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Exhumation of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen is implicated in the marked rise in seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratios since 40 Ma. However both silicate and carbonate rocks in the Himalaya have elevated 87Sr/86Sr ratios and there is disagreement as to how much of the 87Sr flux is derived from silicate weathering. Most previous studies have used element ratios from bedrock to constrain the proportions of silicate- and carbonate-derived Sr in river waters. Here we use arrays of water compositions sampled from the head waters of the Ganges in the Indian and Nepalese Himalaya to constrain the end-member element ratios. The compositions of tributaries draining catchments restricted to a limited range of geological units can be described by two-component mixing of silicate and carbonate-derived components and lie on a plane in multicomponent composition space. Key elemental ratios of the carbonate and silicate components are determined by the intersection of the tributary mixing plane with the planes Na = 0 for carbonate and constant Ca/Na for silicate. The fractions of Sr derived from silicate and carbonate sources are then calculated by mass-balance in Sr-Ca-Mg-Na composition space. Comparison of end-member compositions with bedrock implies that secondary calcite deposition may be important in some catchments and that dissolution of low-Mg trace calcite in silicate rocks may explain discrepancies in Sr-Ca-Na-Mg covariation. Alternatively, composition-dependent precipitation or incongruent dissolution reactions may rotate mixing trends on cation-ratio diagrams. However the calculations are not sensitive to transformations of the compositions by incongruent dissolution or precipitation processes provided that the transformed silicate and carbonate component vectors are constrained. Silicates are calculated to provide ∼50% of the dissolved Sr flux from the head waters of the Ganges assuming that discrepancies between Ca-Mg-Na covariation and the silicate rock compositions arise from addition of trace calcite. If the Ca-Mg-Na mixing plane is rotated by composition-dependent secondary calcite deposition, this estimate would be increased. Moreover, when 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Sr inputs are considered, silicate Sr is responsible for 70 ± 16% (1σ) of the 87Sr flux forcing changes in seawater Sr-isotopic composition. Since earlier studies predict that silicate weathering generates as little as 20% of the total Sr flux in Himalayan river systems, this study demonstrates that the significance of silicate weathering can be greatly underestimated if the processes that decouple the water cation ratios from those of the source rocks are not properly evaluated.  相似文献   
This is the first paper in a two-part series on the implementation of Godunov-type schemes on unstructured grids for atmospheric flow simulations. Construction of a high-resolution flow solver for the scalar transport equation is described in detail. Higher-order accuracy in space is achieved via a MUSCL-type gradient reconstruction after van Leer and the monotonicity of solution is enforced by slope limiters. Accuracy in time is maintained by implementing a multi-stage explicit Runge-Kutta time-marching algorithm. The scheme is conservative and exhibits minimal numerical dispersion and diffusion. Five different benchmark test cases are simulated for the validation of the numerical scheme.  相似文献   
Use of high-resolution and historic CORONA satellite photographs for mapping and other purposes requires Ground Control Points (GCPs), as ephemeris data and image parameters are not available. However, the alterations in landscape in last 34 years (i.e., since the acquisition of these photographs) prevent identification and collection of large number of GCPs in the field. This paper presents a methodology for collection of GCPs for CORONA photographs. The advantages and limitations of the methodology are discussed. For a study site, situated in Siwaliks and Lower Himalayas, the GCPs were identified in CORONA photographs and their WGS84 coordinates were estimated through a process of datum transformation and georeferencing. Estimated GCP coordinates from the topo sheets and 2D and 3D views of photographs, helped in identifying the GCP locations in field, which were observed using DGPS. Investigations were carried out to relate Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) accuracy with base line length and time of observation. Abase line of 350 km and half an hour observation were found appropriate to yield accuracy in GCP collection by DGPS method, which conforms to CORONA resolution of 3 m.  相似文献   
Despite the need of stratigraphers and hydrogeologists for a hydrostratigraphical classification, such widely accepted classification is lacking and was ignored by the 1983 code of the North American Commission on Stratigraphical Nomenclature (NACSN). This study is an attempt to fill this vacuum. A simple and universally applicable hydrostratigraphical classification scheme is introduced here which takes into consideration the physical properties of the rocks, especially porosity and permeability, in addition to other variables such as thickness of the unit and its areal extent.The proposed hydrostratigraphical classification is a hierarchical scheme composed of two types of hydrostratigraphical units: aquizones and aquitards, which differ significantly in their intrinsic permeabilities. Aquizones include five ranks which are named in ascending order: subaquifer, aquifer, superaquifer, aquagroup and aquasystem. The aquifer is the fundamental unit. Aquitards are divided into mini-aquitards, meso-aquitards and mega-aquitards differing in their thicknesses and lateral continuities. Hydrostratigraphical units are easier