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Medium-grade metapelites from the Torrox unit (Western Alpujarrides,Betic Cordilleras) provide an example of the phase relationshipsto be expected from extensional collapse of thickened crust.The rocks contain assemblages formed by combinations of St–Bt–GrtKySil–And,and are characterized by a marked state of textural and compositionaldisequilibrium that originated during post-peak, near-isothermaldecompression at moderately high temperatures (from >10 to2–3 kbar, at 550–650C). Major disequilibrium featuresinclude abundant reaction textures, metastable coexistence ofthe three aluminium silicate (Als) polymorphs, wide heterogeneitiesin the composition of phases within single samples and unsystematicor abnormal Mg-Fe partitioning among biolite, garnet and staurolite.Reaction relations and compositional trends of phases can beshown to be consistent with expectations from model systems,however, indicating that disequilibrium was a consequence ofreaction overstepping along the isothermal decompression path.Ensuing fast, near-isobaric cooling abruptly terminated metamorphism,and allowed for the preservation of disequilibrium featuresafter decompression. Given that the rocks decompressed at relativelyhigh temperature, the occurrence of reaction overstepping suggeststhat decompression proceeded at a very fast rate, consistentwith a bulk exhumation velocity in the range of 5–10 km/Ma,as estimated from available radio-metric data for this stage. KEY WORDS: decompression; disequilibrium; extensional collapse; medium-grade metapelites; reaction overstepping *Corresponding author. Telephone: + 34 58 243355. Fax: + 34 58 243368. e-mail: agcasco{at}goliat.ugr.es  相似文献   
Dolines are the most typical landform in karst landscapes. They play an important role in karst hydrogeology; they are effective sediment traps that provide information about past climates and karst evolution, and can also be indicators of tectonic activity. The morphometic analysis of those depressions can help in their study and interpretation. However, detailed identification and delineation of dolines becomes increasingly difficult when the study area is very large, of limited access or covered by vegetation. Here, we have used a method developed by the authors for automatic identification and delineation of karst depressions based on the use of a pit removal algorithm. Next a complete morphometric analysis of the karst depressions has been carried out. The main advantage of the methodology is that by delineating and identifying the depth of each doline from its rim, many morphometric statistics can be obtained, including the relation of doline depth and area with respect to altitude, the main doline orientations, doline density, the fractal dimension of doline area and frequency, and point field analysis, among others. The results are interpreted from a geomorphological point of view and the mapped dolines can be easily integrated into geomorphological mapping. A case study is presented from the large Sierra Gorda karst massif in southern Spain, where 3100 depressions have been identified. A strong structural control of doline shape and orientation is demonstrated; the main areas of doline density are highlighted and doline size is shown to follow a fractal law.  相似文献   
The mechanisms and kinetics of equilibration between peraluminousminerals and granitic melt were investigated experimentallyby the dissolution of corundum and andalusite into H2O-saturatedmetaluminous haplogranitic melt at 800°C and 200 MPa. Mineraland haplogranitic glass rods were juxtaposed inside platinumcapsules, and then subjected to experimental conditions fortimes ranging from 12 to 2900 h. Upon melting, the mineral –meltinterface retreats with the square root of time. The compositionof the melt at the interface changes with time, but its ASI[aluminum saturation index = molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)]remains constant at  相似文献   
Upper Jurassic phosphate stromatolites of the Almola Sierra (Southern Spain) encrust macrofossils and hardgrounds, and form oncoids included within pelagic, condensed fossiliferous limestones. Their accretion was determined by bacterially mediated precipitation of phosphate, by the trapping and binding of fine siliciclastics and pelagic biomicrite and by the encrustation of benthonic foraminifera. Phosphorous, trace elements and rare-earth elements were concentrated from degraded organic matter and seawater by stromatolite-building communities, which mediated the formation of phosphate-rich and Fe-Al-Si-rich organic gels under oxic conditions, favouring the precipitation of amorphous mineral precursors (ACP and Fe-Al-Si oxyhydroxides). The observed Ce-enrichment for some stromatolites is explained by oxidative scavenging of Ce4+ from seawater by Fe—Mn oxyhydroxides. The bacterially mediated gels were able to migrate and fill the voids of the stromatolite structure, and later changed to carbonate-fluorapatite, haematite and poorly crystalline Fe-rich clays under postoxic conditions. Phosphatization of trapped carbonate particles also occurred. The phosphate stromatolites formed on a sediment-starved pelagic swell, during periods of no carbonate sedimentation and hardground development. Stromatolite lamination provides evidence for rhythmic alternation between bacterially mediated phosphogenesis, sedimentation and erosion, suggesting episodic changes in the sedimentary environment. Although some of the parameters that controlled phosphate precipitation associated with the stromatolites (local high organic productivity, sediment starvation, moderate depth of deposition and physicochemical conditions) were similar to those found in modern and ancient phosphogenic settings, the palaeogeographical framework and the intensity of sedimentary processes were different to those of the World's major phosphorite deposits.  相似文献   
