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The dynamic flare of 6 November, 1980 (max 15:26 UT) developed a rich system of growing loops which could be followed in H for 1.5 hr. Throughout the flare, these loops, near the limb, were seen in emission against the disk. Theoretical computations of deviations from LTE populations for a hydrogen atom reveal that this requires electron densities in the loops close to, or in excess of 1012 cm -3. From measured widths of higher Balmer lines the density at the tops of the loops was found to be 4 x 1012 cm -3 if no non-thermal motions were present, or 5 × 1011 cm -3 for a turbulent velocity of ~ 12 km s -1.It is now general knowledge that flare loops are initially observed in X-rays and become visible in H only after cooling. For such a high density, a loop would cool through radiation from 107 to 104 K within a few minutes so that the dense H loops should have heights very close to the heights of the X-ray loops. This, however, contradicts the observations obtained by the HXIS and FCS instruments on board SMM which show the X-ray loops at much higher altitudes than the loops in H. Therefore, we suggest that the density must have been significantly lower when the loops were formed and that the flare loops were apparently both shrinking and increasing in density while cooling.NAS/NRC Research Associate, on leave from CNIE, Argentina.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. Partial support for the National Solar Observatory is provided by the USAF under a Memorandum of Understanding with the NSF.  相似文献   
Hydroelectric reservoirs generate energy without significant combustion of fossil fuels. However, these systems can, potentially, emit greenhouse gases (GHG’s) at a rate which may be significant at the global scale, and, possible, co-equal, per kilowatt-hour, to that from conventional coal or oil-fired systems. Although much of the new construction of hydroelectric reservoirs is in the tropics, most of the data on GHG emissions comes from temperate regions. Further, much of the existing data on reservoir gas emissions comes from single sites, usually near the terminal dams. Large tropical reservoirs often involve the impoundments of river systems with complex morphology which in turn can cause spatial heterogeneity in gas flux. We evaluated spatial and seasonal variability in CO2 concentrations and gas flux for five large (50–1,400 km2) reservoirs in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Most of data set (87% of all measurements) showed CO2 supersaturation and net efflux to the atmosphere. There was as much or more variation in pCO2 over space and among seasons. The large studied reservoirs showed different zones in terms of CO2 emission because those fluxes are dependent on flooded biomass, watershed input of organic matter and dam operation regime. Here we demonstrate that the reservoirs in the Brazilian Cerrado have low rates of CO2 emissions compared to existing global comparisons. Our results suggest that ignoring the spatial variability can lead to more than 25% error in total system gas flux.  相似文献   
An analysis and discussion of the main features and effects of the 1999global seismicity based especially on the inferred patterns of strong(Mw 7) earthquakes using NEIC/USGS data is presented.Based on the above data and their statistical features (see also Table 1)one may state that from the point of view of occurrence rate (number/yr)the 1999 global seismicity was fairly regular, but from the moment (orenergy) release standpoint it is well under the long-term average. The spacepartition was again rather typical and time distribution was quasi-Poissonian,noteworthy, the 1999 worldwide seismicity had an anomalously high deathtoll, to be discussed later. Two main new insights are brought by ouranalysis: (i) a (mega)quiescence along the whole south American segmentof circum-Pacific earthquake belt, which was inferred and rated asanomalous while it was underway and which, in retrospect, ended with thegreat (Mw = 8.4 HRV) 2001 Arequipa (Peru) event; (ii) an intriguingmonotonous rate decrease within only magnitude class 5.0 to 5.9 duringthe analyzed period (i.e., 1990–1999).  相似文献   
The Steep Rock buckshot is a brecciated pisolithic ferruginous bauxite found in the Errington iron mine, Steep Rock Lake, Ontario, Canada. It occurs within the almost vertical ore zone included in the Archean Steep Rock Group, reaching a depth in excess of 1100 ft. (335 m). Successive authors considered its age as Precambrian. The biological observations now presented deny this supposed Precambrian age. Treatment of the concretions by HCI, followed by staining, put in evidence abundant microscopic figurate animal and vegetal remains, namely shreds of insect integument and varied fragments of vascular plant material. Comparable results were obtained by casting and by scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM) of the surface of the concretions and by thin sections. All these remains are Phanerozoic and one of them is probably not anterior to the Late Cretaceous. The macro- and micromorphology of the concretions obey models of termite constructions and the spectrum of organic remains is identical to the one found in tubulo-alveolar laterites and in termite constructions. The presence in the matrix of canaliculi attributable to thin roots gives force to the idea that the buckshot was originated near the soil surface.  相似文献   
In order to study Zn and Cd accumulation and depuration, a set of oysters, Crassostrea rhizophorae, were transplanted to a metal contaminated coastal lagoon and another one was harvested there and transplanted to a non-polluted site. C. rhizophorae oysters and Perna perna mussels native from both sites were collected in order to monitor variability of metal concentration in resident populations. After three months exposure, oysters transplanted to the polluted site accumulated fourfold Zn (307-1319 microgg(-1)) without reaching the concentration level of resident oysters (9770 microgg(-1)). Cadmium concentrations had a slight but significant decrease during the same period (1.25-0.54 microgg(-1)). Oysters transplanted to the non-polluted site, showed threefold Zn depuration (6727-2404 microgg(-1)), while Cd had no significant variation (0.90-1.45 microgg(-1)). Results showed that transplanted oysters do not reach heavy metal concentrations in indigenous populations suggesting transplanted organisms would be better used to evaluate bioavailability instead of environmental concentrations.  相似文献   
