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时-空体模型的主要特征在于具有时空路径, 该模型被看作是研究时间-地理关系的开端。近年来,这一模型被不断应用和改进,通过它可以更好地理解空间运动过程。人们在不同的学科领域对该方法进行了不同的研究,包括从对单个  相似文献   
安全在任何数据库访问和数据传输应用里都是一个重要的问题,尤其是在Internet环境下。基于Web的地理空间数据的安全问题和地理空间数据这个整体一样,是GIS里相对未知的领  相似文献   
在这篇文章里,我研究了十九世纪世界贸易和殖民扩展中的新西兰农业发展,继而研究了导致农业出口依赖于世界贸易、技术和动力平衡所出现的经济过程。我调查了农业(1963—1984年)近期的竞争,以及转向调整和出现二十世纪经济和剩余农业的含意。  相似文献   
在过去几年里,分割的概念引起了人们的极大关注。其主要思想起源于地图数据研究,而且它的很多应用继续牵涉到空间现象。在对比例尺的答复、自相似和空间循环细分三个标题下,我们回顾了地理学与分割的关联。分割度大小为表现制图综合效果特性和评价以空间样本为预告对象所推出的数据表示提供了手段。分割表面自相似特性,使得它如同在地貌过程研究中开始的或不存在的假设景观一样有用。空间现象的广泛变化,据统计,在许多规模上被证明是自相似,使人想起了像地理范围那样的比例尺依存关系的重要性。在文章三分之一的篇幅里,循环细分被证明是导致用数字形式表示空间数据的新奇和有效方法,并成为空间组织常见模型的特征。我们断定,分割被作为考虑空间形式传统方法重要变化,同时,与其说是提供了空间现象新的和重要的规范与标准,倒不如说提供了以经验为根据的可证实模型。  相似文献   
温室效应引起全球增暖问题目前正受到科学家、工程技术人员、政治家和公众的广泛注意。最近的报告表明,对于全球增暖及其影响的确切性质尚不清楚(Schneider,1989)。然而,海岸带可能是一个关键而敏感的环境地带,全球增暖对海岸地貌会产生一系列后果。尽管到2100年全球海平面上升幅度的估计从56厘米到3.45米不等,但一般相差可能在44米和2.17米之间(Hoffman 等,1983:Titus,1987)。  相似文献   
通常,经济区划的任务包括以下几个主要阶段:1) 确定作为基础区的地域;2)按照基础区选择区划指标系统及其定量评价;3) 选择区域系统模式;4) 阐明课题建立算法,直接把基础区进行分类计算;5)解释已获得的结果,选出最好的区划方案和有关进一步改善工作方法的结论等等。基础区的范围视所要解决的任务性质而定。  相似文献   
McKenna SA  Wahi A 《Ground water》2006,44(5):723-731
Three measurements of head at unique locations form a three-point estimator of the local magnitude and orientation of the hydraulic gradient. The relative head measurement error (RHME) is defined here as the measurement error normalized by the head drop across the three-point estimator. Monte Carlo simulation results show that estimators with base to height ratios between 0.5 and 5.0 and that are large enough to keep the RHME below 0.05 create the most accurate gradient estimates and provide criteria for identifying good estimators. These criteria are applied to an example ground water monitoring network design problem in the Culebra dolomite near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant repository to both analyze temporal changes and modify and expand the current monitoring network. Limiting the three-point estimators to those that meet the shape and RHME criteria reduces the number of possible estimators by >50% and leads to approximately 1 order of magnitude decrease in the average estimated magnitude of the gradient relative to using all estimators. Application of these criteria also reduces the variability in estimated gradient magnitude and orientation between the two time periods of measurements. Redundant wells in the network are identified by removing each existing well in turn and determining which removals yield the smallest decrease in the number of acceptable estimators. Optimal new well locations are identified by mapping the increase in total number of acceptable estimators for a single new well placed in the study domain.  相似文献   
In this age of modern biology, aquatic toxicological research has pursued mechanisms of action of toxicants. This has provided potential tools for ecotoxicologic investigations. However, problems of biocomplexity and issues at higher levels of biological organization remain a challenge. In the 1980s and 1990s and continuing to a lesser extent today, organisms residing in highly contaminated field sites or exposed in the laboratory to calibrated concentrations of individual compounds were carefully analyzed for their responses to priority pollutants. Correlation of biochemical and structural analyses in cultured cells and tissues, as well as the in vivo exposures led to the production and application of biomarkers of exposure and effect and to our awareness of genotoxicity and its chronic manifestations, such as neoplasms, in wild fishes. To gain acceptance of these findings in the greater environmental toxicology community, “validation of the model” versus other, better-established often rodent models, was necessary and became a major focus. Resultant biomarkers were applied to heavily contaminated and reference field sites as part of effects assessment and with investigations following large-scale disasters such as oil spills or industrial accidents.

Over the past 15 years, in the laboratory, small aquarium fish models such as medaka (Oryzias latipes), zebrafish (Danio rerio), platyfish (Xiphophorus species), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), and sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) were increasingly used establishing mechanisms of toxicants. Today, the same organisms provide reliable information at higher levels of biological organization relevant to ecotoxicology. We review studies resolving mechanisms of toxicity and discuss ways to address biocomplexity, mixtures of contaminants, and the need to relate individual level responses to populations and communities.  相似文献   

Variation in glycogen concentration, condition index (CI) and filtration activity were measured in the bivalve Macoma balthica buried in sediment and experimentally exposed to cadmium (Cd). The stress due to elevated but sub-lethal concentrations (300 ppb Cd) affected the overall fitness of the organism as all parameters monitored responded significantly. Lower concentrations tested (10, 30 and 100 ppb) only induced a significant decrease in filtration activity, which may play a protective role, enabling the organism to slow down its metabolic activity and preserving the integrity of its reserves (reflected by stable CI and glycogen levels). Hence, the various endpoints selected show different thresholds. Our results also demonstrate that under high exposure, small individuals loose proportionally more glycogen per unit of weight than larger ones, thus confirming the higher sensitivity of small individuals to metal contamination. Furthermore, exposure to intermediate concentration (30 ppb) seems to be beneficial to the small individuals as indicated by their high CI values compared to the control. These results showed thus that non-sigmoidal concentration-response relationship and sizes of individuals should be considered in monitoring programmes and risk assessment.  相似文献   
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