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采用1923年仁达MS7.3地震和1973年炉霍MS7.4地震地质考察的同震破裂数据,基于弹性半空间位错模型和最小二乘方法反演历史地震破裂模型。以仁达地震的同震滑动分布为扰动源,采用PSGRN/PSCMP程序计算其在断层面上产生的同震和震后库仑应力变化。结果表明,仁达地震最大滑动量约为3.3 m,矩震级为MW7.0;炉霍地震最大滑动量约为3.7 m,矩震级为MW7.3。2次地震的最大滑动量均位于浅部0~5 km,且震源机制相似,以左旋走滑为主。仁达地震同震及震后效应引起炉霍地震震中区域的库仑应力增强约29.79 kPa,达到地震触发阈值10 kPa。  相似文献   
2006年夏季川渝高温干旱的生态气象监测与评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
毛留喜  钱拴  侯英雨  李朝生 《气象》2007,33(3):83-88
为了客观定量地监测与评估2006年夏季发生在我国川渝地区历史罕见的高温干旱对生态环境造成的影响,利用所创建的基于植被第一性生产力(NPP)估算的生态气象评价指数(EMI)模型,计算分析了6-8月川渝地区的生态气象评价指数及其等级。结果表明,川渝地区生态气象评价指数较常年同期偏低,其中四川33%、重庆43%的地区生态气象等级较差或很差。两地6月与8月生态气象等级较差的范围大,7月较小。各生态系统中,城镇等生态气象等级很差;农田、草灌等明显偏差;林地生态气象等级正常稍差。干旱造成的生态影响多数是可逆的,气象条件得到改善后可以恢复。因此,应采取适当措施恢复各类生态系统的服务功能,把灾害带来的损失降到最低。  相似文献   
The probability features of non-normality and non-lognormality are widely observed in geochemistry due to the influences of multiple factors that are difficult to quantify and model. In Northern Ireland, the pseudo-total concentrations of 14 elements (Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb and Zn) from 6138 topsoils were measured, and GIS mapping showed that the spatial distribution of these data were in line with the spatial distribution of geology in the area. Investigations into the influences of geology on the concentration data and their probability features were carried out using GIS and statistics in this study. The whole raw data sets for each element were positively skewed and none of them followed either normal or lognormal distributions. Logarithmic transformation was found to have “over-transformed” most of the data sets, changing their skewness from positive to negative values. When soil samples were classified by rock type using a GIS overlay function, obvious differences were observed in the chemical concentrations of soils derived from different rock types. Soils in basalt areas displayed the highest concentrations for most elements under study (Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P and Zn) but the lowest concentrations for K, while the highest levels for Cd and Pb occurred in the shale areas. Classifying soils by rock type produced more normally distributed data sets, especially for the igneous rock areas. To restrain the influence of soil type and land cover, samples from both gleys and pastures were extracted via a GIS and it was found the data sets then showed generally greater tendencies towards normality. However, many of the data sets would still not pass a test for normality unless the sample size was small (e.g. of the order of a couple of hundreds). Geology, soil type, land cover and sample size all played important roles in determining soil chemical concentrations and their probability features. However, the influences from other factors were still evident. Attempts made in this study show that it remains a challenging task in geochemistry to separate all the factors and to model their influence at the regional scale.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effects of temperature, thickness of soil layer, wetting and drying cycles and soil types on geometrical structure of surface shrinkage cracks in clayey soils, special software Crack Image Analysis System (CIAS) for analyzing shrinkage crack patterns was developed. Eight groups of soil samples were prepared and subjected to drying to crack in laboratory. The number of crack segments and intersections, average crack length, width and aggregate area, crack intensity factor (CIF), and the corresponding probability density functions (PDF) of these parameters were determined by analyzing several crack patterns derived from different experimental conditions. The results show that the soil cracking behavior and the geometrical structure of crack patterns are significantly influenced by these considered factors. There is a tendency of crack length, width, aggregate area and their most probable value (MPV) related to the PDF increases with temperature increase. With thicker soil layers, the average crack length, width, aggregate area and CIF are increased, and the main distribution