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On the basis of the complex of geological features, the eastern flank of the Salla-Pana-Kuolajarvi belt is a prospect structure for gold mineralization in the U-bearing albitites and related acid and mafic metasomatites. Visible tellurides and selenides, which are typical of gold deposits of the Fe-Co-Au-U group in the adjacent territory of Finland within the Salla-Pana-Kuolajarvi belt, were found in the Ozerny occurrence as a result of studies. Native gold is found in association with tellurides. Molybdenite from the occurrence has a high Re content up to 0.3%.  相似文献   
An optimization scheme is considered of the method of instrumental determination of soil moisture used within the Roshydromet system. The scheme enables to reduce the volume of instrumental operations by 2.5–3 times using the empirical statistical dependences between the water content in different layers of the soil profile. Efficiency of the filtration of outliers in the data sample is studied on the basis of the analysis of regression residuals when deriving the regression equations.  相似文献   
A sediment core from a high-elevation bog on Maui in the Hawaiian Islands contains evidence for drier conditions between 9.4–5.8 kyr BP, followed by a wetter interval between 5.8–2.2 kyr BP, and a variable late Holocene. These precipitation changes may be a reflection of vertical displacements of the upper boundary of the mid-Pacific Trade Wind Inversion (TWI) cloud layer. Fires, probably volcanically ignited, occurred in the forests prior to human arrival. Polynesian activity in this high-elevation, remote site was apparently limited, with no pollen, charcoal, or sedimentological evidence for local anthropogenic disturbance. After European contact, grass fires increased and introduced plant species invaded the site. Values for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in sediments throughout the Holocene indicate low trace-metal deposition from atmospheric particulates at the site, even in the twentieth century.This paper is one of a series of papers guest edited by Dr. Mark Brenner on tropical paleolimnology  相似文献   
In certain areas of the Namib gravel plains a new Ariadna sp. was discovered. It rims its vertical burrow with a stone circle, made on average of seven quartz stones. Some mathematical relationships between hole diameter, stone sizes and weight, and animal size were studied. A correlation was found, and stone selection by this spider postulated. Different hypotheses on the adaptive value of stone circle are suggested.  相似文献   
Droughts have become widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, including in China, where they have affected farmland resources on the Loess Plateau. Given this background, we proposed a new index, the Normalized Day-Night Surface Temperature Index (NTDI), to estimate moisture availability (ma), defined as the ratio of actual to reference evapotranspiration. The NTDI is defined as the ratio of the difference between the maximum daytime surface temperature and the minimum nighttime surface temperature, to the difference between the maximum and minimum surface temperatures estimated from meteorological data by applying energy balance equations.To calculate the index, we used data of 20 clear-sky meteorological observations made during the 2005 growing season at a natural grassland station in the Liudaogou River basin on the Loess Plateau. The NTDI showed a significant inverse exponential correlation with ma (R2 = 0.97, p < 0.001), whereas the numerator of the index (the maximum daytime surface temperature minus the minimum nighttime surface temperature) was only weakly correlated with ma (R2 = 0.24, p = 0.03). This result indicates that normalization relative to the index denominator (maximum surface temperature − minimum surface temperature) dramatically improved the accuracy of the estimate.  相似文献   
Summary The effect on extinction of isothermal distillation, shrinking of the droplets by evaporation without recondensation of the liberated water vapour, coagulation and differential settling of the fog droplets which take place in the fog of a photo-electric nucleus counter and which can produce a small additional extinction («creep») in the first seconds after its formation, were numerically examined. The relative contribution of each process to the total creep observed is assessed. It is found that isothermal distillation can produce amounts of creep (up to 1.70%) which exceed considerably those caused by evaporation or coagulation. The results of these computations explain the occurrence of creep with concentrations greater than approx. 25 000 nuclei/cm3 in fog-tubes of 3.85 cm air-column diameter.That the disappearance of creep in fog-tubes of diameters 2.5 cm and less is due to the accelerated heat-flow from the walls of the narrow fog-tube was previously proved by reducing appropriately the diameter of the light pencil through the fog. In order to meet the objection that by restricting the cross section of the light pencil the fine structure of the fog comes into play, the increase in the travel time of the heat from the walls was achieved this time by using a photo-electric counter with a fog-tube of 8 cm diameter and a light beam of 2.8 cm diameter as in the «Standard Counter 1946». As expected, creep was found in every single measurement up to readings of 53%. Typical examples of the galvanometer pointer-movement and photographic records of the extinction during fog formation in such a wide fog-tube for readings between approx. 10 and 76% are given and their peculiarities discussed.The extinction over the range from 175 000 to 20 000 nuclei/cm3 was also measured with a red and a blue monochromatic interference filter and the results contrasted against the computed extinctions for these two wave lengths. It was ascertained that for the same number of nuclei the extinction for red light is in general larger than that for blue; the difference between the observed extinctions varies considerably, becoming zero or even negative. The most striking feature, however, is the different course of the extinction for the two wave lengths as a function of the number or size of the droplets.The size of the fog droplets in the counter was deduced from the extinction measurements for these two wave lengths and by collecting the falling droplets on coated slides. The radius of the droplets obtained by the optical method varies from 1.81 to 3.19 when the extinction decreases from 86 to 56%. The radius of the droplets as deduced from gelatine coated slides dyed with Naphtol Green B increases from 1.44 at 67.4% extinction (42 400 nuclei/cm3) to 6.30 at 15.6% (858 nuclei/cm3).
