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温室效应引起全球增暖问题目前正受到科学家、工程技术人员、政治家和公众的广泛注意。最近的报告表明,对于全球增暖及其影响的确切性质尚不清楚(Schneider,1989)。然而,海岸带可能是一个关键而敏感的环境地带,全球增暖对海岸地貌会产生一系列后果。尽管到2100年全球海平面上升幅度的估计从56厘米到3.45米不等,但一般相差可能在44米和2.17米之间(Hoffman 等,1983:Titus,1987)。  相似文献   
通常,经济区划的任务包括以下几个主要阶段:1) 确定作为基础区的地域;2)按照基础区选择区划指标系统及其定量评价;3) 选择区域系统模式;4) 阐明课题建立算法,直接把基础区进行分类计算;5)解释已获得的结果,选出最好的区划方案和有关进一步改善工作方法的结论等等。基础区的范围视所要解决的任务性质而定。  相似文献   
在这篇文章里,我研究了十九世纪世界贸易和殖民扩展中的新西兰农业发展,继而研究了导致农业出口依赖于世界贸易、技术和动力平衡所出现的经济过程。我调查了农业(1963—1984年)近期的竞争,以及转向调整和出现二十世纪经济和剩余农业的含意。  相似文献   
在过去几年里,分割的概念引起了人们的极大关注。其主要思想起源于地图数据研究,而且它的很多应用继续牵涉到空间现象。在对比例尺的答复、自相似和空间循环细分三个标题下,我们回顾了地理学与分割的关联。分割度大小为表现制图综合效果特性和评价以空间样本为预告对象所推出的数据表示提供了手段。分割表面自相似特性,使得它如同在地貌过程研究中开始的或不存在的假设景观一样有用。空间现象的广泛变化,据统计,在许多规模上被证明是自相似,使人想起了像地理范围那样的比例尺依存关系的重要性。在文章三分之一的篇幅里,循环细分被证明是导致用数字形式表示空间数据的新奇和有效方法,并成为空间组织常见模型的特征。我们断定,分割被作为考虑空间形式传统方法重要变化,同时,与其说是提供了空间现象新的和重要的规范与标准,倒不如说提供了以经验为根据的可证实模型。  相似文献   
We present thermal mass loss calculations over evolutionary time scales for the investigation if the smallest transiting rocky exoplanets CoRoT-7b (∼1.68REarth) and Kepler-10b (∼1.416REarth) could be remnants of an initially more massive hydrogen-rich gas giant or a hot Neptune-class exoplanet. We apply a thermal mass loss formula which yields results that are comparable to hydrodynamic loss models. Our approach considers the effect of the Roche lobe, realistic heating efficiencies and a radius scaling law derived from observations of hot Jupiters. We study the influence of the mean planetary density on the thermal mass loss by placing hypothetical exoplanets with the characteristics of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus to the orbital location of CoRoT-7b at 0.017 AU and Kepler-10b at 0.01684 AU and assuming that these planets orbit a K- or G-type host star. Our findings indicate that hydrogen-rich gas giants within the mass domain of Saturn or Jupiter cannot thermally lose such an amount of mass that CoRoT-7b and Kepler-10b would result in a rocky residue. Moreover, our calculations show that the present time mass of both rocky exoplanets can be neither a result of evaporation of a hydrogen envelope of a “Hot Neptune” nor a “Hot Uranus”-class object. Depending on the initial density and mass, these planets most likely were always rocky planets which could lose a thin hydrogen envelope, but not cores of thermally evaporated initially much more massive and larger objects.  相似文献   
A field tracer test performed under natural flow conditions at the Twin Lake test site, Chalk River Laboratories of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, using tritium and three herbicides (Chlortoluron, Terbuthylazine, and Pendimethalin) was interpreted using the dispersion equation with a combined reaction model. The reaction model couples an instantaneous equilibrium reaction governed by a linear adsorption isotherm with a reversible or irreversible kinetic reaction of the first order, and decay. An improved interpretation method consists of a simultaneous fitting of theoretical concentration and mass-recovery curves to the experimental data, which leads to a more reliable determining of reaction models and improves the accuracy of fitting. Tritium served as the reference tracer to determine the flow velocity, dispersivity, and the recovery of the herbicides. Chlortoluron was slightly delayed by equilibrium exchange with strongly reduced concentration due to an irreversible kinetic reaction and/or decay. Terbuthilazine was slightly delayed by equilibrium exchange, with strongly reduced concentration due to a reversible kinetic reaction with some influence of decay. A strong equilibrium reaction and a strong reversible kinetic reaction without degradation governed the transport of Pendimethalin, reducing considerably its concentration. The results obtained show that simulations based only on Kd and decay constant, especially if these parameters are found in the laboratory, may considerably differ from those performed with reaction parameters determined in properly performed field tests. The dominant reaction types, and the values of parameters found in the study, supply useful information on the transport of the investigated herbicides in sandy aquifers under natural flow conditions.  相似文献   
北岭地震时,许多新的技术,包括震源数据的实时获取、改进后的损失估计技术、地理信息系统以及不同的卫星监测系统,已经出现或被考虑作为应急管理的资源。然而,这些技术在减轻地震灾害、地震应急反应和震后恢复方面的潜在益处大多是概念性的。从1994年1月17日地震中得到的主要经验之一,就是这些技术为了解和应对重大灾害可提供显著的便利条件,并且这些技术结合起来会贡献出更大的显著效益。北岭地震之后的两年半时间内,在将相对独立的技术结合成一个系统方面迈出了重要一步,该系统对区域性破坏、损失和人口影响提供实时估计.本文将阐述应急服务组织使用的第一个实时损失估计系统的研制、运行和应用情况。  相似文献   
内华达州斯利泊(Sleeper)矿床富矿脉型金矿石,系在小于500米的深度范围内沉淀形成,并具有细粒石英胶状条带与含有大量银金矿的蛋白石质氧化硅胶状条带交替的特殊结构.这种结构迹象表明石英条带是从原始的胶状非晶质状态重结晶而来,而富金条带系由氧化硅与金颗粒凝胶组成的非晶质析出物原始沉积而成.金与氧化硅首先在热液体系的较深部位以胶体形式析出,然后由成矿溶液的水力作用向上机械搬运,由于溶液的冷却或沸腾,并在复合阳离子Al~(3+)的水化物的催化下产生胶粒凝结。浅成低温热液体系中金以胶粒形式搬运表明,至少在某些条件下胶体中的金含量比真溶液中要高.欲解释斯利泊矿床富矿石的成因,需存在一种富金的成矿溶液;而胶体金的局部搬运可能对浸染状低温热液金矿床的形成起了一定的作用.  相似文献   
文章以西非、西澳三个不同气候和地貌环境的红土型金矿床为例,阐述了微粒金在红土风化壳中的分布、组成、形态及其在红土化过程中的变化情况。  相似文献   
通过对Namaqua活动带的构造和地层背景的重新评价,我们把该活动带再分成(图1)不同的岩性和构造地体(根据Coney等人的概念,1981) 该活动带的东部向北东方向延伸,它也可以再分。在所划分的地体中,大多数都以大型剪切带为界,并且经测定,一些地体甚至有100km长的位移。在此提出的Aggeneys地体的构造演化就卷入了巨大的水平滑移(与垂向构造运动相反),而这一运动主宰着南非Namaqua活动带的元古宙构造演化。非洲在元古宙时期也肯定有板块构造作用在活动。在角闪岩相的Aggeneys地体(图1)中,主要构造为向南倒转的褶  相似文献   
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