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石炭系风化壳是准噶尔盆地火山岩油气储集层的主要类型,物性明显好于同时代原生型火山岩。通过对陆梁隆起滴西地区的铸体薄片与岩心观测,发现风化淋滤对火山岩储集性能的改造主要体现在孔隙上,对裂缝的改造作用不明显。由于火山岩形成的构造环境与古地貌存在差异,不同的海拔高度决定了其接受风化时间的长短。准噶尔盆地内石炭系不整合上覆地层时代存在明显差异,下二叠统至白垩系均有分布。最长风化时长在东部隆起约为150Ma,在陆梁隆起约为100Ma,在西部隆起约为55Ma;而3处隆起最少则仅缺失部分上石炭统-下二叠统。风化时长的长短与火山岩孔隙度的大小呈近波峰状对应关系,火山岩孔隙度初始随风化时长的增大(至约30Ma)逐渐增大,在到达峰值(对应风化时长约40Ma)后随时长的增大(55~100Ma)逐渐减小。最大的孔隙度均出现在火山角砾岩和玄武岩中,安山岩的孔隙度次之,而凝灰岩的孔隙度最小。 相似文献
塔里木盆地塘古坳陷历经20余年勘探而成效甚微,在新的地震与钻井资料基础上,通过地层沉积对比、构造解析重新认识塘古坳陷的形成与演化,及其对勘探方向的指示研究,结果表明:1)塘古地区存在基底古隆起,寒武系自塔中向南逐渐减薄;2)本区钻揭中-下奥陶统碳酸盐岩地层连续,不存在寒武系—中奥陶统的台槽;3)上奥陶统良里塔格组沉积期在东西两侧发育巨厚的台地边缘相带,而坳陷区相变为盆地泥岩相;4)北东向冲断构造具有分层变形特点,断裂活动始于晚奥陶世早期,冲断推覆作用主要形成于奥陶纪末。结果揭示塘古坳陷经历4期构造关键演化期:1)寒武—中奥陶世与塔中连为一体的碳酸盐岩台地发育期;2)上奥陶统良里塔格组沉积期受控东南板缘俯冲与碰撞作用的台盆形成期;3)奥陶纪末强烈沉降的挤压挠曲盆地定型期;4)志留纪—泥盆纪的构造改造期。该结果为盆地构造古地理研究与深层油气评价提供了基础,并提出了勘探新方向。 相似文献
一系列的黑色岩系多金属矿床广泛分布于中国南方地区寒武系底部,前人对多金属矿特征、成因等方面进行许多研究,但对Mo-Ni、V、P和Ba矿的成矿顺序研究较少。本文对云南德泽、贵州纳雍-坝黄-天柱及湘西柑子坪等地区的寒武系底部黑色岩系多金属矿的成岩成矿环境、矿石矿物微观特征、成矿地球化学等方面研究,结合元素富集层出现先后可将寒武系底部成矿作用自下而上分为四个成矿序列:即磷矿成矿序列、重晶石矿成矿序列、钒矿成矿序列、镍钼矿序列。同时,根据岩石组合、矿物组合、含矿性等特征,将贵州境内Mo-Ni、V、P和Ba矿床划分为三个成矿区,即纳雍-遵义-福泉黔中镍钼成矿区、铜仁-镇远-岑巩黔东南钒(镍钼)成矿区、天柱-新晃重晶石成矿区。 相似文献
贵州二叠系茅口组顶部锰矿沉积特征及矿床成因研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过对遵义、纳雍营盘等地含锰岩系沉积特征及沉积地球化学特征研究,结果表明,锰矿体形态主要以层状、似层状、透镜状、脉状产出,具有角砾状构造、递变层理等,常夹硅质岩和凝灰岩,具有热水喷流沉积构造特征。锰矿层位于玄武岩之下,夹于茅口组灰岩顶部,说明锰矿成矿在玄武岩喷发之前。含锰岩系中的矿物组合有浸染状黄铜矿,黄铁矿,重晶石,天青石,菱锰矿、钙菱锰矿、锰方解石、黄铜矿、蓝铜矿、褐铁矿、绿泥石、石英及其他碳酸盐岩矿物等,这些矿物组合与热水沉积矿物组合类似。对含锰岩系进行微量元素、稀土元素、碳同位素分析测试表明,含锰岩系富集As、Co、Cu、Cr、Mo、Ni、Pb、U和V等元素,Fe/Ti、(Fe+Mn)/Ti及Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)比值,Fe-Mn-(Cu+Co+Ni)×10三角图解等均显示锰矿属于热水沉积成因。锰矿石碳同位素值δ~(13) C介于+4.17‰~-18.53‰,氧同位素δ~(18) O介于-6.98‰~-10.05‰显示,碳同位素组成具有热水沉积特征。含锰岩系稀土配分曲线与峨眉山玄武岩稀土配分曲线类似,表明锰矿成矿物质来源与峨眉地幔热柱密切相关。 相似文献
H.A. Wanas 《地学前缘(英文版)》2011,2(4):491-507
Lower Paleozoic rocks exposed in various regions of Egypt (south central Sinai, north Eastern Desert and southwest Western Desert), in addition to occurring in the subsurface such as north Western Desert and the Gulf of Suez. The Lower Paleozoic rocks in Egypt include surface and subsurface rock units of formational status. The surface rock units are the Taba, Araba and Naqus formations. The subsurface rock units include the Shifa, Kohla and Basur formations.
