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The paper incorporates the recent dynamic geomorphic changes observed in the coastal tracts around the Little Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat. Some of the changes observed within last 30 years include silting up, migration and joining of different creeks, reorientation of tidal current ridges and regression of sea. These changes appear to be related to tectonically activated lineaments passing through the Little Gulf.  相似文献   
Hormes, A., Akçar, N. & Kubik, P. W. 2011: Cosmogenic radionuclide dating indicates ice‐sheet configuration during MIS 2 on Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00215.x. ISSN 0300‐9483.0300‐9843 Glacial geological field surveys, aerial image interpretation and cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) dating allowed us to reconstruct the ice‐sheet configuration on Nordaustlandet, the northernmost island of the European sector on the margin of the Arctic Ocean. The timing of deglaciation was investigated by determining the 26Al and 10Be ages of glacially scoured bedrock, weathered periglacial blockfields and glacial erratic boulders. Only 10Be ages were useful for our interpretations, because of unresolved analytical problems with 26Al. Fjords and lowlands on Nordaustlandet yielded Late Weichselian 10Be ages, indicating that actively erosive ice streams scoured the coastal fjord bathymetry during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2. In Murchisonfjorden, ground‐truthed air‐photograph interpretation and 10Be ages of boulders indicated a cold‐based glacier ice cover during MIS 2 on higher plateaus. 10Be ages and lithological studies of erratic boulders on higher and interior plateaus of Prins Oscars Land (>200–230 m a.s.l.) suggest that the Mid‐Weichselian glaciation (MIS 4) might have been more extensive than that during MIS 2.  相似文献   
寻找传统化石燃料的替代能源已成为全球性议题。受动力电池消费的拉动,锂资源需求急剧上升,伟晶岩型锂矿勘查热度持续攀升。虽然众多伟晶岩型锂矿地质特征尚不清晰,已有证据表明锂辉石是大多数大型-巨型伟晶岩型锂矿床的主要含锂矿物。与许多近直立的伟晶岩脉群不同,世界范围内大多数太古代伟晶岩矿脉往往呈近水平或缓倾斜在角闪岩相围岩中产出,它们往往具有复杂的三维形态并发育明显的矿物和地球化学分带。这些太古代伟晶岩脉通常形成于挤压或压剪构造体制下同变质环境中,成岩期最小主应力(σ;)近竖直。因此,伟晶岩常常侵位于近水平的构造局部引张区而形成复杂的几何学形态。压性的构造环境为富锂熔体多次脉动式注入和富含挥发分熔体垂向结晶分异提供了充足的时间;锂辉石在中高温压条件下结晶成为缓倾富锂带中最为常见的含锂矿物。  相似文献   
Twenty-one juvenile Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi (140–190 mm fork length) were tagged with internal acoustic transmitters in the lower, middle and upper reaches of the Kowie Estuary, South Africa. The movements of each fish were continually monitored from October 2014 to February 2015 using 22 stationary data-logging acoustic receivers situated at approximately equidistant intervals along the length of the estuary (21 km). Juvenile R. holubi spent the greatest proportion of time within the estuarine environment (83%), with the sea (16%) and riverine (1%) environments used to a much lesser extent. Within the estuarine environment, tagged individuals showed high levels of residency and fidelity to their capture and release sites; however, the degree of residency was dependent on the position of the release site, with batches in the upper and lower reaches exhibiting different space-use patterns. When larger juvenile R. holubi migrated back to the sea for the next phase of their life cycle, they generally did not return to the estuarine environment, thus indicating a permanent ontogenetic shift in habitat use with the onset of sexual maturity. This contribution to our understanding of the ecology of a ubiquitous estuarine fish further highlights the importance of estuarine habitats as nursery areas that require effective management.  相似文献   
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