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A large aperture scintillometer (LAS) andradio wave scintillometer (RWS)were installed over a heterogeneous areato test the applicability of the scintillation method.The heterogeneity in the area, whichconsisted of many plots, was mainly caused bydifferences in thermal properties ofthe crops; the variations in theaerodynamic roughness lengthwere small. The water vapour fluxesderived from the combined LAS-RWSsystem, also known as the two-wavelengthmethod, agreed fairly well with the aggregatedwater vapour fluxes derived from in-situeddy covariance measurements. The water vapourfluxes derived from a stand-alone LASare also presented. It was found that a single LASand an estimate of the area averagedavailable energy (using a simple parameterisationscheme) can provide also reasonablearea-averaged water vapour fluxes.  相似文献   
During an international workshop at the Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Vienna, Austria, which was coordinated within the Committee on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols (IAMAS-IUGG), 10 instruments for aerosol number concentration measurement were studied, covering a wide range of methods based on various different measuring principles. In order to investigate the detection limits of the instruments considered with respect to particle size, simultaneous number concentration measurements were performed for monodispersed aerosols with particle sizes ranging from 1.5 to 50 nm diameter and various compositions.The instruments considered show quite different response characteristics, apparently related to the different vapors used in the various counters to enlarge the particles to an optically detectable size. A strong dependence of the 50% cutoff diameter on the particle composition in correlation with the type of vapor used in the specific instrument was found. An enhanced detection efficiency for ultrafine hygroscopic sodium chloride aerosols was observed with water operated systems, an analogous trend was found for n-butanol operated systems with nonhygroscopic silver and tungsten oxide particles.  相似文献   
A double exponential fitting model (DEFM) capable of expressing the non-linear stress-stiffness relationship of geomaterials has been proposed by Shibuya et al. (1997). The model comprises two material constants; the elastic stiffness at very small strains and the strength, together with other free parameters to determine the complete stress-stiffness relationship. In this paper, the capability of the original function used for DEFM in simulating the tangent stiffness-stress relationship of geomaterials is first discussed. Second, the methods for determining the free model parameters, as well as its conversion to obtain a stress-strain relationship are proposed. The applicability of DEFM to predicting non-linear stress-stiffness relationship is examined in detail in a total of forty-nine fitting cases of compression test data on sedimentary rock, artificial soft rock and soft clay. It is found that the DEFM is effective in expressing the non-linear stress-stiffness relationship of various kinds of geomaterials at small to intermediate strains, say less than 0.5%. The superiority of this model compared to other fitting models currently in use is also demonstrated in some of the fitting cases.  相似文献   
Moraine chronology is combined with digital topography to model deglacial rates of paleoglacier volumes in both the Huancané Valley on the west side of the Quelccaya Ice Cap and the Upismayo Valley on the northwest side of the Cordillera Vilcanota. The fastest rates of deglaciation (39×10−5 to 114×10−5 km3 yr−1 and 112×10−5 to 247×10−5 km3 yr−1 for each valley, respectively) were calculated for the most recent paleoglaciers, corresponding to the last few centuries. These results are consistent with observations in the Venezuelan Andes showing high rates of deglaciation since the Little Ice Age. These rates also fall within the range of 20th century rates of deglaciation measured on the Quelccaya Ice Cap (29×10−5 to 220×10−5 km3 yr−1, Brecher and Thompson, 1993; Thompson, 2000). These results imply that rates of deglaciation may fluctuate significantly over time and that high rates of deglaciation may not be exclusive to the late 20th century. Equilibrium line altitude (ELA) depressions for the ice volumes of the last glaciation modeled here were computed as 230 m for the Quelccaya Ice Cap and 170 m for the Cordillera Vilcanota. Maximum ELA depressions are lower than previously published: <500 m for the Cordillera Vilcanota and <400 m for the Quelccaya Ice Cap. These lower values could imply a topographic control over paleoglacier extent.  相似文献   
