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Norbert I. K 《冰川冻土》2004,26(Z1):310-318
The exploration of ice sheets by melting vertical holes into the ground has some tradition in terrestrial glaciology. Such probes have been used since the 1960's to investigate the vertical structure of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica and in alpine glaciers. In this paper we look into the possibility to develop similar devices for use on extraterrestrial icy bodies, like e.g. the polar areas on Mars or the icy satellites of the outer solar system. We report on some basic experiments performed in the cryo-vacuum laboratory of the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz. In these experiments the penetration of a simple melting probe into compact and porous water ice (with a snow-like texture) was monitored, both under vacuum conditions and under air pressure. The observed penetration speeds for a given power supply are compared with a simple mathematical model. We conclude that a miniature melting probe with small overall dimensions and a reasonable power demand could well be part of the payload of a future planetary mission, for example to the poles of Mars. Such missions are currently under discussion in several space agencies. Moreover such probes could also e? ectively be used in terrestrial environments. A possible design is presented at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
从1985年到2000年间,中国及其邻近地区大约10%的地震事件属于重复性地震事件,并且彼此间不超过1km。我们对约14000个地震和爆炸的地震图做互相关,计算了相对到时约0.01 s,并使横向定位精度达到了100m~300m。这样的精度对于地震危险性研究、地震物理、禁止核试验的核查都非常重要。通过对已有的资料重复性信号的识别和测量,提高了定位精度,改进了在读取初至到时和定位方面目前程序的不精确性。  相似文献   
业已证实,发生在地壳中的地震能够’触发后续地震,但对于更深的地震这种触发机制是否存在还未见文献说明。浅断层相互作用的模型表明,静态(永久)应力变化能够触发附近的地震,一般在距原发地震几个断层长度的范围内(King et al,1994;Harris,1998;Stein,1993)。而由地震波携带的动态(瞬态)应力既可以触发附近的地震,也可以触发远震(Hill et al,1993;Harris and Day,1993;Belardinelli et al,1999;Kilb et al,2000;Gomberg et al,1997)。本文中,我们对2002年8月19日发生在汤加的深源地震序列做了深入的分析,并给出静态触发作用和动态触发作用的证据。一次深度为598km的7.6级地震发生后7min,在相距300km的以前无震区发生了一次7.7级的地震(深度664km)。我们发现在第一个主震后,附近的余震往往集中在主震引发的静态应力升高的地区。但是第二次主震和其他的被触发的地震发生在距离第一次地震很远的地方,在那里静态应力的增加可以忽略不计,因此这表明是动态应力触发机制在起作用。被触发地震的发震时间同主震的主要地震波到时并不对应,并且这种动态触发的地震通常发生在地震区下面或附近的无震区。我们认为这些地震是在接近临界状态的地区由瞬变效应触发的,而在这些地区,如果没有外部影响,地震起始非常困难。  相似文献   
新近的测量、统计分析和模型都支持大地震可以在出人意料的大距离和时间尺度上触发后续火山喷发的猜想。  相似文献   
地震引起的地壳形变和地面振动可通过地表沉积层的固结、固体岩石的破裂、含水层的变形以及裂隙填充物的清除改变河流和井水位。虽然局部条件会影响反应的类型和幅度,但报道水文对地震反应的观测报告说明,出现河流和井水位变化的最大距离与地震震级有关。地震引起的河流变化可在距震中几十到数百千米的区域内观察到,而井水位的变化可在距震中几百至几千千米的区域内出现。  相似文献   
大地震前观测到前震,以及认为前震具有特殊的性质使得它们能够同其他地震区别开来,所有这些增加了地震是可以预报的希望。所提出的异常属性包括:震级较大的前震相对于震级较小的前震占有比正常值更高的比例;以到主震的时间为参数,地震活动速率以幂律加速;将许多地震序列进行平均时,前震在空间上向主震迁移。使用南加利福尼亚的地震活动性数据,我们证明了这些性质以及其他性质都可由一简单模型得到,这一模型认为,不管前震、余震和主震,任何一个地震都能触发其他地震。我们发现前震的前兆性质同主震的大小无关。这意味着:由于根据过去的地震活动性并考虑触发的级联作用,地震活动速率是可以预报的,因此地震(无论大震还是小震)也是可以预报的。触发的级联作用很自然地产生了大范围、长时间的交互作用,这可以用来解释在非常大尺度范围内观测到的地震活动性相关现象。  相似文献   
基于OHP计划研制了几种类型的海底地震观测系统。本文将介绍这些观测系统,研制的关键是使这个宽频带系统能够长期使用,并且轻便、稳定和耐用。  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted in a laboratory flume to measure the two-dimensional turbulent flow field in the scoured zone of channel contractions under a clear-water scour condition. The Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used to detect the flow field at different vertical lines along the centerline of uncontracted (main channel) and contracted zones of the channel. The distributions of time-averaged velocity components, turbulent intensity, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses are presented in nondimensional graphical form. The bed shear stresses are computed from the measured Reynolds stresses being in threshold condition within the zone of contraction where bed was scoured. The data presented in this paper would be useful to the investigators for the development of kinematic flow model and morphological model of scour at a channel or river contraction.  相似文献   
Dr.ChengLIU   《国际泥沙研究》2004,19(4):319-320
The Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation (9^th ISRS) has been successfully held on Oct. 18 to 21, 2004 at the site of the partially completed Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River near Yichang of Hubei Province, China. The Symposium is organized by the Ministry of Water Resources,  相似文献   
The World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research, the name of which has been abbreviated to WASER, was inaugurated on 19 Oct. 2004 during the 9^th International Symposium on River Sedimentation in Yichang, China. Dr. Des Walling, the President of the new Association,  相似文献   
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