional phase in Carboniferous times is indicated by reflectors in the Carboniferous sequence progressively onlapping onto the Upper Devonian sequence. This period of compression developed folds and faults in the Upper Palaeozoic‐aged strata, producing a structural style characteristic of thin‐skinned fold and thrust belts. The Late Palaeozoic units are detached over a regional décollement with a northward tectonic vergence. The folds have been formed by the process of fault‐propagation folding related to the thrust imbricates that ramp up‐section from the décollement. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Combining the results from field observations, high resolution 2D-electric resistivity and high resolution seismic refraction tomography, we have found new evidence for active faulting in the Dhar Doum area, northwestern Atlantic coast of Morocco. Qualitative interpretation of the inverted resistivity and seismic refraction data reveals the presence of two thrust faults that cut the topographic surface and displace the most recent sedimentary deposits. Furthermore, one of these seismically imaged faults strongly correlates with the Dhar Doum?CLalla Zahra fault. The steepening at the surface and the flattening with depth of this fault are likely to indicate an important strike-slip component associated with a major reverse component. If extended offshore to the west, the Dhar Doum fault could be a continuation of the southernmost deformational front of the Cadiz oceanic accretionary prism. Therefore, this structure is very likely to represent the actual active southern deformational front of the oceanic accretionary prism, as well as that of the Rif fold-and-thrust belt. The southward thickening of the growth strata composing the uppermost dune system and the occurrence of Plio-Quaternary conglomerates north of the Dhar Doum?CLalla Zahra fault suggest that the neotectonic activity may have started by the end of the Pliocene and have continued to the present as indicated by the folding-and-faulting of the most recent sedimentary deposits and the presence of high scarps. The identification of active faulting in the study area that may have a profound influence on seismic hazard analysis of the whole Rif foredeep basin.  相似文献   
An area of about 30 km2 located in Ain Jouhra, south of Rabat, Morocco, was the subject of a geoelectric resistivity investigation. The main goal of the investigation was the assessment of the groundwater potential of the uppermost aquifer. The aquifer conditions such as depth, thickness and boundaries were also investigated. The obtained apparent resistivity curves were first analysed qualitatively and classified using simple curve shapes. Thereafter, the data were converted to resistivity and thickness pairs semi‐quantitatively by means of master curves and then quantitatively by computer modelling using ATO and Winsev software (Zohdy, 1989; Zohdy and Bisdrof, 1989). Lithological control from the available single well with a stratigraphic log aided in the correlation of the resistivity values to different rock units. Three different AB‐spacing iso‐resistivity maps, an isopach map of the main groundwater‐bearing horizon, the depth to the aquifer substratum map and five geoelectric cross‐sections were constructed. The interpretation of these soundings indicates the presence of an unconfined to semi‐confined sandy aquifer with relatively important extent and varying thickness. The maximal thickness of the aquifer is recorded in the central part of the investigated area and is thinning southwards to pinch out farther to the south. Geophysical as well as field data indicate a hydraulic connection between the upper and deeper aquifers. Indeed, the two aquifers are separated from each other by a marly substratum that is indicated throughout the area by the lowest values of the interpreted true resistivity. The value of this resistivity varies laterally, most likely due to the lateral variation in the shale‐to‐sand ratio. The altitude of the substratum decreases towards the north, and increases southwards. Regarding the availability of the groundwater in the study area, zones with high potential are theoretically expected to occur in the central part where the transversal resistance is greatest. However, sufficient water supply and high flow rates from wells intended to produce restrictively from the most upper aquifer are not likely to exist. This conclusion, which seems to be very pessimistic, is evidenced from two real field and experimental observations. The first is the rapid fall of the level of Gharnoug lake, despite the ongoing feeding by three wells. Hence, the amount of water level drop cannot be accounted for by the evaporation alone. That means that the deeper aquifer is continuously draining the upper aquifer at a high flow rate. Very low rates are recorded in all the wells that penetrated only the upper aquifer, the exception being the well that reached deeper into the lower aquifer. The flow rate in this lower aquifer measured 18 litre s?1. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The development of industrial and tourism activities as well as the increase in the urban population in the northwest African region has generally been highly concentrated in the coastal zone. Due to high rates of population growth, urbanisation is likely to increase dramatically in the coming future. This paper presents a physical and socio-economic environmental analysis of the region and highlights the few efforts that have called for the development of co-ordinated strategies in view of integrated coastal zone management. Experience in the implementation of methodologies for adopting integrated coastal zone management strategies in these countries is discussed.  相似文献   
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