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西北太平洋热带气旋的频率和运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对37年(1946—1982)的西北太平洋热带风暴和台风进行了统计分析。对于季节内不同时期以及不同风暴强度分别给出了(1)单位区域内每100年所期望的风暴频率1);(2)风暴运动的合成方向和速度;(3)风暴移动速度的平均值和它的标准偏差;(4)风暴路径.最后应用Poisson和Г分布,给出了这些资料的一些实用例子。   相似文献   
The mean acidity of the ice core from Crête, Central Greenland, for the layer dating to 1816, one year after Tambora's eruption, has been found by Hammer, Clausen and Dansgaard (1980) to be nearly three times greater than that of the layer dating to 1884, one year after Krakatau's eruption. Despite the aforementioned fact, air-temperature data of the Baltic meteorological stations that took observations both in the 1810s and the 1880s (Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Trondheim, and Uppsala), do not show that the coldness of 1816 relative to 1814 was any greater than that of 1884 relative to 1882. Moreover, the year 1812 was much colder than 1816 when the two are compared with 1814 at all Baltic stations, although no known important eruption took place shortly before 1812. It seems plausible that the plumes reaching the Baltic Region following the two eruptions were too thin to have produced any appreciable effect on air temperatures.An examination of data available on grain harvests in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden does not indicate that either in 1816 or 1817 there was any note-worthy crop failure. In contrast, the year 1812 (a cold year) was marked by short-fall of the harvest, in consequence of which in 1813 there was a partial famine in Norway, partly because of war conditions (blockade by the British Navy) it was hard to get supplies from abroad.Mortality data are also available for the above four countries. Mortality was relatively high in 1812 and/or 1813, but not in 1816–17.No harvest or mortality data are available for Russia. Lists of famines in Russia show none in 1816. In 1817 there was a price rise in a limited area of the Empire.All-in-all, the Baltic Region had not suffered from Tambora's eruption unlike the lower mid-latitudes of Western and Central Europe. It is suggested that the Region, as well as the south of European Russia, were spared as they were crossed by air masses whose stratosphere had become depopulated of small volcanic particles, while the troposphere became cleansed of particles through washout by rain previously.A nearly identical version of the present paper was an invited paper to the Climate in 1816 Meeting, held at Ottawa, Canada, 25–28 June 1988.In 1986–90 visiting with the Department of Meteorology, University of Copenhagen.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Hand von Beobachtungen über periodische und unperiodische Temperaturschwankungen im Nordatlantischen Ozean wird versucht, die Frage Anomalietransport oder lokale Anomaliebildung zu klären, bzw. festzustellen, welche von beiden Entstehungsursachen für die auftretenden Schwankungen die wichtigere ist. Die Frage wird zu Gunsten der lokalen Anomaliebildung entschieden. Die Temperaturschwankungen treten in groen Gebieten des Atlantischen Ozeans fast gleichzeitig auf und verschwinden ebenso. Sie zeigen eine auffallende Gegensätzlichkeit im nordwestlichen und südöstlichen bzw. östlichen Teil des Nordatlantik, so da von einer nordatlantischen Wärmeschaukel gesprochen werden kann. Das Erscheinen der Anomalien hat dynamische Gründe und steht im Zusammenhang mit Schwankungen der ozeanischen Zirkulation, die dem Meere durch Schwankungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulation aufgeprägt werden.
On temperature anomalies at the sea surface and their relation to atmospheric circulation
Summary Based on observations on periodic and aperiodic temperature oscillations in the North Atlantic an attempt is made to discover whether these oscillations are due to wandering or locally generated anomalies, or which of these two phenomena is predominant. The problem is settled in favour of local generation of anomalies. Oscillations of temperature appear and vanish almost simultaneously in wide regions of the Atlantic. In their occurrence there is a striking contrast between the north western and the south eastern or eastern parts of the North Atlantic — one may speak of a North Atlantic temperature see saw. The anomalies are of dynamic origin and are connected with oscillations of the oceanic circulation which are impressed on the sea surface by oscillations of the atmospheric circulation.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Georg Wüst zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Crystallographically oriented sections of natural gemstone quality cordierite single-crystals have been irradiated with swift heavy ions of GeV energy and various fluences. Irradiation effects on the crystal lattice were investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy. Raman line scans along the trajectory of the ions reveal a close correlation of beam parameters (such as fluence and energy loss dE/dx along the ion path) to strain due to associated changes in lattice dimensions and defect concentration. The luminescence background also scales with the ion fluence and suggests the formation of point defects, which could also account for the macroscopically observable colouration of the irradiated samples. In addition, changes in the amount and nature of volatile species inside the structural channels are observed. They also scale with dE/dx and confirm the previously postulated irradiation-induced conversion of CO2 to CO. Irradiations along the crystallographic a-, b- and c-axis reveal no significant anisotropy effect with respect to lattice alterations. The polarisation characteristics of the Raman-active modes confirm the preferred molecular alignment of CO and CO2 along the a-axis direction.  相似文献   
Extrusion temperatures for basaltic lavas in the Permo-Carboniferous Oslo Rift, estimated from whole rock major element compositions, are estimated to be 1270 to 1340°C. This means that magmatism during the Oslo rifting event was not associated with a large temperature anomaly in the underlying upper mantle. Partial melting is believed to be caused by a combination of crustal extension, a weak temperature anomaly in the underlying asthenosphere, and/or high fluid-contents in the mantle source region (“wet-spot”). Petrological and gcochemical data imply that large masses of cumulate rocks were deposited in the deep crust during the Oslo rifting event. The densities and seismic velocities (Vp) of these cumulate rocks are estimated to be 2.8–3.5 g/cm3 and 7.5–8.0 km/s. A rough estimate suggests that cumulus minerals alone account for a net transfer of at least 2 × 1017 kg of magmatic material from the mantle into the deep crust. In addition comes material representing

