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The Tsunami of December 26, 2004, in the Indian Ocean arrived on the coast of Kerala in southwest India some three hours after the tsunami was generated. The tsunami activity persisted throughout that day and, in some locations, even into the early morning of the next day. Based on interviews with eye witnesses, arrival times of tsunami waves are presented here followed by some preliminary analysis of the results.  相似文献   
The energetics of the most destructive tsunami in historical time, and that of the under ocean earthquake that triggered this tsunami of 26 December 2004 in the Indian Ocean have been briefly reviewed. This latest tsunami has several other unique characteristics besides being one of the worst natural disasters in human history. It is the first truly global tsunami after modern seismographic and sea level monitoring networks have been put in place. It was the first tsunami on record detected by a satellite, even though at present, global satellite coverage of the oceans for real time tsunami detection is not adequate. Finally, the energy associated with the tsunami and the earthquake that triggered it is so large that speculation has been made about the normal modes of oscillation of the earth, that were triggered by the earthquake as well as some suggestions, that some of the earth's rotational characteristics may have temporarily changed to a discernible degree. Here, we briefly review the energetics of the tsunami and the earthquake that triggered it.  相似文献   
The problem of storm surges is introduced briefly. The utility of passive microwave observations to study this phenomenon is pointed out. The reasons for the nonoccurrence of severe surges in the Bay of Bengal, during monsoon regimes, is discussed in this paper. It was demonstrated that the predominant reason for lack of severe surges over the Bay of Bengal coast is due to the absence of weak wind shear during monsoon seasons.Atmospheric Environment Service, Ice Center, Environment Canada, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OH3.  相似文献   
The issue of sea level rise is receiving considerable attention all over the world. Although the Indian stations have shown mixed trends, a positive sea level trend has been noticed in the Hooghly Estuary, situated on the east coast of India. The Hooghly River serves as a navigable waterway to Calcutta and Haldia ports. The river is tidal for nearly 250 km. To study the water levels and tidal currents in the lower part of the Hooghly Estuary, from sea face at Sagar to Hooghly Point, a vertically integrated numerical model has been used. The model is fully nonlinear and uses a semiexplicit finite‐difference scheme to solve the basic hydrodynamic equations on a staggered grid. This model is coupled with a one‐dimensional model, which has been used for the upper estuary from Hooghly Point to Swarupganj, where the flow is unidirectional. The computed water levels and currents are found to be in good agreement with the available observations. This model is applied to study the alterations in tidal circulation for a rise and fall in the sea level. The results have shown a substantial increase in the amplitude and velocities of the tidal wave due to the sea level rise.  相似文献   
Numerical modeling of extreme sea levels associated with tropical cyclones in the Indian seas has been confined to the northern part of the Bay of Bengal (north of Tamil Nadu). However, limited attempts have been made for modeling of surges along the Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan coasts. Although, very rarely, cyclones form south of 10°N, there are some instances of severe cyclonic storms hitting these areas and causing widespread destruction to life and property. Keeping this in view, a suitable location-specific, high-resolution, numerical model has been developed for the prediction of storm surges in these regions with a grid resolution of 3 km. Using the model, numerical experiments are performed to simulate the storm surge associated with the 1964 Rameswaram cyclone, the 1978 Batticaloa cyclone, the 1992 Tuticorin cyclone, the 1993 Karaikal cyclone, and the 1994 Madras cyclone. During the years 1964, 1978, and 1992, the cyclones struck both Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu coasts, while in 1993 and 1994, the cyclones struck only the Tamil Nadu coast. It is found that the computed sea surface elevations are in close agreement with the available observations/estimates.  相似文献   
A one-year study (1995–1996) on the macrobenthos over a spread of (37) hydrographically differing GPS-fixed sites in Kakinada Bay (mean salinity 27.16±0.4) and adjacent mangrove channels (14.78±0.55) in the Godavari delta, one of India's largest estuarine systems, revealed a great preponderance of benthic life. There were 11 diverse taxa represented by 95 species collected through several (303) grab and dredge hauls. Based on Bray-Curtis similarity through hierarchical clustering implemented in PRIMER, it was possible to distinguish the benthos into four assemblages each of which represented sites in the Central and North bay (Paphia textrixTyphlocarcinus sp. Assemblage), South-East bay (Protankyra similis – Paphia malabarica Assemblage), Mangrove Outlets (Cerithidea cingulata Assemblage) and Mangrove