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To assess the presence of endocrine disruptors in treated marine outfall discharges and their possible effects, mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were caged in the environmental mixing zone of the outfall of the Santander sanitation system and in one control area. After 30, 60 and 90 days, samples were collected to perform chemical analyses (metals, anionic surfactants, alkylphenols, bisphenol A, phthalates and estrogenic hormones), biomarkers of general stress (lysosomal membrane stability-LMS, histopathology) and biomarkers of endocrine disruption (vitellogenin-like proteins and gonad index). There were no significant differences between outfall and control sites on contaminant levels, except for 4-tert-octylphenol which was higher in the outfall site. Bacteriological counts were higher in the outfall area. No relevant differences in biomarkers were detected between treated and control mussels. A significant reduction in LMS occurred in both groups after 90 days caging, indicating a stress situation possibly related to caging or to post-spawning reproductive state.  相似文献   
从高硅含铝原料霓辉正长岩中提取氧化铝时,硅以水合硅酸钠钙的形式排出。实验研究了水合硅酸钠钙渣的高效利用技术。利用水合硅酸钠钙自身的水解作用和在NaOH溶液中使之分解两种方法来回收其中的Na2O,所得NaOH溶液经蒸发浓缩后可循环利用。回收碱后剩余的固体渣用来制备硅灰石粉体。实验得出回收碱的优化条件为温度180 ℃,起始溶液的Na2O浓度为20 g/L,液固比为4∶1,洗涤6~7次。在此条件下,碱回收率可达90%以上。对回收碱后所得固体渣进行差热-热重分析,确定制备硅灰石粉体的煅烧温度。在820 ℃下煅烧2 h,制得颗粒尺寸为50~100 nm的α-CaSiO3纳米粉体,对其反应机理进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
辐射脉冲约1S或更短持续时间的震源理论研究表明:对于假定为实际地壳结构的双力偶震源,短周期P波地震图最突出的震相当是P,PP和SP波。已注意到显示P波与地面反射的某些地震图,并可以充分模拟,然而,由浅地震观测到的这种地震图数目很小,通常,观测到的地震图要私很简单,即它们显示出突出的初至,而很少有其他信息,要么地震图很复杂,即显示振幅大于或等于初至振幅的30S以上的震相,简单和或复杂地震图上缺乏清晰  相似文献   
Sedimentary aliphatic (AH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. Total AH ranged from 2.20 to 11.82 μg g−1 and consisted of n-alkanes and a dominant petroleum-related unresolved complex mixture (UCM). Within the n-alkanes, terrestrial plant wax compounds prevailed at nearly all stations. Of the PAHs, biogenic perylene dominated at stations receiving riverine inputs. Anthropogenic PAHs originating from combustion/pyrolysis processes varied from 17 to 157 ng g−1, while fossil PAH concentrations ranged from 42 to 187 ng g−1. Both biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons are primarily derived from riverine discharges and accumulate at shallow-water stations. Distinct phase associations lead, nevertheless, to different sedimentation patterns. Fossil PAHs are enhanced at offshore stations where they are introduced directly by shipping activities. Biomarker fingerprints ascribe their source to Chinese crude oils. The overall levels of anthropogenic hydrocarbons are low compared to relevant areas worldwide and reveal a low/moderate level of hydrocarbon pollution.  相似文献   
