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The various assumptions implicit in the calculation of acid dissociation constants (based on ionic medium standard states) from potentiometric titrations using a cell with liquid junction (i.e. a pH measuring cell) have been examined. It was concluded that results can be obtained having an accuracy commensurate with the experimental precision. It has been shown that although the precise composition of the medium is a function of the hydrogen ion concentration (because of the protolytic nature of some of the ions in the media, e.g., sulphate and fluoride), the effect of such variations in the medium composition can be compensated for when defining the activity of hydrogen ion on an ionic medium standard state by defining the concentration of hydrogen ion as:
[H]SWS=h(1 + βHSO4ST + βHFET)
where βHSO4 and βHF are the relevant association constants and ST and FT are the total concentrations of sulphate and fluoride, respectively.This approach was used to obtain values for the ionic product of water (KW) in artificial seawater media at various temperatures and ionic strengths. These were fitted to give the equation (molal concentration units):
pKw= 3441.0T+2.256-0.709112 (rms deviation 0.01)
where I is the formal ionic strength of the artificial seawater medium and T is the absolute temperature. The values obtained are in reasonable agreement with those found by previous workers.  相似文献   
The prevalence of dermal neoplasia among neotenic tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) collected from the Reese Air Force Base sewage lagoon far exceeded that among salamanders from nearby uncontaminated lagoons. Perylene was the predominant pglycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminant in this lagoon. Perylene was shown to be a substrate for monooxygenases in skin and liver homogenates and formed DNA-binding metabolites. Perylene exposure appeared to augment subsequent perylene metabolism by dermal enzymes but it was not a strong inducer of hepatic monooxygenases. Aroclor 1254 induced benzo(a)pyrene and perylene metabolism by both skin and liver enzymes. However, perylene apparently was not activated by salamander enzymes, as suggested by its lack of in vitro mutagenicity and failure to induce tumors.  相似文献   
The Tamayo transform fault occurs at the north end of the East Pacific Rise where it enters the Gulf of California. The two deep-tow surveys reported here show that the transform fault zone changes significantly as a function of distance from the spreading center intersections. At site 1, near the intersection, one side of the fault is young and the fault zone is narrow and well-defined. Strike slip occurs in a zone approximately 1-km wide suggesting a correspondingly narrow zone of decoupling between the Pacific and North American plates. On the young side of the strike-slip zone, normal faults occur along shear zones which are 45°–50° oblique to the transform strike. They occur parallel to the short axis of the strain ellipse for transform fault strain here, i.e., perpendicular to the least compressive stress. The transform walls are formed by normal faulting as has been pointed out in previous detailed surveys. Here, however, the age contrast of 2.5 m.y. across the transform valley is apparent in the morphology of the normal fault scarps. While the scarps are steep and well-defined on the young side, the scarps on the older side have gradual 10°–30° slopes and appear to be primarily talus ramps. Apparently, the scarps have been tectonically eroded by continued strike slip activity after the initial stages of normal faulting. Thus, transform valleys should be quite asymmetric in cross-section where there is a significant age contrast and one side is less than approximately 0.5 m.y. old. Also, along older sections of the transform valley walls, normal faulting may not be at all obvious due to degradation of the scarps by tectonic erosion. This phenomenon makes the likelihood of transform faults providing windows into the oceanic crust most unlikely except in special cases.The picture of transform deformation is more complex at site 2 in the central portion of the fault where both sides of the fault are greater than 1 m.y. old. Here the transform valley is wider (25–30 km as opposed to 2–5 km). There is no clear simple zone of strike slip tectonics. In fact, the only clear evidence for deformation is the intrusion of magmatic or serpentinite diapirs through the sediments of the transform valley floor. The diapirs have deformed the turbidite layers flooring the valley and in one carefully studied case the turbidite sequence has been uplifted, perched atop the diapir. The pattern of deformation on this outcropping diapir shows radial and concentric fractures which can be modeled by a vertical intrusion circular in plan view. Magnetic studies limit the possible composition to basalt or serpentinite. A 60-km-long median ridge is also likely to be the product of intrusion along the transform fault. The survey at site 2 pointed out the importance of vertical tectonics in the transform valley floor and in particular the importance of diapiric intrusions of either basaltic or serpentinite composition.Based on initial boundary conditions and present tectonic elements in the Tamayo fault zone, a possible history of the mouth of the Gulf of California is outlined. The median ridge was emplaced starting approximately 0.8 m.y. ago by regional extension across the transform fault, the result of leaky transform faulting. The diapirs occur along a possible relay zone of extension midway along the fault which began approximately 0.15 m.y. ago. The extension in this case is parallel to the trend of the transform fault, is still occurring at present, and may evolve into a true spreading center.Contribution of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, new series.  相似文献   
Single-channel seismic reflection profiles show evidence for areas of significant gas accumulation at the head of the Cape Fear Slide on the continental rise off North Carolina. Gas accumulation appears to occur beneath a gas hydrate seal in landward-dipping strata and in domed strata associated with diapirism. In addition, gas venting may have occurred near diapirs located at the head of the slide.  相似文献   
A large number of papers and technical reports are available on the technically important problem of structural elements executing transverse vibrations and carrying concentrated masses. In general it is assumed that the attachment is perfectly rigid. On the other hand, a rather limited amount of published work is available when the mass is elastically connected to the structure. The system then exhibits a more complex behavior than in the case of rigid attachment. The present study deals with the solution of the title problem using the well-known normal mode, sinusoidal eigenfunction expansions.  相似文献   
