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Summary Early Proterozoic ultrapotassic dikes, lava flows, and pyroclastic rocks of the Christopher Island Formation (CIF) erupted throughout an area 600 × 300 km within the Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield at 1.84 Ga. The rocks range from mafic lamprophyres (mg # 60; SiO2 47–54%, mean K2O/Na2O > 4) with phenocrysts of phlogopite + diopside + apatite ± olivine ± magnetite, to phenocryst-poor felsic rocks and sanidine porphyries (SiO255–69%). All samples have high incompatible element contents and display large depletions of high field strength elements relative to K, Rb, Sr, Ba, and Th. The CIF has geochemical and petrographic characteristics of both minettes and lamproites, but overall most closely resembles young Mediterranean lamproites. Felsic rocks of the CIF were produced by crystal fractionation and crustal contamination of mafic ultrapotassic magma, and include both high-silica lamproites strongly enriched in Zr, U, and Th, and weakly potassic to sodic rocks of trachytic composition. Flows and feeder dikes have relatively homogeneous Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 to –11) but highly variable ES., 1840 Ma (–40 to + 100); samples classified as lamproites have higher average Sr. Dike samples have highly variable present-day Pb isotope compositions, ranging from moderately to strongly nonradiogenic. Geochemical and isotopic data are consistent with contributions from depleted Archean lithospheric mantle, and OIB-type convecting mantle, both metasomatized by subduction-related processes during the Early Proterozoic. The lithospheric mantle probably contained Archean enriched domains as well. Proterozoic enrichment may have accompanied shallow underplating of subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath the Churchill Province during amalgamation of the Laurentian supercontinent. There are strong analogies in isotopic composition, and interpreted source region history, between the CIF and lamproites and minettes of the Wyoming Province and western Greenland, which suggest the existence of a Laurentian ultrapotassic superprovince.
Geochemie und Entstehung der Proterozoischen ultrapotassischen Gesteine der Churchill Provinz, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Altproterozoische, ultrapotassische Gänge, Lavaströme und pyroklastische Gesteine der Christopher Island Formation (CIF), eruptierten in einem Gebiet von 600 × 300 km in der Churchill Provinz des Kanadischen Schildes vor 1.84 Ga. Die Zusammensetzung dieser Gesteine variiert von mafischen Lamprophyren (mg > 60; SiO2 = 47–54%, durchschnittliches K2O/Na2O > 4) mit Phänokristallent von Phlogopit + Diopsid + Apatit + Olivin + Magnetit, bis zu phänokristallarmen felsischen Gesteinen und Sanidinporphyren (SiO2 = 55–69%). Alle Proben zeigen hohe Gehalte an inkompatiblen Elementen und zeigen beträchtliche Verarmung an high field strength Elementen relativ zu K, Rb, Sr, Ba und Th. Die CIF hat geochemische und petrographische Eigenschaften sowohl von Minetten wie von Lamproiten, aber im allgemeinen ähnelt sie am stärksten jungen mediterranen Lamproiten. Felsische Gesteine der CIF wurden durch Fraktionierung und Krustenkontamination aus mafischen ultrapotassischen Magmen gebildet. Letztere umfassen sowohl siliziumreiche Lamproite, die deutlich an Zr, U und Th angereichert sind und schwach potassische bis sodische Gesteine von trachytischer Zusammensetzung. Lavenergüsse und zufuhrgänge zeigent ein relativ homogenes Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 bis –11) aber ein sehr variables Sr, 1840 Ma (-40 bis + 100); Proben die als Lamproite klassifiziert wurden, zeigent höhere durchschnittliche Sr-Werte. Proben von Gängen haben sehr variable Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzungen, die von mäßig bis stark nichtradiogen variieren. Geochemische und Isotopendaten weisen auf Beiträge aus verarmtem archaischen lithosphärischen Mantel und aus konvektierendem OIB-Typ Mantel hin, die beide während des Alproterozoikums durch Subduktions-Vorgänge metasomatisiert wurden. Der lithosphärische Mantel enthielt wahrscheinlich auch angereicherte archaische Domänen. Proterozoische Anreicherungsvorgänge dürften seichtes Underplating subduzierter ozeanischer Lithosphäre unter der Churchill Provinz während der Amalgamation des laurentischen Superkontinentes begleitet haben. Es gibt starke Analogien in der Isotopenzusammensetzung und in der interpretierten Geschichte der Ursprungsregion, zwischen den CIF und Lamproiten und Minetten der Wyoming Provinz, und des westlichen Grönland. Diese weisen auf die Existenz einer laurentischen ultrapotassischen Superprovinz hin.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Exact solutions have been obtained for a massive fluid sphere under the extreme causality condition (dP/dρ)=1. Radial pulsational stability of these structures has been discussed. It is found that for pulsationally stable configurations the surface to central density ratio is greater than 0.30, the maximum values for surface and central redshifts are 0.85 and 3.40 respectively in the extreme case, and the maximum mass and size are respectively 4.8M and 20.1 km. It has also been shown that these structures are gravitationally bound, with a maximum binding energy per unit rest mass equal to 0.25 for a surface to central density ratio ?0.40. Slow rotation of these configurations has also been considered, and the relative drag and moment of inertia have been calculated. These results have been applied to the Crab pulsar and the mass of the pulsar has also been calculated based upon this model.  相似文献   
Cairo region is characterized by a range of physiographic features, including: flat agricultural lands, bare sandy deserts, highlands, calcareous terrains and urban land use. A time series data-set (300 images) acquired from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer for the period July 2002–June 2015 were utilized to retrieve the spatial variations in the mean land surface temperature (LST) for the above-mentioned surface features. Results showed that vegetation, topography and surface albedo have negative correlations with LST. Vegetation/LST correlation has the maximum regression coefficient (R2 = 0.68) and albedo/LST has the minimum (R2 = 0.03). Cultivated lands reveal the lowest mean LST (<32 °C), whereas industrial lands exhibit the highest LST (>40 °C) of Cairo region. There is a considerable urban heat island formed at Helwan south of Cairo, where heavy industries are settled. Industrial activities raised the mean LST of the region by at least 4 °C than the surrounding urban lands.  相似文献   
