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In this work, we shall confine ourselves to solve analytically the integrals called , for the two components of albedo radiation pressure on an Earth’s satellite. When the Earth’s albedo is variable, as far as we know, this case has not been dealt with analytically. We shall solve these two integrals when the satellite’ horizon is illuminated and when the sun lies on the equator. This approach will facilitate the evaluation of the mentioned two equations. We will also compare our results with previous works obtained numerically.  相似文献   
Abstract: The hydrothermal alteration patterns associating with the gold prospect hosted by metavolcanics in the Dungash area, Eastern Desert of Egypt, were investigated in order to assign their relationship to mineralization. The metavolcanics of andesitic composition are generated by regional metamorphism of greenschist facies superimposed by hydrothermal activity. Epidote and chlorite are metamorphic minerals, whereas sericite, carbonates, and chlorite are hydrothermal alteration minerals. The auriferous quartz vein is of NEE‐SWW trend and cuts mainly the andesitic metavolcanics, but sometimes extends to the neighbouring metapyroclastics and metasediments. Quartz‐sericite, sericite, carbonate‐sericite, and chlorite‐sericite constitute four distinctive alteration zones which extend outwards from the mineralized quartz vein. The quartz‐sericite and sericite zones are characterized by high contents of SiO2, K2O, Rb, and As, the carbonate‐sericite zone is by high contents of CaO, Au, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Y, and the chlorite‐sericite zone is by high contents of MgO, Na2O, Zn, Ba, and Co. Gold and sulphide minerals are relatively more abundant in the carbonate‐sericite zone followed by the sericite one. The geochemistry of the alteration system was investigated using volume‐composition and mass balance calculations. The volume factors obtained for the different alteration zones, mentioned above (being 1.64, 1.19, 1.17, and 1.07, respectively), indicate that replacement had taken place with a volume gain. The mass balance calculations revealed addition of SiO2, K2O, As, Cu, Rb, Ba, Ni, and Y to the system as a whole and subtraction of Fe2O3 from the system. Initial high aK+ and aH+ for the invading fluids is suggested. As the fluids migrated into wallrocks, they became more concentrated in Mg, Ca, and Na with increasing activities of CO2 and S. The calculated loss‐gain data are in agreement with the microscopic observations. Breakdown of ferromagnesian minerals and feldspars in the quartz‐sericite, sericite, and chlorite‐sericite zones accompanied by loss in Mg, Fe, Ca, and Na under acidic conditions and low CO2/H2O ratio may obstruct the formation of carbonates and sulphides, and the precipitation of gold in these zones. The role of metamorphic fluids in the area is expected to be restricted to the liberation of Au and some associated elements from their hosts.  相似文献   
A very severe cyclonic storm with wind speeds of over 240 km/h struck the coastal areas of Bangladesh in the full moon night of 29 April 1991. The path of the eye, close to the shore, raised a storm surge of unusual height, reportedly more than 9 m above the mean sea level, which devastated the offshore islands and the mainland coast. The damage to the physical infrastructure of the port of Chittagong and adjoining industrial area has been colossal, and recovery will take years. Death tolls from the cyclone, storm surge and its aftermath exceeded 145 000 making it one of the world's major natural disasters of this century.This paper is concerned with examining the magnitude and intensity of the disaster. It analyses how the people of Bangladesh, and the environment in which they live, were affected by the cyclone. A brief account is presented of loss of life and of the damage suffered in various sectors, including agriculture, industry, and physical infrastructure.The paper lays emphasis on the need of building a sufficient number of multipurpose cyclone shelters in the disaster-prone coastal areas of Bangladesh. Adequate measures should be taken for evacuating people from vulnerable areas and putting them into these shelters in the event of a cyclonic storm. Simplification of the current cyclone warning system is recommended.The difficulties of providing relief to the survivors are discussed. And finally, the need for improvement of the communication infrastructure in the coastal areas is highlighted.  相似文献   
Structural analysis in the well-exposed and well-preserved Neyriz ophiolite suggests that it is a relatively undisturbed piece of oceanic lithosphere. Detailed structural mapping of high-T deformation mantle flow revealed the presence of three elliptical shaped diapirs trending NW–SE. These diapirs are characterized by vertical mantle foliations associated with vertical plunging stretching lineations, which progressively incline toward parallelism with the gently NE-dipping Moho. The NW–SE direction of asthenospheric upwelling of diapirs is parallel with the orientations of the vertical sheeted dike complex. This suggests that the Neyriz ophiolite was created by two NW–SE palaeo-ridge axes. These palaeo-ridges are classified as fast-spreading ridges. These ridges are segmented by a dextral palaeo-transform fracture zone. This is consistent with fast-spreading ridges. Comparison between the Neyriz and Oman ophiolites reveals that they show similar characteristics. Most of the Oman palaeo-ridge systems are oriented NW–SE and NNW–SE. They also display similar sheeted dike complex orientations and crustal thickness variations. These two ophiolites originally were part of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere and afterwards were separated by the Oman line during continental collision of the Iranian micro-continent and Afro-Arabian continent.  相似文献   
Growth rates of the main mullet species (Liza ramada andMugil cephalus) in Lake Manzala are low compared to those in other Egyptian lakes. But average growth rates during the period 1989–1993 were relatively faster than in the 1960's. Spawning and migration seasons have been determined for every species, and their distribution in the lake, in terms of certain ecological parameters (salinity, turbidity and dissolved oxygen) have been investigated. Changes in the mullet fishery in the lake during the past 70 years have been studied. Due to an increase in nutrient loading and a decrease in salinity, mullet declined from 65 per cent of the total catch during the 1920's to only 2.2 per cent during the early 1980's. As a result of fisheries management and development programmes from 1989 to 1993, mullet production increased to 9.2 per cent of the total catch.  相似文献   