The Karman Vortex Street generated by a circular cylinder is investigated by the numerical solution of the compressible Navier–Stokes equations in the incompressible Mach number range (Mach<0.3) using the Beam and Warming implicit scheme. The agreement with the fully incompressible projection method (Chorin, 1968) is fairly good while convergence time is very much better. The investigation suggests that the compressible Navier–Stokes equations may be used as an efficient alternative to study incompressible flows as well. Mach numbers just below 0.3 are enough to simulate incompressible flow behavior and at the same time do not cause numerical ill-conditioning in the solution. In addition, some relevant features of the vortices generated and carried by the wake of the cylinder could be fairly well captured.  相似文献   
Benthic oxygen uptake, sulphate reduction and benthic bacterial production were measured at two contrasting locations in the southern North Sea: the shallow and turbulent Broad Fourteens area in the Southern Bight, and the deeper Oyster Grounds, a deposition area, where thermohaline stratification occurs during summer. Oxygen uptake and sulphate reduction showed a clear seasonal pattern in the Broad Fourteens area, indicating a supply of carbon to the benthic system that is closely related to the standing stock of carbon in the water column. This close benthic-pelagic coupling is probably due to the influence of the tide in this part of the North Sea, which keeps the water column permanently mixed. At the Oyster Grounds, no seasonal pattern was observed. Peaks in oxygen uptake and sulphate reduction were found in winter. Irregularly occurring events, such as storms and fishery-related activities, are likely to affect the benthic mineralization patterns in this area. Annual benthic carbon mineralization rates estimated from oxygen uptake rates were 44 gC·m−2 at the Broad Fourteens, and 131 gC·m−2 at the Oyster Grounds, of which 26 and 28%, respectively, could be attributed to sulphate reduction (assuming an annual sulphide reoxidation rate of 100%). Although sulphate reduction rates in the southern North Sea are higher than previously suggested, aerobic respiration is the most important pathway for benthic carbon mineralization at the stations visited. Production rates of benthic bacterial carbon measured with labelled leucine were much higher than carbon mineralization rates based on oxygen uptake or sulphate reduction. This may either imply a very high bacterial carbon conversion efficiency, or point to shortcomings in the accuracy of the techniques. A critical evaluation of the techniques is recommended.  相似文献   
Weakly non-linear free oscillations in a basin of variable depth filled with non-viscous fluid are investigated in terms of the long waves theory using the perturbation technique. Solutions to the initial two approximations for the horizontal velocity component and free surface departure are numerically derived. An attempt is made to determine the area of applicability of the linear theory by applying a parabolic bottom profile to the basin.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo simulation of wave spectra was carried out to provide an assessment of JONSWAP spectral model and parameters. The simulation method is found to be satisfactory because (a) it excludes the spectral variability due to geophysical factors from the sampling errors in the spectral estimates and the statistical uncertainty in determining the model parameters; and (b) the simulated spectra can represent ideal spectral estimates where the sampling errors have been minimized by increasing the degrees of freedom of the spectra. The latter (b) allows both the magnitude of sampling errors to be evaluated and errors due to statistical uncertainty to be isolated. Thus, the stimulation study provides a useful error analysis to assess the JONSWAP spectral model and parameters. For instance, it is found from the results that the sampling errors could be as high as 20% while errors due to uncertainty in determining the model parameter could be as high as 17%. However, the overall errors may be reduced to the minimum of approx. 15% if the simulated spectra have 80 degrees of freedom and constant values of σa and σb i.e. σa = 0.07 and σb = 0.09. This implies that the maximum accuracy of 85% may be achieved in JONSWAP spectral model even though the α parameter has been underestimated by about 1.5%. The overestimated values of γ might come from the underestimated α and the biased φm estimator caused by the statistical uncertainty in the presence of a sharp spectral peak. Although the scale parameters (α and φm) exhibit smaller errors and variability than the shape parameters (ψ, σa and σb), they are more sensitive to the degrees of freedom of the spectra and their estimators are not better than the estimators of shape parameters. The simulation experiments have also shown that simulated spectra at 20–40 degrees of freedom contain a substantial amount of sampling errors. Therefore, the measured wave spectra at the same degrees of freedom (20–40) are not suitable and should not be used for evaluating the accuracy of any wave spectral model.  相似文献   
Terminal‐restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T‐RFLPs) were used to address the question whether there are multiple phylotypes of bacteria within the trophosome of the vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae in addition to the known endosymbiont. Clone libraries were constructed to aid in the identification of the additional bacterial phylotypes. Individual R. piscesae specimens were collected from Juan de Fuca Ridge, Axial Caldera and Explorer Ridge, Magic Mountain. Clone library analyses revealed only one bacterial phylotype (expected R. piscesae endosymbiont) within the Explorer Ridge trophosomes. However, the Axial Caldera clone library revealed five operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Three of the resulting phylotypes detected (designated RAE) were putative thioautotrophic symbionts within the γProteobacteria which belonged to the anticipated endosymbiont group (RAE OTU 1), the Maorithyas hadalis symbiont II group (RAE OTU 3), and the Halothiobacillus group (RAE OTU 4). The remaining two phylotypes were most likely opportunistically derived. RAE OTU 5 was an αProteobacterium within the Roseobacter group and RAE OTU 2 was within the Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroidetes. T‐RFLP analyses revealed that all 15 trophosomes evaluated contained at least RAE OTUs 1 and 4. Five of the 15 trophosomes contained at least RAE OTUs 1, 3, and 4 and two of the trophosomes contained at least five RAE OTUs. Cluster analysis of the T‐RFLP data revealed three distinct clusters. The number of taxa within the trophosome may be an indication of the general health of the tubeworm. This study strongly suggests that we have discovered and identified more than one bacterial phylotype within the trophosome of vestimentiferan R. piscesae.  相似文献   
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