The Infracambrian Taba Formation has been discovered recently in the outcrops of the south eastern Sinai in the Taba-Ras El-Naqab area. It is missing and/or not recognized in the subsurface. The Taba Formation consists mainly of reddish brown, unfossiliferous gravelly fine-to medium-grained sandstones cemented by kaolinite and have subordinate beds of paleosols. The Cambrian Araba Formation and its subsurface equivalent (the Shifa Formation) are essentially composed of reddish brown, fine-grained laminated sandstone and siltstone with abundant Skolithos and Cruziana sp. In contrast, the Ordovician-Silurian Naqus Formation and its subsurface equivalents (Kohla Formation and Basur Formation) are mainly composed of white, unfossiliferous, cross-bedded, medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with haphazardly distributed pebbles and cobbles. Sedimentological analysis indicates that the Araba Formation and its equivalents were deposited in a marginal-marine environment, whereas the Naqus Formation and its equivalents were laid down in a fluvio-glacial environment.
Integrated stratigraphic and sedimentological studies of the Lower Paleozoic rocks permit reconstruction of the paleogeography of Egypt at that time. Egypt has been largely controlled since the Cambrian by the pre-existing structural framework of the pre-Phanerozoic basement rocks inherited from the Late Proterozoic Pan-African event. Additionally, sedimentation processes were controlled during Cambro-Ordovician times by tectonic movements, whereas glacio-eustatic control predominated during the Late Ordovician-Silurian Period. These studies suggest that most areas of Egypt were exposed lands with episodically transgression by epicontinental seas related to the paleo-Tethys. These lands formed a part of a stable subsiding shelf at the northern Gondwana margin. 相似文献
2008年5月12日在龙门山发生了8.0级特大地震,彭县-灌县断裂亦发生了同震地表破裂。在前期对龙门山活动构造研究的基础上,汶川特大地震发生后,在灾区进行了多次的野外调查和国际合作考察,重点对汶川地震的地表破裂和地质灾害开展了详细的详细野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量,研究了的地表破裂地貌错位、构造组合和运动学,已实地测得地表破裂数据70余组(其中彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂数据20余组)。文章以彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂为切入点,在彭县-灌县断裂的关键部位开展了详细的野外地貌测量,主要测量了彭州磁峰、白鹿、绵竹金花和汉旺等地的地表破裂,标定了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带的垂向断距和水平断距,结果表明该地表破裂南西起于彭州磁峰,向北东延伸经白鹿、绵竹金花至绵竹汉旺,全长约 40~50km。地表破裂带沿彭县-灌县断裂带的走向断续分布,单个破裂长度在几米到500余米不等,破裂带切割了多种类型的地貌单元,包括山脉基岩、河流阶地、冲洪积扇、公路、桥梁等,同时也使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位。其以脆性破裂为特征,以逆冲-右旋走滑为特点,断面倾角较陡,北西盘为上升盘,南东盘为下降盘,垂直位错介于 0.39~2.70m之间,水平位错介于 0.20~0.70m,平均垂直位错为1.6m,平均水平位错为0.6m; 地表最大错动量的地点位于彭州白鹿镇,其中最大垂直断错为 2.7±0.2m,最大水平断错为 0.7±0.2m。垂直位错与水平位错量之间的比值为2 ∶1,表明该地震地表破裂带不仅存在逆冲运动分量和右旋走滑运动分量,而且逆冲运动分量大于右旋走滑运动分量,显示了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带具有以逆冲和缩短作用为主、右旋走滑作用为辅的破裂性质。其与映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂相比较,该断裂的地表破裂程度远小于映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂程度,主要表现在地表破裂的长度较短,垂直位错和水平位错也相对较小,而且为以逆冲作用为主。初步研究结果表明,彭县-灌县断裂与映秀-北川断裂地表破裂的平面组合样式显示为两条在平面上近于平行的北东向地表破裂带,其间由一条南北向的次级地表破裂带(小鱼洞断裂)将它们相连结,地下破裂面的剖面组合样式显示为叠瓦状,并在汶川地震震源附近或震源的上方相连的,是同“根”的。 相似文献
