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Marine microbial communities recorded in the Moroccan Anti‐Atlas were unaffected across the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian transition. A stromatolite‐dominated consortium was replaced at the beginning of the Atdabanian (ca 20 Myr after the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian boundary) by shelly metazoan and thromboid consortia, which contain the oldest biostratigraphically significant fossils of the Moroccan Cambrian. The associated collapse of microbial mat (stromatolitic) growth appears to coincide with a change from pre‐Atdabanian shallow‐water restricted conditions into Atdabanian deeper, open‐sea conditions. It is postulated that this environmental change led to an episode of improved water circulation over carbonate platform interiors, promoting shelly metazoan immigration into the region. The Tiout/Amouslek lithostratigraphic contact in the early Atdabanian marks the end of an episodically unstable seafloor as suggested by the abundance of slumping and sliding structures, and synsedimentary microfaults and cracks recorded in the underlying Tiout Member. Concurrent with the transition is the occurrence of a network of cryptic fissures and cavities that provided habitats for a coelobiontic chemosynthetic–heterotrophic microbial community composed of stromatolitic crusts, RenalcisEpiphytonGirvanella intergrowths, and Kundatia thalli. In the overlying Amouslek Formation, archaeocyathan–thromboid reefs were constrained by substrate stability, water depth and subsidence rate. Four reef geometries are distinguished: (i) patch reefs surrounded by shales, (ii) bioherms in which flank beds intercalate laterally with carbonate and shale inter‐reef sediments, (iii) biostromes or low‐relief structures formed as a result of lateral accretion of patch reefs, and (iv) kalyptrate complexes that nucleated because of a marked tendency for aggregation, and in which patch reefs and bioherms occur stacked together bounded by clay–marl–silt seams.  相似文献   
A mobile-bed, undistorted physical model (1:40) has been used to investigate different sediment supply strategies to the Old Rhine through bank protection removal and modifications of groyne dimensions and configuration, which cause bank erosion. This trained channel was previously the main bed of the upper Rhine downstream of Basel (Switzerland), but it has an artificially low flow regime since the construction of the Grand Canal d'Alsace, a navigation canal, and a flow control dam at Kembs (France). Training works and subsequent channel incision have also greatly reduced sediment transport rates and created a heavily armoured bed. The modelled pilot site has a groyne field on the left bank. Results show that the currently existing groynes at the site are not effective in creating high bank-side velocities conducive to bank erosion, even for flow rates significantly higher than the mean annual flow rate. The river bank has also proved to be more resistant than previously thought, allowing long stretches of bank protection to be safely removed. The physical model testing process has produced a new configuration for the groyne field, where two higher, larger island groynes are placed further apart than the three existing attached groynes. This innovative approach has proved effective, causing bank erosion for flow rates below the mean annual flow rate, with consistent erosion being observed. It has also been found that such a configuration does not pose a hazard for the Grand Canal d'Alsace, which is situated next to the Old Rhine, through excessive bank erosion during high flow events.  相似文献   
The exposed calcareous rocky area of the Abu Qir Headland,east of Alexandria,Egypt which range from coarse grains,through pebbles,cobbles,and boulders to rocky platforms,was signifi cantly colonized by sclerobionts(epibionts and endobionts).The epibiont species diversity was comparatively higher than that of endobionts.Epibiont communities included bryozoans(the anascan-grade cheilostome Bifl ustra savartii),serpulid(Hydroides elegans,Spirobranchus cf.tetraceros,Vermiliopsis striaticeps and Protula or Apomatus)and spirorbid(Spirorbis)wormtubes,and balanoid barnacles(Amphibalanus amphitrite,Balanus trigonus,and Perforatus perforatus).The cheilostome bryozoan colonies,which developed extensive sheets,proliferated on the study rocky shore either encrusting the bioeroded basement directly,or encrusting other epilithic taxa,particularly balanoid barnacles and serpulid worms.Encrusters displayed a remarkable marginal competitive interaction(overgrowth and stand-off)for space on the study rocky shore.On the other hand,endobionts were not well represented on the studied rocky shore exposure.It was possible to identify three ichnotaxa:Gastrochaenolites,Maeandropolydora,and Finichnus.The fi ndings documented represent a signifi cant contribution to our knowledge of sclerobionts composition,sequence of their colonization and/or bioerosion,and their mutual relationships on the intertidal rocky shore of the Abu Qir Headland.  相似文献   
