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Bio-electricity is an important technology for Energy Modeling Forum (EMF-27) mitigation scenarios, especially with the possibility of negative carbon dioxide emissions when combined with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). With a strong economic foundation, and broad coverage of economic activity, computable general equilibrium models have proven useful for analysis of alternative climate change policies. However, embedding energy technologies in a general equilibrium model is a challenge, especially for a negative emissions technology with joint products of electricity and carbon dioxide storage. We provide a careful implementation of bio-electricity with CCS in a general equilibrium context, and apply it to selected EMF-27 mitigation scenarios through 2100. Representing bio-electricity and its land requirements requires consideration of competing land uses, including crops, pasture, and forests. Land requirements for bio-electricity start at 200 kilohectares per terawatt-hour declining to approximately 70 kilohectares per terwatt-hour by year 2100 in scenarios with high bioenergy potential.  相似文献   

Lithofacies in the mid‐Permian Nowra Sandstone indicate a middle/upper shoreface to foreshore environment of deposition under the influence of storm‐generated waves and north‐northeasterly directed longshore currents. Palaeogeographic reconstruction for the Nowra Sandstone portrays a sand‐dominated high energy shelf and offshore shoal forming a sequence thickening seaward away from the western shore of the Sydney Basin. The shoal‐crest at the outer edge of the shelf trends north‐northeast. It is characterized by fine‐ to medium‐grained sandstone with upper flow regime structures and a high proportion of conglomerate, whereas coarser sandstone with lower energy bedforms occurs along the seaward side of the shoal. In the deeper water to the east, the lower Nowra Sandstone becomes rapidly thinner as it passes seaward, via bioturbated storm redeposited sandstone beds, into the shelf deposits of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. This sequence accumulated during a regressive event and the base of the formation becomes progressively younger eastward. The sand may have been supplied by rivers along the western coast but the major source was south of the study area. The lower Nowra Sandstone is separated from the upper part of the formation by an extensive ravinement surface overlain by the Purnoo Conglomerate Member. In contrast to the lower unit, the upper Nowra Sandstone forms a westward thickening wedge that represents a backstepping nearshore sand facies that accumulated during a transgression. The upper Nowra Sandstone passes vertically and laterally eastward into the Berry Siltstone. Thus both boundaries of the Nowra Sandstone are diachronous, first younging eastward and then westward as a response to a regressive‐transgressive episode.  相似文献   
Manganese mineralisation in the Oakover Basin is associated with Mesoproterozoic extension, basin formation and deposition of the Manganese Group. The underlying basement architecture of the Oakover Basin (a local half-graben geometry), inherited from the Neoarchean rifting event, plays an important role on the distribution, style and timing of manganese deposits. Fault-hosted manganese deposits are dominant along the ‘active’ faulted eastern margin, whereas flat-lying sedimentary deposits are dominant along the western ‘passive’ margin reflecting differences in ore-forming processes. The large number of significant manganese deposits in the Oakover Basin, previously thought to reflect a spatial association with Carawine Dolomite, more likely reflects the restricted nature of the Mesoproterozoic basin and development of a large reservoir of Mn2+ and Fe2+ in an anoxic zone of a stratified basin. Low O2 conditions in the basin were caused by a paleotopographic high forming a barrier to open ocean circulation. The western margin sedimentary deposits formed later than the fault-hosted hydrothermal deposits along the eastern margin, once a significant reservoir of Mn2+ and Fe2+ had developed, and when there was sufficient subsidence to allow migration of the redox front onto the shallow shelf, with Mn precipitation on and within the seafloor sediments. The sedimentary manganese deposits are not uniformly distributed along the western edge of the basin; instead they are concentrated into discrete areas (e.g. Mt Cooke–Utah–Mt Rove, Bee Hill, Skull Springs and the Ripon Hills districts), suggesting a degree of structural control on their distribution. Fault-hosted manganese is observed beneath and adjacent to many of the sedimentary deposits. Marked geochemical differences are observed between the Woodie Woodie hydrothermal deposits and the sedimentary deposits. Woodie Woodie deposits display higher Ba, U, Mo, As, Sn, Bi, Pb, S and Cu than the sedimentary deposits, reflecting the composition of the hydrothermal fluids. The Al2O3 values of the Ripon Hills and Mt Cooke deposits are much higher than the Woodie Woodie deposits, reflecting the composition of the dominant host rock, as Al2O3 is typically <5 wt% in the Carawine Dolomite, but is >10 wt% in basal shale units of the Manganese Group. Highly variable Mn:Fe ratios (?5:1) in the hydrothermal manganese at Woodie Woodie reflects rapid deposition of Mn in and around fault zones. In contrast, slower accumulation of Mn oxides on and within the seafloor to form the large sedimentary deposits results in Mn:Fe ratios closer to 1:1 and elevated Co + Ni and REE values.  相似文献   