Methane,carbon monoxide and methylchloroform in the southern hemisphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New observational data on CH4, CO and CH3CCl3 in the southern hemisphere are reported. The data are analysed for long term trends and seasonal cycles. CH3CCl3 data are used to scale the OH fields incorporated in a two dimensional model, which in turn, is used to constrain the magnitude of a global CH4 source function. The possible causes of observed seasonality of CH3CCl3, CH4 and CO are identified, and several other aspects of observed CH4 variability are discussed.Possible future research directions are also given.  相似文献   

The groundwater levels can have a significant impact on structures and infrastructures of coastal areas. The simulation of the hydraulic behavior of coastal aquifers is very important due to its specific boundary conditions. In this study, the groundwater level in the Bandar-e-Gaz coastal aquifer in the Gorgan Gulf region located in northern Iran is simulated using the MODFLOW mathematical model. The modeling of the coastal aquifer behavior carried out in two calibrations (steady and unsteady states). The validation periods (unsteady state), the mean absolute error (MAE) and mean bias error (MBE) were used to evaluate the results. The values of MAE and MBE criteria for the steady state were 0.31 (m) and –0.08 (m), while the average of these criteria in the unsteady state in calibration period were 0.46 and –0.39, and in the validation period were 0.42 (m) and –0.31 (m), respectively. The mentioned results confirm the precision of the model for the entire simulation period, they also indicate that the simulation has a limited underestimation behavior. Moreover, it shows that the precision of the results has a negligible variability, which means the simulation also has considerable reliability. The highest and lowest amount of error in the winter and summer seasons are in accordance with the lowest and highest seawater levels, and it shows the significant sea effect on the hydraulic behavior of the coastal aquifer.  相似文献   
Detailed field mapping of a 120-km-long segment of the northwestern Red Sea margin reveals the existence of a number of sediment-input sites where Lower Miocene sediments form coarse-grained fan delta systems. Localizations of the fan deltas at the sediment-input sites (Wadis Gassus, Guesis, Quwyh and Sharm El Bahari) are controlled by structural and topographic elements, including relay ramps between interacting normal fault segments, cross-trend transfer faults, reactivated Precambrian basement fabrics and the plunge directions of tilted fault blocks. Sedimentary facies and geometrical characteristics of the fan deltas indicate that they are progradational and “Gilbert-type” fan delta systems. Variations in size and composition of the conglomerate clasts reflect the heterogeneous lithologies of the Precambrian basement and pre-rift strata in the source areas along the rift margin. Palaeocurrent data show marked changes in paleoflow directions, from northeast in the northernmost fans to east and southeast directions in the southern fans. This change occurs across the Duwi accommodation zone which formed a topographic high separating the oppositely dipping half-grabens in the study area. The data presented in this paper clearly demonstrates that the structural architecture of the northwestern Red Sea margin together with its related topographic expressions played a fundamental role in controlling the drainage network systems, sediment dispersal and localization of the fan deltas in this part of the rift system.  相似文献   
Estimation of hydraulic conductivity from surface resistivity measurements is one of the most difficult and challenging hydrogeophysical targets. The promising side of this relation is the analogy between electric current flow and water flow, whereas the grand ambiguity is the non-dimensionality between both two quantities. Imaginary surface conductivity component is used recently to deduce the hydraulic conductivity via complex resistivity measurements. Since there are similar properties between imaginary (out-of-phase) and real (in-phase) surface conductivity components, the latter is used in this paper to predict the hydraulic conductivity. Two mathematical parameters were determined to express the electrical equivalent of hydraulic conductivity in sand and clay systems based on the mode of electrical double-layer formation in both systems. The reliability of the proposed method is tested through applying on two datasets representing sand and clay systems. The first dataset is a clean sand and gravel aquifer in the Keritis basin in Chania, Crete, Greece. The second is mostly clayey sand aquifer in Wadi El-Assuity, Egypt. Application of the present approach in these two cases resulted in promising nearly identical values with the measured hydraulic conductivity via pumping test or geometric hydraulic conductivity via grain size analysis.  相似文献   
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is the world’s most water-stressed region, with its countries constituting 12 of the 15 most water-stressed countries globally. Because of data paucity, comprehensive regional-scale assessments of groundwater resources in the MENA region have been lacking. The presented study addresses this issue by using a distributed ArcGIS model, parametrized with gridded data sets, to estimate groundwater storage reserves in the region based on generated aquifer saturated thickness and effective porosity estimates. Furthermore, monthly gravimetric datasets (GRACE) and land surface parameters (GLDAS) were used to quantify changes in groundwater storage between 2003 and 2014. Total groundwater reserves in the region were estimated at 1.28 × 106 cubic kilometers (km3) with an uncertainty range between 816,000 and 1.93 × 106 km3. Most of the reserves are located within large sedimentary basins in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, with Algeria, Libya, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia accounting for approximately 75% of the region’s total freshwater reserves. Alternatively, small groundwater reserves were found in fractured Precambrian basement exposures. As for groundwater changes between 2003 and 2014, all MENA countries except for Morocco exhibited declines in groundwater storage. However, given the region’s large groundwater reserves, groundwater changes between 2003 and 2014 are minimal and represent no immediate short-term threat to the MENA region, with some exceptions. Notwithstanding this, the study recommends the development of sustainable and efficient groundwater management policies to optimally utilize the region’s groundwater resources, especially in the face of climate change, demographic expansion, and socio-economic development.  相似文献   
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