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Suspended sediment transport in streams is an effective indicator of soil erosion at the watershed scale. This process was studied using the data obtained from two continuous monitoring stations installed in Italian watersheds, the Rio Cordon and Torrente Carapelle. The catchments have substantially different climatic, morphological and land use characteristics. The Rio Cordon, a small Alpine watershed, has been monitored since 1986, while in the Torrente Carapelle, a medium-size Mediterranean watershed, the monitoring station has provided data since 2007. Several flood events with suspended sediment transport were isolated in the two catchments, excluding those determined by snowmelt in the Rio Cordon as this process does not affect the Carapelle watershed. Analysis of the events showed different behavior in terms of hysteresis loop trends between water discharge (m3 s-1) and suspended sediment concentration (g l-1) values, as the Rio Cordon confirms clockwise relationships most frequently, while counter-clockwise trends represent the majority of cases for the Carapelle Torrent. The different behavior of the two watersheds was further analyzed by evaluating relationships between the main hydrological parameters related to suspended sediment transport. Runoff controls the total sediment budget in both catchments. In contrast, it was noted that the runoff process does not interfere in the magnitude of the suspended sediment transport in the Rio Cordon catchment, while variations due to the larger size of the catchment area characterize the events in the Carapelle watershed. Lastly, a flow peak threshold that determines the advance or delay of the hydrograph peak with respect to the sedigraph peak was established for the Carapelle Torrent, while it was not reported in the Rio Cordon.  相似文献   
The main goal of this study is to improve the modelling of the source mechanism associated with the generation of long period (LP) signals in volcanic areas. Our intent is to evaluate the effects that detailed structural features of the volcanic models play in the generation of LP signal and the consequent retrieval of LP source characteristics. In particular, effects associated with the presence of topography and crustal heterogeneities are here studied in detail. We focus our study on a LP event observed at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, in 2001 May. A detailed analysis of this event and its source modelling is accompanied by a set of synthetic tests, which aim to evaluate the effects of topography and the presence of low velocity shallow layers in the source region. The forward problem of Green's function generation is solved numerically following a pseudo-spectral approach, assuming different 3-D models. The inversion is done in the frequency domain and the resulting source mechanism is represented by the sum of two time-dependent terms: a full moment tensor and a single force. Synthetic tests show how characteristic velocity structures, associated with shallow sources, may be partially responsible for the generation of the observed long-lasting ringing waveforms. When applying the inversion technique to Kilauea LP data set, inversions carried out for different crustal models led to very similar source geometries, indicating a subhorizontal cracks. On the other hand, the source time function and its duration are significantly different for different models. These results support the indication of a strong influence of crustal layering on the generation of the LP signal, while the assumption of homogeneous velocity model may bring to misleading results.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper was to study the community structure, in terms of species composition, abundance and spatial distribution, of fish larvae in a wide coastal area of Sicily facing the Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea, extending for 2300 km2 from Cape Cefalù to the west, to Cape Rasocolmo in the east. This study analyses how species are assembled in relation to an inshore–offshore gradient and also how environmental conditions, determined by surface circulation patterns occurring in the Central Mediterranean at the local scale, determine the distribution patterns. Samples from 39 stations were collected using a 60‐cm Bongo net during an ichthyoplanktonic survey carried out in June 2006. In all, 62 taxa, representing 32 families, were identified. Cyclothone braueri (59.6%), Engraulis encrasicolus (9.2%) Lampanyctus crocodilus (4.3%) and Lampanyctus pusillus (4.1%) were the most abundant species. The results showed that the highest abundance value (14830.6 fish larvae per 10 m2 sea surface) was observed in the western part of the study area. MDS, SIMPER and CCA analyses revealed well defined groups of stations and assemblages of larvae in accordance with an inshore–offshore gradient. The results of this study could have implications for the management of marine resources because the investigated area has already been identified as a nursery area for many pelagic and coastal fishes and a natural habitat for many species of high commercial interest.  相似文献   
The population dynamics and gametogenesis of the non‐indigenous polychaete species Branchiomma luctuosum Grube, 1869 (Annelida, Sabellidae) has been investigated at three sites in the Taranto Seas (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). The species, probably introduced from the Red Sea, has been reported in the Mediterranean Sea since 1983. The species is hermaphrodite, and the reproductive season is between June and October when the largest mean size of oocytes was recorded together with the presence of mature spermatozoa. Small oocytes are present in specimens reaching about 20–25 mm in length. Therefore oogenesis seems to begin early during the first year of life, but the first reproduction can occur when the worms attain a larger size and are at least 6 months of age. Although most of the individuals reproduce seasonally within a discrete period, some individuals can reproduce in different periods during the year, the oogenesis of individuals not being synchronous. A life span of at least 2 years is highlighted, with a faster growth rate during the first months (about 20 mm per month) decreasing to about 10 mm from the 3rd to the 8th months and slowing down again after the worm reaches 100 mm in size. Some differences in growth performance are discussed, enhanced by comparing the sites located at greater depth (5–7 m) and those located at 0.5 m depth, together with the possible interactions of this alien species with the autochthonous sabellid Sabella spallanzanii.  相似文献   