Incised valleys are canyon‐like features that initially form near the highstand shoreline and evolve over geological time as rivers erode into coastal plains and continental shelves to maintain equilibrium‐gradient profiles in response to sea‐level fall. Most of these valleys flood during sea‐level rise to form estuaries. Incised‐valley morphology strongly controls the rate of creation of sediment accommodation, valley‐fill facies architecture and the preservation potential of coastal lithosomes on continental shelves, and affects coastal physical processes. Nonetheless, little is known about what dictates incised‐valley size and shape and whether these metrics can be used to explain principal formation processes. The main control on alluvial channel morphology over human time scales is discharge; this is based on numerous empirical studies and is well‐constrained because all variables are easily measured at this short time scale. Knowledge of long‐term river evolution over a complete glacio‐eustatic cycle, on the contrary, remains largely conceptual, experimental and based on individual systems because variables that are thought to drive morphological change are not easily quantified. In spite of this difficulty, existing models of incised‐valley formation at the coast suggest that valley evolution is driven largely by downstream forcing mechanisms, highlighting sea‐level and shelf gradient/morphology as the dominant controls on valley incision. Although valleys are cut by rivers, whose channels are a direct reflection of discharge, little empirical data exist in coastal areas to address the degree to which valley evolution is governed by upstream controls. The late Quaternary is the best time period to examine because it provides the most complete sedimentary record and many variables, including sea‐level, tectonics, substrate lithology and drainage network characteristics, are accurately constrained. Here, 38 late Quaternary valleys along the coast of two different passive continental margins are compared, which suggests that valley shape and size are governed primarily by upstream, intrinsic controls such as discharge. Valley width, depth and cross‐sectional area are found to be predictable at the highstand shoreline and are scaled with the size of their drainage basin, which has important implications for estimating sediment discharge to continental shelves and deep water environments during periods of low sea‐level.  相似文献   
Differences in the nature and quantity of sediment filling oxbow lakes have significant implications for the evolution of meandering rivers and the development of floodplains, influencing rates of meander migration and the valley width over which migration takes place. In an effort to identify the controls on the alluviation of oxbow lakes by coarse bed material, this study examined the sedimentary records stored within oxbow lakes of the Sacramento River of California, USA, and found that the volume of gravel in storage correlated negatively with the diversion angle separating flow between the river channel and the entrance into each lake. A method was devised for estimating the original channel bathymetry of the studied lakes and for modelling the hydraulic and sediment‐transport effects of the diversion angle within channels recently abandoned by meander cut‐off. The diversion angle determines the width of a flow separation within the abandoned‐channel entrance, reducing the discharge diverted from the river channel and thus limiting the ability of the abandoned channel to transport bed material. Aggradation rates are faster within entrances to abandoned channels with high diversion angles, resulting in the rapid isolation of lakes that store only a small volume of coarse‐grained sediment. Aggradation rates are slower within channel entrances where diversion angles are low, resulting in the slow transitioning of such channels into oxbow lakes with a larger and more extensive accumulation of coarse‐grained sediment. These findings compare well with observations in other natural settings and the mechanism which is described for the control of the diversion may explain why some oxbow lakes remain as open‐water environments for centuries, whereas others are filled completely within decades of cut‐off.  相似文献   
The Appinite-Migmatite Complex of Sanabria, NW Iberian Massif, Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Sanabria appinitic rocks and host migmatites form an unusual,non-peri-batholithic complex in which all the typical membersof the appinite suite are present. It differs from most appiniticcomplexes in the deeper level of emplacement and the close temporaland spatial association with migmatites. Consequently, manyin situ relationships that resulted from the invasion of maficmagma into a crustal anatectic zone are extremely well preserved.The complex shows unequivocal relations between members of theappinitic suite and between these and migmatites derived byanatexis of a gneissic formation (Ollo de Sapo gneiss). Theserelations point to derivation of monzodiorites and biotite dioritesby hydrous basalt fractionation combined with fluid-assistedmelting of the crustal rocks surrounding the appinitic intrusions.This hydrous basic magma may be derived from an enriched regionof the mantle associated with subduction. Petrogenetic modelshave been tested using a combination of field relations andgeochemical data. Despite the complexity of the processes involved,it is concluded that water played an important role in the petrogenesisof the intermediate and mafic magmas. Reaction between monzodioritemelts and the host migmatites was responsible for the generationof a range of intermediate rocks within the complex. The needfor water to facilitate magma generation in both the mantleand the crust suggests that melting is linked with subduction.This interpretation has important implications because appiniticmagmatism may be considered as indicative of subduction processesinvolved not only in the generation of the mafic end-membersof the suite, but also in the generation of batholiths withwhich the appinitic rocks are spatially and temporally associated. KEY WORDS: appinite; monzodiorite; migmatite; Variscan orogen; Iberian massif  相似文献   
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