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000595 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Mei-Fu Zhou Wei Terry Chen Christina Yan Wang Stephen A.Prevec Patricia Pingping Liu Geoffrey H.Howarth 《地学前缘(英文版)》2013,4(5):481-502
Magmatic oxide deposits in the~260 Ma Emeishan Large Igneous Province(ELIP),SW China and northern Vietnam,are important sources of Fe,Ti and V.Some giant magmatic Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits, such as the Panzhihua,Hongge,and Baima deposits,are well described in the literature and are hosted in layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Panxi region,the central ELIP.The same type of ELIP- related deposits also occur far to the south and include the Anyi deposit,about 130 km south of Panzhihua,and the Mianhuadi deposit in the Red River fault zone.The Anyi deposit is relatively small but is similarly hosted in a layered mafic intrusion.The Mianhuadi deposit has a zircon U-Pb age of~260 Ma and is thus contemporaneous with the ELIP.This deposit was variably metamorphosed during the Indosinian orogeny and Red River faulting.Compositionally,magnetite of the Mianhuadi deposit contains smaller amounts of Ti and V than that of the other deposits,possibly attributable to the later metamorphism.The distribution of the oxide ore deposits is not related to the domal structure of the ELIP.One major feature of all the oxide deposits in the ELIP is the spatial association of oxide-bearing gabbroic intrusions,syenitic plutons and high-Ti flood basalts.Thus,we propose that magmas from a mantle plume were emplaced into a shallow magma chamber where they were evolved into a field of liquid immiscibility to form two silicate liquids,one with an extremely Fe-Ti-rich gabbroic composition and the other syenitic.An immiscible Fe-Ti-(P) oxide melt may then separate from the mafic magmas to form oxide deposits.The parental magmas from which these deposits formed were likely Fe-Ti-rich picritic in composition and were derived from enriched asthenospheric mantle at a greater depth than the magmas that produced sulfide-bearing intrusions of the ELIP. 相似文献
内蒙古白银都西群变质火山岩的钕、锶同位素研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
白银都西群主要由斜长角闪岩、变粒岩、长英片岩和条带状混合岩组成,是白银都西-白乃庙地体的重要组成部分,主要分布在内蒙古白乃庙铜(金)矿床东北白银都西一带。长期以来,由于缺乏可信的同位素年龄数据,该套岩层的归属,构造性质和形成机理尚不清楚。笔者首次对白银都西群斜长角闪岩的Nd和Sr同位素组成进行了测定,所获Sm-Nd同位素等时年龄为1394±46Ma(23),Nd初始比值为0.511 243±8(23)和εNd(T)=+7.9±2.1(23)。~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr和~(87)Rb/~(86)Sr比值分别为0.705 79—0.709 12和0.17—0.34,两者之间不存在任何相关关系。结合野外地质证据和岩相学特征,我们认为:白银都西群基性火山活动发生在中元古代,成岩物质来自亏损地幔源,成岩以后构造变动和变质热液活动致使Rb-Sr同位素体系受到严重干扰破坏。 相似文献