 The heat capacity of paranatrolite and tetranatrolite with a disordered distribution of Al and Si atoms has been measured in the temperature range of 6–309 K using the adiabatic calorimetry technique. The composition of the samples is represented with the formula (Na1.90K0.22Ca0.06)[Al2.24Si2.76O10nH2O, where n=3.10 for paranatrolite and n=2.31 for tetranatrolite. For both zeolites, thermodynamic functions (vibrational entropy, enthalpy, and free energy function) have been calculated. At T=298.15 K, the values of the heat capacity and entropy are 425.1 ± 0.8 and 419.1 ±0.8 J K−1 mol−1 for paranatrolite and 381.0 ± 0.7 and 383.2 ± 0.7 J K−1 mol−1 for tetranatrolite. Thermodynamic functions for tetranatrolite and paranatrolite with compositions corrected for the amount of extraframework cations and water molecules have also been calculated. The calculation for tetranatrolite with two water molecules and two extraframework cations per formula yields: C p (298.15)=359.1 J K−1 mol−1, S(298.15) −S(0)=362.8 J K−1 mol−1. Comparing these values with the literature data for the (Al,Si)-ordered natrolite, we can conclude that the order in tetrahedral atoms does not affect the heat capacity. The analysis of derivatives dC/dT for natrolite, paranatrolite, and tetranatrolite has indicated that the water- cations subsystem within the highly hydrated zeolite may become unstable at temperatures above 200 K. Received: 30 July 2001 / Accepted: 15 November 2001  相似文献   
 Premelting effects in gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) have been studied by Raman spectroscopy and calorimetry, and in gehlenite and pseudowollastonite (CaSiO3) by electrical conductivity. The enthalpy of premelting of gehlenite is 17.3 kJ mol−1 and represents 9% of the reported enthalpy of fusion, which is in the range of the reported fraction of other minerals. The Raman and electrical conductivity experiments at high temperatures, for gehlenite and pseudowollastonite, show that the premelting effects of both compositions are associated with enhanced dynamics of calcium atoms near the melting point. This conclusion agrees with the results obtained for other minerals like diopside, but contrasts with those found for sodium metasilicate in which the weaker bonding of sodium allows the silicate framework to distort near the melting temperature and deform in such a way to prefigure the silicate entities present in the melt. Received: 30 April 2002 / Accepted: 7 August 2002 Acknowledgements We thank Y. Linard for help with DSC measurements and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This work has been partly supported by the EU Marie-Curie fellowship contract no. HPMF-CT-1999-00329, the CNRS-Carnegie Institution of Washington program PICS no.192, and the NSF grants EAR-9614432 and EAR-9901886 to B.O.M.  相似文献   
Where the water table is above the soil-rock contact in karst regions, cover-collapse sinkholes in the soil and soft sediment above the rock commonly occur as a result of drawdown of the piezometric surface in the karst aquifer. Transient stresses and pore pressures around soil voids at the soil-rock contact can cause hydraulic fracturing of the soil near the wall of the void. After the first such fracture, successive sloughing of soil propagates the soil void rapidly to the surface, resulting in a cover-collapse sinkhole. Sinkhole formation by this mechanism should be strongly a function of rate and magnitude of piezometric surface drawdown, permeability and tensile strength of the soil, and the size, depth, and geometry of the initial soil void. Large soil voids and those with walls that are partly planar or of low curvature are most susceptible to hydraulic fracture and the resulting progression to sinkhole formation.  相似文献   
. Surficial sediments sampled from accreting and eroding areas along the coast of Guyana were examined for concentrations of heavy metals; aluminum, copper, chromium, iron, nickel, lead, vanadium and zinc. Twenty-four samples were collected, 12 from each of the eroding and accreting areas. For granulometric composition determination, samples were separated into particle-size fractions using sieving and hydrometer procedures. The consideration of three grain-size fractions (4.0, 5.0, and greater than 5.0 phi), plus 24 bulk samples less than 4.0 phi in diameter, required analyzing a total of 96 samples for the presence of heavy metals. The analysis employed was aquaregia digestion, followed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The statistical techniques of discriminant analysis, analysis of variance, and correlation and regression were used to analyze all obtained data. Discriminant analysis revealed that metal concentrations were statistically unique to each area. From the analysis of variance, and correlation and regression, it was discovered that the grain size of the sediment had a pronounced effect on the spatial distribution of heavy metals. The accreting area, with finer sediments, accumulated higher concentrations of heavy metals.  相似文献   
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