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曹强  伍琼  陈曦  岳伟 《气象科技》2023,51(2):295-301
基于大别山区35个气象观测站1971—2020年逐日气象资料、DEM数据,采用气候统计分析、逐步订正法和趋势面插值等方法,对茶叶光合生产潜力(YQ)、光温生产潜力(YT)和气候生产潜力(YW)时空变化特征、气候资源贡献率及其对气候变化的响应进行了分析。结果表明:大别山区茶叶YQ和YW呈下降趋势,降幅分别为0.58和0.05 t〖DK〗·hm-2〖DK〗·(10a)-1,YT呈增加趋势,增幅为0.36 t〖DK〗·hm-2〖DK〗·(10a)-1;空间分布上,YQ随纬度的增加而增加,YT随纬度和海拔的增加而减少,YW随纬度的增加而减少、随海拔的增加而增加;太阳辐射、温度和降水对YW的贡献率分别为26%、48%、26%,温度的促进作用与太阳辐射和降水的抑制作用相互抵消,致使YW总体呈动态平衡趋势;气候变化背景下,大别山区北部地区较南部地区YQ下降趋势更加明显,南部地区较北部地区YT增加趋势更加明显,YW在低海拔地区呈增加趋势而在高海拔地区呈下降趋势。研究结果可为大别山区茶叶产业充分利用气候资源、高效趋利避害、合理优化产业布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   
随着反恐形势的变化和科学技术的发展,X射线计算机断层成像安全检查设备在民用航空安保领域得到越来越多的应用,具有较大的市场潜力,全面开展此类设备的检测与技术性能评估工作刻不容缓。本文针对民航旅客行李安全检查的特点进行理论分析和计算,确立了X射线计算机断层成像安检设备技术参数要求,为建立检测评估标准奠定了基础。  相似文献   

牛圈沟地点位于泥河湾盆地岑家湾台地的北缘,化石埋藏在泥河湾组的河湖相堆积中,年代约1.4 Ma。2016年,在面积约2 m2的化石透镜体内出土了123件哺乳动物化石。牛圈沟动物群的成员有:犬科未定种、猛犸象属未定种、马属未定种、泥河湾披毛犀、布氏真枝角鹿、中国羚羊、麝牛族未定种和古中华野牛,其中马属动物为优势类群。形态学研究显示,牛圈沟的真马体型中等、肢骨纤细,未见于泥河湾动物群(狭义);真枝角鹿与麋鹿下颌骨的主要区别在于前者颊齿较宽;另外,在泥河湾盆地首次发现了带完整颊齿列的麝牛族下颌骨。埋藏学分析表明,骨骼风化程度极浅,可能形成于同一次死亡事件;食肉动物消费和水流搬运是主要的埋藏因素,并由此导致了骨骼部位的保存偏差。牛圈沟地点的发现丰富了岑家湾台地的早更新世生物地层序列。

气候变化经济影响的研究受到各国政府与学者的广泛关注,是国内外的研究热点。以Web of Science核心数据库中检索的14 796篇与气候变化经济影响相关的文献为基础,整合文献共被引网络和突现词共现网络,对气候变化经济影响研究热点的足迹进行可视化分析。研究结果显示,文献数量整体上呈现指数上升趋势。时间上,研究热点在2007年以前,主要集中在气候变化的归因分析(化石燃料、土地利用变化等造成的CO_2排放增多),对自然生态系统(农业产量、粮食安全、北极冰盖、海岸带等)和社会经济系统(人类健康、能源、工业等)的影响及经济影响评估,演变到对未来气候变化情景、CO_2的减排及应对和减缓气候变化等的关注。2007年以后随着IPCC第四次评估报告及斯特恩报告的发布,进一步加强了气候变化影响的成本效益评估、脆弱性及生物能源等方面的研究,热点聚焦气候变化经济学及经济贸易。空间上,研究热点的发文主要来自于美国、加拿大、西欧(英国、法国、德国、意大利、荷兰等)、澳大利亚和中国等国家。  相似文献   
The quantity and spatial pattern of farmland has changed in China, which has led to a major change in the production potential under the influence of the national project of ecological environmental protection and rapid economic growth during 1990–2010. In this study, the production potential in China was calculated based on meteorological, terrain elevation, soil and land-use data from 1990, 2000 and 2010 using the Global Agro-ecological Zones model. Then, changes in the production potential in response to farmland changes from 1990 to 2010 were subsequently analyzed. The main conclusions were the following. First, the total production potential was 1.055 billion tons in China in 2010. Moreover, the average production potential was 7614 kg/ha and showed tremendous heterogeneity in spatial pattern. Total production in eastern China was high, whereas that in northwestern China was low. The regions with high per unit production potential were mainly distributed over southern China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Second, the obvious spatiotemporal heterogeneity in farmland changes from 1990 to 2010 had a significant influence on the production potential in China. The total production potential decreased in southern China and increased in northern China. Furthermore, the center of growth of the production potential moved gradually from northeastern China to northwestern China. The net decrease in the production potential was 2.97 million tons, which occupied 0.29% of the national total actual production in 2010. Third, obvious