ranges of crack length, width and aggregate area are increased also. When the soil is subjected to multiple wetting–drying cycles, the soil surface generates more irregular and coarse cracks. The number of short and narrow crack segments increases significantly, and the CIF decreases with an increase in wetting–drying cycles. It is also observed that the extent of cracking is directly related to the soil fines fraction and its plasticity index (IP). The greatest CIF and crack width are observed in the soils with the largest fines fraction and highest IP. In addition, the ratio of numbers of crack segments to intersections ranges from 1.5 to 2, and cracking mainly takes place in three stages: main-cracks initiation stage; sub-cracks initiation stage; terminal stable stage.  相似文献   
基于区域化变量理论,运用地统计分析方法的空间变异函数,以福建省为本底,从区域经济空间增长的视角入手,分析了自1990年以来福建省经济增长的空间变异特征、空间梯度形态演化过程、分维特征以及空间分布特性。结果表明,在总体空间格局上,空间增长表现出越来越强的自组织性,热点区域从沿海的福州、厦门、泉州向内陆地区转移,总体差异在缩小,空间连续性和结构性越来越强,由空间自相关引起的结构化分异机理越来越显著;从不同方向的空间变异格局来看,经济增长空间分布呈现明显的带状异向性,南北方向上的福州-泉州-厦门沿海一线始终为经济增长的主轴线。最后,解释了经济空间增长格局演化的驱动机制,主要受政策因素、重大基础设施建设等的影响。  相似文献   
砂土颗粒级配是影响砂土工程性质的重要参数之一,传统的颗分试验方法由于试验原理不同而具有不同的适用范 围。为更加方便、准确地获取砂土颗粒级配,提出了一种基于数字图像处理技术来获取SEM照片中的砂颗粒粒径参数及级 配特征的新方法。将准备好的砂土样品打磨成薄片放在扫描电镜下拍照,然后利用Photoshop软件对照片进行拼接,并采用 自主研发的SMAS数字图像分析系统对拼接好的照片进行定量分析处理,获取样品的微观结构参数,将获得的“土颗粒等 效直径”和“土颗粒面积”分别等效为实际土颗粒粒径和土颗粒质量,进而换算得到砂土的颗粒级配曲线;然后将通过数 字图像技术获得的砂土颗粒级配曲线与通过传统筛分法和激光粒度分析法得到的颗粒级配曲线进行对比,验证了提出的数 字图像处理方法的有效性和可靠性,同时分析了两种方法之间存在的差异及其原因,并对数字图像处理方法和传统颗分方 法各自的优缺点进行了讨论。  相似文献   
水生腐殖酸的可见—紫外光谱特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文研究了河、湖、海水腐殖酸和河流、湖泊沉积物腐殖酸的可见-紫外光谱特征,结果表明,水样腐殖酸与水体沉积物腐殖酸的可见-紫外吸收曲线显著不同,其差异不仅表现在以E240/E420为代表的紫外/可见吸收比上,也反映在以所有样品在不同波长的吸收值为原始变量进行聚类分析得到的结果中。三种水样腐殖酸中,河水与湖水腐殖酸的单位浓度紫外吸收值(以220nm为代表)十分接近,而海水腐殖酸的该值明显偏低。分别计算淡水和海水腐殖酸数据,则紫外吸收值与腐殖酸浓度之间有很好的线性关系。  相似文献   
我国大量堆存和正在排放的煤矸石,既是一种矿业排量最大的废弃物,又可以被认为是一种可利用的巨型资源。阜新煤矸石主要由石英、长石、伊利石等矿物组成,化学成分含60%~67%SiO2,13%~18%Al2O3,具有高硅低铝特征,属于目前难以利用煤矸石。本文实验采用了C3S—C4A3S—C2S—C4AF体系,利用煤矸石的Al2O3煅烧成无水硫铝酸钙而不是铝酸三钙。添加BaSO4、CaF2和铬渣,使硅酸三钙和无水硫铝酸钙能在1300-1360℃共生,制备出了阿利特-硫铝酸盐水泥。水泥熟料在1360℃,保温1小时烧成。研制的煤矸石水泥3天和28天抗压强度分别达到了34.7~36.8MPa和52.2~54.4MPa,达到了525#早强型高性能水泥指标。  相似文献   
It is challenging to perform spatial geochemical modelling due to the spatial heterogeneity features of geochemical variables. Meanwhile, high quality geochemical maps are needed for better environmental management. Soil organic C (SOC) distribution maps are required for improvements in soil management and for the estimation of C stocks at regional scales. This study investigates the use of a geographically weighted regression (GWR) method for the spatial modelling of SOC in Ireland. A total of 1310 samples of SOC data were extracted from the National Soil Database of Ireland. Environmental factors of rainfall, land cover and soil type were investigated and included as the independent variables to establish the GWR model. The GWR provided comparable and reasonable results with the other chosen methods of ordinary kriging (OK), inverse distance weighted (IDW) and multiple linear regression (MLR). The SOC map produced using the GWR model showed clear spatial patterns influenced by environmental factors and the smoothing effect of spatial interpolation was reduced. This study has demonstrated that GWR provides a promising method for spatial geochemical modelling of SOC and potentially other geochemical parameters.  相似文献   
干湿循环对非饱和膨胀土抗剪强度影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐丹  唐朝生  冷挺  李运生  张岩  王侃  施斌 《地学前缘》2018,25(1):286-296
膨胀土是一种气候敏感性土体,研究在干湿循环过程中膨胀土剪切强度的变化,对了解在自然界周期性蒸发和降雨作用下原位膨胀土体工程性质的变化以及由此导致的地质灾害发生过程具有重要意义。文中以重塑非饱和膨胀土为研究对象,模拟了3次干湿循环过程,对每次干燥路径中的试样进行了直剪试验,重点分析含水率、正压力及干湿循环次数对膨胀土剪切强度的影响,得到如下主要结果:(1)在干燥过程中,随着含水率的减小,试样的刚度、脆性、抗剪强度值(峰值剪切应力)、抗剪强度指标(黏聚力、内摩擦角)及抗剪强度损失(峰值强度与残余强度之差)均呈增加趋势;(2)正压力越高,试样的剪切强度和残余强度越大,而破坏后的峰值强度损失越小,破坏韧性增加;(3)在3次干燥过程中,试样的剪切强度及黏聚力呈先增加后减小的趋势,在第二次干燥过程中达到峰值,但内摩擦角受干湿循环的影响无明显规律;(4)试样经历多次干湿循环后,其剪切特性越来越类似于超固结土,脆性显著增加;(5)干燥过程和干湿循环对试样残余剪切强度的影响都不明显,残余剪切强度基本都在100 kPa附近变化;(6)非饱和膨胀土在干湿循环及干燥过程中剪切强度的变化除了与吸力有关外,还与其微观结构调整和裂隙发育状态密切相关,需要综合非饱和土力学和土质学理论对试验现象进行分析。  相似文献   
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