1. (a) cumulate minerals corresponding to eroded magmatic surface and subsurface rocks

2. (b) intercumulus material, and

3. (c) magmas crystallized to completion in the deep crust.

Estimates based exclusively on geophysical data tend to underestimate the true transfer of mass into the lower crust as gabbroic cumulate rocks, and melts crystallizing to completion in the lower crust have densities and seismic velocities similar to those of lower crustal wallrocks.  相似文献   

Photo‐identification has been established as a helpful tool in cetacean research. However, no study to date has attempted to apply this method to short‐beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis L.). We present here the results of two studies that were conducted concurrently in Mercury Bay and the Hauraki Gulf on the north‐east coast of New Zealand's North Island. Methods for distinguishing between individual dolphins are discussed. Sighting records of recognisable individuals indicate that some common dolphins move between Mercury Bay and the Hauraki Gulf (100 km distance), as well as between Mercury Bay and Whakatane (200 km distance). Common dolphin abundance and site fidelity appeared to be greater in the Hauraki Gulf than in Mercury Bay. A selection of photographs of distinct individuals is presented to allow future studies to compare their sighting records to ours, which may help establish the extent of home ranges, site fidelity, and possibly even longevity for common dolphins.  相似文献   
Topographic data measured from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) and the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) aboard the MESSENGER spacecraft were used for investigations of the relationship between depth and diameter for impact craters on Mercury. Results using data from the MESSENGER flybys of the innermost planet indicate that most of the craters measured with MLA are shallower than those previously measured by using Mariner 10 images. MDIS images of these same MLA-measured craters show that they have been modified. The use of shadow measurement techniques, which were found to be accurate relative to the MLA results, indicate that both small bowl-shaped and large complex craters that are fresh possess depth-to-diameter ratios that are in good agreement with those measured from Mariner 10 images. The preliminary data also show that the depths of modified craters are shallower relative to fresh ones, and might provide quantitative estimates of crater in-filling by subsequent volcanic or impact processes. The diameter that defines the transition from simple to complex craters on Mercury based on MESSENGER data is consistent with that reported from Mariner 10 data.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBeijingfacesseveredustpollutionduetosuchsourcesasdustimportedfromwesterndeserts,industryandpowerplants,domesticcombustionprocessesandtraffic .Inthelastdecades ,theurbanpopulationhasgrowntomorethan10million .TheeconomicgrowthofChinahasalsoleftitsfootprintsinBeijing .Newindustrialzonesanddomesticar easweredeveloped ,inducinganincreasingtrafficcirculation(Shi,2 0 0 1) .Thedroughtclimateinalmostthewholeyear ,thestrongmonsoonsinwinterbringingdustsfromtheGobidesert,theheavytraffic…  相似文献   
On 14 January and 6 October 2008 the MESSENGER spacecraft passed within 200 km of the surface of Mercury. These flybys by MESSENGER provided the first observations of Mercury from a spacecraft since the Mariner 10 flybys in 1974 and 1975. Data from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) provided new information on the equatorial shape of Mercury, and Doppler tracking of the spacecraft through the flybys provided new data on the planet’s gravity field. The MLA passes were on opposite hemispheres of the planet and span collectively ∼40% of the equatorial circumference. The mean elevation of