There occurred several eruptions from Changbaishan Tianchi volcano in Holocene, and at least three of them were believed to be true according to the formal studies. The products of three eruptions were yellow comenditic pumice of - 5000a B.P. (Eruption Ⅰ ), gray comenditic pumice and pyroclastic flow of - 1000a B.P. ( Eruption II, i.e. the millennium explosive eruption), black trachy pumice and welded tuff of - 300a B.P. ( Eruption Ⅲ ) respectively. There were a large number of melt inclusions found in phenocrysts, which differ in size and color. The Leitz 1350 heating stage experiments for melt inclusions in host feldspars from three Holocene eruptions of Changbaishan Tianchi volcano imply that there were little differences between the homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions from Eruptions Ⅰ and Ⅲ, whereas it was rather complicated for Eruption H, i.e. there might be two kinds of melt with different homogenization temperature periods, which gave the evidence for the assumption that the explosive millennium eruption of Tianchi volcano was triggered by injection and mixing of two different magmas. The experimental results also indicate that ( 1 ) small melt inclusion is easy to be homogenized, while the large one, especially the one with lots of daughter crystals, is rather difficult to be homogenized; (2) homogenization temperature closely correlates with the size of melt inclusion within host crystal, with the temperature point switching from high heating rate to low heating rate, and correlates with whether it is the first time to obtain homogenization as well; and (3) a melt inclusion can get different homogenization temperatures when it is repeatedly heated. Even more, the next homogenization temperature is usually higher than the former one, which testifies the phenomenon that hydrogen migration occurs during repeated heating.  相似文献   
上个世纪,地球科学的发展已具有很强的了解和预测地球系统事件的能力。过去的10年,定量地球科学研究蓬勃发展。随着观测系统和计算工具的进步,人们能以前所未有的时空分辨率来模拟和预测地球物理过程,地球科学也将继续加速发展。随着这些进步,需要反思地球科学研究的现状,重新评估地球科学研究发展的方向和明确能实现的现实目标。  相似文献   
青海祁连下柳沟铜铅锌矿床位于北祁连走廊南山南坡一带,是北祁连地区较为重要的块状硫化物矿床。矿体赋存于中寒武统黑茨沟组酸性火山岩中,受NW向断裂构造和地层控制,产状随地层变化而变化。本次研究从矿床地质特征研究入手,再对区内不同阶段的硫化物进行电子探针分析,探讨金属硫化物的地球化学特征、矿床成矿环境,从而对本区下步找矿工作提供依据。通过研究可知,下柳沟地区矿体形态复杂,矿体沿走向、倾向品位及厚度变化均较大,主要呈似层状、条带状、网脉状、透镜状等产出,矿石组合以铜铅锌矿石和铅锌矿石为主。通过对闪锌矿中Zn、S、Cd、Fe、S、Co、Ni等元素含量的分析,表明本区矿床为火山喷气沉积型块状硫化物矿床。通过黝铜矿电子探针分析可知,本区目前揭露的仅为矿体的中上部,深部可能还存在隐伏矿体。  相似文献   
白云岩酸解法制备轻质氧化镁和碳酸钙实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以河南卢氏县黄跃沟纯质白云岩为原料,利用盐酸进行分解,制得MgCl2-CaCl2溶液。经过通氨气调节pH值除铁、氨化反应、陈化反应以及碳化反应等过程,制备轻质氧化镁和轻质碳酸钙,研究氨化过程中温度和时间对Mg2+沉淀率的影响,以及碳化时间对碳酸钙制品晶型的影响。采用化学分析方法和扫描电镜分析对制品进行表征,结果表明:轻质氧化镁制品颗粒形貌呈片状,粒径为150 nm左右,其性能达到HG/T2573—2006优等品标准;轻质碳酸钙制品颗粒形貌呈球状,粒径为100 nm左右,其性能达到HG/T2567—1994优等品的标准。实验采用的工艺路线具有能耗低、白云石资源利用率高、加工过程符合清洁生产要求等优点,是白云岩资源高效利用的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
论构造耦合作用   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
构造耦合作用是一种普遍存在的地质现象。现今东、西太平洋的构造差异及古太平洋和现今太平洋大陆边缘构造差异与俯冲的洋壳板块性状有关,即:①俯冲角度;②俯冲角度的改变;③俯冲速率;④俯冲速率的改变;⑤俯冲深度;⑥俯冲板块前缘与海沟间的水平距离;⑦俯冲板块在670km上、下地幔界线处的构造形态;⑧俯冲板块的位移及位移方向。这种深部构造活动对浅部构造形成的制约和影响,是活动大陆边缘构造耦合现象的具体表现。中国西北部的盆山耦合现象是大陆内部的构造耦合作用,印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞产生的远距离效应,导致中亚地区产生陆内A型俯冲,A型俯冲是造成盆地消亡、山系形成的重要因素。  相似文献   
酒泉盆地群是由两期不同性质、不同世代盆地叠加而成的 .晚侏罗纪—早白垩世为拉张断陷盆地 ,第三纪以来为挤压坳陷盆地 .酒泉盆地群现今地温梯度及大地热流值都较低 ,地温梯度主要在 2 51— 3 0 0℃ /1 0 0m之间 ,大地热流值在 50— 57mW /m2 之间 .酒泉盆地群中生代晚期为拉张断陷 ,古地温梯度高 ,可达 3 75— 4 50℃ /1 0 0m ,新生代以来地温梯度逐渐降低 ,而花海盆地、酒西盆地石北凹陷沉降幅度小 ,古地温高于今地温 .下白垩统烃源岩热演化程度受古地温控制 .主生烃期仅有一次 ,为早白垩世晚期 .酒西盆地青西凹陷、酒东盆地营尔凹陷在新生代以来大幅度沉降 ,下白垩统烃源岩热演化程度受现今地温控制 .主生烃期有两次 ,一次为早白垩世晚期 ,另一次为晚第三纪以来 ,且以晚第三纪以来为主 .不同盆地及同一盆地不同构造单元由于构造热演化史的不同 ,主生烃期及油气勘探前景明显不同 .  相似文献   
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