Ingestion of enhanced zinc can cause memory impairments and copper deficiencies. This study examined the effect of zinc supplementation, with and without copper, on two types of memory. Rats raised pre- and post-natally on 10 mg/kg ZnCO3 or ZnSO4 in the drinking water were tested in a fear-conditioning experiment at 11 months of age. Both zinc groups showed a maladaptive retention of fearful memories compared to controls raised on tap water. Rats raised on 10 mg/kg ZnCO3, 10 mg/kg ZnCO3 + 0.25 mg/kg CuCl2, or tap water, were tested for spatial memory ability at 3 months of age. Significant improvements in performance were found in the ZnCO3 + CuCl2 group compared to the ZnCO3 group, suggesting that some of the cognitive deficits associated with zinc supplementation may be remediated by addition of copper.  相似文献   
Deep seismic reflection data across the Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, northeastern Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, have provided information on its crustal architecture and on several of its highly mineralised belts. The seismic reflection data allow interpretation of several prominent crustal scale features, including an eastward thickening of the crust, subdivision of the crust into three broad layers, the presence of a prominent east dip to the majority of the reflections and the interpretation of three east-dipping crustal-penetrating shear zones. These east-dipping shear zones are major structures that subdivide the region into four terranes. Major orogenic gold deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province are spatially associated with these major structures. The Laverton Tectonic Zone, for example, is a highly mineralised corridor that contains several world-class gold deposits plus many smaller deposits. Other non crustal-penetrating structures within the area do not appear to be as well endowed metallogenically as the Laverton structure. The seismic reflection data have also imaged a series of low-angle shear zones within and beneath the granite–greenstone terranes. Where the low-angle shear zones intersect the major crustal-penetrating structures, a wedge shaped geometry is formed. This geometry forms a suitable fluid focusing wedge in which upward to subhorizontal moving fluids are focused and then distributed into the nearby complexly deformed greenstones.  相似文献   
δ18O was determined at high spatial resolution (beam diameter ∼30 μm) by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) across 1-2 year sections of 2 modern Porites lobata coral skeletons from Hawaii. We observe large (>2‰) cyclical δ18O variations that typically cover skeletal distances equivalent to periods of ∼20-30 days. These variations do not reflect seawater temperature or composition and we conclude that skeletal δ18O is principally controlled by other processes. Calcification site pH in one coral record was estimated from previous SIMS measurements of skeletal δ11B. We model predicted skeletal δ18O as a function of calcification site pH, DIC residence time at the site and DIC source (reflecting the inputs of seawater and molecular CO2 to the site). We assume that oxygen isotopic equilibration proceeds at the rates observed in seawater and that only the aqueous carbonate ion is incorporated into the precipitating aragonite. We reproduce successfully the observed skeletal δ18O range by assuming that DIC is rapidly utilised at the calcification site (within 1 h) and that ∼80% of the skeletal carbonate is derived from seawater. If carbonic anhydrase catalyses the reversible hydration of CO2 at the calcification site, then oxygen isotopic equilibration times may be substantially reduced and a larger proportion of the skeletal carbonate could be derived from molecular CO2. Seasonal skeletal δ18O variations are most pronounced in the skeleton deposited from late autumn to winter (and coincide with the high density skeletal bands) and are dampened in skeleton deposited from spring to summer. We observed no annual pattern in sea surface temperature or photosynthetically active radiation variability which could potentially correlate with the coral δ18O. At present we are unable to resolve an environmental cue to drive seasonal patterns