to recognise on geophysical logs than lithostratigraphical units; they have fewer boundaries and therefore, it is easier for hydrogeologists to identify them.To test the applicability of the proposed classification the Palaeozoic succession of Saudi Arabia has been chosen to illustrate such an application. The stratigraphical interval between the Precambrian Arabian Shield aquifuge below and the Lower Triassic Sudair mega-aquitard above is named here the Najd Aquasystem, whose boundaries largely coincide with those of the Palaeozoic Erathem. The Najd Aquasystem, in turn, is divided into two aquagroups called the Buraydah below and the Widyan above and separated by the 600 m-thick Qusaiba Mega-aquitard.The Buraydah Aquagroup is composed of two superaquifers: the Saq and the overlying Hail, whereas the Widyan Aquagroup is divided into two superaquifers named the Jalamid below and the Rafhah above. Each of these superaquifers is composed of two named aquifers separated from each other by aquitards of different ranks. the hydrogeological characteristics of each aquifer were briefly discussed.  相似文献   
In order to assess the magnitude of phosphate pollution in the Jordanian sector of the Gulf of Aqaba, the distribution of total phosphorus, fluoride, calcium and calcium carbonate and their association with each other were determined in sediments collected from seven stations north and south of Aqaba Port. Abnormally high values were found near the phosphate loading berth which decrease with increasing distance from the berth. The results indicate that phosphate pollution is mainly localized in the vicinity of the loading berth although its influence may be detected in other areas along the coast. The level of pollution had increased by at least an order of magnitude since 1978.  相似文献   
An appraisal of the 1977–1978 regional reconnaissance geochemical data obtained under the Central Belt Project indicated that the Boundary Range Granite, the Senting Granite, and the Benom Igneous Complex appear to constitute favourable uranium exploration targets. Results of the airborne survey subsequently flown within the Project area in 1980 showed high radiometric responses over these and other granitoids. Recent follow-up of a multi-element geochemical anomaly over the Boundary Range Granite has resulted in the discovery of some uraninite-bearing boulders and an abnormally radioactive ironstained quartz vein containing uranium-bearing rhabdophane and florencite. Yet another potential target appears to be the Main Range Granite. Although not within the Project area, it has the distinction of hosting the first recorded uranium occurrence in Peninsular Malaysia.Contrary to earlier belief, the importance of the continental Mesozoic Tembeling and Gagau Groups as possible uranium hosts has been reduced, judging from the poor airborne radiometric response and the overall low geochemical results. On the other hand the Tertiary basins, not previously accorded attention, should be assessed.  相似文献   
This paper presents discrete chorus type emissions observed in January/July, 1970 during the routine recording of whistlers and VLF emissions at our low latitude ground station Gulmarg (geomag. lat., 24°26N; geomag. long., 147°09 E). The chorus type emissions are comprised of discrete, sometimes overlapping, tones of one or more spectral shapes (risers, falling tones, hooks, etc.). It is shown that these emissions are generated in the equatorial plane (L1.2) by cyclotron resonance between the propagating wave and gyrating electrons.  相似文献   
The rare earth element patterns of the gneisses of Bastar and Bundelkhand are marked by LREE enrichment and HREE depletion with or without Eu anomaly. The spidergram patterns for the gneisses are characterized by marked enrichment in LILE with negative anomalies for Ba, P and Ti. The geochemical characteristics exhibited by the gneisses are generally interpreted as melts generated by partial melting of a subducting slab. The style of subduction was flat subduction, which was most common in the Archean. The rare earth patterns and the multi-element diagrams with marked enrichment in LILE and negative anomalies for Ba, P and Ti of the granitoids of both the cratons indicate interaction between slab derived melts and the mantle wedge. The subduction angle was high in the Proterozoic. Considering the age of emplacement of the gneisses and granitoids that differs by ∼ 1 Ga, it can be assumed that these are linked to two independent subduction events: one during Archaean (flat subduction) that generated the precursor melts for the gneisses and the other during the Proterozoic (high angle subduction) that produced the melts for the granitoids. The high values of Mg #, Ni, Cr, Sr and low values of SiO2 in the granitoids of Bastar and Bundelkhand cratons compared to the gneisses of both the cratons indicate melt-mantle interaction in the generation of the granitoids. The low values of Mg#, Ni, Cr, Sr and high values of SiO2 in the gneisses in turn overrules such melt-mantle interaction.  相似文献   
Ultrabasic xenoliths (pyroxenites, lherzolites, harzburgites) in recent (Neogene–Quaternary) volcanoes have been studied in three localities within Syria: Jubates (North), Mhailbeh (Center), Tel Thannoun (South). PT conditions of mineral equilibration have been estimated by pyroxene thermometry (temperature) and maximum CO2 density in primary inclusions (minimum pressure). Pyroxenites equilibrate at significantly higher conditions (T about 1200 °C, P>15 kbar) than lherzolites and harzburgites (900<T<1100 °C, P between 10 and 15 kbar). All are within the spinel lherzolite field, whereas Cretaceous xenoliths originate within the garnet lherzolite field. To cite this article: A. Bilal, F. Sheleh, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
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