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Calc-Silicate Diffusion Zones between Marble and Pelitic Schist   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four distinct calc-silicate zones are observed between interlayeredmarble and pelite in a roof-pendant (Gile Mountain Fm.) of agranitic intrusive at Lake Willoughby in northern Vermont. Thezones are characterized by garnet, coarse diopside-clinozoisite,fine clinozoisite-diopside and amphibole-plagioclase. The bulkcompositions of the zones, calculated from modal data and microprobeanalyses, deviate significantly from a gradational mixture ofmarble and pelite. The observed zonal sequence is close to thatpredicted by a simple model of cation diffusion metasomatism.Possible locations of the initial marble-pelite boundary aresuggested on the basis of bulk compositional data and petrographicevidence. Calculated mass balance relations for the formationof the zones by diffusion at constant volume are unrealisticfor reasonable locations of the initial boundary. Calculatedmass balance relations at constant Al2O3 suggest a volume decreaseof about one third during formation of the diffusion zones whollyfrom the pelite. In addition the data suggest that nearly equalvolumes of initial marble and pelite have disappeared, leadingto a total volume decrease of near 50 percent. The observationssuggest that diffusion of calcium was dominant and that diffusionof aluminium, iron and magnesium was relatively unimportant.Evaluation of relative diffusional mobilities is shown to bepossible but intractable with the quality of available thermochemicaldata and activity-concentration relations of crystalline solutions.  相似文献   
The mid-Cretaceous White Creek batholith in southeast BritishColumbia is a zoned pluton ranging from quartz monzodioriteon the margin, to hornblende-and biotite-bearing granodioritetowards the interior of the batholith, which are in turn crosscutby two-mica granite. This range in rock type is similar to therange displayed by Mesozoic granitoid suites found in the Cordilleraninterior of western North America. The lithological zones inthe White Creek batholith correlate with distinet jumps in majorelement, trace element, and isotopic compositions, and indicatethat several pulses of magma were emplaced within the WhiteCreek magma chamber. The hornblende-and biotite-bearing granitoidsare metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, have strong light rareearth element (LREE) enrichment, and small negative Eu anomalies.These granitoids have initial Sr ranging from +32 to +84 (87Sr/86SrTfrom 0.7069 to 0.7106), initial Nd ranging from –5 to–10, and initial 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pbranging from 18.3 to 18.7, 15.58 to 15.65, and 38.3 to 39.0,respectively. The two-mica granites and associated aplites arestrongly peraluminous, and show only moderate LREE enrichmentand strong negative Eu anomalies. These granites have Sr rangingfrom +174 to + 436 (87Sr/86SrT from 0.7169 to 0.7354), Nd rangingfrom –12 to –16, and more radiogenic initial Pbisotope ratios than the hornblende-and biotite-bearing granitoids. Oxygen, Sr, Pb, and Nd isotopes, REE modelling, and phase equilibriumconstraints are consistent with crustal anatexis of Precambrianbasement gneisses and Proterozoic metapelites exposed in southeastBritish Columbia, the product being the hornblende-biotite granitoidsand two-mica granites, respectively. The sequence of intrusionin the White Creek batholith constrains the melting sequence.A zone of anatexis proceeded upwards through the crust, firstmelting basement gneisses then melting overlying metapelites.A model for basaltic magmatic underplating as a primary causeof anatexis of the crust during the mid-Cretaceous magmaticepisode is difficult to reconcile with the absence of earlyCretaceous basalt in the southern Canadian Cordillera. A muchmore likely petrogenetic model is that crustal anatexis wasprobably a response to crustal thickening in association withterrane accretion and collision along the western margin ofthe North American continent.  相似文献   
Low‐angle detachment faults are common features in areas of large‐scale continental extension and are typically associated with metamorphic core complexes, where they separate upper plate brittle extension from lower plate ductile stretching and metamorphism. In many core complexes, the footwall rocks have been exhumed from middle to lower crustal depths, leading to considerable debate about the relationship between hangingwall and footwall rocks, and the role that detachment faults play in footwall exhumation. Here, garnet–biotite thermometry and garnet–muscovite–biotite–plagioclase barometry results are presented, together with garnet and zircon geochronology data, from seven locations within metapelitic rocks in the footwall of the northern Snake Range décollement (NSRD). These locations lie both parallel and normal to the direction of footwall transport to constrain the pre‐exhumation geometry of the footwall. To determine P–T gradients precisely within the footwall, the ΔPT method of Worley & Powell (2000) has been employed, which minimizes the contribution of systematic uncertainties to thermobarometric calculations. The results show that footwall rocks reached pressures of 6–8 kbar and temperatures of 500–650 °C, equivalent to burial depths of 23–30 km. Burial depth remains constant in the WNW–ESE direction of footwall transport, but increases from south to north. The lack of a burial gradient in the direction of footwall transport implies that the footwall rocks, which today define a sub‐horizontal datum in the direction of fault transport, also defined a sub‐horizontal datum at depth in Late Cretaceous time. This suggests that the footwall was not tilted about the normal to the fault transport direction during exhumation, and hence that the NSRD did not form as a low‐angle normal fault cutting down through the lower crust. Instead, the following evolution for the northern Snake Range footwall is proposed. (i) Mesozoic contraction caused substantial crustal thickening by duplication and folding of the miogeoclinal sequence, accompanied by upper greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism. (ii) About half of the total exhumation was accomplished by roughly coaxial stretching and thinning in Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary time, accompanied by retrogression and mylonitic deformation. (iii) The footwall rocks were then ‘captured’ from the middle crust along a moderately dipping NSRD that soled into the middle crust with a rolling‐hinge geometry at both upper and lower terminations.  相似文献   