The filtration process of Sabella spallanzanii Gmelin on bacterial community was studied in a coastal area of the Northern Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) at three sites, S. Vito, Lido Gandoli and Lido Silvana, where some specimens of S. spallanzanii were transplanted. Analyses were performed both on water and worm samples. A total of six microbial groups were examined: culturable heterotrophic bacteria, total culturable bacteria at 37 degrees C, culturable vibrios, total and fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci. The bacterial densities were usually orders of magnitude higher in the worm homogenates than in the corresponding seawater and the highest values were observed in August. The ability of S. spallanzanii to accumulate the microbial pollution indicators suggests this species can be employed as a bioindicator for monitoring water quality. Moreover, the accumulation capability of S. spallanzanii for specific micro-organisms provides a potential role in sewage bioremediation.  相似文献   
Taxonomic distinctness has been applied successfully for the exploration of biodiversity patterns, yet its relevance in environmental impact assessment is far from being unquestioned. In this study, we assessed the potential of taxonomic distinctness to discern perturbed and unperturbed sites by analysing Mediterranean nematode assemblages. Geographic and habitat-related effects on the performance of the index were also explored. Above all, our findings do not corroborate the conjecture that taxonomic distinctness could be largely unaffected by natural variability, habitat features, and biogeographic context, casting doubts on potential generalization concerning its application as an indicator of environmental stress. Taxonomic distinctness represents an excellent metric to identifying taxonomic properties of ecological systems but, as for other ecological indices, it should be viewed as a complementary tool in environmental impact assessment, due to its sensitiveness to specific environmental features of systems being investigated.  相似文献   
Lakes are particularly sensitive to environmental fluctuations, which are recorded in their facies and stratigraphy. Ephemeral lakes reveal their sensitivity to palaeoenvironmental changes in the overprinting of the sedimentary features in every single bed. Tetrapod-track taphonomic-modes and ichnological taphonomic-pathways can be used as sensitive indicators of environmental conditions of the track-bearing beds during deposition and imprinting. The Middle Triassic Cerro de las Cabras succession (Cuyana Basin, Argentina) provides an excellent opportunity to these environmental indicators in an underfilled palaeolake. A model of ichnological preservation for underfilled lake systems is proposed and the role of the ichnology record in the sequence stratigraphy analysis is evaluated, based on the integration of tetrapod-track modes, taphonomic-pathways of playa-lake ichnofauna, mineralogy and physical data. Soft-ground suites include those dominated by invertebrate grazing traces and arthropod locomotion traces (Suite 1), and those overprinted by horizontal-vertical dwelling burrows with tetrapod tracks preserved in taphonomic modes B and C (Suite 2). The firm-ground suite (Suite 3) comprises tetrapod-tracks with the best preservation styles (modes A and B) along less abundant invertebrate dwelling and feeding traces as found in Suite 2. Clay mineralogy (dominated by illite with subordinate smectite) suggests low plasticity of the layers, in agreement with low-relief deformation structures observed in tetrapod-track taphonomic-modes. The well-preserved track tetrapod features documented in the Cerro de las Cabras succession, together with the absence of pedogenic disturbance, trampling obliterating the footprints, and/or evidence of strong disturbance by wind, desiccation and/or precipitation, supports short periods of exposure of the imprinted surface particular to this succession. An integrated multiproxy approach is proposed to evaluate the evolutionary interpretation and identification of autogenic versus allogenic controls in underfilled lake-basin histories. The observed aggradational-trend suggests an equilibrium between rates of accommodation change and sediment supply, and that the basin-centre did not experience prolonged sediment-starved conditions.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of the Alpine orography on prototype cold fronts approaching from the west is investigated by three-dimensional numerical model simulations. The numerical experiments cover a range of parameter constellations which govern the prefrontal environment of the front. Especially, the appearance and intensity of prefrontal northern Alpine foehn varies from case to case.The behaviour of a cold front north of the Alps depends much on the prefrontal condition it encounters. It is found that prefrontal foehn can either accelerate or retard the approaching front.An important feature is the pressure depression along the northern Alpine rim that results from the southerly foehn flow. In cases where this depression compensates the eastward directed pressure gradient associated with the largescale flow, the front tends to accelerate and the foehn breaks down as soon as the front passes. In contrast, the foehn prevents the front from a rapid eastward propagation if it is connected with a strong southerly wind component.No-foehn experiments are performed for comparison, where either the mountains