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本文分析了2001年2月和3月期间Cluster Ⅱ穿越磁层顶前后的观测资料,检测到13个通量传输事件(FTEs).用多颗卫星磁场测量资料的最小方差分析(MVAB)方法确定FTE的管轴方向(其中6个方向较可靠).FTE管轴方向的分布和低纬处不同,在磁顶法线坐标系LMN中对M轴有较大偏离,比较靠近L轴.deHoffmann-Teller(HT)分析指出,13个FTEs都存在一个很好的HT参考系,表明它们以一个准稳的MHD结构运动.对垂直于管轴方向的运动分析表明FTEs并不一定和背景等离子体一起对流,它们可快于或慢于背景流,但FTEs的运动和背景流基本沿相同方向,其间可有一不大的夹角.在HT坐标系中,10个FTEs的等离子体速度接近零, 其他3个FTEs的等离子体速度约为局地Alfven波速的14%,都不符合Walen关系.其中北半球事件的Walen曲线为正斜率,南半球事件为负斜率,这说明等离子体沿磁力线(北半球顺着磁场,南半球逆着磁场)流向磁层.  相似文献   
加州1992年兰德斯7.3级地震和1999年赫克托矿7.1级地震的接近和相似允许人们对触发地震的假设进行检验,而这在以前是不可能的。赫克托矿地震证实了对兰德斯地震所提出的推断:瞬时、振荡的“动态”形变以地震波的形式辐射,能触发地震活动速率的增加(Hill,et al,1993;Anderson,et al,1994;Gomberg and Bodin,1994;Spudich,et al,1995;Gomberg,1996;Gomberg and Davis,1996)。在本文中,我们对地震活动速率的空间和时间变化(Matthews and Reasenberg,1988)进行了量化。在兰德斯地震的北部地震活动速率增加,而对赫克托矿地震这种增加主要发生在震中以南。我们认为破裂方向性分别使兰德斯和赫克托矿断层的北方和南方动态形变提高,这可以由地震波速度场的不对称性得到证明。对于触发作用,动态和静态应力变化都很重要,距离较远处动态应力变化起主要作用。峰值波速证明了动态触发闽值的存在,并约束了动态触发闽值的范围。在大多数地区,这个阈值依赖当地的条件,从零点几到几MPa变化,超过静态闽值一个量级以上。在某些地点触发过程直到动态形变平息了之后才开始。这些观测现象的物理机制可能与导致液化和循环疲劳的机理相似。  相似文献   
阿尔泰山东缘主要活动断裂影像特征分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
文中采用遥感资料,对阿尔泰山东缘的主要活动断裂———科布多(Hovd)断裂与哈尔乌苏湖(Har-Nuur)断裂进行研究,从地貌特征上对断裂进行详细分析,揭示其几何学和运动学特征。初步研究表明阿尔泰山东缘的活动断裂规模、滑动速率和强地震活动并不弱于其西南缘。其中科布多断裂走向NNW,右旋走滑,长约600km,中更新世(Q2p)以来最大水系右旋位错约9.0km,滑动速率可达3.8~12.3mm/a,平均滑动速率约7.8mm/a;哈尔乌苏湖断裂走向NNW,右旋走滑,长约480km,全新世以来活动性明显增强,第四纪洪积扇上发现有最新的断裂迹象。阿尔泰山东缘的新构造运动与强地震活动,除了与印度-欧亚板块碰撞作用有关外,可能还与局部地区的动力学过程有关  相似文献   
Three species of sea turtles (green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles) stranded along the coasts or caught (by-catch) around Ishigaki Island and Kochi, Japan were collected between 1998 and 2006 and analyzed for six organohalogen compounds viz., PBDEs, PCBs, DDTs, CHLs, HCHs and HCB. The present study is the first and foremost to report the occurrence of organohalogen compounds in the sea turtles from Japan. Among the compounds analyzed, concentrations of PCBs, DDTs and CHLs were the highest in all the turtle samples. PBDEs were ubiquitously present in all the turtle species. Comparing with the other two species, concentrations of organohalogens in green turtle were relatively low and decreasing trend in the concentrations were noted with increasing carapace length. Concentrations of OCs in sea turtles from the coasts of Ishigaki Island and Kochi were relatively low as compared to those from other locations in the world.  相似文献   
Changes in quantities of water, sodium, potassium, lipid and protein were compared in developing eggs and yolk-sac larvae of herring dupes harengus L., a species with demersal eggs, and plaice Pleuroncctcs platessa L., a species with pelagic eggs. The principal difference between the two species was the occurrence in herring, but not in plaice of considerable increases in water content and in one or both of the above ions at three distinct stages: at fertilization,during the middle stage of egg development, and in the days immediately after hatching. Newly hatched larvae of the two species differed greatly in water content because of the difference in mass and water content of the yolk, not in the water content of the rest of the body. In herring, there were increases in sodium and potassium which coincided broadly with the increase in water content. These differences are related to the gradual acquisition of buoyancy by herring during this period, comparable with the buoyancy conferred on plaice eggs a  相似文献   