differences in the production potential in response to farmland changes from 1990 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2010 were detected. The net increase in the production potential during the first decade was 10.11 million tons and mainly distributed in the Northeast China Plain and the arid and semi-arid regions of northern China. The net decrease in the production potential during the next decade was 13.08 million tons and primarily distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region and the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. In general, the reason for the increase in the production potential during the past two decades might be due to the reclamation of grasslands, woodlands and unused land, and the reason for the decrease in the production potential might be urbanization that occupied the farmland and Green for Grain Project, which returned farmland to forests and grasslands.  相似文献   
新疆地貌数字区划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper presents a method of geomorphologic regionalization for Xinjiang, with the use of Srtm-DEM (resolution 90 m) and TM images for 1990 (resolution 30 m). After interpretation and classification of geomorphologic types, the present research focuses on the qualitative and quantitative distribution of different geomorphologic types based on geographical grid analysis. Then, by using system clustering analysis method, geomorphologic types are grouped into divisions. The resulting geomorphologic regionalization hierarchy of Xinjiang includes three levels, i.e., macro-landform divisions, medium-landform divisions, and micro-landform divisions, containing 6, 23 and 200 types, respectively. This method makes it possible to digitally delimit geomorphologic regions. Comparison and verification show that the spatial precision of the boundaries of geomorphologic subareas in Xinjiang is very high.  相似文献   
利用热平衡包裹式茎流计连续测定了古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原生梭梭2010年5月6日~10月12日的茎干液流及气象因子数据,探究了非灌溉条件下不同直径梭梭在其蒸腾耗水特性及与气象因子相关性之间的差异。结果表明:(1)茎干液流昼夜变化规律明显,蒸腾日变化呈双峰或多峰趋势,夜间保持较小液流;午休现象多出现于14∶00~16∶00。相同环境因子影响下,直径越大,茎干液流速率越大,午休现象也越明显;(2)在生长季,不同直径梭梭液流的启动和停止时间存在差异,6~8月,直径越大,液流启动时间越早,停止时间越晚。同一植株液流在不同月份的启动和停止时间差异较大,生长初期,液流启动早,停止迟;生长季末期,液流启动迟,停止早;(3)5~8月,液流日累积过程呈明显的“S”型趋势;9~10月,呈斜率一致的一条直线。直径越大,日累积量和累积速率越大,第一拐点到达时刻越早,第二拐点到达时刻越晚;(4)液流速率与太阳辐射的相关性最好,其次为气温和相对湿度,风速最小;相关性在7月份最大,6月和8月次之,10月最小。相同环境条件下,直径越大,其液流速率对气象因子的响应越明显;(5)观测时段内,7月耗水最多,6月、8月、9月次之,5月和10月最少。直径越大耗水量越多,直径9.9、13.4、22.9 cm日均耗水量为0.570、0.595、0.694 mm,总耗水量为92.904、96.923、113.052 mm,液流通量为0.263、0.284、0.346 L·cm-2·d-1。与干旱区不同生境的梭梭相比,古尔班通古特沙漠原生梭梭的液流通量相对较小。不同地点和生境的梭梭在耗水数量、耗水日过程特性等方面差异明显,这为天然荒漠植被防护林的管理及沙漠区人工灌溉植物的水资源合理配置提供了一定的决策支持。  相似文献   
以三工河流域绿洲为例,分析了干旱区平原绿洲浅层地下水水质的时空变异性。结果表明,该区域地下水质不仅在空间上存在着显著的差异,而且年内及年际差异也很明显:1)冲洪积扇区域地下水质显著优于冲积平原区水质;2)春季地下水质总体好于秋季,且冲积平原区水质恶化程度要快于冲洪积扇区域;3)绿洲地下水质总体呈现下降的趋势,尤其是农业活动强烈且地下水埋深浅的冲积平原区域;4)水文地质条件是造成地下水质时空变异的主要原因,土地利用加剧了其变异性。  相似文献   
本地化节目插播是中国气象频道节目体系的重要组成部分,是实现本地化、精细化和特色化气象服务的重要手段。本文详细介绍了何为本地化节目插播及其重要意义,然后结合青海现状,对青海本地化节目内容进行了合理规划和编排,为今后一段时期的工作确立了发展方向和可行性目标。  相似文献   
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