of short term skeletal δ18O heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The mineralogy and bulk compositions of the matrices of the CR chondrites MET 00426 and QUE 99177 have been studied using a combination of SEM, EPMA, and TEM techniques. The matrices of these two chondrites are texturally, chemically, and mineralogically similar and are characterized by significant FeO-enrichments with respect to other CR chondrite matrices, nearly flat refractory lithophile patterns, variable volatile element patterns, and a simple mineral assemblage dominated by amorphous silicate material and Fe,Ni sulfides. Fine-grained, crystalline silicate phases such as olivine and pyroxene appear to be extremely rare in the matrices of both meteorites. Instead, the mineralogy of matrices and fine-grained rims of both meteorites consists of abundant amorphous FeO-rich silicate material, containing nanoparticles of Fe,Ni sulfides (troilite, pyrrhotite, and pentlandite). Secondary alteration minerals that are characteristic of other CR chondrites (e.g., Renazzo and Al Rais), such as phyllosilicates, magnetite, and calcite are also rare. The texture and mineralogy of the matrices of MET 00426 and QUE 99177 share many features with matrices in the primitive carbonaceous chondrites ALH A77307 (CO3.0) and Acfer 094 (unique). These observations show that MET 00426 and QUE 99177 are very low petrologic type 3 chondrites that have escaped the effects of aqueous alteration, unlike other CR chondrites, which are typically classified as petrologic type 2. We suggest that these meteorites represent additional samples of highly primitive, but extremely rare carbonaceous chondrites of petrologic type 3.00, according to the classification scheme of Grossman and Brearley (2005). The highly pristine nature of MET 00426 and QUE 99177 provides important additional insights into the origins of fine-grained materials in carbonaceous chondrites. Based on our new observations, we infer that the amorphous silicate material and nanosulfide particles that dominate the matrices of these meteorites formed in the solar nebula by rapid condensation of material following high-temperature events, such as those that formed chondrules.  相似文献   
Acoustic emission (AE) monitoring is a non-invasive method of monitoring fracturing both in situ, and in experimental rock deformation studies. Until recently, the major impediment for imaging brittle failure within a rock mass is the accuracy at which the hypocenters may be located. However, recent advances in the location of regional scale earthquakes have successfully reduced hypocentral uncertainties by an order of magnitude. The least-squares Geiger, master event relocation, and double difference methods have been considered in a series of synthetic experiments which investigate their ability to resolve AE hypocentral locations. The effect of AE hypocenter location accuracy due to seismic velocity perturbations, uncertainty in the first arrival pick, array geometry and the inversion of a seismically anisotropic structure with an isotropic velocity model were tested. Hypocenters determined using the Geiger procedure for a homogeneous, isotropic sample with a known velocity model gave a RMS error for the hypocenter locations of 2.6 mm; in contrast the double difference method is capable of reducing the location error of these hypocenters by an order of magnitude. We test uncertainties in velocity model of up to ±10% and show that the double difference method can attain the same RMS error as using the standard Geiger procedure with a known velocity model. The double difference method is also capable of precise locations even in a 40% anisotropic velocity structure using an isotropic model for location and attains a RMS mislocation error of 2.6 mm that is comparable to a RMS mislocation error produced with an isotropic known velocity model using the Geiger approach. We test the effect of sensor geometry on location accuracy and find that, even when sensors are missing, the double difference method is capable of a 1.43 mm total RMS mislocation compared to 4.58 mm for the Geiger method. The accuracy of automatic picking algorithms used for AE studies is ±0.5 μs (1 time sample when the sampling rate is 0.2 μs). We investigate how AE locations are effected by the accuracy of first arrival picking by randomly delaying the actual first arrival by up to 5 time samples. We find that even when noise levels are set to 5 time samples the double difference method successfully relocates the synthetic AE.  相似文献   