In arid and semi-arid zones, water is the most vulnerable resource to climate change. In fact, various techniques such as artificial recharge are adopted to restore aquifers and to ensure aquifer sustainability in relation to the accelerated pace of exploitation. Morocco is a Mediterranean country highly vulnerable to climate change, many of its main aquifers are subjected to excessive drawdowns. This technique is practiced to increase potentiality of these aquifers. In the Northwestern area of Morocco, the significant development experienced by Tangier City in the industrial, tourism, and commercial sectors will lead to increased water requirements-up to 5 067 L/s (159.8 mm3) by 2030. However, the Charf El Akab aquifer system, subject to artificial recharge, is the only groundwater resource of Tangier region; hence, a rational management context is needed to ensure aquifer sustainability, and optimized exploitation under the background of differing constraints, such as increased water requirements, and climate change impacts. This work aims to respond, for the first time, to the Charf El Akab aquifer overexploitation problem, and to evaluate the future scenarios of its exploitation in the event of failure of one of the superficial resources. This work also presents a synthesized hydrodynamic modeling based on the results of the numerical simulations carried out using Feflow software for 2004 (date of cessation of injections) and 2011 (date of resumption of these facilities), making it possible to evaluate the impact of the artificial recharge on the piezometric level of the aquifer on a spatiotemporal scale. Finally, the exploitation scenarios have shown that the aquifer of Charf El Akab will not adequatly provide for the region's water requirements on the future horizon, entailing an optimal management of water resources in the region and an intentionally increased recharge rate.  相似文献   
 Petrological and chemical variations, as well as oxygen and strontium isotopic data are presented for metagabbros from the Romanche and Vema fracture zones. These rocks were affected by several types and degrees of alterations ranging from slight hydrothermal alteration to complete amphibolitization. Five major kinds of alteration processes ranging from late-magmatic deuteric alteration (stage I) to low temperature (<150 °C) alteration (stage V) were identified. Water-rock interactions between 300 and 650 °C are the most dominant interactions resulting in the most prevailing secondary mineralogical assemblages which characterize the amphibolite and/or greenschist facies (amphibole ± plagioclase ± epidote ± titanite ± chlorite ± prehnite). Hydrothermal alteration of these gabbroic rocks results in isotopic exchanges between rocks and seawater-derived fluids. These exchanges lead to decrease of gabbroic δ18O toward values as low as +3.9‰, and larger Sr isotopic variations than other oceanic gabbroic rocks (87Sr/86Sr ratios shift to 0.7029–0.7051). Calculation of a chemical budget indicates that metagabbros are hydrated and enriched in Fe and probably in Mg and Cl, while Si, Ca and Ti are released to the hydrothermal fluids. In addition to metamorphic recrystallization and geochemical transformation, hydrothermal alteration of oceanic gabbros contributes to the control of the global ocean geochemistry. Received: 8 March 1999 / Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   
Abstract– Six large iron meteorites have been discovered in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity in a nearly 25 km‐long traverse. Herein, we review and synthesize the available data to propose that the discovery and characteristics of the six meteorites could be explained as the result of their impact into a soft and wet surface, sometime during the Noachian or the Hesperian, subsequently to be exposed at the Martian surface through differential erosion. As recorded by its sediments and chemical deposits, Meridiani has been interpreted to have undergone a watery past, including a shallow sea, a playa, an environment of fluctuating ground water, and/or an icy landscape. Meteorites could have been encased upon impact and/or subsequently buried, and kept underground for a long time, shielded from the atmosphere. The meteorites apparently underwent significant chemical weathering due to aqueous alteration, as indicated by cavernous features that suggest differential acidic corrosion removing less resistant material and softer inclusions. During the Amazonian, the almost complete disappearance of surface water and desiccation of the landscape, followed by induration of the sediments and subsequent differential erosion and degradation of Meridiani sediments, including at least 10–80 m of deflation in the last 3–3.5 Gy, would have exposed the buried meteorites. We conclude that the iron meteorites support the hypothesis that Mars once had a denser atmosphere and considerable amounts of water and/or water ice at and/or near the surface.  相似文献   