The geochemical composition of lake bed sediments of a tropical reservoir in Brazil have been investigated. The C, N, P composition showed almost no variation between the different sampling points. All samples contained inorganic phosphorus (IP) ranging from 52 to 70%. The Redfield ratios show that the lake is without significant anthropogenic inputs. Most of the organic matter is composed by higher plants decomposition revealed in the total organic carbon (TOC):nitrogen (N) ratio ranging from 15.4 to 57.2. Also, TOC:organic phosphorus (OP) ranged from 265.3 to 933.6, suggesting that most of the organic matter has terrestrial origin from wood plants. The ratios suggest that most organic matter is influenced by the terrestrial characteristics of the watershed. Furthermore, the relative abundance of n-alkane homologues in the sediments was investigated. All samples have been analyzed for the n-alkanes C8 to C40. The sediments were dominated by n-alkanes C25–C38. It is concluded that n-alkane in sediments mainly come from terrestrial plants, however there is a contribution of submerged aquatic plants, especially in those sites in deeper areas of the lake. On the basis of Paq index the n-alkanes in sediments comes from terrestrial plants, however there is a contribution from emerged/floating plants.The investigated lake seems to be considered as meso to eutrophic. Because of the relatively high primary productivity in the lakes, there is a substantial organic-matter flux to the sediments, which rapidly becomes anoxic. According to the pristine/phytane ratio the sediments represent an anoxic environment with values found between 0.38 and 1.72.  相似文献   
207Pb/206Pb ages from 420 zircons from 9 upper amphibolite and granulite facies quartzites of the post-1.8 Ga metasedimentary cover from the Occidental and Oriental terranes from the Neoproterozoic central Ribeira belt, in eastern Brazil, are discussed. Ages from the Occidental terrane show that Proterozoic ages predominate with a modal class at 2.1–2.2 Ga and that Archean ages are less common and lie within the 2.5–3.6 Ga range. A wider dispersion on Proterozoic ages down to 1.1 Ga and youngest Neoproterozoic ages (550–700 Ma) were also observed and could be related to the Brasiliano/PanAfrican metamorphic events. The data show that detrital sediments of the Occidental terrane were derived predominantly from erosion of a 1.8–2.2 Ga Paleoproterozoic terrane with a small proportion of a 2.6–3.6 Ga Archean crust. Ages from the Oriental terrane are greatly dispersed, but show a significant proportion of ages between 1.7 and 2.1 Ga, although the great majority are between 0.5 and 1.6 Ga. Only 3 out of 144 grains yield Archean ages, between 2.5 and 2.9 Ga. Based on the greatest errors observed on the data from the Oriental Terrane (100–300 Ma), and a continuum of obtained ages between 2072 Ma (Paleoproterozoic) and 517 Ma (Cambrian), the more plausible interpretation is that the dispersion of ages results from partial resetting of the U–Pb system by Brasiliano metamorphism in Proterozoic–Archean zircons, although a Mesoproterozoic source could not be discarded.  相似文献   
Fish assemblages were studied in a hypersaline tropical estuary in Northeastern Brazil. A total of 104 species were collected by beach seine during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012. Two families, Atherinopsidae and Gerreidae, were numerically dominant in all zones of the estuary; juveniles of Atherinella brasiliensis, Eucinostomus argenteus, Lile piquitinga, Ulaema lefroyi, Lutjanus analis and Sphoeroides greeleyi contributed 77% of the total catch. The factors that best explained the fish abundance pattern were salinity and depth, which were related to spatial segregation. Species richness was lowest in the upper zone, an area with high salinity and shallow depth. The distinct roles of structurally different habitats (submerged macrophyte beds and mangrove prop‐roots) and the influence of physicochemical conditions in the middle zone of the estuary may influence taxonomic diversity. The middle zone of the estuary is the one most attractive to juveniles of reef species (Lutjanidae and Serranidae). The fish assemblages are clearly dominated by marine estuarine dependent species, highlighting the importance of the ecosystem as a nursery ground for marine species of the Brazilian coast.  相似文献   
The metasedimentary sequence of the Cushamen Formation in the western North Patagonian Massif is540 m thick and comprises six sedimentary lithofacies associations related to a glacimarine environment.Four of these lithofacies represent distal glacimarine environments, whereas another one was deposited in proximal glacimarine environments, and the last includes subglacial environments. The organization and configuration of these lithofacies associations represent the advance and retreat of the glacier masses. The maximum glacial advance is correlatable with the G2 glacial interval of the Pennsylvanian Pampa de Tepuel, Las Salinas and Valley Chico, formations of the Extraandean Chubut, and the southern part of Neuquen Cordillera. Contemporaneously, in southern Chile there are marine and glacimarine sediments. The chronostratigraphic relationships between the Silurian to Permian units allow five paleogeographic stages to be distinguished. The middle Silurian-late Devonian igneous rocks represent the first magmatic stage. The second stage, which is transitional to the first, is represented by a marine basin that includes the late Devonian-early Carboniferous Esquel and Rio Pescado formations and the Llanquihue Complex. The third stage(early-late Carboniferous) includes granitoids of the second magmatic event that partially overlapped the first magmatic igneous belt. The fourth stage belongs to the late Carboniferous sedimentation of the Cushamen and equivalent formations. The extended early Permian magmatism was the last Paleozoic event in the studied area.  相似文献   
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