Palaeolimnological studies at Llangorse Lake, Wales, constitute part of the British contribution to IGCP Project 158 (The Palaeohydrology of the Temperate Zone in the Last 15000 Years). The lake has been adopted as the Reference Site for the South Wales region under Subproject 158B (Lake and Mire Environments) and is located in the Reference Area for Britain: the Severn Basin. Results of biological, physical, and multielement chemical analyses on a 12.35 m Livingstone core are presented and compared with previous analyses on short Mackereth cores taken from two troughs in the lake basin. Human impact upon post-glacial sedimentation is assessed with reference to sediment chemistry, physical properties, and sedimentation rates, based on relative pollen, 14C, and 210Pb dating. Vegetational history of the catchment is inferred from a pollen diagram for a section of the core from c. 8 to 6.75 m depth in which evidence for human impact is first apparent. Water content, loss on ignition, and carbonate content are presented for the whole core; density, water content, loss on ignition, carbonates, and elemental analyses of P, Ca, Mg, K, Ti, Al, Fe, and Mn for the interval 6 75 and 8.25 m depth. Sedimentation rates were low during Boreal and Atlantic times (c. 9000- 5000 BP), rose significantly from the time of the elm decline (estimated at 5000 BP) and increased further at c. 1800 BP when nekron muds were succeeded by deposition of silty clay. Inferred rates of erosion of soils from the catchment are discussed and related to sediment chemistry.  相似文献   
Three finite element codes, namely TELEMAC, ADCIRC and QUODDY, are used to compute the spatial distributions of the M2, M4 and M6 components of the tide in the sea region off the west coast of Britain. This region is chosen because there is an accurate topographic dataset in the area and detailed open boundary M2 tidal forcing for driving the model. In addition, accurate solutions (based upon comparisons with extensive observations) using uniform grid finite difference models forced with these open boundary data exist for comparison purposes. By using boundary forcing, bottom topography and bottom drag coefficients identical to those used in an earlier finite difference model, there is no danger of comparing finite element solutions for “untuned unoptimised solutions” with those from a “tuned optimised solution”. In addition, by placing the open boundary in all finite element calculations at the same location as that used in a previous finite difference model and using the same M2 tidal boundary forcing and water depths, a like with like comparison of solutions derived with the various finite element models was possible. In addition, this open boundary was well removed from the shallow water region, namely the eastern Irish Sea where the higher harmonics were generated. Since these are not included in the open boundary, forcing their generation was determined by physical processes within the models. Consequently, an inter-comparison of these higher harmonics generated by the various finite element codes gives some indication of the degree of variability in the solution particularly in coastal regions from one finite element model to another. Initial calculations using high-resolution near-shore topography in the eastern Irish Sea and including “wetting and drying” showed that M2 tidal amplitudes and phases in the region computed with TELEMAC were in good agreement with observations. The ADCIRC code gave amplitudes about 30 cm lower and phases about 8° higher. For the M4 tide, in the eastern Irish Sea amplitudes computed with TELEMAC were about 4 cm higher than ADCIRC on average, with phase differences of order 5°. For the M6 component, amplitudes and phases showed significant small-scale variability in the eastern Irish Sea, and no clear bias between the models could be found. Although setting a minimum water depth of 5 m in the near-shore region, hence removing wetting and drying, reduced the small-scale variability in the models, the differences in M2 and M4 tide between models remained. For M6, a significant reduction in variability occurred in the eastern Irish Sea when a minimum 5-m water depth was specified. In this case, TELEMAC gave amplitudes that were 1 cm higher and phases 30° lower than ADCIRC on average. For QUODDY in the eastern Irish Sea, average M2 tidal amplitudes were about 10 cm higher and phase 8° higher than those computed with TELEMAC. For M4, amplitudes were approximately 2 cm higher with phases of order 15° higher in the northern part of the region and 15° lower in the southern part. For M6 in the north of the region, amplitudes were 2 cm higher and about 2 cm lower in the south. Very rapid M6 tidal-phase changes occurred in the near-shore regions. The lessons learned from this model inter-comparison study are summarised in the final section of the paper. In addition, the problems of performing a detailed model–model inter-comparison are discussed, as are the enormous difficulties of conducting a true model skill assessment that would require detailed measurements of tidal boundary forcing, near-shore topography and precise knowledge of bed types and bed forms. Such data are at present not available.  相似文献   
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