Abstract– The oxygen fugacities recorded in the nakhlites Nakhla, Yamato‐000593 (Y‐000593), Lafayette, and NWA998 were studied by applying the Fe,Ti‐oxide oxybarometer. Oxygen fugacities obtained cluster closely around the FMQ (Fayalite–Magnetite–Quartz) buffer (NWA998 = FMQ ? 0.8; Y‐000593 = FMQ ? 0.7; Nakhla = FMQ; Lafayette = FMQ + 0.1). The corresponding equilibration temperatures are 810 °C for Nakhla and Y‐000593, 780 °C for Lafayette and 710 °C for NWA998. All nakhlites record oxygen fugacities significantly higher and with a tighter range than those determined for Martian basalts, i.e., shergottites whose oxygen fugacities vary from FMQ ? 1 to FMQ ? 4. It has been known for some time that nakhlites are different from other Martian meteorites in chemistry, mineralogy, and crystallization age. The present study adds oxygen fugacity to this list of differences. The comparatively large variation in fO2 recorded by shergottites was interpreted by Herd et al. (2002) as reflecting variable degrees of contamination with crustal fluids that would also carry a light rare earth element (REE)‐enriched component. The high oxygen fugacities and the large light REE enrichment of nakhlites fit qualitatively in this model. In detail, however, it is found that the inferred contaminating phase in nakhlites must have been different from those in shergottites. This is supported by unique 182W/184W and 142Nd/144Nd ratios in nakhlites, which are distinct from other Martian meteorites. It is likely that the differences in fO2 between nakhlites and other Martian meteorites were established very early in the history of Mars. Parental trace element rich and trace element poor regions (reservoirs) of Mars mantle ( Brandon et al. 2000 ) must have been kept isolated throughout Martian history. Our results further show significant differences in closure temperature among the different nakhlites. The observed range in equilibration temperatures together with similar fO2 values is attributable to crystallization of nakhlites in the same cumulate pile or lava layer at different burial depths from 0.5 to 30 m below the Martian surface in agreement with Mikouchi et al. (2003) and is further confirmed by similar crystallization ages of about 1.3 Ga ago (e.g., Misawa et al. 2003 ).  相似文献   
The hydrological models and simpli?ed methods of Saint-venant equations are used extensively in hydrological modeling, in particular for the simulation of the ?ood routing. These models require speci?c and extensive data that usually makes the study of ?ood propagation an arduous practice. We present in this work a new model, based on a transfer function, this function is a function of parametric probability density, having a physical meaning with respect to the propagation of a hydrological signal. The inversion of the model is carried out by an optimization technique called Genetic Algorithm. It consists of evolving a population of parameters based primarily on genetic recombination operators and natural selection to?nd the minimum of an objective function that measures the distance between observed and simulated data. The precision of the simulations of the proposed model is compared with the response of the Hayami model and the applicability of the model is tested on a real case, the N'Fis basin river, located in the High Atlas Occidental, which presents elements that appear favorable to the study of the propagation. The results obtained are very satisfactory and the simulation of the proposed model is very close to the response of the Hayami model.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have produced corundum-bearing residues through the evaporation of natural and synthetic hibonite samples. The sequence of major element losses as well as volatility related trace element fractionations in these residues are similar to those previously observed in residues from the evaporation of chondritic starting material, which suggests that the processes by which these fractionations occur may be largely independent of the starting material used. However, the mineralogy of the residues does depend on the composition of the starting material and, to some extent, on the conditions under which evaporation took place. Similarly, the degree of isotopic mass fractionation observed in the residues is composition-dependent. This observation means that it may be possible to use isotopic data for several elements to constrain the compositions of precursor materials of Ca-Al-rich inclusions, which have an evaporation origin. Although corundum-bearing inclusions are known, their origins are complex and variable, and the scarcity of such inclusions indicates that melting of hibonite, with or without concomitant evaporation, must have been a rare process in the solar nebula. By evaporating mixtures of synthetic oxides of the rare earth elements, we have reproduced the patterns of Group III inclusions and some of the characteristics of ultrarefractory patterns. However, the extreme conditions required to do so indicate that refractory inclusions with these patterns probably have a condensation rather than evaporation origin.  相似文献   
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