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利用奇异谱分析法对三峡地区16个测站的降水资料进行分析和重建,再利用自回归方程对该地区降水情况进行预报试验,得到如下结论:用三峡地区5年左右(与ENSO事件周期接近)的主要周期为窗口长度对该地区16个测站进行降水预报,其预报效果较好。 相似文献
为研究海水养殖对海湾沉积物的累积影响, 对大亚湾的大鹏澳养殖区沉积物柱状样中总氮、总磷和有机碳的含量及剖面分布特征进行了研究, 并探讨了海水养殖区沉积物中氮、磷的污染状况。结果表明, 网箱养殖区、贝类养殖区和对照区等3个区域柱状样中总氮的含量范围分别为638.2—3803.9mg.kg-1、740.9—2152.1mg.kg-1和343.2—471.9mg.kg-1, 总磷的含量范围分别为344.7—3233.9mg.kg-1、297.9—497.5mg.kg-1和650.2—1327.2 mg.kg-1, 有机碳的含量范围分别为0.96%—2.22%、0.87%—1.13%和0.69%—0.95%。该三个因子的含量均从底层至表层呈增加趋势, 但网箱养殖区上层增加幅度最为剧烈, 贝类区次之, 对照区变化幅度最小。所有柱状样中, 总氮含量均超标, 但网箱养殖区总氮污染最为严重, 贝类养殖区次之, 对照区最轻; 网箱养殖区的总磷在上层的不同深度超标, 而贝类养殖区及对照区柱状样的总磷含量均未超标。 相似文献
针对现有方法普遍存在不能充分顾及遥感影像多波段光谱信息,以及忽视遥感影像中地理要素的多尺度特性等问题,提出一种自动确定高空间分辨率遥感影像最优分割结果的非监督评价方法。该方法基于信息熵生成光谱信息离散度,利用光谱信息离散度构建能表达分割对象内部光谱均质性指标和分割对象与其相邻分割对象间光谱异质性指标。基于构建的光谱均质性和光谱异质性指标,采用“粗估计+精确定”的策略,逐步得到一个多级优化后的影像最优分割结果。本文在3个不同下垫面影像区域进行试验。结果表明,该方法能有效地实现自动确定高空间分辨率遥感影像最优分割结果,与现有方法相比,本文方法确定出的影像最优分割结果质量更高,与参考分割结果更加贴近。 相似文献
根据GIS30多年的发展历程,总结了GIS的三个主要发展阶段及其内涵特点,说明了GISystem、GIScience和GIService的主要研究内容,最后提出了基于GIS内涵的三点初步认识。 相似文献
用杂色鲍进行附壳核、游离核和体内核三种方式培育珍珠。附壳核为半球形,用粘合剂固着在壳上,粘合剂为松香与花生油的混溶物。游离核和体内核均为球形,直径5毫米。施术后置于池内精养,经80天,核已为珍珠层所复盖,形成鲍珠。 相似文献
小波分析理论在GPS技术中的应用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在GPS数据处理中,存在着误差影响、影响波的干扰、周跳和数据量大等问题。误差影响和影响波的干扰实质是在接收卫星信号时受到其它因素的影响;周跳是由于卫星信号的失锁而造成信号的不连续;数据量大是因为GPS观测需要采样间隔小又连续观测所致。由于小波理论具有时频分析、波形分解、特征提取和快速小波变换等特性,应用小波变换和波形分解可以解决误差影响和影响波的干扰的问题;应用特征提取可以解决周跳检测问题;应用快速小波变换可进行数据压缩。 相似文献
乌鲁木齐城市地域结构问题初探 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对乌鲁木齐城市地域结构各种特征的分析,发现此城市地域具有的历史和民族特征及其现代城市特征,并针对乌鲁木齐城市地域结构和发展中出现的问题提出若干解决对策。 相似文献
Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel, a harmful microalga, and its production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate
The production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its cleavage products (DMS) are well studied in phytoplankton worldwide. However, less is known about their sources, distributions, and impacts in the coast of China. We examined the production of DMSP and DMS in Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel and other benthic macroalgae from the South China coast in relation to environmental conditions. P. globosa was a harmful marine microalgal species and its bloom took place in the eutrophic waters along the South China Sea frequently. It also produced high content of DMSP at different growth stages, with the highest concentration usually observed in the stationary period. Moreover, the production of DMSP in P. globosa was significantly affected by salinity and temperature with the highest contents associated with high salinity (e.g. 40) and low temperature (e.g. 20°C). In field benthic macroalgae, there was also a marked difference in the DMSP of various species or different samples of the same species. Chlorophyll a contents were also determined for each macroalgal species. The highest chlorophyll a (238.7 ng/g fresh weight) was recorded in Chlorophyta Ulva lactuca at Guishan Island (Zhuhai), while the lowest value (1.5 ng/g fresh weight) was found in Rhodophyta Gracilaria tenuistipitata in Zhanjiang. Further correlation analysis indicated that there was no significant relationship between the content of DMSP and chl-a in macroalgae samples (P > 0.05). All the results suggested that the production of DMSP in marine algae was not only species- and stage-related, but also greatly affected by various environmental factors. 相似文献