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三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡的地质、结构及变形特征研究以及稳定性分析,阐明了该滑坡成因和影响因素。研究发现,滑坡活动主要受地形地貌、地层岩性、人类工程活动以及降雨等因素的影响。运用剩余推力法对比分析天然及暴雨条件下不同层位的滑坡稳定性系数,得出在暴雨作用下滑坡表层滑带稳定性系数最小,不同滑带的稳定性受降雨的影响也各不相同,呈表层〉浅层〉深层的规律;这主要受滑带土的粘土矿物组分的影响。  相似文献   
艾挥  吴红刚  陈小云 《工程地质学报》2016,24(s1):1074-1081
抗滑桩是一种在治理地质灾害中常用的工程手段,广泛应用于铁路、公路、水利等工程领域,而这种抗滑结构的抗震问题也越来越引起工程师的重视,如何提高支挡结构的抗震性能已成为工程界的一个重要研究方向。目前,在工程中通过加入EPS柔性材料来提高工程的抗震性能已引起工程界的重视并取得良好的效果。基于此,为了提高和满足抗滑桩在工程领域的抗震性能要求,特将EPS材料用于抗滑桩,研发了新型抗滑桩EPS桩。通过振动台试验对比研究了EPS桩与普通抗滑桩的动力响应和抗震性能。试验得出以下结论:(1)不同的地震波,其加速度放大效应不同;输入EL地震波的峰值加速度越大,加速度放大效应越明显。(2)相同峰值加速地震波作用下,普通抗滑桩加速度放大效应比EPS桩更显著。(3)桩头倾角及放大系数表明,EPS抗滑桩具有更好的抗震性能表现,且在双向振动时EPS材料在极震工况下对抗滑桩桩身动土压力改善明显。(4)在本次试验中发现,随着地震波峰值加速的增大,滑面裂缝向深层扩展,可能诱发深层滑动。  相似文献   
星系的结构和形态能够反映星系自身的物理性质,其形态的分类是后续分析研究的一个重要环节.EfficientNet模型使用复合系数对深度网络模型的深度、宽度、输入图像分辨率进行更加结构化的统一缩放,是一种新的深度网络优化扩展方法.将该模型应用于星系数据形态的分类研究中,结果表明基于EfficientNetB5模型的平均准确率、精确率、召回率以及F1分数(精确率与召回率的调和平均数)都在96.6%以上,与残差网络(Residual network, ResNet)中ResNet-26模型的分类结果相比有较大的提升.实验结果证明EfficientNet的深度网络优化扩展方法可行且有效,可应用于星系的形态分类.  相似文献   
水生动物对植物蛋白源利用的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
综述了水生动物对植物蛋白源的利用.饲料中植物蛋白水平将显著影响鱼类的生长和生理生化状态.水生动物对植物蛋白源的利用与适口性、消化率和必需氨基酸平衡相关.同进实验动物的种类、食性和发育阶段均会对植物蛋白利用产生一定影响.水生动物饲料中植物蛋白源的适宜添加量主要受实验动物种类和饲料中蛋白质水平的影响.因此,通过添加限制性必需氨基酸和减少搞营养因子可以提高水生动物对植物蛋白源的利用.  相似文献   
针对机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)对海探测特点,采用多入射角法从SAR数据本身得到与海浪参数反演区域时空匹配的同步海面风速和风向,并结合线性变换关系,计算得到海浪初猜谱对应的仿真SAR图像谱,将仿真SAR图像谱和观测SAR图像谱输入代价函数中进行迭代运算,通过非线性方程的解算得到最适海浪谱;采用交叉谱法去除海浪传播180°方向模糊,最终得到海浪参数。论文提出的基于同步风场的机载SAR海浪参数反演方法,充分利用了机载SAR海洋环境探测的优势,解决了传统SAR海浪参数反演中初猜谱构造依赖外部风场的问题,机载同步飞行试验的海浪参数反演结果与浮标观测值的有效波高、波向的均方根误差分别为0.23 m和13.23°,验证了该方法的有效性,可为机载SAR海浪参数反演业务化提供支持。  相似文献   
In order to acquire a better velocity structure of the crustal and uppermost mantle beneath Shanxi area, we obtain the group and phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of the periods 8s to 50s in Shanxi and adjacent area using ambient seismic noise recorded at 216 broad-band stations. All available vertical-component time series for 2014 have been cross-correlated to yield estimates of empirical Rayleigh wave Green's function. Group and phase velocity dispersion curves for Rayleigh wave are measured for each interstation path by applying frequency-time analysis. It describes finer velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in Shanxi, which reflects the geological structure characteristics at different depths. The resolution is within 50km and the resolution of part periods can reach 40km.The Rayleigh wave group and phase speed maps at short periods(8~18s and 10~22s)show clear correlations with shallow geological structures. Mountain areas on both sides of Shanxi depression zone show apparent high-velocity anomaly, except for low-velocity anomaly in the Taiyuan Basin, Linfen-Yuncheng Basin and Weihe Basin. Especially, the areas of Youyu County-Pianguan County-Kelan County-Shuozhou City and Jingle County-Lishi District of Lüliang City in Lüliang Mountains, and Yu County-Fuping County-Yi County and Yangcheng County-Licheng County in Taihang Mountains, present higher velocity anomaly. In addition, the velocity is lowest in the Weihe Basin, and the amplitude of low velocity decreases gradually from the south to the north of the basins in Shanxi, which probably is related to the process of gradual stretching and development of the Shanxi rift zone from the southwest to the northeast. The obvious velocity difference across the latitude of 38°N exists at 18~30s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps, which is probably related to the deep and shallow Moho depth variation in the south and north of Shanxi and the suture zone of ancient blocks including "hard" southern block and "soft" northern block. At the same time, the research result of receiver function reveals that partial melting of the lower crust occurs in the northern Taihang Mountains, while the southern section remains stable(Poisson's ratio is above 0.3 in the northern Taihang Mountains and 0.25~0.26 in the southern section). The phase velocity map at 30~50s period clearly shows NW velocity gradient belt, and the low velocity anomaly in the northeast side may be related to Cenozoic volcanism. Meanwhile, the eastern border of Ordos block is the western faults of central basins in Shanxi depression zone. However, some research results indicate that the above border is Lishi Fault in the surface, inferring that the Ordos block shows a shape of wide in the upper and narrow in the lower part from the surface to deep. The Datong volcanic area at 18~45s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps shows low velocity of trumpet shape from shallow to deep, related to the upwelling of hot material from lower mantle in the Cenozoic causing a large area of intense magmatic activity. It indicates the more specific upwelling channel of Datong volcanoes simultaneously.  相似文献   
Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor, located in the north of Tibetan plateau, are the margin of Tibetan plateau's tectonic deformation and pushing. Its internal deformations and activities can greatly conserve the extension process and characteristics of the Plateau. The research of Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor consequentially plays a significant role in understanding tectonic deformation mechanism of Tibetan plateau. The northern Yumushan Fault, located in the middle of the northern Qilian Shan thrust belt, is a significant component of Qilian Shan thrust belt which divides Yumushan and intramontane basins in Hexi Corridor. Carrying out the research of Yumushan Fault will help explain the kinematics characteristics of the northern Yumushan active fault and its response to the northeastward growth of the Tibetan plateau.Because of limited technology conditions of the time, different research emphases and some other reasons, previous research results differ dramatically. This paper summarizes the last 20 years researches from the perspectives of fault slip rates, paleao-earthquake characteristics and tectonic deformation. Using aerial-photo morphological analysis, field investigation, optical simulated luminescence(OSL)dating of alluvial surfaces and topographic profiles, we calculate the vertical slip rate and strike-slip rate at the typical site in the northern Yumushan Fault, which is(0.55±0.15)mm/a and(0.95±0.11), respectively. On the controversial problems, namely "the Luotuo(Camel)city scarp" and the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake, we use aerial-photo analysis, particular field investigation and typical profile dating. We concluded that "Luotuo city scarp" is the ruin of ancient diversion works rather than the fault scarp of the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake. Combining the topographic profiles of the mountain range with fault characteristics, we believe Yumu Shan is a part of Qilian Shan. The uplift of Yumu Shan is the result of Qilian Shan and Yumu Shan itself pushing northwards. Topographic profile along the crest of the Yumu Shan illustrates the decrease from its center to the tips, which is similar to the vertical slip rates and the height of fault scarp. These show that Yumu Shan is controlled by fault extension and grows laterally and vertically. At present, fault activities are still concentrated near the north foot of Yumu Shan, and the mountain ranges continue to rise since late Cenozoic.  相似文献   
缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层具有强烈的非均质性及储集空间预测难度大的特点,利用随钻电阻率测井方法对缝洞进行准确识别和划分,是当前研究的热点问题.利用一种先进的高精度自适应有限元方法和几何精确的曲边单元造型技术可以模拟缝洞型储层的随钻测井响应.本文通过研究仪器在不同半径缝洞的模拟测井响应及缝洞填充与坍塌导致的机械填充对测井结果的影响,给出了用于识别缝洞大小和填充程度的缝洞型储层的测井响应特征.研究结果为缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层的识别与划分提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
水动力条件对沉积物-水界面氧通量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氧环境决定了水体沉积物中各种生命所需元素的最终归趋,沉积物-水界面是水相与沉积物相氧传递的重要场所,而水动力条件是影响沉积物-水界面氧传递的重要因素.选择三峡库区一级支流御临河为研究对象,根据长年监测数据建立实验室模型,采用声学多普勒流速测试仪及微电极测试系统构建了非侵入式涡度相关测试系统,探究了不同水动力条件对沉积物-水界面氧通量的影响.结果表明:水体静止状态下沉积物-水界面溶解氧浓度随时间的增加而减少,非静止状态下随时间的增加而增加;沉积物-水界面氧通量随水体流速的增加而增加.根据氧通量求解对应流速下垂直涡动扩散系数并进行线性拟合,当水体流速为0.01~0.14 m/s时,垂直涡动扩散系数与水体流速的相关性最好,此时沉积物-水界面氧通量的传递以涡动扩散为主导.  相似文献   
综合利用烃源岩地球化学、薄片分析、常规物性、测井曲线、流体包裹体及试油等资料, 研究了鄂尔多斯盆地靖边油田大路沟区长2油藏油源条件、储层特征、成藏年代及油气富集规律. 结果表明: 大路沟区发育长7优质烃源岩, 黑色页岩有机碳平均为4.57%, 有机质类型为以生油为主的Ⅰ—Ⅱ1型, 并已达到大量生油阶段, 可为长2油藏的形成提供物质基础. 长2油层组河道砂坝砂体储层物性较好, 面孔率平均高达11.4%, 储油能力强. 长2油藏类型为构造-岩性复合型, 具有油水界面; 矿物颗粒内流体包裹体均一温度揭示出油藏主要形成于早白垩世中晚期, 时间约为115 Ma; 长2油藏分布和富集主要受圈闭发育位置与规模、储盖层有效配置及储层物性的综合控制. 该研究可为靖边油田长2油藏的勘探部署提供地质依据.  相似文献   
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