Zusammenfassung Der Einflus der isothermalen Destillation, des Einschrumpfens der Tröpfchen durch Verdunstung ohne Wiederkondensation des freiwerdenden Wasserdampfes, des Zusammenfliessens und Absetzens der Nebeltröpfchen auf die Extinktion, welche im Nebel des photo-elektrischen Kernzählers stattfinden und die in den ersten Sekunden nach seiner Bildung eine kleine zusätzliche Extinktion (im folgenden Kriechen genannt) erzeugen können, wurde numerisch geprüft. Der entsprechende Beitrag jedes einzelnen der oben genannten Prozesse zum Gesamtbetrag des beobachteten Kriechens wurde abgeschätzt. Es wurde gefunden, dass isothermale Destillation zusätzliche Extinktions-Beträge (bis zu 1.70%) erzeugen kann, welche jene durch Verdunstung oder Zusammenfliessen der Tröpfchen verursachten, beträchtlich übersteigen. Die Resultate dieser Berechnungen erklären das Auftreten des Kriechens bei Konzentrationen grösser als ca. 25 000 Kerne per cm3 in Nebelrohren von 3.85 cm Luftsäulen-Durchmesser.Dass das Verschwinden des Kriechens in Nebelrohren mit einem Durchmesser von 2.5 cm und weniger dem beschleunigten Wärmefluss von den Wänden des engen Nebelrohres zuzuschreiben ist, wurde früher durch eine entsprechende Verengung des Lichtbündels, welches zur Durchleuchtung des Nebels verwendet wird, bewiesen. Um dem Einwand zu begegnen, dass bei so starker Verkleinerung des Querschnittes des Lichtbündels, wie sie benützt wurde, schon die Feinstruktur des Nebels eine Rolle spielt, wurde diesmal die Verlängerung der Laufzeit der Wärme von den Wänden durch Erweiterung des Nebelrohres auf 8 cm Durchmesser erzielt, während der Durchmesser des Lichtbündels mit 2.8 cm — wie im «Standard photo-elektrischen Kernzähler 1946» — unverändert belassen wurde. Entsprechend den Erwartungen wurde bei jeder einzelnen Messung bis zu Lesungen von 53% Kriechen festgestellt. Typische Beispiele der Bewegung des Galvanometer-Zeigers und photographische Aufzeichnungen der Extinktion während der Nebelbildung in einem solchen weiten Nebelrohr werden für Lesungen zsischen ca. 10 und 76% gegeben und ihre Eigentümlichkeiten besprochen.Die Extinktion für Konzentrationen zwischen 175 000 und 20 000 Kernen per cm3 wurde auch mit einem roten und blauen Interferenz-Filter gemessen und die Resultate den für diese zwei Wellenlängen berechneten Extinktionen gegenübergestellt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass bei der gleichen Kernzahl die Extinktion für rotes Licht im allgemeinen grösser ist als jene für blaues; die Differenz zwischen den beobachteten Extinktionen schwankt beträchtlich, wird null oder sogar negativ. Am auffallendsten ist jedoch der verschiedene Verlauf der Extinktion für die zwei Wellenlängen als Funktion der Zahl oder Grösse der Tröpfchen.Die Grösse der Nebeltröpfchen im Nebelrohr des photo-elektrischen Kernzählers wurde aus den Extinktions-Messungen in diesen zwei Wellenlängen und durch Auffangen der fallenden Tröpfchen auf Mikroskop-Objektträgern und Deckgläsern, welche mit gefärbter Gelatine überzogen waren, bestimmt. Der Radius der Tröpfchen, welcher mittels der optischen Methode ermittelt wurde, liegt zwischen 1.81 und 3.19 , wenn die Extinktion von 86 auf 56% abnimmt.Der Tröpfchenradius, wie er aus den Flecken auf den Mikroskopgläschen, deren Gelatineüberzug mit Naphtol Grün B eingefärbt war, bestimmt wurde, wächst von 1.44 bei 67.4% Extinktion (42 400 Kerne per cm3) auf 6.30 bei 15.6% (858 Kerne per cm3).

The research reported in this article has been sponsored and supported in part by the Geophysics Research Directorate of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Air Research and Development Command, United States Air Force, under Contract AF 61(052)-26, through the European Office, ARDC in Brussels.  相似文献   
Manufactured and tested in his work is a photoelectric device that makes it possible to automatically determine the relative angular position of the beam of a miniature torsion balance, angular readings being discretized with various time step values and stored in a computer. Measurements were taken with this device that captured the occurrence of the partial solar eclipse on September 11, 2007, and confirmed the fact, established previously through visual observation, that the position of torsion balance beams changed at the instant an eclipse took place.  相似文献   
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