channels (Diopatra neapolitana Assemblage). Benthos densities (mean nos. dredge haul−1) were highest (299 individuals) at sites close to mangrove outlets. Species diversity (Margalef, d; Shannon-Wiener, H′) was low in general (d 1.244 to 2.251 and H′ 0.038 to 1.502). Sediments were mostly clayey-silt in nature except in southeast bay where they are silt-sand. Organic matter (mean) was at or near 1.3%. The observations have revealed marked changes in benthic community structure relative to an earlier investigation held in 1958–1963 in this area. Over the years, species such as Turritella duplicata, Tonna dolium and Placuna placenta found in considerable numbers previously have dwindled. Anomia, Bursa and Atrina and echinoderms, Astropecten indica, Echinodiscus auritus and Temnopleurus toreumaticus and the brachiopod, Lingula sp. of common occurrence in early 60s are absent altogether attributable to long-term natural trends during the intervening years and/or events accompanying human impingement (e.g. industrial and urban growth, port expansion measures, aquaculture, mangrove denudation etc.). Despite such large-scale alterations in benthos community structure, there were no significant changes in “biodiversity” measured through Average Taxonomic Distinctness (AvTD) and Variation in Taxonomic Distinctness (VarTD). The investigation revealed that AvTD (Δ+) and VarTD (Λ+) for previous years and the present study remained well within the 95% confidence funnel implying taxonomic stability. It was found that species, which had replaced the earlier forms, were drawn from comparable (Linnean) hierarchy i.e. same phylum/class.  相似文献   
A 3-D large eddy simulation model that was first transformed to smoothed particle hydrodynamics (LES-SPH)-based model was employed to study breaking tsunami waves in this paper. LES-SPH is a gridless (or mesh-free), purely Lagrangian particle approach which is capable of tracking the free surface of violent deformation with fragmentation in an easy and accurate way. The Smagorinsky closure model is used to simulate the turbulence due to its simplicity and effectiveness. The Sub-Particle Scale scheme, plus the link-list algorithm, is applied to reduce the demand of computational power. The computational results show that the 3-D LES-SPH model can capture well the breaking wave characteristics. Spatial evolution features of breaking wave are presented and visualized. The detailed mechanisms of turbulence transport and vorticity dynamics are demonstrated as well. This application also presents an example to validate the SPH model.  相似文献   

The changes in normal precipitation amounts from 1931–60 to 1951–80 are examined for stations in Eastern Canada. The area covered comprises the Maritime Provinces and those parts of Ontario and Quebec south of a line approximately 200 km north of Lakes Erie and Ontario and the St Lawrence River. Changes are computed for each of the four seasons and for the entire year. On the whole, precipitation has increased, especially in winter and summer. However, there is considerable variation throughout the area, with precipitation decreasing in some regions. General circulation models that simulate the effect of doubling atmospheric CO2 also show an increase in precipitation.  相似文献   

Storm surges in various Canadian waters are reviewed. Following a brief discussion of the weather systems that cause storm surges in Canadian coastal and inland waters, the mathematical formulations to describe the development of storm surges are given. In reviewing storm surges in the different Canadian waters, particular attention is given to describe the influence of the presence of sea ice on surge development and the impact of shallow coastal areas, where the coastline configuration is itself changed by the surge, on inland penetration of the storm surge. The Canadian waters that may be affected by storm surges include the east and west coasts, the Beaufort Sea, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence estuary, Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes.  相似文献   
Two numerical cloud seeding experiments, using historic rainfall for the Deccan plateau region in Maharashtra state, were performed adopting different simulation techniques. The data used consisted of 1-day total rainfall for the 5-year period 1951–55. A double-area cross-over design with area randomisation was adopted. The first experiment, EXP-TR, was based on the simulation technique of Twomey and Robertson which involves about 100 hr of Robotron EC-1040 computer time. The second experiment, EXP-MMM was based on a different simulation technique proposed in the present study. The results of EXP-TR and EXP-MMM have shown close agreement. The numerical simulation technique of EXP-MMM is more promising for the following two reasons: (i) the computational time is reduced by about an order of magnitude without compromising the scientific value of the results, and (ii) a direct estimate of the lower limit of the double ratio value which can be detected at 5% level of significance is defined. The results of the two numerical experiments suggested that, for the Deccan plateau region, 15 and 20% increases in rainfall due to seeding could be detected with 80% or more probability in 5 years.  相似文献   
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