A high-resolution three-dimensional model of the Clyde Sea and the adjacent North Channel of the Irish Sea is used to compute the major diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the region, the associated energy fluxes and thickness of the bottom boundary layer. Initially, the accuracy of the model is assessed by performing a detailed comparison of computed tidal elevations and currents in the region, against an extensive database that exists for the M2, S2, N2, K1 and O1 tides. Subsequently, the model is used to compute the tidal energy flux vectors in the region. These show that the major energy flux is confined to the North Channel region, with little energy flux into the Clyde Sea. Comparison with the observed energy flux in the North Channel shows that its across-channel distribution and its magnitude are particularly sensitive to the phase difference between elevation and current. Consequently, small changes in the computed values of these parameters due to slight changes of the order of the uncertainty in the open-boundary values to the model, can significantly influence the computed energy flux. The thickness of the bottom boundary layer in the region is computed using a number of formulations. Depending upon the definition adopted, the empirical coefficient C used to determine its thickness varies over the range 0.1 to 0.3, in good agreement with values found in the literature. In the North Channel, the boundary layer thickness occupies the whole water depth, and hence tidal turbulence produced at the sea bed keeps the region well mixed. In the Clyde Sea, the boundary layer thickness is a small fraction of the depth, and hence the region stratifies.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   
Abstract This paper discusses the Cretaceous-Tertiary magnetic polarity sequence of the the Hengyang Basin on the basis of magnetostratigraphic study. The age of each stratigraphic unit has been determined with the magnetic polarity time scale combined with <sup>39</sup>Ar/<sup>40</sup>Ar dating, thus providing evidence for determining the geological ages of different formations. The authors assign the age of the Dongjing Formation of the Hengyang Basin to Early Cretaceous, the Shenhuangshan Formation to Early-Late Cretaceous, the Daijiaping Formation to Late Cretaceous, and the Dongtang and Xialiushi formations to Palaeocene.  相似文献   
The landform evolution of the Klutlan moraines is described and explained primarily with respect to processes that cause voids in which debris is deposited. Morainal deposits of different ages provide examples of landforms at different stages of development, so that continuous ideal evolutionary sequences can be inferred. Specific features are classified as those on material of the same depositional age that develop mostly in a vertical direction with numerous topographic reversals, and those cross-cutting materials of different depositional age that develop primarily in a horizontal direction. The evolution of slopes is often terminated by their destruction as the underlying ice melts, but former slopes on morainal debris are traceable to ice-ridge slopes on the original glacier surface. The general process of evolution is one of downwasting by surficial icemelt, in which a grand topographic reversal takes place as the original ice mass with a gently convex surface melts to leave a basin floored by a concave mantle of morainal debris. The primary glacial process of melting differs from the primary karst process of solution, but many minor glacial processes and major glacial forms are similar to minor karst processes and major karst forms.  相似文献   
The Wonaminta Block is bounded on its eastern and western margins by Lower Cambrian or upper Vendian intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. The extrusive rocks include pillow lavas. Low‐grade metamorphism has not influenced the distribution of P2O3, Zr, Y, and Nb, but remobilization of Ti has occurred in rocks containing Ti within the oxide phases rather than in the silicate phases. Immobile trace‐element discrimination techniques indicate that the basalts on the western margin of the Wonaminta Block are alkaline whereas those on the eastern margin are tholeiitic. The possibility that these rocks represent petrological variants across an arc system is discussed.  相似文献   
The relationships of population and forest trends   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relationship between national trends in forest area and population is reviewed at the global scale. Evidence of an inverse relationship is confirmed. The relationship, however, may have weakened in recent decades, and it has clearly undergone a reversal in some countries during the nineteenth to twentieth centuries. The theme of a changing relationship through time is thus developed, as is that of an asymmetrical relationship in the sense that the forest area is likely to stabilize before population. On the basis of modelling from the current demographic relationship, the global forest area should stabilize before the middle of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
Studies in intra-continental and intra-oceanic shear zones reveal structures that may be developed during the formation of a sheared passive continental margin.During the intra-continental shear stage of margin development, rapid vertical movement of the crust may occur resulting in small, tectonically-active basins containing thick sedimentary sequences. At deeper levels in the continental crust, more plastic deformation may lead to a zone of strongly sheared rocks that widens downwards. The tectonic fabric in this zone may exert some control over the subsequent development of the continent-ocean transition under the influence of regional stresses.The thermal event related to asthenosphere upwelling at sheared margins is a transient one and thus of less effect than the event on rifted margins. Nevertheless, following the event the cooling and contraction of oceanic crust against the continent may throw the oceanic crust into tension and lead to normal, block faulting in the oceanic regions analogous to the faulting seen in oceanic fracture zones. The subsidence of oceanic crust as it ages at the margin will either drag down the adjacent continental crust or, more likely, cause the oceanic crust to slip down by normal faulting along the continent-ocean boundary. The kinds of compressional features observed in oceanic fracture zones may also occur at sheared margins.  相似文献   
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