are removed, or the static stability is set to neutral. Also shown are effects of different crossfrontal temperature contrasts.List of Symbols c F propagation speed of a front - x, y horizontal grid spacing (cartesian system) - , horizontal grid spacing (geographic system) - t time step - z vertical grid spacing (cartesian system) - cross-frontal potential temperature difference - i potential temperature step at an inversion - E turbulent kinetic energy - f Coriolis parameter - FGP frontogenesis parameter (see section 2.2) - g gravity acceleration (g=9.81 m s–2) - vertical gradient of potential temperature - h terrain elevation (above MSL) - h i height of an inversion (h i =1000 m MSL) - H height of model lid (H=9000 m MSL) - K M exchange coefficient of momentum - K H exchange coefficient of heat and moisture - longitude - N Brunt-Väisäla-frequency - p pressure - Exner function (=T/) - latitude - q v specific humidity - R d gas constant of dry air (R d =287.06 J kg–1 K–1) - density of dry air - t time - T temperature - potential temperature - TFP thermal front parameter (see section 2.2) - u, v, w cartesian wind components - u g ,v g geostrophic wind components - horizontal wind vector - x, y, z cartesian coordinates Abbreviations GND (above) ground level - MSL (above) mean sea level - UTC universal time coordinated With 20 Figures  相似文献   
Summary A numerical model was used to study the behaviour of prototype cold fronts as they approach the Alps. Two fronts with different orientations relative to the Alpine range have been considered. One front approaches from west, a second one from northwest. The first front is connected with southwesterly large-scale air-flow producing pre-frontal foehn, whereas the second front is associated with westerly largescale flow leading to weak blocking north of the Alps.Model simulations with fully represented orography and parameterized water phase conversions have been compared with control runs where either the orography was cut off or the phase conversions were omitted. The results show a strong orographic influence in case of pre-frontal foehn which warms the pre-frontal air and increases the cross-frontal temperature contrast leading to an acceleration of the front along the northern Alpine rim. The latent heat effect was found to depend much on the position of precipitation relative to the surface front line. In case of pre-frontal foehn precipitation only falls behind the surface front line into the intruding cold air where it partly evaporates. In contrary, precipitation already appears ahead of the front in the case of blocking. Thus, the cooling effect of evaporating rain increases the cross-frontal temperature difference only in the first case causing an additional acceleration of the front.List of symbols C pd specific heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure (C pd =1004.71 J kg–1 K–1) - C pv specific heat capacity of water vapour at constant pressure (C pv =1845.96 J kg–1 K–1) - C f propagation speed of a front - x, y horizontal grid spacing (cartesian system) - , horizontal grid spacing (geographic system) - t time step - E turbulent kinetic energy - f Coriolis parameter - g gravity acceleration (g=9.81 ms–1) - h terrain elevation - H height of model lid (H=9000 m) - k Karman constant (k=0.4) - K Mh horizontal exchange coefficient of momentum - K Hh horizontal exchange coefficient of heat and moisture - K Mz vertical exchange coefficient of momentum - K Hz vertical exchange coefficient of heat and moisture - l mixing length - l c specific condensation heat (l c =2500.61 kJ kg–1) - l f specific freezing heat (l f =333.56 kJ kg–1) - l s specific sublimation heat (l s =2834.17 kJ kg–1) - longitude - m 1,m 2,m 3 metric coefficients - p pressure - Exner function - Pr Prandtl number - latitude - M profile function - q v specific humidity - q c specific content of cloud droplets - q i specific content of cloud ice particles - q R specific content of rain drops - q S specific content of snow - R d gas constant of dry air (R d =287.06 J kg–1 K–1) - R v gas constant of water vapour (R v =461.51 J kg–1 K–1) - r E radius of earth (r E =6371 km) - Ri F flux Richardson number - density of dry air - t time - T temperature - dia period of diastrophy - potential temperature - v virtual potential temperature - e equivalent potential temperature - U relative humidity - u, v, w cartesian wind components - u F ,v F front-normal and front-parallel wind components - x, y, z cartesian coordinates - w * transformed vertical wind component - W R speed of falling rain - W S speed of falling snow - z * transformed vertical coordinate Abbreviations GND (above) ground level - MSL (above) mean sea level With 12 Figures  相似文献   
Summary Climatic changes of summer temperature and precipitation in the greater Alpine region are assessed by using statistical-dynamical downscaling. The downscaling procedure is applied to two 30-year periods (1971–2000 and 2071–2100, summer months only) taken from the results of a transient coupled ocean/atmosphere climate scenario simulation with increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. The downscaling results for the present-day climate are compared with observations. The estimated regional climate change during the next 100 years shows a general warming. The mean summer temperatures increase by 3 to 5 Kelvin. The most intense climatic warming is predicted in the western parts of the Alps. The amount of summer precipitation decreases in most parts of central Europe by more than 20 percent. Increasing precipitation is simulated only over the Adriatic area and parts of eastern central Europe. The results are compared with observed climate trends for the last decades and results of other regional climate change estimations. The observed trends and the majority of the simulated trends (including ours) have a number of common features. However, there are also climate change estimates of other groups which completely contradict our results. Received April 8, 1999 Revised November 16, 1999  相似文献   
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