Marine protected areas (MPAs) could be useful as fisheries management tools for the exportation of pelagic eggs, larvae and adult fish. A decreasing gradient of fish biomass across MPAs boundary may indicate export. We determine whether gradients of decreasing biomass of fish assemblage occurred in Tabarca Marine Reserve over two habitats with different continuity across the boundaries, to test if the patchy nature of the marine environment might act as a barrier for the fish export. In general, significant decreasing gradients in total fish biomass and biomass of some species were observed on P. oceanica and rocky substrates, independently of their different continuity through the reserve boundaries. Changes in the multivariate structure of the fish assemblage were correlated with the distance from integral reserve. All of these results support the hypothesis that the exportation of adult fish from Tabarca Marine Reserve occurs, and this process may influence the surrounding fished areas.  相似文献   
Determination of hydraulic head, H, as a function of spatial coordinates and time, in ground water flow is the basis for aquifer management and for prediction of contaminant transport. Several computer codes are available for this purpose. Spatial distribution of the transmissivity, T(x,y), is a required input to these codes. In most aquifers, T varies in an erratic manner, and it can be characterized statistically in terms of a few moments: the expected value, the variance, and the variogram. Knowledge of these moments, combined with a few measurements, permits one to estimate T at any point using geostatistical methods. In a review of transmissivity data from 19 unconsolidated aquifers, Hoeksema and Kitanidis (1985) identified two types of the logtransmissivity Y= ln(T) variations: correlated variations with variance sigma2Yc and correlation scale, I(Y), on the order of kilometers, and uncorrelated variations with variance sigma2Yn. Direct identification of the logtransmissivity variogram, Gamma(Y), from measurements is difficult because T data are generally scarce. However, many head measurements are commonly available. The aim of the paper is to introduce a methodology to identify the transmissivity variogram parameters (sigma2Yc, I(Y), and sigma2Yn) using head data in formations characterized by large logtransmissivity variance. The identification methodology uses a combination of precise numerical simulations (carried out using analytic element method) and a theoretical model. The main objective is to demonstrate the application of the methodology to a regional ground water flow in Eagle Valley basin in west-central Nevada for which abundant transmissivity and head measurements are available.  相似文献   
暴雨预报中Q矢量的业务分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.前言美国国家气象中心(NMC)气象业务处(MOD)的气象工作者,现在在他们的工作中拥有比以往更多的产品。随着NMC于1986年7月引进VAS资料应用中心(VDUC)的资料(Mostek和Siebers,1987),大量的卫星资料常规资料以及数值模式资料可以在业务预报中应用。最近NMC的工作集中在获取和显示VDUC模式预报场上(Siebers等人,1988年),由业务模式产生的任何场都可以被获取或被显示。例如对于嵌套网格模式  相似文献   
玛克苏托夫 (Maksyutov)榴辉岩是乌拉尔—昆仑—祁连—秦岭—大别山元古代褶皱带之一部分。榴辉岩呈团块或布丁夹于片麻岩内 ,由于显生宙与花岗岩侵入有关的退变质叠加影响 ,时代变化自元古代至下古生代。榴辉岩矿物组分恒定但不同程度受绿帘蓝片岩相退变质叠加 ,榴辉岩中石榴石以富铁为主 (f=50 %~ 75% ) ;单斜辉石为绿辉石 Jd40 .3~ 52 .2。据 Krogh石榴子石—单斜辉石温度计 ,榴辉岩形成温度为 1 0 60~ 686℃ ,压力为 2 2 .3× 1 0 5~ 1 4.1 6× 1 0 5k Pa;PT轨迹具岩浆 (榴辉岩浆 )自上地幔向下地壳上侵的特点。  相似文献   
雁列走滑断层的重叠几何学已为人们所孰识。通过测量叠量和相邻断层之间的距离,标绘并互相对比了120多个例子,我们已经使这些观测值定量化。尽管有在的离散,然而资料显示的线性倾向证明重叠量的增加与相邻断层之间的距离成比例,直到一个极限值。使用位移不连续的数值模拟,按照断层的相互作用,我们分析了这些值得注意的关系。结果表明,断层的相互作用事实上是一个对雁列走滑断层重叠几何形状有很大控制作用的重要因素。  相似文献   
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