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当2009年元旦来临之际,国务院总理温家宝来到了青岛,看望并慰问广大的干部群众,鼓励大家面对当前的经济困境要坚定信心,迎难而上,创造新业绩.温总理抓住了解决当前中国应对经济衰退问题的核心,抓住了根本.对一个后发的工业化大国而言,战胜当下的经济困难,中国缺少的不是金钱,而是人心.问题的关键在于树立坚定的信心.  相似文献   
Female and male individuals of the same species often differ with respect to their susceptibility to toxicant stress. In the present study, sea urchins (Psammechinus miliaris) of both sexes were exposed to high (150 μg L?1) and environmentally relevant (5 μg L?1) concentrations of phenanthrene over 10 days. While food intake was significantly decreased following exposure to 150 μg L?1 phenanthrene, histological indices (lipofuscin accumulation, fibrosis, oocyte atresia), energetic status (energy charge, sum adenylates, AMP/ATP ratio) as well as ascorbate levels in the gonads showed either little or no effect upon phenanthrene exposure. However, most parameters (vitamin C, energy charge, sum adenylates, AMP/ATP ratio, ATP and ADP concentrations, lipofuscin content, fibrosis) significantly differed between male and female animals. This study illustrates the difficulties to identify toxic injury in reproductive tissue as it may be superimposed by gametogenesis and spawning of gametes.  相似文献   
以海链藻(Thalassiosira pseudonana)为研究对象,分别考察了以硝酸盐、铵盐和尿素为氮源的氮同位素分馏作用。在建立相应理论模型基础上,分别计算出各个实验体系的ε值。结果表明,在藻类生长初期,δ^15N均较低,其δ^15N的积累主要发生在指数增长期,在稳定期达到最高,与氮源的初始δ^15N相同;不同氮源的氮同位素分馏作用也不相同,其中以铵盐最强,硝酸盐次之,尿素最弱。考虑到实际情况下氮化合物并非单一存在,作者还进一步考察了上述3种氮源混合后对其同位素分馏作用的影响,发现混合氮源体系的表观ε值介于单一氮源时的最大与最小ε值之间,该结果较好地解释了Montoya等(1991)在Chesapeak湾的现场实验结果。  相似文献   
高煤级煤储层煤层气产能“瓶颈”问题研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于山西沁水盆地高煤级煤储层宏观裂隙、显微裂隙的连续观测,孔隙的系统测量,结合应力渗透率、气-水相对渗透率、吸附膨胀等实验成果,分析了高煤级煤储层三级渗流特征,探讨了有效应力和煤基质收缩对高煤级煤储层渗透率的耦合作用,系统揭示了在地面排水降压开发煤层气的过程中,高煤级煤储层初期产气量高,数月后急剧衰减之“瓶颈”现象,找出了造成高煤级煤储层产气缺陷的根本原因。鉴于高煤级煤储层物性的特殊性,指出了高煤级煤储层煤层气开发的技术和措施。  相似文献   
陈明  胡英国  卢文波  严鹏  周创兵 《岩土力学》2011,32(5):1531-1537
爆破开挖扰动是深埋隧洞损伤区孕育及演化的重要影响因素。根据隧洞岩体钻爆开挖过程分析了爆炸荷载及开挖荷载瞬态卸荷对岩体的扰动作用,基于LS-DYNA动力有限元程序,提出了利用施加节点反力模拟待开挖隧洞岩体的约束作用,通过控制节点反力的变化过程以模拟开挖荷载瞬态卸荷,采用爆炸荷载变化曲线模拟爆炸作用过程的爆破开挖扰动数值模拟方法,并利用该方法模拟分析了爆破开挖扰动对围岩的损伤效应,结果表明,应力重分布对围岩损伤最大,隧洞围岩损伤区主要由围岩初始应力重分布所导致,爆炸荷载作用将增大围岩损伤区范围,考虑开挖荷载瞬态卸荷作用的围岩损伤区最大,且地应力越高,开挖荷载瞬态卸荷作用对围岩的损伤效应越显著  相似文献   
A structural interpretation of the Ziarat block in the Balochistan region (a part of the Suleiman Fold and Thrust Belt) has been carried out using seismic and seismological data. Seismic data consists of nine 2.5D pre‐stack migrated seismic lines, whereas the seismological data covers the Fault Plane Solution and source parameters. Structural interpretation describes two broad fault sets of fore and back thrusts in the study area that have resulted in the development of pop‐up structures, accountable for the structural traps and seismicity pattern in terms of seismic hazard. Seismic interpretation includes time and depth contour maps of the Dungan Formation and Ranikot group, while seismological interpretation includes Fault Plane Solution, that is correlated with a geological and structural map of the area for the interpretation of the nature of the subsurface faults. Principal stresses are also estimated for the Ranikot group and Dungan Formation. In order to calculate anisotropic elastic properties, the parameters of the rock strength of the formations are first determined from seismic data, along with the dominant stresses (vertical, minimum horizontal, and maximum horizontal). The differential ratio of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses is obtained to indicate optimal zones for hydraulic fracturing, and to assess the potential for geothermal energy reservoir prospect generation. The stress maps indicate high values towards the deeper part of the horizon, and low towards the shallower part, attributed to the lithological and structural variation in the area. Outcomes of structural interpretation indicate a good correlation of structure and tectonics from both seismological and seismic methods.  相似文献   