A study of the effect of changes in climate on aquifer storage and river recharge using a simple model of an idealized aquifer/river system shows the combined influence of aquifer properties and climate change scenario on the system response. The study shows that changes in the seasonal distribution of recharge may have a critical effect on low flows in rivers supported by baseflow. However, rivers supported by slowly responding aquifers may show a considerable delay in response to climate change allowing an opportunity for water resources planning over an extended period.  相似文献   
A narrow line of convective showers was observed over southern England on 18 July 2005 during the Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP). The showers formed behind a cold front (CF), beneath two apparently descending dry layers (i.e. sloping so that they descended relative to the instruments observing them). The lowermost dry layer was associated with a tropopause fold from a depression, which formed 2 d earlier from a breaking Rossby wave, located northwest of the UK. The uppermost dry layer had fragmented from the original streamer due to rotation around the depression (This rotation was also responsible for the observations of apparent descent—ascent would otherwise be seen behind a CF). The lowermost dry layer descended over the UK and overran higher  θ w   air beneath it, resulting in potential instability. Combined with a surface convergence line (which triggered the convection but had less impact on the convective available potential energy than the potential instability), convection was forced up to 5.5 km where the uppermost dry layer capped it. The period when convection was possible was very short, thus explaining the narrowness of the shower band. Convective Storm Initiation Project observations and model data are presented to illustrate the unique processes in this case.  相似文献   
The 'Scotiadalen Fault'appears on many maps but has not been identified as a single fault in the field. In addition, the sense of motion on the fault has been an open question. Here I show that this structure is a zone of distributed dextral strike-slip that is probably the result of Tertiary plate motion as the North Atlantic opened. As such it is one of the very few fault zones documented to show direct evidence of dextral, presumably Tertiary, strike-slip.  相似文献   
Twelve 1–2 m, 10-cm-diameter gravity cores collected in 1988 and 1991, from the continental shelf and fjords of East Greenland near Kangerlussuaq Fjord/Trough (ca. 68°N, 32°W), have distinct changes in lithofacies and in the quantity of iceberg rafted (IRD) sediments. These changes are readily observed in X-radiographs of the split cores. We quantify the IRD contribution through grain-size analyses and counting the number of clasts >2 mm from the X-radiographs. Chronological control is provided by acclerated mass spectroscopy 14C dates on foraminifera. During deglaciation, after 14 cal.ka there was one interval of IRD accumulation ca. 12–13 cal.ka, followed by a brief return to IRD conditions centred at 9 cal.ka. Thereafter, a prominent feature of most cores on the shelf is an increase in IRD accumulation that started ca. 5–6 cal.ka, and which has increased toward the present. Indicators of iceberg rafting, such as the net sand flux and numbers of clasts >2 mm ka−1, follow a power law distribution when graphed against distance from the present East Greenland coast, a measure of the position of the glacier margins. The form of the relationship indicates that there is a dramatic decrease in the supply of sediment from the fjords to the shelf. These relationships are used to estimate changes in the location of the ice margin during the late Quaternary based on a site on the East Greenland slope, Denmark Strait, and to discuss factors that can negate such a simple transfer function. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
The Marguerite Amphibolite and associated rocks in northern Fiordland, New Zealand, contain evidence for retention of Carboniferous metamorphic assemblages through Cretaceous collision of an arc, emplacement of large volumes of mafic magma, high‐P metamorphism and then extensional exhumation. The amphibolite occurs as five dismembered aluminous meta‐gabbroic xenoliths up to 2 km wide that are enclosed within meta‐leucotonalite of the Lake Hankinson Complex. A first metamorphic event (M1) is manifest in the amphibolite as a pervasively lineated pargasite–anorthite–kyanite or corundum ± rutile assemblage, and as diffusion‐zoned garnet in pelitic schist xenoliths within the amphibolite. Thin zones of metasomatically Al‐enriched leucotonalite directly at the margins of each amphibolite xenolith indicate element redistribution during M1 and equilibration at 6.6 ± 0.8 kbar and 618 ± 25 °C. A second phase of recrystallization (M2) formed patchy and static margarite ± kyanite–staurolite–chlorite–plagioclase–epidote assemblages in the amphibolite, pseudomorphs of coronas in gabbronorite, and thin high‐grossular garnet rims in the pelitic schists. Conditions of M2, 8.8 ± 0.6 kbar and 643 ± 27 °C, are recorded from the rims of garnet in the pelitic schists. Cathodoluminescence imaging and simultaneous acquisition of U‐Th‐Pb isotopes and trace elements by depth‐profiling zircon grains from one pelitic schist reveals four stages of growth, two of which are metamorphic. The first metamorphic stage, dated as 340.2 ± 2.2 Ma, is correlated with M1 on the basis that the unusual zircon trace element compositions indicate growth from a metasomatic fluid derived from the surrounding amphibolite during penetrative deformation. A second phase of zircon overgrowth coupled with crosscutting relationships date M2 to between 119 and 117 Ma. The Early Carboniferous event has not previously been recognized in northern Fiordland, whereas the latter event, which has been identified in Early Cretaceous batholiths, their xenoliths, and rocks directly at batholith margins, is here shown to have also affected the country rock. However, the effects of M2 are fragmentary due to limited element mobility, lack of deformation, distance from a heat source and short residence time in the lower crust during peak P and T. It is possible that many parts of the Fiordland continental arc achieved high‐P conditions in the Early Cretaceous but retain earlier metamorphic or igneous assemblages.  相似文献   
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