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华南(研究区)由杨子地块东南部和华夏地块组成。前者划分为三个次级构造单元;江南构造城,怀玉山—浙西北构造域,彭庐构造域;后者划分为二个次级构造单元;闽北—浙东南构造域,桂粤湘赣闽构造域。华夏地块相对于扬子地块是比较活动的构造单元。  相似文献   
Due to its unique geological location, the Bering Sea is an ideal place to investigate the water exchange and ecosystem connectivity of the Pacific Ocean–Arctic Ocean and subarctic–Arctic region. Based on a number of summer surveys(July to September, 2010, 2012 and 2014), macrobenthic communities and their spatial-temporal patterns are exhibited for the majority of the Bering Sea(53°59′–64°36′N). The results show that the macrobenthic communities were dominated by northern cold-water species and immigrant eurythermic species, and the communities assumed a dispersed and patchy distribution pattern. Polychaetes(Scoloplos armiger), crustaceans(Ceradocus capensis) and sea urchins(Echinarachnius parma) were the main dominant groups in the shallow shelves; the sea star(Ctenodiscus crispatus) and the brittle star(Ophiura sarsii) were the main dominant groups in the continental slope; whereas small polychaetes(Prionospio malmgreni) dominated the basin area. Sediment type, water depth, and currents were the major factors affecting the structure and spatial distribution of the macrobenthic communities. Compared with other seas, the shallow areas of the Bering Sea showed an extremely high-standing biomass. In particular, the northern shelf area(north of St. Lawrence Islands and west of 170°W),which is primarily controlled by Anadyr Water, is an undersea oasis. In contrast, a deficiency in the downward transport of particulate organic carbon has resulted in a desert-like seabed in the basin area. By comparing our results to previous studies, we found that macrobenthic communities of the Bering Sea have undergone significant structural changes in recent decades, resulting in a decrease in abundance and an increase in biomass.In addition, populations of amphipods and bivalves in the northern shelves have decreased significantly and have been gradually replaced by other species. These changes might be associated with advanced seasonal ice melting,changes in organic carbon input, and global warming, indicating that large-scale ecosystem changes have been occurring in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   
本报道南天区5GHzVLBI的第二轮观测,第二轮观测是在1993年5月期间进行的,共观测25个射电源,检测到24个源,获得了23个南天区耀变体的VLBI高分辨率的图象,其中15个是第一次VLBI成图,7个高能γ射电源,12个泊呈现核-喷流结构,其余11个源是单一的致密核,未发现致密双源。有两个源可能有视超光速现象。  相似文献   
成矿流体研究的若干进展与动态   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
近年成矿流体研究在大规模流体的存在与运移、巨型矿床与流体的关系、成矿流体输运动力学、建立热液成矿反应体系及成矿流体分测试技术等方面取得了重要进展;今后成矿流体研究在流体的运移路径与成矿预测、超临界流体与金属矿产巨量堆积的关系及成矿流体的计算机模拟等方面走势明显。  相似文献   
1997年 9月至 1 999年 6月在中国气象局固城农业气象试验基地人工控制农田水分试验场进行了冬小麦不同底墒处理的试验 ,结果表明 :底墒显著影响冬小麦的生长发育和产量 ,对冬小麦总生物量、地上和地下生物量的影响在小麦生长后期比前期明显 ;底墒与植株高度、叶面积系数有良好的二次曲线关系 ;底墒显著影响产量构成因素 ,其与籽粒重有相当好的二次曲线关系 ,并据此确定了冬小麦播种时不同深度土层的最佳底墒 :0~ 1 m为 88% ,0~ 2 m为82 % .  相似文献   
阐述了关于微量相X射线衍射定量分析的一种简便方法———近似线性关系法,它适用于二相体系(或基体吸收系数基本恒定的多相体系)材料中微量相的定量分析。该方法不需要在待测样品中加入参考物相,分析时仅需对一条衍射线进行测定,因而分析时间很短,其测定结果与实际含量的相对误差为-10.2%~ 21.4%,与外标法和内标法的测量结果的精度相当。  相似文献   
通过对胶东牟平—乳山热液脉状金,铅锌矿床成矿动力学控制规律的研究,说明了建立热液成矿反应体系的方法,并得出以下认识:(1)区域断裂构造活动,通过影响成矿反应体系的热力学性质和条件,控制元素的富集和分散。(2)热液成矿过程中容矿断裂活动可划分为两种作用方式:脆性破裂和韧—脆性张开,构成热液成矿的两种构造动力学环境。(3)热液成矿反应体系是一种开放的动态的热力学体系。断裂的脆性破裂阶段,使体系处于强烈的过饱和状态,矿质在远离平衡状态下快速结晶,加剧物质分异;在脆—韧性张开阶段,矿质在接近平衡态体系中缓慢晶出。(4)热液演化晚期,金在残余溶液中富集;当断裂再次发生构造脉动震颤时,早期形成的块状黄铁矿矿石碎裂,富金溶液充填其中,形成含裂隙金和晶隙金的富矿石。成矿体系热力学演化与构造动力学条件有利的匹配控制着富矿石的形成。  相似文献   
俞维贤  谷一山 《地震研究》1994,17(2):177-182
本文通过耿马县城1988年11月6日7.2级地震的宏观列度考察,结合县城区的地震地质及工程地质环境的综合调查研究表明:耿马县城北坡北西向断层的存在是造成耿马县城高烈度异常的主要原因;县城场地质因素的地震易损性指数的分区性是造成县城区建筑物破坏强度出于灶区性差异的重要因素。  相似文献   
1989年8月14日中国科学院与水利部共同决定,将成都山地灾害与环境研究所改由双重领导,以便更好地贯彻落实经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科学技术必须面向经济建设的方针,使该所科研工作能更紧密地结合我国水土保持领域和国民经济建设。  相似文献   
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