The waste produced by coal washing process produces many environmental problems. In this study, the pollution problems associated with the waste produced by Alborz Sharghi Coal Washing Plant was investigated by mathematical modeling. The study area is located at 11 km. to Razmjah coal region and 45 km. to Tehran-Mashhad road in the north part od Iran. To achieve the goal, a few samples were taken from different depths at three points on the waste dump in order to investigate pyrite oxidation and pollution generation. The samples were then analysed, using an AA-670 Shimadzu atomic absorption to determine the fraction of pyrite remained within the waste particles. A numerical finite volume model using Phoenics package has been developed to simulate pyrite oxidation and pollution generation from the Alborz Sharghi coal washing waste dump. The pyrite oxidation reaction is described by the shrinking-core model. Gaseous diffusion is the main mechanism for the transport of oxygen through the waste. The results of numerical modelling were compared with the field observations and close agreement was achieved. A simple mathematical model incorporating advection and hydrodynamic dispersion processes was also presented in order to verify the results of geophysical time-laps method showing transportation of the pollutants through the downstream of the waste dump. Both mathematical model and geophysical time-laps method are agreed in the identification of pollutant transport emanated from the waste dump. The results of such investigations can be used for designing an effective environmental management program. 相似文献
Abstract The Whangamaire Stream (North Island, New Zealand) has high concentrations of nitrate nitrogen (NO?3‐N), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) as a result of catchment land use practices. The lower reaches of the stream drain intensively farmed land and have dissolved oxygen (DO) levels of 10–50% saturation. The dominant riparian vegetation, Apium nodiflorum, provides a large organic loading by intercepting nutrients in run‐off and then decaying in the stream channel. Water quality and reaeration aspects of the stream were studied in order to explain the observed low DO levels. Measurements of the reaeration coefficient at 20°C, K220, using methyl chloride (CH3Cl) as a gas tracer, yielded values of 1.1–3.0 d?1 for the upper part of the study reach and 15.5–16.2 d?1 for the lower reach (overall average 12.5 ± 2.5 d?1). These were in agreement with values inferred from single‐station diurnal curve analysis, which also showed that respiration was dominant in the lower reach where photo‐synthetic activity was inhibited by shade. The relatively large reaeration coefficients ensure that parts of the stream do not become anoxic at night time. Better riparian management and reduced nutrient inputs are likely to improve stream water quality. 相似文献
Jurassic age volcanic rocks of the Stonyford volcanic complex(SFVC) comprise three distinct petrological groups based ontheir whole-rock geochemistry: (1) oceanic tholeiites; (2) transitionalalkali basalts and glasses; (3) high-Al, low-Ti tholeiites.Major and trace element, and SrNdPb isotopic dataindicate that the oceanic tholeiites formed as low-degree partialmelts of normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-source asthenospheresimilar in isotope composition to the East Pacific Rise today;the alkalic lavas were derived from an enriched source similarto that of E-MORB. The high-Al, low-Ti lavas resemble second-stagemelts of a depleted MORB-source asthenosphere that formed bymelting spinel lherzolite at low pressures. Trace element systematicsof the high-Al, low-Ti basalts show the influence of an enrichedcomponent, which overprints generally depleted trace elementcharacteristics. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show thatthe oceanic tholeiite and alkali suites are similar to present-daybasalts generated at mid-oceanic ridges. The high-Al, low-Tisuite resembles primitive arc basalts with an enriched, alkalibasalt-like overprint. Isotopic data show the influence of recycledcomponents in all three suites. The SFVC was constructed ona substrate of normal Coast Range ophiolite in an extensionalforearc setting. The close juxtaposition of the MORB-like olivinetholeiites with alkali and high-Al, low-Ti basalts suggestsderivation from a hybrid mantle source region that includedMORB-source asthenosphere, enriched oceanic asthenosphere, andthe depleted supra-subduction zone mantle wedge. We proposethat the SFVC formed in response to collision of a mid-oceanridge spreading center with the Coast Range ophiolite subductionzone. Formation of a slab window beneath the forearc duringcollision allowed the influx of ridge-derived magmas or themantle source of these magmas. Continued melting of the previouslydepleted mantle wedge above the now defunct subduction zoneproduced strongly depleted high-Al, low-Ti basalts that werepartially fertilized with enriched, alkali basalt-type meltsand slab-derived fluids. KEY WORDS: CRO; oceanic basalts; California相似文献