topography observed during flyby 1, in the longitude range 0-90°E, is greater than that seen during flyby 2 in the longitude range 180-270°E, indicating an offset between centers of mass and figure having a magnitude and phase in general agreement with topography determined by Earth-based radar. Both MLA profiles are characterized by slopes of ∼0.015° downward to the east, which is consistent with a long-wavelength equatorial shape defined by a best-fitting ellipse. The Doppler tracking data show sensitivity to the gravitational structure of Mercury. The equatorial ellipticity of the gravitational field, C2,2, is well determined and correlates with the equatorial shape. The S2,2 coefficient is ∼0, as would be expected if Mercury’s coordinate system, defined by its rotational state, is aligned along its principal axes of inertia. The recovered value of the polar flattening of the gravitational potential, J2, is considerably lower in magnitude than the value obtained from Mariner 10 tracking, a result that is problematic for internal structure models. This parameter is not as well constrained as the equatorial ellipticity because the flyby trajectories were nearly in the planet’s equatorial plane. The residuals from the Doppler tracking data suggest the possibility of mascons on Mercury, but flyby observations are of insufficient resolution for confident recovery. For a range of assumptions on degree of compensation and crustal and mantle densities, the allowable crustal thickness is consistent with the upper limit of about 100 km estimated from the inferred depth of faulting beneath a prominent lobate scarp, an assumed ductile flow law for crustal material, and the condition that temperature at the base of the crust does not exceed the solidus temperature. The MESSENGER value of C2,2 has allowed an improved estimate of the ratio of the polar moment of inertia of the mantle and crust to the full polar moment (Cm/C), a refinement that strengthens the conclusion that Mercury has at present a fluid outer core.  相似文献   
Abstract— The compositionally typical H5 chondrite St‐Robert has an exposure age, 7.8 Ma, indistinguishable from that of the main cluster of H chondrites. Small values of the cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio in interior samples imply a pre‐atmospheric radius on the order of 40 cm. Sample depths based on tracks and the production rates of Bhattacharya et al. (1973) range from 6 to ~40 cm and are generally larger than depths estimated from published 60Co activities, perhaps because the track production rates adopted are too high. Depth profiles of the production rates of 14C, 36Cl, 26Al, 10Be, and 21Ne in stony material show increases with depth and reach levels 5% to 15% higher than expected from modeling calculations. The maximum concentrations in St‐Robert are, however, generally comparable to those measured for the L5 chondrite, Knyahinya, whose pre‐atmospheric radius of ~45 cm is thought to lead to the maximum possible production rates in chondrites. We infer that the pre‐atmospheric radius of St‐Robert was within 5 cm of the value that supports maximum production rates (i.e., 45 ± 5 cm). This radius corresponds to a pre‐atmospheric mass of (1.3 ± 0.4) × 103 kg. The agreement of exposure ages for St‐Robert obtained in several different ways and the similarity of the depth profiles for 14C, 26Al, 10Be, and 21Ne argue against a lengthy pre‐exposure of St‐Robert on the parent body and against a two‐stage exposure after launch from the parent body. Following Morbidelli and Gladman (1998), we suggest that St‐Robert was chipped from deep in its parent body, spent the next 7–8 Ma without undergoing a major collision, was nudged gradually into an orbital resonance with Jupiter, and then traveled quickly to Earth.  相似文献   
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