对于南极冰芯记录资料,全球变暖怀疑论者喜爱的一个简单解释是:在全球走出上一个冰期的变暖进程中,二氧化碳只起到了微弱的甚至无足轻重的作用。但是,有关上个冰期结束时首个连续的、近乎全球的气温记录显示,二氧化碳的确对全球变暖起到了促进作用。有关南极冰芯的问题在于:冰芯记录的气温上升早于二氧化碳浓度的上升。这是气候变暖怀疑论者质疑温室气体引起全球变暖的原因之一。然而,气候科学家们知道,没有任何一个地区能够代表全球的气候趋势。因此,哈佛大学的Jeremy Shakun及  相似文献   
The Lajeado Group in the Ribeira Belt,southeastern Brazil,corresponds to an open-sea carbonate platform,comprised of seven overlapping siliciclastic and carbonatic formations,intruded in its upper portion by the Apiai Gabbro.These rocks have a Neoproterozoic tectonometamorphic overprint related to arc magmatism and the Brasiliano collisional orogeny.Geochronological constraints are given by new UPb SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS data for Lajeado Group detrital zircons and for magmatic zircons from the Apiai Gabbro.The youngest detrital zircons in the Lajeado Group are 1400-1200 Ma,and constrain its maximum age of deposition to be 1200 Ma,whereas the 877 ± 8 Ma age for magmatic zircons in the Apiai Gabbro give the minimum age.Detritus source areas are mainly Paleoproterozoic(2200-1800 Ma)with some Archean and Mesoproterozoic contribution(1500-1200 Ma),with distal or tectonic stable cratonic character.The Lajeado Group should be a Stenian-Tonian carbonate platform passive margin of a continent at this time,namely the Columbia/Nuna or the Rodinia.The Apiai Gabbro displays similar age to other intrusive basic rocks in the Lajeado and Itaiacoca groups and represents tholeiitic MORB-like magmatism that we relate to the initial break-up of a Mesoproterozoic continent and the formation of the Brasiliano oceans.  相似文献   
The present paper assesses the use of the supralittoral amphipod Talitrus saltator as a bioindicator of the effects of human trampling on the supralittoral sandy band. Samplings in delimited areas were carried out at sites subjected to different human impact. The results showed a strong negative correlation between the number of swimmers and the sandhopper population density, while there was no clear relationship between sandhopper abundance and the other factors considered: granulometry, compactness and organic carbon content of the sand, and trace metal contents in the sand and sandhoppers. A field test of trampling conducted in a confined space showed its direct negative effect on sandhopper survival. However, trace metal analysis confirmed the ability of T. saltator to bioaccumulate some elements (Hg, Zn, Cu, Cd). Our study demonstrates that T. saltator is a good bioindicator of human impact in the supralittoral zone of sandy shores.  相似文献   
黄河中游多沙粗沙区水沙变化趋势及其主控因素的贡献率   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着气候变化和人类活动影响加剧,黄河中游多沙粗沙区的水沙变化剧烈,因此研究影响黄河中游多沙粗沙区径流量和输沙量的驱动因素对预测未来水沙变化具有重要意义。本文选取Mann-Kendall趋势检验法,Pettitt突变点检验法,位置、尺度、形状的广义可加模型以及累积量斜率变化率比较法对黄河中游多沙粗沙区15个水文站控制流域1956-2010年的年降水量、年径流量以及年输沙量变化特征及其贡献率进行分析,确定影响黄河中游多沙粗沙区径流量和输沙量变化的主要原因。结果表明:① Mann-Kendall趋势检验在5%的显著性水平下,表明降水量虽呈减少趋势但并不显著,径流量和输沙量则有显著的减少趋势;② Pettitt突变点检验得出所研究区域径流量和输沙量的突变年份在1972年、1985年以及1996年左右;③ GAMLSS模型分析结果同样表明降水的均值不随时间发生变化,但降水的方差有减小的趋势;④ 通过累积量斜率变化率比较法得出,人类活动对窟野河流域径流输沙的影响大于无定河流域。通过分析黄河中游多沙粗沙区径流量和输沙量变化的原因,可为黄河中游多沙粗沙区水资源合理分配提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   
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