Crop residue has become an increasingly important factor in agriculture management. It assists in the reduction of soil erosion and is an important source of soil organic carbon (soil carbon sequestration). In recent past, remote sensing, especially narrowband, data have been explored for crop residue assessment. In this context, a study was carried out to identify different narrow-bands and evaluate the performance of SWIR region based spectral indices for crop residue discrimination. Ground based hyperspectral data collected for wheat crop residue was analyzed using Stepwise Discriminant Analysis (SDA) technique to select significant bands for discrimination. Out of the seven best bands selected to discriminate between matured crop, straw heap, combine-harvested field with stubbles and soil, four bands were from SWIR (1980, 2030, 2200, 2440 nm) region. Six spectral indices were computed, namely CAI, LCA, SINDRI, NDSVI, NDI5 and hSINDRI for crop residue discrimination. LCA and CAI showed to be best (F?>?115) in discriminating above classes, while LCA and SINDRI were best (F?>?100) among all indices in discriminating crop residue under different harvesting methods. Comparison of different spectral resolution (from 1 nm to 150 nm) showed that for crop residue discrimination a resolution of 100 nm at 2100–2300 m region would be sufficient to discriminate crop residue from other co-existing classes. 相似文献
A bulk O2 budget for Lake Hoare, Antarctica, is presented. Five years of seasonal data show the lake to be persistently supersaturated with O2. Oxygen is carried into the lake in glacial meltstreams and is left behind when this water is removed as ice by ablation and sublimation. A diffusive loss of O2 from the lake through the summer moat is suggested. Measured values of the total O2 in the water column indicate that the time scale of O2 turnover is much longer than a year. Based on these results we suggest that the amount of O2 in the water does not change significantly throughout the year and that the lake is also supersaturated with N2. 相似文献
The high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the northern part of the Mandara Hills are part of the well-exposed post-collisional plutons in northeastern Nigeria. The calc-alkaline rock association consists of quartz monzodiorite, hornblende biotite granite, biotite granites and aplite which intruded the older basement consisting mainly of low-lying migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Orogeny. Petrological and geochemical studies have revealed the presence of hornblende, iron oxide, and metaluminous to slightly peraluminous characteristics in the granitoids which is typical of I-type granite. The granitoids are also depleted in some high field strength elements (e.g. Nb and Ta) as well as Ti. Plots of Mg# versus SiO2 indicate that the granite was derived from partial melting of crustal sources. Lithospheric delamination at the waning stage of the Pan-African Orogeny possibly triggered upwelling of hot mafic magma from the mantle which underplated the lower crust. This, in turn, caused partial melting and magma generation at the lower to middle-crustal level. However, the peculiar geochemical characteristics of the quartz monzodiorite especially the enrichment in compatible elements such as MgO, Cr, and Ni, as well as LILE element (e.g. K, Ce, Cs, Ba, and Sr), signify that the rock formed from an enriched upper mantle source. The emplacement of high-K granites in the Madara Hill, therefore, marked an important episode of crustal reworking during the Neoproterozoic. However, further isotopic work is needed to confirm this model.
The paper presents the first results on the behaviour of solar quiet-day variations of the geomagnetic field components at Gulmarg. Combining the data from Russian stations in the same longitude belt, the annual average daily variations are calculated which show, in the horizontal component (H), a reversal of phase between Gulmarg and Tashkent. Studying the Sq-variations at Gulmarg separately for the three seasons, the daily variation of H duringd-months is predominantly diurnal in character with the maximum before noon. Duringe-months, and more so inj-months, daily variation of the H field is predominantly semidiurnal in character with minimum around 08–09 hr LT and maximum around 14 hr LT consistently during 1978, 1979 and 1980. These features of the Sq at Gulmarg are suggested to be due to the deformations of the current loops caused by the changing latitude of focus during the course of the day. 相似文献
Various parameters of seismic field are considered for the Caucasian region. The most informative appeared to be the “sigma-Σ” parameter. A sketch map of the geotectonic zoning of the Caucasus is shown in which the σ parameter is represented by isolines for all periods under consideration. A comparative analysis of the values of the sigma-Σ parameter was conducted in each elemental area for three successive decades. Zones which are characterized by an unstable behaviour of the parameter can be distinguished. 相似文献